FX Life
Datum: 2024-05-05
FX Life

söndag, 05:35


М/с "М. О. Д. О. К.", 4 с. "Суббота - у мальчиков работа!"


animation, crime, comedy, thriller, action

After getting kicked out of the A-List villains' Soho Lair, M.O.D.O.K. decides to slum it at The Bar With No Name. There, he forms a crew of street-level baddies, intent on using them for a heist that will get him back into the Soho Lair. However, after a wild night of bonding and backstory sharing, they form a real camaraderie. Meanwhile, Jodie goes looking for M.O.D.O.K. at AIM and bonds with Monica while Lou meets Monica's daughter, Carmilla. College-aged M.O.D.O.K. has returned from the time stream and kidnaps the Super Adaptoid.