

Познавательно‑развлекательный телеканал. В эфире — документальные программы о наших современниках, основанные на реальных событиях. Истории об азартных людях, увлеченных коллекционированием, о тех, чье хобби — возвращение к жизни старых машин и мотоциклов. Реалити‑шоу о кладоискателях, которые в поисках сокровищ отправляются в рискованные экспедиции, завсегдатаях ломбардов и складских аукционов, мечтающих найти настоящие редкости. А также – программы о мастерах, которые своими руками создают настоящие шедевры.


TV-vodič - ponedeljek, 06. 05. 2024

Заброшенные постройки, 2 сезон, 15 эп. Город-призрак в Испании
A village ruin, pitted and scarred; a ghostly fleet of ships; a bridge to nowhere hidden in a forest; strange metal structures in woods. Now they lie disused, contaminated, and dangerous. But who built them? And why were they abandoned?
В поисках балтийского золота, 1 сезон, 3 эп
Tomek presents his handicraft at the Amber Fair in Gdansk. Dorota is also present there with her jewellery designs. Benedykt's sailing crew finds pieces of amber in their fishnets. Krzysztof argues with the owner of the field.
Звезды ломбарда, 23 сезон, 18 эп. Объявлен в розыск
Rick is ready for some football when a Super Bowl bucket hat rushes into the shop. Can he score big, or will he fumble the deal? Corey and Chum are envious when Spencer brings in an Incredible Hulk comic book. Will their strongest offer be enough?
Величайшие клады истории, 3 сезон, 10 эп. Драгоценные моменты
Rick and Marty Lagina look back with Matty Blake on their richest adventures from the past year.
Хватай не глядя, 5 сезон, 8 эп. Атака монстров
The buyers encounter new auctioneers and Darrell defends his turf. Ivy Calvin finds a tool he's never seen before and Jarrod and Brandi need to fill their new store.
Хватай не глядя, 5 сезон, 9 эп. Запасной план
Jarrod and Brandi find some toys and Jarrod tries to battle a world champion. Meanwhile, the Harris Brothers look for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and Barry gambles on a safe.
Между молотом и наковальней, 9 сезон, 1 эп. Покореженный металл
Four smiths have to create a knife from the most mangled mess of a vehicle. After an intense round of testing, the two surviving smiths return to their home forges to recreate two of the most unique weapons from history - a set of curved katars.
Древние пришельцы, 13 сезон, 18 эп. Первые исследователи НЛО
In the 20th century, pioneering scientists, journalists and investigators defied convention and began documenting UFOs. Now, with new UFO accounts coming to light, will their work finally culminate in undeniable proof of extraterrestrial visitation?
Между молотом и наковальней, 4 сезон, 10 эп. Мечелом
Four previous competitors return to the forge for a second chance, only to find that the road to redemption is far from easy. The competitors must forge their signature blade using only the recycled steel from a jackhammer.
Звезды ломбарда, 23 сезон, 18 эп. Объявлен в розыск
Rick is ready for some football when a Super Bowl bucket hat rushes into the shop. Can he score big, or will he fumble the deal? Corey and Chum are envious when Spencer brings in an Incredible Hulk comic book. Will their strongest offer be enough?