

Познавательно‑развлекательный телеканал. В эфире — документальные программы о наших современниках, основанные на реальных событиях. Истории об азартных людях, увлеченных коллекционированием, о тех, чье хобби — возвращение к жизни старых машин и мотоциклов. Реалити‑шоу о кладоискателях, которые в поисках сокровищ отправляются в рискованные экспедиции, завсегдатаях ломбардов и складских аукционов, мечтающих найти настоящие редкости. А также – программы о мастерах, которые своими руками создают настоящие шедевры.


TV program - Pondelok, 13.05.2024

Современная инженерия: когда что-то идет не так, 1 эп. Перегрузка
In the heart of Minneapolis, the busy I-35 bridge collapses at the peak of rush hour traffic. As the city reels, the question on everyone's mind is: how did an enormous steel bridge fail without warning?
В поисках балтийского золота, 1 сезон, 4 эп
A storm is coming. Tomek is busy getting his equipment ready. Herkules heads to a music club for a party. Krzysztof's team adds a new member, Bartek. Dorota negotiates the price of raw amber. The Formellas sail out to the sea to collect fishnets.
Звезды ломбарда, 23 сезон, 24 эп. Большой триумф Рика
When a chandelier made out of KFC buckets lights up the shop, does Corey's future look bright, or will he get fried? Then, Rick gets revved up over a very special motorcycle. But will he come out of the negotiations triumphant?
Величайшие клады истории, 2 сезон, 4 эп. Речные сокровища
Marty Lagina and Matty Blake travel to Kansas City, Missouri, to assist riverboat enthusiast David Hawley as he searches for two 19th-century wrecks loaded with lost riches and American history.
Хватай не глядя, 5 сезон, 12 эп. Это мой Джерри
The buyers head straight into Compton where Jarrod gets a new nickname and finds something he used to collect. Meanwhile, Mike buys a locker that Herb doesn't want and Barry reunites with his old pal Kenny.
Хватай не глядя, 5 сезон, 13 эп. Эта лампа - для тебя
Barry Weiss brings a butler, Jarrod and Brandi find a vintage lamp and Darrel Sheets spends the most money ever spent on a unit in Storage Wars history - but will it be worth it?
Между молотом и наковальней, 9 сезон, 2 эп. В темноте
Four bladesmiths are kept in the dark when the shop experiences a blackout. With no power tools or lights, the smiths must rely on hand hammering and lanterns to forge their blades.
Древние пришельцы, 13 сезон, 7 эп. Эксперимент над человечеством
Scientists now know that seven human-like species lived alongside Homo sapiens for thousands of years. But why is it that only humans survived? Is it possible that we were the product of extraterrestrial experimentation?
Между молотом и наковальней, 9 сезон, 6 эп. Двойной вызов
Four bladesmiths face double the trouble when they are tasked with forging not one, but two canister damascus knives. After a brutal round of testing, only two smiths move forward to build an extremely challenging Cinquedea sword.
Звезды ломбарда, 23 сезон, 15 эп. Рик против "Глобуса смерти"
Rick and Chum get a relatively genius package containing letters signed by Albert Einstein. But can they figure out the equation to work out a deal? Chum and Corey marvel at replicas of Thor's helmet and hammer. Will they be deemed unworthy?