National Geographic Channel

National Geographic Channel

Inspiring people to care about the planet! National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible.


Ghid TV - sâmbătă, 11.05.2024

Banged Up Abroad: Crime & Punishment
A fantasy vacation in Mauritius turned into a seven-year nightmare when Brigene Young was busted for smuggling drugs hidden in her shoes. A pole dancer is forced at gunpoint to smuggle cocaine from the Caribbean to England.
Drain the Oceans
Šī neparastā un pārsteidzošā sērija par filmu veidošanas arheoloģiju risina vienu lielu un aizraujošu jautājumu. 20. un 30. gadu nemierīgajās desmitgadēs, vislielākās finanšu krīzes laikā vēsturē, kā Holivuda iekaroja pasaules iztēli un izveidoja vienu no Amerikas veiksmīgākajām nozarēm?
Air Crash Investigation
After United Airlines Flight 173 crashed and killed ten people, investigators discover how a landing gear problem could have caused the accident.
Air Crash Investigation
Kļūdaina identitāte un naidīgas lodes virs ienaidnieka teritorijas ir viens no daudzajiem riskiem, ar ko piloti saskaras kara zonās visā pasaulē. Irānas pasažieru lidmašīnu no debesīm notriec no ASV karakuģa izšauta raķete. Traģisks sprādziens satricina militāro lidmašīnu, kas nogādā vjetnamiešu bāreņus drošībā. Un virs karadarbības nomāktās Irākas zeme-gaiss raķete notriec kravas reisu.
Mayday: Air Disasters - The Accident Files
Trīs lidojumi piedzīvo katastrofālas datora kļūdas, kas liek izmeklētājiem meklēt pavedienus. Pieredzējusī lidsabiedrības Alitalia apkalpes komanda nezināmos apstākļos ietriec DC-9 lidmašīnu zemē tikai dažus kilometrus no Cīrihes skrejceļa. Ceļā no Singapūras uz Pērtu Qantas 72. reisa lidmašīna pēkšņi nokrīt Indijas okeāna virzienā. Venecuēlas turbopropelleru lidmašīnas piloti bez galvenā vadības instrumenta ietriecas kalna nogāzē.
Air Crash Investigation
Pēc basketbola leģendas Kobes Braienta nāves helikoptera avārijā Losandželosā, izmeklētāji meklē pavedienus, kamēr visa pasaule sēro.
Air Crash Investigation
Tūlīt pēc pacelšanās no Monreālas lidostas Propair 420 piloti piedzīvo divkāršu hidraulisko kļūmi, turklāt aizdegas dzinējs. Cenšoties noturēt lidmašīnu gaisā, viņiem izdodas apgriezt to apkārt, bet tikai dažas sekundes pirms nosēšanas turbopropellers apgāžas un avarē, nogalinot ikvienu, kurš atradās uz tā klāja. Izmeklētāji ierodas notikuma vietā dažu stundu laikā, un viņiem ir jānoskaidro, kas izraisīja šo nāvējošo neveiksmju kaskādi, kura ilga tikai piecas minūtes.
Primal Survivor: Mighty Mekong
Augstu virs mākoņiem Hazens Audels uzsāk sava mūža grūtāko izdzīvošanas piedzīvojumu. No visaugstākā punkta Mekongas baseinā Laosā viņš nolaižas cauri mežam, kas iestiepjas mākoņos, lai meklētu hmongu tautu, kas medī, izmantojot tradicionālās indes, un izgatavo savus izdzīvošanas rīkus no Vjetnamas kara laika lauskām. Visbeidzot viņš dodas uz vareno Mekongas upi, lūdzot svētību savam 500 jūdžu garajam ceļojumam.
Primal Survivor: Mighty Mekong
Izdzīvošanas speciālists Hazens Audels pārvar nežēlīgas kaļķakmens virsotnes un tumšas applūdušas alas, meklējot ciematu, ko ieskauj džungļu kalni Mekongas upes baseinā. Musonu lietus draud applūdināt garos tuneļus, kas ved uz ciematu, atstājot to atdalītu no ārpasaules. Vai Hazenam izdosies tikt cauri un atklāt kmu tautas, kas dzīvo šajā neskartajā paradīzē, izdzīvošanas noslēpumus?
Primal Survivor: Mighty Mekong
Džungļu izdzīvošanas eksperts Hazens Audels dodas dziļi Laosas senajos mežos, lai meklētu sezonālās sēnes, kuras vietējās ciltis augstu vērtē. Pēc mēnešiem ilgiem musonu periodiem neskartie, senie meži ir pilni ar dabas bagātībām. Taču, lai sasniegtu labākās sēņu vietas, Hazenam ir jāizdzīvo nedraudzīgā tuksnesī un jāpārvar virkne nežēlīgu pārbaudījumu.
Rewind the '90s
Mūsu 90. gadu sapņi piepildās - no aukstā kara nāves līdz kosmosa stacijas dzimšanai. Taču, kad Biosfēra 2 sajauc faktus un fikciju un X faili mūs padara paranoiskus, vai cilvēce drīz vien zaudēs kontroli pār savu stāstījumu? No Fērbiju spiegiem un cilvēku kloniem līdz vampīru kaujām un cīņu klubiem - mūsu eksistenciālās bailes uzņem apgriezienus, strauji tuvojoties tūkstošgades slieksnim. Vai mēs izdzīvosim? Varam pateikt priekšā: jā.
Rewind the '90s
24 stundu ziņu cikls ir kļuvis par ikdienas realitāti, un līdz ar to arī plaukstoša tabloīdu industrija, kas alkst skandālu un strīdu, lai uzturētu sevi pie dzīvības. Deviņdesmitie gadi kļūst slaveni ar skaļākajām šķiršanās lietām, daiļslidotāju cīņām, nesaskaņām starp reperiem, puišu grupu cīņām un pirmā prezidenta atstādināšanu vairāk nekā 100 gadu laikā.
Disasters Engineered
Katru gadu visā pasaulē gaisā paceļas un nosēžas 40 miljoni lidmašīnu, pakļaujot riskam lielu skaitu cilvēku, jo nedrīkst pieļaut pat niecīgāko kļūdu. Tika uzskatīts, ka Air France 447 automatizētā konstrukcija ir drošāka, taču noveda pie visu pasažieru bojāejas. NASA orbītā esošie Skylabs tika izstrādāti tā, lai varētu doties kosmosā bez cilvēka, bet neatgriezās atpakaļ. Vai arvien automatizētākā pasaulē mākslīgā intelekta attīstība padara nākotni drošāku?
Disasters Engineered
Kodolenerģija ar tās destruktīvo potenciālu ir pretrunīgs spēks - tāpēc, kad Trīs jūdžu salas rūpnīca Pensilvānijā gandrīz eksplodēja, nozare saskārās ar eksistenciālu katastrofu. Pasaules otrā galā Krievijas hidroelektrostacijas dambis tika uzbūvēts, lai radītu “tīru enerģiju”, bet 2009. gadā katastrofālā avārijā bojā gāja 72 cilvēki. Kā mēs varam veidot zaļāku nākotni no pagātnes traģiskajām mācībām?
Disasters Engineered
Nestabili pamati var satricināt visu sabiedrību. 2010. gadā Haiti notika spēcīga zemestrīce, kurā gāja bojā 250 000 cilvēku. Vai tik nabadzīgā valstī kaut ko varēja darīt, lai sabiedrība tik ļoti neciestu? Līča otrā pusē, bagātajā Amerikā, sabruka Ņūorleānas "Hard Rock Hotel", nogalinot trīs cilvēkus. Kā inženieri var nodrošināt, ka cilvēki ir svarīgāki par peļņu?
Disasters Engineered
Visām dzīvajām būtnēm ir vajadzīgs ūdens, bet zemes krājumi saskaras ar krīzi. 1989. gada martā vienpadsmit miljoni galonu jēlnaftas izpostīja Aļaskas piekrasti, nogalinot putnus un jūras iemītniekus. Mičiganā pilsētas ūdensapgādes sistēma ir pilna ar indēm, lai tikai samazinātu izmaksas. Vai inženieri var aizsargāt mūsu ierobežotos krājumus, nevis tos iznīcināt?
Europe from Above
Elpu aizraujošs ceļojums pār Grieķiju atklāj senus pieminekļus, klosterus kalnu galotnēs, drosmīgu okeāna attīrīšanu un inženierijas rekordus.
Europe from Above
Iespaidīgs ceļojums no gaisa pāri Vācijai atklāj pilsētas izmēra rūpnīcu, pasaku pili un lielāko sauszemes transportlīdzekli uz Zemes.
Europe from Above
Šis neatkārtojamais aviācijas žurnālists atklāj Norvēģiju, tā kā to vēl neviens nav darījis. Lidojošās kameras atklāj inženierbūvniecību, kas slēpjas aiz dziļākā zemūdens jūras kabeļa, planē virs artiskajiem haskijiem, vērojot kā tie šķērso sasalušos ezerus un iemūžina Norvēģijas veiksmīgāko pastnieku viņa satriecošajā maršrutā pa salām. Līdzās plašajai un antīko ledāju sadrumstalotajai ainavai, mēs atklāsim inovatīvo arhitektūro, kas maina Oslo krastmalu.
Evacuate Earth
A scientifically grounded look at the destructive power of the most important element in human survival: water. We explore the terrifying consequences that flash floods and rising sea levels could have on global populations, as experts explain how a massive volume of water might come to earth from space, and wreak havoc once it arrives. We examine several ways we could fight the rising tide: building immense seawalls to protect entire cities, underwater habitats, and finding new ways to live on the surface of the sea. As the ground begins to vanish beneath our feet, wed be forced to look at new ways to live on a planet that is becoming a water world but how long can we keep our heads above water? Is there hope for mankind to survive? Our ability to adapt may be our ultimate salvation.
Evacuate Earth
What would life on Earth be like if the planet were ravaged by bizarre and deadly weather phenomena? Could humanity endure a massive, never-ending super storm? This program examines what could happen if a terrible miscalculation initiated a runaway greenhouse effect on Earth upsetting environmental balance and sending us to the very brink of extinction. Experts in the fields of climatology, physics, geology and disaster anthropology come together to consider disasters including super tornadoes, gamma ray lightning, ball lightning, and a giant hurricane that consumes the globe. There may be hope for mankind if we can rise to the challenge and adapt to a new Earth we barely recognize.
Inside North Korea's Dynasty
Unpacking the unique Kim father-son relationship further, "The Son of God" tracks the decline of Kim Il Sung and the rise of his son, Kim Jong Il. Jong is an unlikely successor to his father. He is not a military man - he is obsessed with cinema, particularly James Bond films. "The Son of God" tells the story of how he uses filmmaking and propaganda to win his father's approval - and power. Not only did Jong love James Bond films, but the films influenced his behaviour in trying to immitate a real-life Bond villain. Beginning in the 1970s, this film explores Jong's rise to power as the heir apparent of North Korea, delving into such pivotal incidents as the kidnapping of filmmakers Choi Eun Hee and Shin Sang Ok; the attempted assassination of the president of South Korea; and the terror campaign waged by North Korea, such as the Korean Airline bombing by Kim Hyon Hui, in the buildup to the 1988 Seoul Olympics.
Inside North Korea's Dynasty
A deep look inside the current regime of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea under Kim Jong-un, featuring stories from defectors, celebrities, photographers and journalists who have visited in recent years.
Inside North Korea's Dynasty
Eksperti pēta Kima Jong Una prātu, kamēr viņš cenšas radīt savas disfunkcionālās karaļvalsts nākotni, vienlaikus saglabājot ciešu kontroli pār iedzīvotājiem.
Inside North Korea's Dynasty
Kims izmēģina diplomātiju, lai leģitimizētu savu režīmu un atbrīvotos no sankcijām, taču kļūda uz pasaules skatuves nozīme atgriešanos pie vecajiem niķiem.
Inside North Korea: The Next Leader
Руководство Северной Кореей сосредоточено в руках одной семьи, претендующей на божественное право на власть уже более 70 лет. Кто будет следующим правителем?
Inside North Korea's Dynasty
North Korea can now attack without landing a soldier on the ground, and with impunity. From Sony to WannaCry, the North embraces cyber-crime for profit and disruption with a 6000 strong army of cyber criminals worldwide who pick its pockets.
Inside North Korea's Dynasty
"Nuclear Family" begins as the Cold War ends - and North Korea has lost Soviet patronage, and with it, the security it guarantees and the economic support that has sustained the country for nearly half a century. As Kim Jong Il takes complete control of the country, he also starts a nuclear weapons program. With the country's economy failing, his government makes counterfeit $100 bills, and sets up factories making crystal meth and other narcotics. He also employs a private sushi chef, and hosts lavish banquets and parties while the country continues to struggle economically - all while at the same time negotiating with the United States.
Air Crash Investigation
Aplūkojot iespaidīgu Aļaskas ūdenskritumu, saduras divas hidroplāni, kas pilni ar tūristiem. Viena triecienā pārlūst, bet otra gandrīz neskarta ietriecas ūdenī. Izdzīvojušais pilots liecina, ka sadursme notika bez brīdinājuma. Lai gan vraki parāda izmeklētājiem, kā notika sadursme, viņiem jāizmanto 3D tehnoloģijas, lai saprastu, kādēļ tā notika.
Air Crash Investigation
"Saudia" 163. reiss aizdegas dažas minūtes pēc pacelšanās. Komandai izdodas L-1011 lidaparātu apgriezt apkārt un nosēdināt Rijādā, bet tad liesmas strauji ieskauj lidaparātu, nogalinot visus iekšā esošos 301 cilvēkus. Šī ir viena no visu laiku nāvējošākajām aviokatastrofām. Izmeklētājiem jānoskaidro divas lietas: uguns izcelšanās iemesls un tas, kāpēc liesmas tik ātri izplatījās pēc lidmašīnas nolaišanās.
Air Crash Investigation
Kravas lidmašīna nokrīt Zviedrijas Arktikas zonā. Izmeklētājiem, analizējot pierādījumus, atklājas šausminošs haoss un nekārtība.

Ghid TV - duminică, 12.05.2024

Disasters Engineered
Katru gadu visā pasaulē gaisā paceļas un nosēžas 40 miljoni lidmašīnu, pakļaujot riskam lielu skaitu cilvēku, jo nedrīkst pieļaut pat niecīgāko kļūdu. Tika uzskatīts, ka Air France 447 automatizētā konstrukcija ir drošāka, taču noveda pie visu pasažieru bojāejas. NASA orbītā esošie Skylabs tika izstrādāti tā, lai varētu doties kosmosā bez cilvēka, bet neatgriezās atpakaļ. Vai arvien automatizētākā pasaulē mākslīgā intelekta attīstība padara nākotni drošāku?
Disasters Engineered
Kodolenerģija ar tās destruktīvo potenciālu ir pretrunīgs spēks - tāpēc, kad Trīs jūdžu salas rūpnīca Pensilvānijā gandrīz eksplodēja, nozare saskārās ar eksistenciālu katastrofu. Pasaules otrā galā Krievijas hidroelektrostacijas dambis tika uzbūvēts, lai radītu “tīru enerģiju”, bet 2009. gadā katastrofālā avārijā bojā gāja 72 cilvēki. Kā mēs varam veidot zaļāku nākotni no pagātnes traģiskajām mācībām?
Disasters Engineered
Nestabili pamati var satricināt visu sabiedrību. 2010. gadā Haiti notika spēcīga zemestrīce, kurā gāja bojā 250 000 cilvēku. Vai tik nabadzīgā valstī kaut ko varēja darīt, lai sabiedrība tik ļoti neciestu? Līča otrā pusē, bagātajā Amerikā, sabruka Ņūorleānas "Hard Rock Hotel", nogalinot trīs cilvēkus. Kā inženieri var nodrošināt, ka cilvēki ir svarīgāki par peļņu?
Disasters Engineered
Visām dzīvajām būtnēm ir vajadzīgs ūdens, bet zemes krājumi saskaras ar krīzi. 1989. gada martā vienpadsmit miljoni galonu jēlnaftas izpostīja Aļaskas piekrasti, nogalinot putnus un jūras iemītniekus. Mičiganā pilsētas ūdensapgādes sistēma ir pilna ar indēm, lai tikai samazinātu izmaksas. Vai inženieri var aizsargāt mūsu ierobežotos krājumus, nevis tos iznīcināt?
Disasters Engineered
Īsta elle tornī nogalināja 72 iemītniekus un kļuva par nāvējošāko Lielbritānijas ugunsgrēku. Floridā sabruka gājēju tilts, nogalinot sešus cilvēkus. Mēs aplūkojam pieticīgus inženierijas šedevrus, piemēram, mājas, kurās dzīvojam, un tiltus, pa kuriem ejam. Tātad, kad notiek katastrofa, tā satricina visu sabiedrību. Kā var gadīties nāvējoši dizaina trūkumi un ko mēs varam mācīties no šīm traģēdijām?
Inside North Korea's Dynasty
Eksperti pēta Kima Jong Una prātu, kamēr viņš cenšas radīt savas disfunkcionālās karaļvalsts nākotni, vienlaikus saglabājot ciešu kontroli pār iedzīvotājiem.
Inside North Korea's Dynasty
Kims izmēģina diplomātiju, lai leģitimizētu savu režīmu un atbrīvotos no sankcijām, taču kļūda uz pasaules skatuves nozīme atgriešanos pie vecajiem niķiem.
Science of Stupid
In this episode we learn how many ways there are to injure and humiliate yourself with blindfolds, punchbags or riding an inflatable down a waterslide.
Science of Stupid
In this engineering special we discover the secrets behind explosive demolitions, exactly how dams work, and what you need to look out for when operating a ladder.
Science of Stupid
Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when attempting a BMX 720 stunt, having fun on playground spinners and trying to parallel park.
Seconds from Disaster
The tranquillity of Montserrat, an island paradise in the Caribbean, is shattered in 1995 when the Soufriere Hills erupt for the first time in recorded history. The eruption takes the population of Montserrat by surprise. Scientists flock to the island and closely monitor the volcano over the next two years. Evacuations take place and an exclusion zone is mapped out. Then at 12:45pm on June 25th 1997 two years after the first eruption a massive tremor rocks the mountain. A plume of hot ash and steam soon spews into the air; reaching 45,000 feet in a matter of minutes and shrouding half the island in darkness. There follows 25 minutes of violent activity. When the ash finally settles many hours later, a scene of total devastation is revealed; many villages are buried and 19 people are dead. Many others are lucky to be alive. Montserrat is scandalised by the deaths and an investigation gets underway to discover how and why the deaths occurred.
Seconds from Disaster
Over two days in spring of 1996, 9 climbers died on the descent from Mount Everest. A fierce storm, hubris and ambition and a series of errors contributed to make this the deadliest day in the history of the mountain.
Seconds from Disaster
The 1972 Munich Olympics holds significant promise, offering a chance to showcase a new Germany to a post-WWII world. However, this hopeful beginning meets a tragic end on September 5 at just after 4:00 AM when Palestinian terrorists kill two Israeli athletes and capture 9 others. As police struggle to handle the crisis, the terrorists anticipate their every move. By 1:30 AM on 6 September, the fighting finally stops, and all of the athletes, five terrorists and one German police officer are dead. With the circumstances behind the police's actions shrouded in mystery, one athlete's wife vows to uncover the truth. An anonymous source begins sending her copies of a classified German report investigating the police protocol. With the help of a hostage crisis expert who analyzes more than 3,000 files, the pieces of the puzzle begin to fit together. Supplemented by expert testimony, eye-witness and family member interviews, this gripping one-hour recount answers the most critical questions: How did the terrorists break into the Olympic village; how did the police's rescue plot go so terribly wrong; and how could this have been prevented?
Inside Sydney Airport
Sidneja saskaras ar vienu no skarbākajām lietus sezonām. Nežēlīgām vētrām slēdzot divus skrejceļus, ielidojošais reiss izsauc operāciju centru. Vīrietim lidmašīnā notikusi sirdslēkme. Vai lidmašīna spēs nolaisties tādos laikapstākļos? Vēlāk ugunsdzēsības mācības pārvēršas par īstu ārkārtas situāciju, citā lidmašīnā sākoties ugunsgrēkam.
Inside Sydney Airport
Nedēļas nogales baudītājiem un strādājošajiem atgriežoties mājās, piektdienas lidostā vienmēr ir darbīgas. Vairāk pasažieru, vairāk problēmu, tāpēc menedžeri ir īpaši piesardzīgi. Šodien notiek ārkārtas situācija gaisā, drošības pārkāpumi, tiek pārvadātas narkotikas, un kādai kliedzošai pasažierei draud aizliegums ceļot.
Secrets of the Space Shuttle
Documentary recounting the extraordinary story of the Space Shuttles, the world's first reusable spacecraft. Conceived 50 years ago, it was hoped the Shuttle's would be a new, safe and cost effective way of getting into space. Flying 17500 miles an hour, 13 times faster than Concorde and with heatproof skin that could withstand temperatures twice as hot as larva, the Shuttles pushed technology to new highs. The man charged with making the maiden space flight in 1981, Bob Crippen reveals how the first mission nearly ended in disaster when part of the Shuttle's heatshield failed. But the flight was a success and the Shuttle fleet got to work. With room for 8 astronauts the Shuttles would carry more equipment and more people into space than any other spaceship. And the Shuttles allowed NASA to open its doors to women for the first time. As Rhea Seddon, the first female Shuttle Astronaut recounts NASA wasn't prepared for the new arrivals and had to invent special space nappies so they could use the spacesuits. But away from the cameras there was another side to the Shuttles. Historian Roland White reveals from the outset the Shuttles had been designed to carry out secret spy missions for the US military. In 1983 President Regan became determined to use them to build his famous Star Wars missile defence shield in space and win the Cold War. But costing up to $15bn a launch, the Shuttles were proving to be far harder to maintain and more expensive than predicted. As Wayne Hale, the man in charge of the Shuttle program explains in 1986, NASA was so desperate to keep the public onside, it came up with a plan to send an ordinary citizen, teacher Christa McAuliffe into space and beam a lesson live into US classrooms. But, when NASA ignored warnings from its own engineers and when Shuttle Challenger exploded, killing Christa and rest of the crew, the shuttle program faced being shut down.
Secrets of the Space Shuttle
In 1986 the destruction of the Shuttle Challenger was broadcast live on TV. As America considered grounding its fleet for good, they were stunned to discover they were not the only country with a Shuttle. Convinced the US Shuttles must be a weapon, the Soviets had stolen the plans from NASA and built their own - they called it: the Buran, meaning Blizzard. And like the Americans, the Soviets quickly realised the costs of reusable spacecraft were prohibitively expensive and after flying one only once, the Russian Shuttles were left to rot. NASA was banking on proving the Shuttles worth by launching the biggest and most expensive space telescope ever built. But when a mistake making the telescopes optics left NASA with nothing but burred images, the Shuttle program's future was left hanging by a thread. With breath-taking archive from the time, this film recounts the epic Shuttle mission sent to repair the telescope and salvage NASA's reputation. The Hubble telescope would transform our understanding of the Universe but, with costs spiralling, President Clinton threatened to shut it down. In a twist of fate, the Shuttles were saved by the collapse of the Soviet Union. US intelligence feared former Soviet rocket scientist would defect to rogue states if the Russian space program ended so persuaded Clinton to use the Shuttle fleet to keep the Russian space station Mir going. Shuttle Commander and former Navy fighter tells of the moment the two spaceships connected and he shook hands with Russian Commander on Mir, officially bringing the Cold War to an end. But, as Britain's only Shuttle Astronaut Michael Foale reveals, working with the Russians was not easy. As the dramatic archive of his 4 month stay on MIR shows, Michael nearly died when the Russian space station was struck by a supply module. But out of this unique co-operation would come the biggest space project ever attempted: the International Space Station. Built by 16 nations, the huge $150bn space station coul
Dark Secrets of the Sun
It contains 99.9 percent of all the matter in our solar system and sheds hot plasma at nearly a million miles an hour. The temperature at its core is a staggering 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. It convulses, it blazes, it sings. You know it as the sun. Scientists know it as one of the most amazing physics laboratories in the universe. Now, with the help of new spacecraft and Earth-based telescopes, scientists are seeing the sun as they never have before and even recreating what happens at its very center in labs here on Earth. Their work will help us understand aspects of the sun that have puzzled scientists for decades. But more critically, it may help us predict and track solar storms that have the power to zap our power grid, shut down telecommunications, and ground global air travel for days, weeks, or even longer. Such storms have happened before-but never in the modern era of satellite communication. "Dark Secrets of the Sun" reveals a bright new dawn in our understanding of our nearest star-one that might help keep our planet from going dark.
X-Ray Earth
In this epic, two-hour special, X-Ray Earth reveals the planet as it's never been seen before. Using some of the most cutting-edge tools in science, get an inside look at Earth to learn what makes it tick. Watch as we travel over, across and into Earth to paint a picture of the planet as a living being that breathes, heals and even flexes its muscle. We'll also go even deeper to show how technology is opening a window that's allowing scientists to read nature's code and the stunning insights science has made about the planet's past, present and future. This is Earth as you've never seen it…From the churning interior to the oceans, to life and even society, X-Ray Earth reveals the intricacies of this living world in ways never done before.
Bigger Than T. Rex
Razor sharp teeth, meter long jaw, sickle-shaped claws. And if you think we're talking about T Rex… think again. This is Spinosaurus.
Lost Beasts Unearthed
“Zudušo milžu noslēpumi” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.
Lost Beasts Unearthed
Kā izmira Tasmanijas vilks? Šajā sērijā pētīsim unikālu izrakumu vietu Austrālijā, kas varētu palīdzēt atrisināt šo mistēriju.
The Mission
American Christian missionary John Chau was killed when he tried to contact and convert some of the worlds last uncontacted indigenous peoples The Sentinelese. Contradictory and divided reactions from the public and even within his own family reveal a deeper understanding of the real John Chau a young man with an adventurous spirit and a singular obsession. Through exclusive interviews, archival footage of Johns journey to North Sentinel and his detailed diaries, this film explores the antiquated notions of exploration that shaped him, the evangelical community that drove his quest, his own fathers heartbreak, and the lasting repercussions of this complex story.
Black Pharaohs: Sunken Treasures
Zelta un seno dārgumu zemē nesenais atklājums piramīdas iekšienē liek arheologiem meklēt pavedienus par krāšņo Nūbijas valstību. Bet tas nav vienkāršs izrakums, jo piramīda ir appludināta ar ūdeni. Pirmo reizi arheologi ienirst zemūdens piramīdu kapenēs, lai iepazītu senās Nūbijas valstību, kas gāza faraonus un valdīja pār visu Ēģipti 75 gadus.
King Tut in Color
Gadsimtu pēc pasaules sensacionālākā arheoloģiskā atklājuma - Tutanhamona kapeņu atraduma - pieredziet to atklāšanas dramatiskās ainas un aplūkojiet nepārspējamos dārgumus tādus, kādi tie izskatījās tolaik - pilnās krāsās. Tas viss iespējams, pateicoties jaunākajām kolorizācijas tehnikām, kas izmanto detalizētus vēsturiskos datus, iedzīvinot Ēģiptes pētnieku Hovardu Kārteru.
Lost Gold of the Dark Ages: Treasure Hoard
The story of the discovery of the largest hoard of Saxon Gold ever found.
Quest for King Solomon's Treasure
Countless treasure-seekers have set off in search of King Solomon's mines a quest inspired by the Bible's account of spectacular temples adorned in glittering gold and copper. To date, any evidence that supports Solomons existence is regarded as highly controversial. Expeditions in 2010 revealed groundbreaking new clues buried in the Jordanian desert for centuries.
Secrets of Christ's Tomb: Explorer Special
In this 60 minute Nat Geo Explorer Special, we follow world leading experts on a quest to unlock the mysteries surrounding the Tomb of Christ. At the heart of the story a team of leading scientists use the latest scientific techniques to restore the edicule housing the tomb. Scientific tests indicate the remnants of the tomb dates to 4th century - a discovery that could revolutionise what we know about the tomb of Christ.
The Mission
American Christian missionary John Chau was killed when he tried to contact and convert some of the worlds last uncontacted indigenous peoples The Sentinelese. Contradictory and divided reactions from the public and even within his own family reveal a deeper understanding of the real John Chau a young man with an adventurous spirit and a singular obsession. Through exclusive interviews, archival footage of Johns journey to North Sentinel and his detailed diaries, this film explores the antiquated notions of exploration that shaped him, the evangelical community that drove his quest, his own fathers heartbreak, and the lasting repercussions of this complex story.
Secret Bible
They were said to own the Holy Grail, to know the bloodline of Jesus, and to have discovered the New World… a century before Columbus! They have been called "the most secret society on earth". The Knights Templar was Europe's most powerful religious body in the Middle Ages. From their headquarters in Jerusalem and Paris, the Templars created what some believe to have been modern banking - financing Popes, Kings and empires, while promoting religious faith and good works. But, when the Templars ran afoul of the French King, they were declared traitors, devil-worshippers, and worse. Conspiracy theorists believe their suppression and underground activities were the source of Freemasonry and other secret societies, which still hold power today. Examine the history of a powerful religious organization, now almost forgotten, and see how and why this long-dead institution still captures the imagination of the world!
Secret Bible
Tsunamis, earthquakes, war and disaster lurk around us. But are they the "End Days," as prophesied in the Bible? Is the Apocalypse really at hand? Some say yes - not only clergymen, but politicians, Biblical scholars, computer scientists, and businessmen. This episode explores the prophecies of the end of the world and compares them to newly uncovered scientific facts. Is "The Apocalypse" simply a First Century poetic description of an internal religious state, as some theologians insist, or is it a prophecy of impending doom that we must all face?