

Light sports, home, health, cooking, flowers, travel, beauty, real stories. Holistic nature and beautiful views are always the background of our content


Przewodnik - poniedziałek, 27.05.2024

Spiritual Sports
Spiritual Sports - (France, 2019) Nurture the body AND the mind with Spiritual Sports...
Yoga - (France, 2019) Practice Yoga from the comfort of your home with our experienced teatchers...
Beautiful Landscapes
Beautiful Landscapes - (nature film, France, 2019) It's all about inspiration and encouragement, it is definitely changing our lives for the better. Have a look at spectacular landscapes from different corners of the world, unwind in the beautiful scenery and be in a better mood for the rest of the day. ...
Spiritual Sports
Spiritual Sports - (France, 2019) Nurture the body AND the mind with Spiritual Sports...
Pilates - (France, 2019) Stay in shape with our pilates courses!...
Fitness class
Fitness First Class - (S01, E13, sport program, Germany, 2021) Today we will work on a workout that will allow you to get a flat stomach in 4 weeks. The session is divided into several parts, the first is based on cardio exercises with two levels of difficulty and speed. Next, exercises that combine both abdominal work and body balance to strengthen the abs. Then, discover exercises of core strength to find a flat stomach. Finally, stretching is important to solicit the whole body and relax your muscle...
Fitness - (France, 2019) Stay in shape with our fitness courses !...
Stretching - (France, 2019) Stretching...
Fresh Yoga
Fresh Yoga - (S03, E07, magazine show, France, 2019) Do you dare to follow and honor your instincts? This session will take us out of our habits and our comfort zone to help us achieve our dreams. Dare to confront differences by highlighting them, to take the plunge and give us the possibility of self-fulfillment, leaving the desires of others and the imperatives "of being someone" aside. This happens firstly by knowledge of oneself, of one's body, of our tool of life which is our physiology, to regain awareness of everything of which we are capable when fear turns to courage! Dare to be fully who we are!...
Yoga for kids
Yoga for kids - (S01, E15, child, France, 2016) Today I'm going to teach you the toad pose, to build up your body and become strong...
Yoga for kids
Yoga for kids - (S01, E16, child, France, 2016) Today, I invite you to do the flamingo, a balancing act that brings calm and concentration...
Yoga for kids
Yoga for kids - (S01, E17, child, France, 2016) Today I'm going to teach you how to do the hedgehog, a fun balancing act to massage your whole back...
Deco Masters
Deco Masters - (S01, E06, entertainment mag., France, 2017) Now it's time to give it their all on the construction sites, in a bid to win the coveted title of decorating ace. And it's Cédric who's going to take the plunge in this competition. At 38, this native of Namur is passionate about decoration. He talks decor, thinks decor, lives decor. Cédric shares his passion for decoration with his husband Mickaël, a partner who knows better than anyone how much of a perfectionist he is...
Luana's Kitchen
Luana Cuisine - (S02, E13, cooking program, France, 2017) A birthday without a cake? Impossible! It's a day to enjoy so we make several cakes to delight young and old. To make this day a memorable moment, Luana Belmondo has concocted 3 recipes for birthday cakes with surprising & sweet flavors, a carrot cake, chocolate creams, and Bombolini, these are small Italian donuts made from pizza dough & lined. R.: Federico Mosca ...
Earth from Above
Vu du ciel - (S04, E30, nature film, France, 2010) To better understand the role of these explosive mountains located all over the world, on land or under the sea, Yann Arthus-Bertrand goes to Italy, the country with the most active volcanoes in Europe. Accompanied by volcano expert Jacques-Marie Bardintzeff, the photographer meets those people who have chosen to live with \" their \" volcano, in spite of the dangers involved in this kind of proximity. R.: Eric Valli ...
Destination Happiness
Destination Happiness - (S03, E06, documentary, Australia, 2019) In this episode we meet Angie who takes us to Gold Coast for the happiest day of the year, we are going to participate to 5000 meters run full of colour and happiness. Then we will meet the professor Barbara Frederickson, one of the most highly cited researchers in the world of positive psychology specialist in emotions. Adamo coincidentally visits his old primary school with the Kelloggs team who use to help children who go to school hungry, which concern 1 in 7 Australian kids. We will also visit Tara's actual Dream House, a house dedicated to people with disabilities, imagine by Tara McGowan who passed away at the age of 23...
My Zen Trendy
My Zen Trendy - (S01, E18, magazine show, United States of America, 2017) Just Float, this is the latest yoga trend and mantra for an relaxed mind. As you enter a fully soundproof studio and float in vats filled with epson salts, you will disconnect from the urban buzz. That is Val's promise as she takes us to experience this funny trend. With a sain mind comes a sain body: it's time to head to Clover Juice, the most famous juice address in Los Angeles. As we make our way through Clover's kitchen, we discover this way of life, mix and learn more on these beverage's benefits...
My Zen Trendy
My Zen Trendy - (S01, E19, magazine show, United States of America, 2017) Val takes us to one of the most beautiful hotels in California: The Belmont Hotel! Much more than a hotel, this place is a natural haven where everything is made to relax while overlooking the Pacific. While relaxation is key, we also seek adventures, don't we? While in this dream setting, we will practice yoga among the turtles, walk around the vertical and organic garden with the Chef and treat ourselves with a massage with essential oils coming directly from the garden...
My Zen People
My Zen People - (S04, E06, magazine show, France, 2020) After twenty years as a lawyer, Carine decided to give in to her desire to help others heal. Her inner journey led her to discover a passion for naturopathy as she rediscovered her love for nature and learned the healing qualities of the plants around her. Combined with a deep understanding of astrology and nutrition, she is now able to help others live better and find their own path...
My Zen People
My Zen People - (S04, E07, magazine show, France, 2020) Virginie's beautiful handwritten lettering decorates the walls and windows of many shops in and around Lyon, France, as she lives out her passion of finding beauty in every stroke. A former waitress, Virginie was struggling to find her calling when she suffered a life-altering horse accident that almost left her handicapped. At only 30, she was forced to put her whole life into perspective. She finally found herself through a love for graphic design and lettering, combined with a desire for freedom that came with working independently. To motivate other women, she has also launched "Ladyboss", a network of inspiring women entrepreneurs...
Julie's Frenchy Cookbook
Les carnets de Julie - (S04, E07, educat. film series, France, 2015) We are in the middle of the harvest season, a perfect opportunity to discover the most beautiful French vineyards. Our trip starts with a bit of tourism. We will cross the Drôme with Tain l'Hermitage and its Baume de Venise, but also the Bordeaux region where the different domains compete to attract this new clientele. Then we head for Épernay, capital of the Champagne region, where the reputation of its sparkling wine is well established. Julie will take us to Burgundy, where the most expensive wines in the world are produced, and then back to Bordeaux, to immerse ourselves in the world of high-tech and biodynamic wines...
My Zen Nutrition
My Zen Nutrition - (France, 2019) Cook healthy with our My Zen Nutrition tutorials...
Julie's Frenchy Cookbook
Les carnets de Julie - (S04, E21, educat. film series, France, 2016) Today, Julie takes you on a bread trail to uncover the dedicated artisan bakers and millers. Her adventure will lead her through the Libourne region, then onwards to the North of France, the Ardèche, and the Aisne, where bakers have transformed bread into a powerful catalyst for social cohesion. While some individuals may avoid bread, particularly due to gluten-related concerns, others have chosen to reposition it at the forefront of the dining experience by championing its nutritional benefits. This commitment is shared by several chefs whom Julie will meet at the conclusion of her expedition...
The Blue Zones of Longevity
Zones bleues, les secrets de la longévité - (S01, E04, documentary, France, 2019) There are now over 900 people over the age of 90 on Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula. How is this possible? Their credo, "pura vida", which translates as "enjoying the riches that life has to offer", their Amerindian genetic ancestry, a nutritious and surprisingly sweet diet, a physical and intellectual vivacity favoured by a low-mechanization environment, and strong relational ties... these seem to be the answers to their longevity. With the help of scientists, our naturopathic chef and attending physician will investigate and uncover the secrets of the inhabitants. R.: Fitzgérald Jego ...
Fresh Yoga
Fresh Yoga - (S03, E08, magazine show, France, 2019) The supreme desire to create is inscribed in the depths of our beings, as a living species, and even more that of co-creating the very Essence of Life. So why is it this becoming a taboo subject and a problem for many couples today? Our organs and senses, as well as the consciousness that is intrinsically linked to them, are impacted by our culture and our way of life far from nature. Katy thus thought of this session as an opening of our joints, to relax our fascias, giving freedom to our organs to offer us their proper functioning and make life flow in us. Through these hip opening postures, our awareness focused on our lower abdomen and pelvic floor, emphasizing work with the pranayamas, we discover a routine of awakening the senses to fully enjoy it!...
Fitness class
Fitness First Class - (S01, E23, sport program, Germany, 2021) Today we meet in a nice landscape for a pregnancy and childbirth preparation session. A workout that involves both arms and legs consisting of special yoga and pelvic floor exercises, stretching, strengthening and breathing exercises, as well as mobilization and relaxation. Working on your posture will help you feel better at any time during your pregnancy...
Stretching - (France, 2019) Stretching...
Yoga - (France, 2019) Practice Yoga from the comfort of your home with our experienced teatchers...
Yoga for kids
Yoga for kids - (S01, E03, child, France, 2016) Today I'm going to teach you how to do the golden eagle. A position that strengthens your arms and legs and gives you courage...
Yoga for kids
Yoga for kids - (S01, E04, child, France, 2016) Today I'm going to teach you how to do the tree in the wind. A simple exercise to calm down when you are agitated or excited...
Yoga for kids
Yoga for kids - (S01, E05, child, France, 2016) Today I'm going to teach you the archer's pose. To improve your concentration and feel strong and brave...
Julie's Frenchy Cookbook
Les carnets de Julie - (S04, E22, educat. film series, France, 2016) If you're a nature enthusiast and a fan of outdoor cooking, the upcoming season is perfect for barbecue enthusiasts! Our journey will take us to Aube, nestled in the heart of the Brévonnes forest, and then to the Massif des Bauges, where grilling and snow create a unique combination. Afterward, we'll explore the Libournais region, where we'll uncover cooking techniques that make use of vine shoots, which are plentiful in the area. Just a short distance from the vineyards, we'll arrive at another corner of Gironde, the Blaye region, where the cooking method remains consistent but features a distinctly local ingredient: eel...
My Zen Nutrition
My Zen Nutrition - (France, 2019) Cook healthy with our My Zen Nutrition tutorials...
The Blue Zones of Longevity
Zones bleues, les secrets de la longévité - (S01, E04, documentary, France, 2019) There are now over 900 people over the age of 90 on Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula. How is this possible? Their credo, "pura vida", which translates as "enjoying the riches that life has to offer", their Amerindian genetic ancestry, a nutritious and surprisingly sweet diet, a physical and intellectual vivacity favoured by a low-mechanization environment, and strong relational ties... these seem to be the answers to their longevity. With the help of scientists, our naturopathic chef and attending physician will investigate and uncover the secrets of the inhabitants. R.: Fitzgérald Jego ...
Destination Happiness
Destination Happiness - (S03, E07, documentary, Australia, 2019) In this episode, with Angie we will meet Kerwin Rae, an entrepreneur and business strategist who has reached over 100,000 people in 11 countries through his very popular seminars and workshops. Then we will follow Angie and her family who take a road trip and demonstrate the ease, amenity and fun of a family holiday in a motorhome. This week we also meet Adamo's very special mum, Ingrid who truly has a heart gold as she was a heart transplant recipient over 2 decades ago. And we want to highlight the heart warming and lifesaving work of the Geelong Animal Rescue team who are a compassionate group of volunteers who foster unwanted pets until they can be re homed into "forever" family...
My Zen People
My Zen People - (S04, E08, magazine show, France, 2020) While pregnant with her daughter, Laetitia, a former journalist, experienced a strong desire to change lifestyles and move to the countryside. Remembering the teachings of her grandmother, she began to venture outdoors into the surrounding Alps and study the different plants at her fingertips. Today she holds a wealth of knowledge about the medicinal and aromatherapeutic value of plants that she applies to making natural products. With utmost respect for the environment, Laetitia gathers only what she needs in order to make herbal infusions...
My Zen People
My Zen People - (S04, E09, magazine show, France, 2020) At only 20 years old, Louise is full of confidence and already achieved a personal dream of hers to share her passion for nutritious and locally-sourced ingredients on the island of Oleron, France. Repurposing a camping car, she set up a brunch and tea-time spot where the guests can hand-pick their ingredients in the adjacent organic fields. Louise transforms the ingredients into favourite creations of hers and even joins her father for boat trips when she needs to stock up on fresh fish for the menu!...
Luana's Kitchen
Luana Cuisine - (S02, E18, cooking program, France, 2017) More than a condiment, lemon brings sunshine in our dishes and gives them an exotic accent. To cook it, Luana invited her sparkling friend, chef Abdel Alaoui. Together, they prepare two recipes with subtle and creamy summer flavors, lemons stuffed with tuna cream, then a lemon parfait punctuated with a little tangy hint and, to finish in style a refreshing and vitaminized lemonade. It's the perfect ideal combo to spend a great summer. R.: Federico Mosca ...
Julie's Frenchy Cookbook
Les carnets de Julie - (S04, E08, educat. film series, France, 2015) Today, Julie takes us on a mushroom tour. There is nothing better to occupy your weekends than a walk in the forest in search of edible mushrooms. Some species, such as the cep or the chanterelle, can be preserved very well in the freezer or, for the more patient, in jars. We will also meet two chefs who are passionate about mushrooms and have become specialists in the subject: Franck Quinton and Régis Marcon. But for the moment, we're on the road, discovering typically French dishes with astonishing button mushrooms in Touraine, morels in the Jura, ceps in Gironde, russules charbonnières in Normandy and coulemelles in Auvergne!...
Massages - (magazine show, Russia, 2019) Massage studio will show you the best massage techniques in places which will make you dream. Let us take care of you! Lay down, relax and forget all your problems...
Yoga - (France, 2019) Practice Yoga from the comfort of your home with our experienced teatchers...

Przewodnik - wtorek, 28.05.2024

Spiritual Sports
Spiritual Sports - (France, 2019) Nurture the body AND the mind with Spiritual Sports...
Yoga - (France, 2019) Practice Yoga from the comfort of your home with our experienced teatchers...
Beautiful Landscapes
Beautiful Landscapes - (nature film, France, 2019) It's all about inspiration and encouragement, it is definitely changing our lives for the better. Have a look at spectacular landscapes from different corners of the world, unwind in the beautiful scenery and be in a better mood for the rest of the day. ...
Spiritual Sports
Spiritual Sports - (France, 2019) Nurture the body AND the mind with Spiritual Sports...
Pilates - (France, 2019) Stay in shape with our pilates courses!...
Fitness class
Fitness First Class - (S01, E14, sport program, Germany, 2021) Today we will work on a workout that will allow you to get a flat stomach in 4 weeks. The workout is dynamic and involves the upper body, legs and abdominals. It requires a lot of coordination of the body to be able to use all your limbs. You will find cardio exercises, body balance to strengthen the abs with sheathing exercises to find a flat stomach. Finally, stretching is important to solicit the whole body and relax your muscle...
Fitness - (France, 2019) Stay in shape with our fitness courses !...
Stretching - (France, 2019) Stretching...
Fresh Yoga
Fresh Yoga - (S03, E08, magazine show, France, 2019) The supreme desire to create is inscribed in the depths of our beings, as a living species, and even more that of co-creating the very Essence of Life. So why is it this becoming a taboo subject and a problem for many couples today? Our organs and senses, as well as the consciousness that is intrinsically linked to them, are impacted by our culture and our way of life far from nature. Katy thus thought of this session as an opening of our joints, to relax our fascias, giving freedom to our organs to offer us their proper functioning and make life flow in us. Through these hip opening postures, our awareness focused on our lower abdomen and pelvic floor, emphasizing work with the pranayamas, we discover a routine of awakening the senses to fully enjoy it!...
Yoga for kids
Yoga for kids - (S01, E18, child, France, 2016) Today I'm going to teach you how to do the butterfly. A fun exercise that helps you concentrate...
Yoga for kids
Yoga for kids - (S01, E19, child, France, 2016) Today, I'm going to invite you to do the little piggy exercise to have fun while you massage your back. Grouik grouik!...
Yoga for kids
Yoga for kids - (S01, E20, child, France, 2016) Today I'm going to teach you how to do the little mill, an exercise to strengthen your body and move forward...
Deco Masters
Deco Masters - (S01, E07, entertainment mag., France, 2017) On this second day, we meet up with Mélissa, 30, originally from Montpellier. This administrative agent has been living in Montreal for five years. And decorating is in her blood. It's a heritage that Mélissa hopes will prove to be an asset in the competition. Listening is all very well. But this week, it's all about sticking to the theme "like a garden". Will Mélissa be this week's ace decorator?...
Luana's Kitchen
Luana Cuisine - (S02, E15, cooking program, France, 2017) If salt is used daily for cooking, salt crust cooking is not often practiced. However, this technique has many advantages, it is easy to perform, and this method of stewing allows you to concentrate all the flavors and bring softness to the ingredients. So the dishes will be smoother! In this episode, Luana cooks with chef Babette de Rozières. In a good mood, they are going to cook a duck with a salt crust and crunchy potatoes, and a pineapple in a salt crust with spicy syrup. They will give you all their tips for an even tastier and more fragrant cuisine. R.: Federico Mosca ...
Earth from Above
Vu du ciel - (S01, E01, nature film, France, 2006) Through the most magnificent images and astonishing human stories, Man is at the heart of the biodiversity that he must respect and preserve. We find ourselves in Kenya, where the biodiversity is particularly rich, in the Massaï Mara reserve. Then, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the worrying disappearance of hippos from Lake Edward has unexpected consequences for the survival of fishermen. Then, in the sanctuary of life, the Pantanal region in Brazil, where millions of animal and plant species are teeming, some of the world's great wetlands also in danger. In Tasmania, Yann Arthus-Bertrand fights against the napalm deforestation of one of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world. R.: Yann Arthus-Bertrand ...
Destination Happiness
Destination Happiness - (S03, E07, documentary, Australia, 2019) In this episode, with Angie we will meet Kerwin Rae, an entrepreneur and business strategist who has reached over 100,000 people in 11 countries through his very popular seminars and workshops. Then we will follow Angie and her family who take a road trip and demonstrate the ease, amenity and fun of a family holiday in a motorhome. This week we also meet Adamo's very special mum, Ingrid who truly has a heart gold as she was a heart transplant recipient over 2 decades ago. And we want to highlight the heart warming and lifesaving work of the Geelong Animal Rescue team who are a compassionate group of volunteers who foster unwanted pets until they can be re homed into "forever" family...
My Zen Trendy
My Zen Trendy - (S01, E20, magazine show, United States of America, 2017) In this episode, we will go to a ranch, which is a real sanctuary for animals. The animals are king and the llama is the star. This center takes in animals to give them a safer and happier life in a beautiful setting. Then Val will participate in a Namastday Yoga session, another trend in yoga involving ropes hanging from the ceiling, acrobatic poses and great flexibility...
My Zen Trendy
My Zen Trendy - (S01, E21, magazine show, United States of America, 2017) Yoga and Surf are two corner stones of the Californian spirit. In this episode, the best of both worlds meets as Val shares a surf session with a local champion from Malibu! What about the surfing outfit ? No need for it, there is a yoga mat. Let's head to Ojai, in the middle of a vineyards, and joint the "Topa Wines" group for a yoga session at the sunset. Together, we will enjoy the "Pink moment": the time when Ojai's mountains turn pink and your mind is blown away...
My Zen People
My Zen People - (S04, E08, magazine show, France, 2020) While pregnant with her daughter, Laetitia, a former journalist, experienced a strong desire to change lifestyles and move to the countryside. Remembering the teachings of her grandmother, she began to venture outdoors into the surrounding Alps and study the different plants at her fingertips. Today she holds a wealth of knowledge about the medicinal and aromatherapeutic value of plants that she applies to making natural products. With utmost respect for the environment, Laetitia gathers only what she needs in order to make herbal infusions...
My Zen People
My Zen People - (S04, E09, magazine show, France, 2020) At only 20 years old, Louise is full of confidence and already achieved a personal dream of hers to share her passion for nutritious and locally-sourced ingredients on the island of Oleron, France. Repurposing a camping car, she set up a brunch and tea-time spot where the guests can hand-pick their ingredients in the adjacent organic fields. Louise transforms the ingredients into favourite creations of hers and even joins her father for boat trips when she needs to stock up on fresh fish for the menu!...
Julie's Frenchy Cookbook
Les carnets de Julie - (S04, E08, educat. film series, France, 2015) Today, Julie takes us on a mushroom tour. There is nothing better to occupy your weekends than a walk in the forest in search of edible mushrooms. Some species, such as the cep or the chanterelle, can be preserved very well in the freezer or, for the more patient, in jars. We will also meet two chefs who are passionate about mushrooms and have become specialists in the subject: Franck Quinton and Régis Marcon. But for the moment, we're on the road, discovering typically French dishes with astonishing button mushrooms in Touraine, morels in the Jura, ceps in Gironde, russules charbonnières in Normandy and coulemelles in Auvergne!...
My Zen Nutrition
My Zen Nutrition - (France, 2019) Cook healthy with our My Zen Nutrition tutorials...
Julie's Frenchy Cookbook
Les carnets de Julie - (S04, E22, educat. film series, France, 2016) If you're a nature enthusiast and a fan of outdoor cooking, the upcoming season is perfect for barbecue enthusiasts! Our journey will take us to Aube, nestled in the heart of the Brévonnes forest, and then to the Massif des Bauges, where grilling and snow create a unique combination. Afterward, we'll explore the Libournais region, where we'll uncover cooking techniques that make use of vine shoots, which are plentiful in the area. Just a short distance from the vineyards, we'll arrive at another corner of Gironde, the Blaye region, where the cooking method remains consistent but features a distinctly local ingredient: eel...
Luana's Kitchen
Luana Cuisine - (S03, E39, cooking program, France, 2019) In this episode, Luana Belmondo welcomes Delphine Malachard, who is gluten intolerant. Together, they cook gluten-free recipes. On the menu: chocolate soufflé and vanilla and red fruit financiers. R.: Federico Mosca ...
Babette's Kitchen
Babette's Kitchen - (S01, E09, educational program, France, 2018) Cassava is used in many island recipes. Indeed, this root vegetable, which comes in several varieties - The cassava with wood aspect with thick skin and the white cassava with thinner skin -, accompanies with finesse meats and fish. Like chayote, cassava is cooked like potatoes and like it, is an anti-waste vegetable that is eaten from the root to the leaves...
Fresh Yoga
Fresh Yoga - (S03, E09, magazine show, France, 2019) What is more beautiful than the natural human creature? This session is made to put aside the superficial and let our natural beauty dance. Katy allows us to dare to reveal our femininity to all, men and women, in all its creative dimension. Enjoy a harmony rediscovered by the transformation of your negative thoughts, born from the power of your fears, by relaxing and the happiness of being. We rediscover the ability to appreciate what nature offers us at every moment. To feed from the inside in order to radiate on the outside. What Katy offers us is the best way to regenerate your body as well as your mind. From grace to elegance, from strength to fluidity, from suppleness to lightness...
Fitness class
Fitness First Class - (S01, E24, sport program, Germany, 2021) Today we meet for a workout adapted to pregnant women. It consists of specific yoga and pelvic floor exercises, stretching, strengthening and breathing exercises, as well as mobilization and relaxation. These movements will allow you to rest with ideal positions to improve your comfort...
Stretching - (France, 2019) Stretching...
Yoga - (France, 2019) Practice Yoga from the comfort of your home with our experienced teatchers...
Yoga for kids
Yoga for kids - (S01, E06, child, France, 2016) Today I'm going to teach you how to do the star to feel good in your body and good in your head...
Yoga for kids
Yoga for kids - (S01, E07, child, France, 2016) Today, I'm going to teach you how to do a ballet. A balancing act to strengthen your whole body, even your eyes...
Yoga for kids
Yoga for kids - (S01, E08, child, France, 2016) Today I'm going to teach you how to do the frog. A yoga exercise to make you flexible and laugh a lot...
Julie's Frenchy Cookbook
Les carnets de Julie - (S04, E23, educat. film series, France, 2016) Weekly French culinary series hosted by food critic and devout cook Julie Andrieu. In each episode Julie travels across wondrous French landscapes to discover a world of flavoursome food, meeting individuals who share her passion for all things culinary, whether it's making the produce or cooking it in the kitchen. Focussing on foods that are specific to a respective region, Julie and her guests end each episode with a scrumptious banquet...
My Zen Nutrition
My Zen Nutrition - (France, 2019) Cook healthy with our My Zen Nutrition tutorials...
Luana's Kitchen
Luana Cuisine - (S03, E39, cooking program, France, 2019) In this episode, Luana Belmondo welcomes Delphine Malachard, who is gluten intolerant. Together, they cook gluten-free recipes. On the menu: chocolate soufflé and vanilla and red fruit financiers. R.: Federico Mosca ...
Babette's Kitchen
Babette's Kitchen - (S01, E09, educational program, France, 2018) Cassava is used in many island recipes. Indeed, this root vegetable, which comes in several varieties - The cassava with wood aspect with thick skin and the white cassava with thinner skin -, accompanies with finesse meats and fish. Like chayote, cassava is cooked like potatoes and like it, is an anti-waste vegetable that is eaten from the root to the leaves...
Destination Happiness
Destination Happiness - (S03, E08, documentary, Australia, 2019) In this episode, we will meet Nick Pearce from the social enterprise Homie Streetwear who is doing his best to provide better futures for the homeless of Melbourne. Then, Adamo heads to an Emergency Department where he surprises some health professionals and take them to the Saltair Day Spa where they are pampered and treated as they truly deserve. Angie travels to the very special Lon Retreat on the Bellarine Peninsula in Victoria to find a luxury destination with a home away from home feels. We will also travel to a unique restaurant called Lentil as Anything who runs a business focusing on inclusion and social fairness...
My Zen People
My Zen People - (S04, E10, magazine show, France, 2020) Juliette has long been aware of the delicate beauty of nature. For years she spent her life on the sea, organising regattas for the traditional sailboats that are famous in the French region of Morbihan. Her appreciation for the elements made for a smooth transition as she decided to leave the water behind and return to the earth. Learning to shape a ball of clay into a graceful and elegant object, she discovered a passion for ceramics. Today, she lives from her creations and makes pieces that reflect their surroundings, the stunning Gulf of Morbihan...
My Zen People
My Zen People - (S04, E11, magazine show, France, 2018) Anna's unusual background provided inspiration for her life change. Her career began as a wolf trainer for cinema and it was during these years that she developed her deep love for animals. After being tired of seeing them used as props and constantly in cages, she decided to leave the world of show business behind and start an eco-friendly sheep and goat pasture. To further share her passion for these gentle animals, Anna has opened a conservatory farm where visitors can experience first-hand the joys of being close to nature. She also makes amazing goat cheese!...
Luana's Kitchen
Luana Cuisine - (S02, E29, cooking program, France, 2017) We all know the "royal" couscous, filled with chicken, meatballs, and merguez. But this emblematic North African dish can also be prepared in a thousand and one other ways! Luana makes us rediscover this greedy & full of flavors dish in two new versions. First, she will cook a sweet and salty lamb couscous express, with zucchini and carrots but also prunes, apricots and figs. Then we move on to dessert, Luana will show us how to prepare a sweet fruit couscous with pomegranates, pineapple, mango and papaya. R.: Federico Mosca ...
Julie's Frenchy Cookbook
Les carnets de Julie - (S04, E09, educat. film series, France, 2015) Julie takes to the road in her little red car to honour one of her favourite fruits: the chestnut. Julie will meet several producers in Ardèche, cook the traditional soup of the region with the sparkling Marithé. She will also make the recipe for homemade marrons glacés, before heading to Corsica to work with chestnut flour and the leaves of her tree. This journey will end as always with a clever chef's recipe, and this time it will be Claude Brioude who will do it! This chef likes to shake up the rules and will work the chestnut with fish, two seasonal products that we are not usually used to combining...
Massages - (magazine show, Russia, 2019) Massage studio will show you the best massage techniques in places which will make you dream. Let us take care of you! Lay down, relax and forget all your problems...