National Geographic Channel
Dată: 10.05.2024
National Geographic Channel

vineri, 00:40

Apcietināti Ārzemēs

Apcietināti Ārzemēs

Banged Up Abroad

series, movies-entertainment, law, travel, crime

Canadian Hockey Pro Ryan Phillips is destined to become a star. In his early teens, he's scouted to play in the junior league and turns professional a few years later. As Ryan climbs the ranks, he starts running a more profitable business alongside his hockey career - smuggling hundreds of pounds of marijuana from Canada into the US. The money Ryan makes from his hockey career cannot compete with the money he can earn in the 'bud game'. When his girlfriend gets pregnant, Ryan decides to turn his back on his hockey career and go full time into the 'bud business' with disastrous consequences. His girlfriend leaves him, taking their new-born daughter with her. Shamed by his family he attempts a risky bud run over the bush mountains, only to be caught and thrown in jail in the US. At first life in prison is terrifying, and as Ryan deals with the emotional turmoil of never seeing his daughter again, he becomes a hardened criminal amongst his fellow inmates. When he is released, Ryan uses his new contacts to go bigger in the smuggling world? working with the mafia, until they turn on him.