Nat Geo Wild

Nat Geo Wild

National Geographic Wild is a place for all things animals and for animal-lovers alike. Take a journey through the animal kingdom with us and discover things you never knew before, or rediscover your favorite animals!


Ghid TV - sâmbătă, 04.05.2024

Shark Beach With Chris Hemsworth
Hollywood star Chris Hemsworth has a unique relationship with our oceans’ apex predator. A lifelong fascination born from years of living alongside them. First as a child, now as a prolific surfer at Byron Bay, near his home in New South Wales – one of the shark capitals of the world.
When good animals go bad, either get out of the way - or die. We're counting down the top ten ultimate animal attackers to find who creates the most carnage. By analysing the assaults of ten angry animals; comparing the likelihood of attack, with the power of their weapons, and the number of humans harmed; we create the ultimate Danger Index. Nothing's safe when the world's wildest flip their lid on the Ultimate Animal Countdown
Shark Superpower
Two teams of experts go to extraordinary lengths to take shark science into the wild as they investigate two of the most iconic shark superpowers – speed and bite force. In California the race is on as Andy Casagrande attempts to reveal the top speed of the world’s fastest shark. And in the Bahamas, Brocq Maxey gets much closer than most to investigate the power in a shark’s bite.
Bull Shark Bandits
Shark biologists Dr Johan Gustafson and Dr Mariel Familiar Lopez investigate rising reports of bull sharks stealing from fishermen in Weipa, northern Australia. Could this methodical and radical shift in behaviour provide new evidence of shark intelligence? To find out, the team deploys ground-breaking experiments and technology, including a new prototype diving cage.
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Blood Battle
They've shared the ocean for millenia, but scientists have only begun to understand the relationship between SHARKS and DOLPHINS. New research allows us to peer into this incredible drama; redefining everything we thought we knew about sharks. They're stereotyped as independent loners, serial killers of the sea-but we've observed them hunting in teams, learning, and even passing on knowledge to fellow sharks.
Are you a survivor; capable of coping with crashes, cataclysms, and catastrophes? Even the hardest humans are wimps compared to the toughest creatures on the planet. Were counting down the ultimate top ten survivors in the natural world to find the animal with the most extraordinary endurance.
Shark Superpower
Two teams of experts go to extraordinary lengths to take shark science into the wild as they investigate two of the most iconic shark superpowers – speed and bite force. In California the race is on as Andy Casagrande attempts to reveal the top speed of the world’s fastest shark. And in the Bahamas, Brocq Maxey gets much closer than most to investigate the power in a shark’s bite.
Bull Shark Bandits
Shark biologists Dr Johan Gustafson and Dr Mariel Familiar Lopez investigate rising reports of bull sharks stealing from fishermen in Weipa, northern Australia. Could this methodical and radical shift in behaviour provide new evidence of shark intelligence? To find out, the team deploys ground-breaking experiments and technology, including a new prototype diving cage.
The Little Rascal
June must deal with orphaned pup, Vince, as he tries to join her burrow. Over in the Highlands, Scarlett's fearless pups go in search of two badgers, a choice with deadly consequences.
Homeward Bound
The Prairie Dogs of northern New Mexico deal with all kinds of threats, big and small. In the Flatlands, June faces an infestation of fleas.
Snake City: Baby Snakes Compilation
A snake City Compilation with the best of all the baby snakes.
Soul of The Cat
Most people in the world who know a domestic cat understand the wild look in their pet's eye. This film will look at those thinly veiled behaviors between domestic cats and their wild cousins and ancestors, specifically to draw those parallels and to explain to 'owners' what they are seeing when they watch their cat. We will use big cat footage of lions and cheetah hunting and show cats playing or hunting. There will be scenes on cats leaping, landing, running up trees like leopards and all the behavior we are used to seeing in domestic cats, but drawn exactly from the wild equivalent.
Secret Weapons
The animal world has an arsenal of secret weapons, giving creatures the upper hand in the daily battle for survival. From the mimic octopus’ ability to shapeshift into poisonous predators, to the stoat weasel’s hypnotizing dance, and the orchid mantis’ deceptive flower disguise. These animals pull out all the stops to ensure they live another day.
Snake City: Baby Snakes Compilation
A snake City Compilation with the best of all the baby snakes.
Soul of The Cat
Most people in the world who know a domestic cat understand the wild look in their pet's eye. This film will look at those thinly veiled behaviors between domestic cats and their wild cousins and ancestors, specifically to draw those parallels and to explain to 'owners' what they are seeing when they watch their cat. We will use big cat footage of lions and cheetah hunting and show cats playing or hunting. There will be scenes on cats leaping, landing, running up trees like leopards and all the behavior we are used to seeing in domestic cats, but drawn exactly from the wild equivalent.
Storm Cats
In a landscape where rain is rare, violent and short-lived, Africa’s big cats lead a predictable life, masters of the dry terrain to which they are adapted. But then, for eight intense weeks, violent storms transform their world, shattering their routine. While the risk of death is as high as ever, so too is opportunity for those that seize it. Storm Cats is an intimate portrayal of leopards, lions and cheetahs pushed to the edge by nature’s raw power. Only those that can adapt will survive.
My Fair Baby
Puppies, kittens, calves and pigletsits baby mania at the clinic! Dr. Pol assists sweet lab Koogi with a challenging labor, Dr. Brenda treats a cute clutch of young deer, a mother goat needs help with her kid, and the Pols welcome a human baby to the family. Fluffy, cuddly, and oh-so-adorable, these little patients get extra special care.
Frostbitten In The Mitten
Central Michigan is in the throes of yet another brutal winter but the staff of Pol Vet Services remains undeterred-no matter the conditions, there are sick animals that need care, and these are just the vets for the job. The first client of the day is a true American war hero… Jypsy, a retired military bomb-sniffing dog, is mysteriously limping on her hind legs. Dr. Pol's got to get this lovable veteran on her feet and back to enjoying her retirement on the home front. The deep freeze of late winter has everyone feeling uncomfortable - but no one more so than Jazz, a horse with a big problem in a sensitive area. Low temperatures and bone chilling winds have caused the fluids in Jazz's penis to swell, so much so that he cannot retract it into its sheath any more. Doc Pol's got a big job ahead of him to put everything back where it should be. While the cold may be causing issues for the animals, it's created ideal conditions for Dr. Pol's next home improvement project, a do-it-yourself bridge using a flatbed trailer. The plan is to hook the bridge up to Dr. Pol's backhoe and roll it across the frozen lake on top of a series of logs. After several attempts and only making it half way across, its clear that it will take a little more muscle to get this bridge across. First thing the next morning, Dr. Emily has an emergency in the parking lot. Charlotte, a potbellied pig is in grave danger-she's in a stalled labor and if they don't get the piglets removed, the outlook is grim. Dr. Emily consults Dr. Pol to figure out the best course of action for this mother and her piglets. After deciding that brute strength is the only option left to get the bridge across, Dr. Pol and Charles use all the machinery at hand to slide the flatbed across the frozen lake. Murphy's law is in full effect as Dr. Pol drives a second tractor onto the ice to make the final tweaks. Diane hears the ice cracking and sure enough, Dr. Pol's tractor goes straight through the ice. After hours of trying to free the tractor, the Pols have to call a tow truck to get this thing out. After tractors, tow trucks, thin ice, and a whole lot of manpower, at long last, the bridge is in place! As Dr. Pol and Diane stroll across their new bridge hand-in-hand, their attention now turns to the island itself- the site of their next project!
Kung Fu Biting
This week on the Incredible Dr. Pol, the docs at Pol Vet are bombarded with not one, not two, not three, but four dogs that have been attacked. On top of the dog fights, the docs are seeing everything: bloated cows, pregnant pigs, and even a needy kitten makes an appearance.
Planet of The Birds
Birds are the only animals that can be found on all seven continents. There are birds that kill, birds that jump, dance, squawk and thrill.
The Hummingbird Effect
Costa Ricas motto is Pura Vida - Pure Life - and this deceptively small country is bursting with some of the most spectacular wildlife and pristine ecosystems in the world. All this diversity thrives, in part, thanks to one surprising little creature: hummingbirds. THE HUMMINGBIRD EFFECT ventures across Costa Ricas wild and rugged landscapes to discover the countrys dazzling diversity of hummingbirds, revealing how these tiny creatures play an outsize role in maintaining some of the richest and wildest environments on Earth. Since their first explosive appearance in the Americas over 20 million years ago, hummingbirds have rapidly evolved into some of the most iridescent and colorful birds in the world. Their specialized bodies make them masters of astonishing aerobatic flight, perfectly engineered for harvesting sugary nectar from flowers. In turn, the plants they pollinate have evolved alongside them in one of the most transformative partnerships in the natural world. In the otherworldly highland cloud forest, we encounter one of the rarest and most elusive hummingbirds, the White-tipped Sicklebill. Well discover how these elusive birds with their startlingly curved beaks evolved in partnership with a single species of plant, whose blossoms are perfectly angled to fit their sickled bills. Well also reveal how through pollination, this hummingbird-plant partnership provides a critical food source for a whole community of creatures in the trees and on the forest floor. We travel from the highlands to the remote Osa peninsula, a truly wild tropical paradise, where Howler monkeys, acrobatic spider monkeys, majestic scarlet macaws and a host of charismatic ground mammals all depend on the fruits of the hummingbirds labor. Well discover rarely seen hummingbird behaviors, from single nesting moms rearing their young to a glimpse of how they bathe and groom, to how the Long-Billed Hermit attracts mates by performing in a talent show called a lek, even squeezing a whole song into a chirp. In Costa Rica, hummingbirds are the little architects of almost every environment even the most extreme. On the forbidding moonscape of the countrys tallest volcanic peaks, well meet the rugged hummingbirds that are perfectly adapted to high-altitude life: the aggressive and rainbow-hued Fiery Throated Hummingbird, the Talamanca, named after its home mountain range, and the impossibly small Volcano Hummingbird, a master of the high frontier. Throughout the highlands, well see how other fruit-eating bird species, like the Silky Flycatcher and one of the worlds most ornate and beautiful birds, the Resplendent Quetzal, depend on the hummingbirds pollination. In the coastal mangroves, the highly elusive mangrove hummingbird keeps the salty tangle of trees in flower, providing fruit for boisterous families of White-faced Capuchin monkeys. From volcanic peaks to coastal jungles, misty cloud forests to sprawling mangroves, THE HUMMINGBIRD EFFECT reveals how through feeding, pollinating and living their miraculous little lives, these glittering, jewel-feathered birds bring food, color and life to the crossroads of the Americas.
Ultimate Enemies (Revealed)
Lions. Wildebeest. Two great, deadly forces of the Serengeti, clashing like thunder in the African night, and exploding into eruptions of battle under the sizzling African sun. .
The Real Black Panther
There's a new challenger in the Kabini Forest of India, one unlike all leopards that came before him. This is the story of Saya, the real black panther, and his rise to power.
Shark Vs Whale
A routine drone survey turns deadly when Ryan Johnson, a marine biologist based in South Africa, films a humpback whale being attacked and strategically drowned by a Great white shark. This is a total perspective shift on a creature he's spent his life studying. To make sense of this event, Ryan follows Humpback whales on their migration, mapping their weak spots. He also takes a new look at Great White sharks. How do they become whale killers?
Wild Chile: Compilation - Extreme Survival
A land of extremes, Chile is South America’s final frontier. And its wildlife is as varied as the vast nation’s ecosystems. But nature here is far from peaceful. From the fearsome waters of Tierra Del Fuego to the frozen Patagonian steppe, animals outsmart prey, compete for mates and battle the elements. Survival of the species doesn’t come without a fight.
Wild Costa Rica
Life and death are close companions in an Eden called Costa Rica. Nestled in the tropics of Central America, Costa Rica calls itself the land of “Pura Vida” – pure life. In a phenomenon known as the “Arribada”, the arrival, olive ridley sea turtles migrate annually in massive numbers while troops of capuchin, squirrel, howler monkeys and resplendent quetzals forage in the canopy above. Below roam deadly army ants, poison dart frogs and the strongest insect on earth, the Hercules beetle.
Wild Portugal
Picture a land of boulder-strewn shorelines, isolated mountaintops, and golden prairies. Here, packs of wolves stalk herds of ancient mustangs and tree-climbing carnivores keep entire forests on edge. Meanwhile, high above the crashing surf a pair of storks attempts to raise a family on a narrow ledge atop a towering cliff. Europe's Wild West is a place where survival is reserved for those with the keenest senses, and the quickest draw.
Wild Chile: Compilation - Extreme Survival
A land of extremes, Chile is South America’s final frontier. And its wildlife is as varied as the vast nation’s ecosystems. But nature here is far from peaceful. From the fearsome waters of Tierra Del Fuego to the frozen Patagonian steppe, animals outsmart prey, compete for mates and battle the elements. Survival of the species doesn’t come without a fight.
My Fair Baby
Puppies, kittens, calves and pigletsits baby mania at the clinic! Dr. Pol assists sweet lab Koogi with a challenging labor, Dr. Brenda treats a cute clutch of young deer, a mother goat needs help with her kid, and the Pols welcome a human baby to the family. Fluffy, cuddly, and oh-so-adorable, these little patients get extra special care.
Frostbitten In The Mitten
Central Michigan is in the throes of yet another brutal winter but the staff of Pol Vet Services remains undeterred-no matter the conditions, there are sick animals that need care, and these are just the vets for the job. The first client of the day is a true American war hero… Jypsy, a retired military bomb-sniffing dog, is mysteriously limping on her hind legs. Dr. Pol's got to get this lovable veteran on her feet and back to enjoying her retirement on the home front. The deep freeze of late winter has everyone feeling uncomfortable - but no one more so than Jazz, a horse with a big problem in a sensitive area. Low temperatures and bone chilling winds have caused the fluids in Jazz's penis to swell, so much so that he cannot retract it into its sheath any more. Doc Pol's got a big job ahead of him to put everything back where it should be. While the cold may be causing issues for the animals, it's created ideal conditions for Dr. Pol's next home improvement project, a do-it-yourself bridge using a flatbed trailer. The plan is to hook the bridge up to Dr. Pol's backhoe and roll it across the frozen lake on top of a series of logs. After several attempts and only making it half way across, its clear that it will take a little more muscle to get this bridge across. First thing the next morning, Dr. Emily has an emergency in the parking lot. Charlotte, a potbellied pig is in grave danger-she's in a stalled labor and if they don't get the piglets removed, the outlook is grim. Dr. Emily consults Dr. Pol to figure out the best course of action for this mother and her piglets. After deciding that brute strength is the only option left to get the bridge across, Dr. Pol and Charles use all the machinery at hand to slide the flatbed across the frozen lake. Murphy's law is in full effect as Dr. Pol drives a second tractor onto the ice to make the final tweaks. Diane hears the ice cracking and sure enough, Dr. Pol's tractor goes straight through the ice. After hours of trying to free the tractor, the Pols have to call a tow truck to get this thing out. After tractors, tow trucks, thin ice, and a whole lot of manpower, at long last, the bridge is in place! As Dr. Pol and Diane stroll across their new bridge hand-in-hand, their attention now turns to the island itself- the site of their next project!
Kung Fu Biting
This week on the Incredible Dr. Pol, the docs at Pol Vet are bombarded with not one, not two, not three, but four dogs that have been attacked. On top of the dog fights, the docs are seeing everything: bloated cows, pregnant pigs, and even a needy kitten makes an appearance.

Ghid TV - duminică, 05.05.2024

Wild Chile: Compilation - Extreme Survival
A land of extremes, Chile is South America’s final frontier. And its wildlife is as varied as the vast nation’s ecosystems. But nature here is far from peaceful. From the fearsome waters of Tierra Del Fuego to the frozen Patagonian steppe, animals outsmart prey, compete for mates and battle the elements. Survival of the species doesn’t come without a fight.
The Real Black Panther
Costa Ricas motto is Pura Vida - Pure Life - and this deceptively small country is bursting with some of the most spectacular wildlife and pristine ecosystems in the world. All this diversity thrives, in part, thanks to one surprising little creature: hummingbirds. THE HUMMINGBIRD EFFECT ventures across Costa Ricas wild and rugged landscapes to discover the countrys dazzling diversity of hummingbirds, revealing how these tiny creatures play an outsize role in maintaining some of the richest and wildest environments on Earth. Since their first explosive appearance in the Americas over 20 million years ago, hummingbirds have rapidly evolved into some of the most iridescent and colorful birds in the world. Their specialized bodies make them masters of astonishing aerobatic flight, perfectly engineered for harvesting sugary nectar from flowers. In turn, the plants they pollinate have evolved alongside them in one of the most transformative partnerships in the natural world. In the otherworldly highland cloud forest, we encounter one of the rarest and most elusive hummingbirds, the White-tipped Sicklebill. Well discover how these elusive birds with their startlingly curved beaks evolved in partnership with a single species of plant, whose blossoms are perfectly angled to fit their sickled bills. Well also reveal how through pollination, this hummingbird-plant partnership provides a critical food source for a whole community of creatures in the trees and on the forest floor. We travel from the highlands to the remote Osa peninsula, a truly wild tropical paradise, where Howler monkeys, acrobatic spider monkeys, majestic scarlet macaws and a host of charismatic ground mammals all depend on the fruits of the hummingbirds labor. Well discover rarely seen hummingbird behaviors, from single nesting moms rearing their young to a glimpse of how they bathe and groom, to how the Long-Billed Hermit attracts mates by performing in a talent show called a lek, even squeezing a whole song into a chirp. In Costa Rica, hummingbirds are the little architects of almost every environment even the most extreme. On the forbidding moonscape of the countrys tallest volcanic peaks, well meet the rugged hummingbirds that are perfectly adapted to high-altitude life: the aggressive and rainbow-hued Fiery Throated Hummingbird, the Talamanca, named after its home mountain range, and the impossibly small Volcano Hummingbird, a master of the high frontier. Throughout the highlands, well see how other fruit-eating bird species, like the Silky Flycatcher and one of the worlds most ornate and beautiful birds, the Resplendent Quetzal, depend on the hummingbirds pollination. In the coastal mangroves, the highly elusive mangrove hummingbird keeps the salty tangle of trees in flower, providing fruit for boisterous families of White-faced Capuchin monkeys. From volcanic peaks to coastal jungles, misty cloud forests to sprawling mangroves, THE HUMMINGBIRD EFFECT reveals how through feeding, pollinating and living their miraculous little lives, these glittering, jewel-feathered birds bring food, color and life to the crossroads of the Americas.
Ultimate Enemies (Revealed)
Lions. Wildebeest. Two great, deadly forces of the Serengeti, clashing like thunder in the African night, and exploding into eruptions of battle under the sizzling African sun. .
The Real Black Panther
There's a new challenger in the Kabini Forest of India, one unlike all leopards that came before him. This is the story of Saya, the real black panther, and his rise to power.
Shark Vs Whale
A routine drone survey turns deadly when Ryan Johnson, a marine biologist based in South Africa, films a humpback whale being attacked and strategically drowned by a Great white shark. This is a total perspective shift on a creature he's spent his life studying. To make sense of this event, Ryan follows Humpback whales on their migration, mapping their weak spots. He also takes a new look at Great White sharks. How do they become whale killers?
Snake City: Baby Snakes Compilation
A snake City Compilation with the best of all the baby snakes.
Soul of The Cat
Most people in the world who know a domestic cat understand the wild look in their pet's eye. This film will look at those thinly veiled behaviors between domestic cats and their wild cousins and ancestors, specifically to draw those parallels and to explain to 'owners' what they are seeing when they watch their cat. We will use big cat footage of lions and cheetah hunting and show cats playing or hunting. There will be scenes on cats leaping, landing, running up trees like leopards and all the behavior we are used to seeing in domestic cats, but drawn exactly from the wild equivalent.
The Real Black Panther
There's a new challenger in the Kabini Forest of India, one unlike all leopards that came before him. This is the story of Saya, the real black panther, and his rise to power.
A Flood of Trouble
It's monsoon season in Dogtown. Scarlett and her family hurry to reinforce their burrow before the flooding begins, but deal with unexpected guests right before the storm arrives.
How The West Was Won
Property disputes are settled a little differently in Dogtown. In search of first burrows on their own, Pelt and Digit come up against some unexpected challenges from Badgers and Alpha dogs protecting their territory
Shark Beach With Chris Hemsworth
Hollywood star Chris Hemsworth has a unique relationship with our oceans’ apex predator. A lifelong fascination born from years of living alongside them. First as a child, now as a prolific surfer at Byron Bay, near his home in New South Wales – one of the shark capitals of the world.
Wild Costa Rica
Life and death are close companions in an Eden called Costa Rica. Nestled in the tropics of Central America, Costa Rica calls itself the land of “Pura Vida” – pure life. In a phenomenon known as the “Arribada”, the arrival, olive ridley sea turtles migrate annually in massive numbers while troops of capuchin, squirrel, howler monkeys and resplendent quetzals forage in the canopy above. Below roam deadly army ants, poison dart frogs and the strongest insect on earth, the Hercules beetle.
Mountain Queens
The Ethiopian Mountain world is ruled by two very different queens, but both mothers raising daughters. A gelada monkey rules a tight knit sisterhood, but with her only daughter on the cusp of adulthood she must make great sacrifices for her future. On the plateau above, an Ethiopian wolf also has a daughter, but this mother must be ruthless to protect her own legacy.
Shark Beach With Chris Hemsworth
Hollywood star Chris Hemsworth has a unique relationship with our oceans’ apex predator. A lifelong fascination born from years of living alongside them. First as a child, now as a prolific surfer at Byron Bay, near his home in New South Wales – one of the shark capitals of the world.
Wild Costa Rica
Life and death are close companions in an Eden called Costa Rica. Nestled in the tropics of Central America, Costa Rica calls itself the land of “Pura Vida” – pure life. In a phenomenon known as the “Arribada”, the arrival, olive ridley sea turtles migrate annually in massive numbers while troops of capuchin, squirrel, howler monkeys and resplendent quetzals forage in the canopy above. Below roam deadly army ants, poison dart frogs and the strongest insect on earth, the Hercules beetle.
Wild Portugal
Picture a land of boulder-strewn shorelines, isolated mountaintops, and golden prairies. Here, packs of wolves stalk herds of ancient mustangs and tree-climbing carnivores keep entire forests on edge. Meanwhile, high above the crashing surf a pair of storks attempts to raise a family on a narrow ledge atop a towering cliff. Europe's Wild West is a place where survival is reserved for those with the keenest senses, and the quickest draw.
Hook, Line and Lemur
Summer's on its way out the door, but that doesn't stop the clients of Pol Vet from rushing in! A busy week at the clinic has everyone from the clinic staffers to their furry friends seeking some R&R. Dr. Pol takes the weekend to trade in his stethoscope for a fishing pole as he and Diane take a mini-vacation out on the open water!
This week on the Incredible Dr. Pol, there is trauma, drama, and a piglet in peril that needs the entire Pol Pack to join forces to save his life. The clinic staff sees a little of everything, from bloated calves to cats with grubs and even an injured emu. Dr. Emily has a very special case that she refuses to give up on.
My Fair Baby
Puppies, kittens, calves and pigletsits baby mania at the clinic! Dr. Pol assists sweet lab Koogi with a challenging labor, Dr. Brenda treats a cute clutch of young deer, a mother goat needs help with her kid, and the Pols welcome a human baby to the family. Fluffy, cuddly, and oh-so-adorable, these little patients get extra special care.
Return of The Titans
In the Carpathian mountains and other wildlife strongholds, nature is being given a helping hand. The reintroduction of European Bison and the spread of the Grey wolf across the continent signal a wildlife comeback which is benefiting not only other animals but humans as well.
The Missing Lynx
Across Iberia, food chains and ecosystems are being restored allowing endangered animals, including the rarest cat in the world, to flourish.
Saving Europe's Bears
In Italy and Croatia, efforts to save a rare species of bear are helping many other animals to thrive and landscapes to flourish.
Europe's Amazon
The Danube River carves its way eastwards from the Black Forest in Germany, three thousand kilometres to the black sea in the East, where it splits into hundreds of braided channels running across 1600 square miles of the Danube Delta. The river feeds a diversity of habitats, home to over 300 spectacular wetland birds, over 40 mammals, and hundreds of amphibians, fish and insects.
The Scavenger's Return
In Bulgaria's Rhodopes Mountains, a wildlife revival is underway. As prey animals return and reshape the land, so do predators. But to fully reforge the circle of life, it's vultures that hold the key.
Wild Mediterranean: Season - Heartlands
Breeding Season
The forests of the Iberian Peninsula in Europe’s southwest corner are home to some of the most unusual animals on Earth. Every species must fight to survive in these savage lands, but the spring rains are one of the greatest gifts of the year. In this brief window of time, animals seek out the precise breeding conditions that will give their species the best chance of surviving another generation.
Rivalry Time
Rivalry defines all life in the forests of the Iberian Peninsula. The arrival of summer marks the beginning of what will be a prolonged period of drought in the region, making survival even more difficult for the animals who call this place home. Every creature must fight for limited resources – making competition both within and between species unavoidable.
Wild Mediterranean: Season - Heartlands
Hook, Line and Lemur
Summer's on its way out the door, but that doesn't stop the clients of Pol Vet from rushing in! A busy week at the clinic has everyone from the clinic staffers to their furry friends seeking some R&R. Dr. Pol takes the weekend to trade in his stethoscope for a fishing pole as he and Diane take a mini-vacation out on the open water!
This week on the Incredible Dr. Pol, there is trauma, drama, and a piglet in peril that needs the entire Pol Pack to join forces to save his life. The clinic staff sees a little of everything, from bloated calves to cats with grubs and even an injured emu. Dr. Emily has a very special case that she refuses to give up on.
My Fair Baby
Puppies, kittens, calves and pigletsits baby mania at the clinic! Dr. Pol assists sweet lab Koogi with a challenging labor, Dr. Brenda treats a cute clutch of young deer, a mother goat needs help with her kid, and the Pols welcome a human baby to the family. Fluffy, cuddly, and oh-so-adorable, these little patients get extra special care.