

Познавательно‑развлекательный телеканал. В эфире — документальные программы о наших современниках, основанные на реальных событиях. Истории об азартных людях, увлеченных коллекционированием, о тех, чье хобби — возвращение к жизни старых машин и мотоциклов. Реалити‑шоу о кладоискателях, которые в поисках сокровищ отправляются в рискованные экспедиции, завсегдатаях ломбардов и складских аукционов, мечтающих найти настоящие редкости. А также – программы о мастерах, которые своими руками создают настоящие шедевры.


ТБ-гід - п'ятниця, 10.05.24

Между молотом и наковальней, 3 сезон, 14 эп. Нагината
Four bladesmiths must create a signature blade using a randomly chosen mystery technique. After a brutal round of testing, only two will return to their home forges where they will reproduce a Japanese Naginata.
Между молотом и наковальней, 8 сезон, 37 эп. Темные времена
This competition is all about the dark side of history and the bloody weapons that come with it. Four smiths are tasked with making a knife out of the gruesome guillotine, which beheaded thousands during the French Revolution.
Проклятие ранчо Скинуокер, 4 сезон, 9 эп. Наверху
An advanced radar experiment conducted high above the Mesa and Triangle reveals evidence appearing to support an incredible theory about Skinwalker Ranch.
Хватай не глядя, 5 сезон, 19 эп. Битва Титанов
Darrell tries to play the nice guy and finishes last, Rene and Casey buy a perfect unit for their store and Barry thinks he's scored - but is he right?
Хватай не глядя, 5 сезон, 20 эп. Супер братья
Darrell finds a super collectible, Jarrod and Brandi could end up in the money after a buy and Barry bets against himself and wins!
Хватай не глядя, 4 сезон, 1 эп. Тастинские пчелы
The buyers head to storage unit auctions in Tustin, where Jeff Jarrod sets a new personal profit record after buying a five-dollar locker.
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 22 эп. Тяжелый день Аллена
Ton and Allen head to an auction in Ton's hometown and end up battling with a big-mouthed buyer. They discover a pair of tranquilizer dart guns and also end up fighting with a K9!
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 23 эп. Гавайские сокровища
Ton and Allen jet to the Hawaiian islands where they're joined by a new female assistant! The team uncovers a pair of James Bond-style gadgets designed for high-speed underwater travel and a vintage sled used to race down the side of volcanoes!
Звезды ломбарда, 16 сезон, 15 эп. Уайльд-кард
Read between the lines with the Pawn Stars when a first edition of Oscar Wilde's "The Happy Prince" is brought into the shop. Will Rick be able to resist this literary classic or will he yield to temptation?
Древние пришельцы, 13 сезон, 21 эп. Потерянный город в Перу
The South American nation of Peru is famous for its megalithic ruins, colossal geoglyphs and the Incan civilisation. It's one of the most mysterious places on Earth - but could it also be a site of extraterrestrial visitation?
Доказательство где-то рядом, 3 сезон, 1 эп. Динозавры и загадочные огни
Did a film crew discover proof of a dinosaur living in the African Congo? Are reports of the strange lights above the Hessdalen Valley in Norway a sign of extraterrestrial activity? And has NASA uncovered proof of an alien structure on an asteroid?
Звезды ломбарда, 24 сезон, 7 эп. Взрыв из прошлого
A customer walks in with a Tommy Boy film poster signed by actor Chris Farley. Meanwhile, Rick tries not to slip up making a deal on a pair of WW2 snow shoes.
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 24 эп. Друзья на Гавайях
Allen &Ton enlist an assistant, Carolyn, and Allen's Hawaiian buddy, Junior, to help them battle local buyers. The guys find a WWII-era motor scooter and a stash of antique Polynesian tattoo tools that get used on Ton!
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 25 эп. Прибыльные монстр-траки
The Auction Hunters team goes on the attack and ends up on a collision course with a hardened veteran auction buyer. They uncover a collection of speedy off-road vehicles and some hardcore heavy metal from the turn-of the-century!
Между молотом и наковальней, 8 сезон, 37 эп. Темные времена
This competition is all about the dark side of history and the bloody weapons that come with it. Four smiths are tasked with making a knife out of the gruesome guillotine, which beheaded thousands during the French Revolution.
Звезды ломбарда, 24 сезон, 7 эп. Взрыв из прошлого
A customer walks in with a Tommy Boy film poster signed by actor Chris Farley. Meanwhile, Rick tries not to slip up making a deal on a pair of WW2 snow shoes.
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 9 эп. Магия вуду
Allen & Ton hit a storage auction in Louisiana's Capitol City and quickly find themselves in trouble with the law! The guys uncover a pair of racing lawnmowers and then stumble on an antique barber chair from the early 1900s!
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 10 эп. Мистер Хафф в Вашингтоне
Ton and Allen invade the Nation's capital, but meet strong resistance from local bidders. The guys uncover a Civil War era black powder revolver and a stash of South African gold coins!
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 11 эп. Мотоцикл с коляской
An unassuming mom in an oversized sweater tries to pull the wool over Ton & Allen's eyes at a storage auction in Arlington, VA. The guys uncover a black powder cannon designed in the 15th century and a Russian military motorcycle!
Хватай не глядя, 14 сезон, 3 эп. Можно привести лошадь к боксу..
It's just another Riverside auction - until Barry and Kenny show up in their alternative fuel vehicle. Lisa does her best to break the curse of the bad locker, and Ivy finds some curious denominations.
Хватай не глядя, 14 сезон, 4 эп. Будь осторожен
Laura takes the reigns alone in Fullerton, and proceeds to outsell Dan. Brandi gets assaulted by her locker, but ultimately drives home a winner. Rene goes on a "work date" and Darrell stumbles across an unexpected collection.
Хватай не глядя, 4 сезон, 2 эп. Молодые и безрассудные
Jeff Jarred resurfaces as the buyers trek to auctions in Murietta. Brandi and Jarrod take a big gamble on a locker, with electric results.
Хватай не глядя, 4 сезон, 3 эп. Лай Юрского периода
Dave Hester starts his day $500 down and tries to buy his way out, Barry find something to keep him company and Jarrod and Brandi find something very old.
Хватай не глядя, 4 сезон, 4 эп. Сказ о двух куртках
The buyers go to Hollywood where Darrell Sheets finds a new way to calculate a profit, Nabila Hannis pops in and Jarrod and Brandi make a shocking discovery.
Между молотом и наковальней, 8 сезон, 36 эп. По решению судей: Бен Эббот
In this special competition, every aspect of the challenge will be decided by two-time champion Ben Abbott. Four smiths must recreate the billhook knife, a weapon near and dear to Ben's heart.
Звезды ломбарда, 23 сезон, 15 эп. Рик против "Глобуса смерти"
Rick and Chum get a relatively genius package containing letters signed by Albert Einstein. But can they figure out the equation to work out a deal? Chum and Corey marvel at replicas of Thor's helmet and hammer. Will they be deemed unworthy?
Проклятие ранчо Скинуокер, 4 сезон, 9 эп. Наверху
An advanced radar experiment conducted high above the Mesa and Triangle reveals evidence appearing to support an incredible theory about Skinwalker Ranch.
Древние пришельцы, 13 сезон, 21 эп. Потерянный город в Перу
The South American nation of Peru is famous for its megalithic ruins, colossal geoglyphs and the Incan civilisation. It's one of the most mysterious places on Earth - but could it also be a site of extraterrestrial visitation?
Доказательство где-то рядом, 3 сезон, 1 эп. Динозавры и загадочные огни
Did a film crew discover proof of a dinosaur living in the African Congo? Are reports of the strange lights above the Hessdalen Valley in Norway a sign of extraterrestrial activity? And has NASA uncovered proof of an alien structure on an asteroid?
Проклятие ранчо Скинуокер, 4 сезон, 8 эп. Между линиями
A new, subsurface investigation on Skinwalker Ranch leads to a baffling discovery near Homestead Two.
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 12 эп. Обманный маневр
Ton and Allen contend with a large crowd of inexperienced auction-buyers at a huge storage container auction in Pasadena. They find a small fleet of Segway personal transporters and an enormous custom-made shotgun.
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 13 эп. Загадочные колёса
Ton and Allen challenge a big time auction buyer on his home turf. The guys uncover a 1969 Chevelle Malibu muscle car and a single-shot pistol designed to aid Allied resistance fighters during WWII.
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 14 эп. Банды Нью-Йорка
Ton and Allen duke it out with a local thrift store gang at a Brooklyn storage auction. The guys discover a classic arcade redemption game and a mid-century water cannon designed to fight towering infernos!
Звезды ломбарда, 16 сезон, 16 эп. Мото-суматоха
Rev your engines with the Pawn Stars when a 1957 Harley-Davidson Sportster roars into the shop. Will Corey be able to hammer down on the deal or will it burnout?
Звезды ломбарда, 24 сезон, 8 эп. Гитара "Фендер"
When Rick takes a swing at a Honus Wagner baseball card, will it be the real deal? Chum strums a custom Fender by popular guitar maker John Carruthers. Can he pick the right price, or will he end up fretting?
Проклятие ранчо Скинуокер, 4 сезон, 10 эп. На нужных частотах
When an indigenous sound ritual is performed on Skinwalker Ranch, the team members are amazed by the phenomena that are revealed.
Доказательство где-то рядом, 3 сезон, 6 эп. Нашествие НЛО, чудовище Йельского озера и крысиный король
Are images captured by the International Space Station a sign of an imminent alien invasion? Did kayakers in Washington state encounter a lake monster? And are rats joining forces to create a Super-rat collective?
Древние пришельцы: Неопровержимые доказательства, 2 эп. Монолиты
Ancient Astronaut theorist, Giorgio Tsoukalos, shares his insight on massive stone structures and strange, giant figures known as Monoliths. What compelled ancient man to move colossal stones and to build stone monuments all around the world?
Между молотом и наковальней, 3 сезон, 10 эп. Зулусская иклва
Four new bladesmiths are put to the test when they forge a bayonet blade and engineer it to attach to a rifle. After a round of gruelling tests on their bayonets, the final two bladesmiths must forge legendary African blade, the Zulu Iklwa.
Древние пришельцы, 14 сезон, 3 эп. Под священными храмами
Some of the world's most iconic sacred temples were built atop the ruins of structures that are far more ancient. What compelled early humans to rebuild in the same places again and again?
Древние пришельцы, 14 сезон, 4 эп. Мир в ожидании
Across the globe, high-ranking government officials are openly talking about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. But why now? Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest the truth about an extraterrestrial presence on Earth will soon be revealed.
Между молотом и наковальней, 9 сезон, 14 эп. Гладиаторы в кузнице: Бои продолжаются
In the second episode, it's back to the Forged in Fire Gladiator's Arena for two more ferocious one-on-one battles. Our current champion won two rounds and has a chance to win the greatest prize ever awarded in the Forge: $75,000.
Древние пришельцы, 15 сезон, 14 эп. Первая десятка НЛО
Counting down the top ten alien craft, from V-shaped objects to orbs of light to flying saucers. Could the ubiquity of these sightings provide evidence of extraterrestrial visitation?

ТБ-гід - субота, 11.05.24

Между молотом и наковальней, 3 сезон, 10 эп. Зулусская иклва
Four new bladesmiths are put to the test when they forge a bayonet blade and engineer it to attach to a rifle. After a round of gruelling tests on their bayonets, the final two bladesmiths must forge legendary African blade, the Zulu Iklwa.
Между молотом и наковальней, 8 сезон, 36 эп. По решению судей: Бен Эббот
In this special competition, every aspect of the challenge will be decided by two-time champion Ben Abbott. Four smiths must recreate the billhook knife, a weapon near and dear to Ben's heart.
Проклятие ранчо Скинуокер, 4 сезон, 10 эп. На нужных частотах
When an indigenous sound ritual is performed on Skinwalker Ranch, the team members are amazed by the phenomena that are revealed.
Хватай не глядя, 4 сезон, 2 эп. Молодые и безрассудные
Jeff Jarred resurfaces as the buyers trek to auctions in Murietta. Brandi and Jarrod take a big gamble on a locker, with electric results.
Хватай не глядя, 4 сезон, 3 эп. Лай Юрского периода
Dave Hester starts his day $500 down and tries to buy his way out, Barry find something to keep him company and Jarrod and Brandi find something very old.
Хватай не глядя, 4 сезон, 4 эп. Сказ о двух куртках
The buyers go to Hollywood where Darrell Sheets finds a new way to calculate a profit, Nabila Hannis pops in and Jarrod and Brandi make a shocking discovery.
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 24 эп. Друзья на Гавайях
Allen &Ton enlist an assistant, Carolyn, and Allen's Hawaiian buddy, Junior, to help them battle local buyers. The guys find a WWII-era motor scooter and a stash of antique Polynesian tattoo tools that get used on Ton!
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 25 эп. Прибыльные монстр-траки
The Auction Hunters team goes on the attack and ends up on a collision course with a hardened veteran auction buyer. They uncover a collection of speedy off-road vehicles and some hardcore heavy metal from the turn-of the-century!
Звезды ломбарда, 16 сезон, 16 эп. Мото-суматоха
Rev your engines with the Pawn Stars when a 1957 Harley-Davidson Sportster roars into the shop. Will Corey be able to hammer down on the deal or will it burnout?
Древние пришельцы, 14 сезон, 4 эп. Мир в ожидании
Across the globe, high-ranking government officials are openly talking about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. But why now? Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest the truth about an extraterrestrial presence on Earth will soon be revealed.
Древние пришельцы, 15 сезон, 14 эп. Первая десятка НЛО
Counting down the top ten alien craft, from V-shaped objects to orbs of light to flying saucers. Could the ubiquity of these sightings provide evidence of extraterrestrial visitation?
Звезды ломбарда, 24 сезон, 8 эп. Гитара "Фендер"
When Rick takes a swing at a Honus Wagner baseball card, will it be the real deal? Chum strums a custom Fender by popular guitar maker John Carruthers. Can he pick the right price, or will he end up fretting?
Охотники за реликвиями, 2 сезон, 11 эп. Бостонский аукцион
At one of the nation's oldest storage facilities south of Boston, Allen and Ton are on the hunt to find some of America's earliest treasures. The guys uncover an 1800s blackpowder whaling harpoon, and a Betsy Ross American flag.
Охотники за реликвиями, 2 сезон, 12 эп. Крутой Тон
Deep in Boston's south side, Allen and Ton outbid some raucous competition. The guys score a WW2 Stuart M3 tank barrel and heavy duty tank treads. They also discover an industrial meat slicer in the ultimate deli unit.
Между молотом и наковальней, 8 сезон, 36 эп. По решению судей: Бен Эббот
In this special competition, every aspect of the challenge will be decided by two-time champion Ben Abbott. Four smiths must recreate the billhook knife, a weapon near and dear to Ben's heart.
Звезды ломбарда, 24 сезон, 8 эп. Гитара "Фендер"
When Rick takes a swing at a Honus Wagner baseball card, will it be the real deal? Chum strums a custom Fender by popular guitar maker John Carruthers. Can he pick the right price, or will he end up fretting?
Битвы за доставку, 8 сезон, 13 эп. Приключения с верблюжонком
The tag team of Dwight & Tyesha ships a wrestling ring in Austin and the tight deadline puts them against the ropes. And will Molly & Russell's delivery of a rare blue-eyed baby camel help them get over their fighting hump?
Звезды ломбарда, 16 сезон, 15 эп. Уайльд-кард
Read between the lines with the Pawn Stars when a first edition of Oscar Wilde's "The Happy Prince" is brought into the shop. Will Rick be able to resist this literary classic or will he yield to temptation?
Звезды ломбарда, 16 сезон, 16 эп. Мото-суматоха
Rev your engines with the Pawn Stars when a 1957 Harley-Davidson Sportster roars into the shop. Will Corey be able to hammer down on the deal or will it burnout?
Между молотом и наковальней, 9 сезон, 2 эп. В темноте
Four bladesmiths are kept in the dark when the shop experiences a blackout. With no power tools or lights, the smiths must rely on hand hammering and lanterns to forge their blades.
Между молотом и наковальней, 9 сезон, 4 эп. Тонкий лист
Four bladesmiths get scrappy when they are given thin sheet metal to forge a knife. After a brutal round of testing, two smiths recreate a razor-sharp Serrated Indian Sabre. Which smith will earn the Forged in Fire title, and a cheque for $10,000?
Между молотом и наковальней, 4 сезон, 14 эп. Нгомби нгулу
Four men enter the forge and are given the twisted challenge of having to forge blades from a giant elevator cable. Which smiths will unravel after two challenges and a brutal round of testing?
Хватай не глядя, 5 сезон, 10 эп. Ангелы Барри
Newcomers Rene and Casey buy a statue that could be worth thousands. Darrell Sheets uncovers some feline finds and Barry arrives with two auction angels.
Хватай не глядя, 5 сезон, 11 эп. Филантропы
The Harris Brothers go into stealth mode, Jarrod and Brandi find their sense of charity, Barry unearths a bag that has him hitting the slopes and Darrell discovers a big pole.
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 14 эп. Банды Нью-Йорка
Ton and Allen duke it out with a local thrift store gang at a Brooklyn storage auction. The guys discover a classic arcade redemption game and a mid-century water cannon designed to fight towering infernos!
Охотники за реликвиями, 3 сезон, 15 эп. Игроки в Джерси
Ton & Allen attend a silent auction in NJ, but that doesn't stop the local buyers from letting them know they're not welcome! They uncover a skeet throwing machine from the 1960s and a vintage vehicle with some real horsepower!
Древние пришельцы, 14 сезон, 3 эп. Под священными храмами
Some of the world's most iconic sacred temples were built atop the ruins of structures that are far more ancient. What compelled early humans to rebuild in the same places again and again?
Древние пришельцы, 14 сезон, 4 эп. Мир в ожидании
Across the globe, high-ranking government officials are openly talking about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. But why now? Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest the truth about an extraterrestrial presence on Earth will soon be revealed.
Между молотом и наковальней, 9 сезон, 14 эп. Гладиаторы в кузнице: Бои продолжаются
In the second episode, it's back to the Forged in Fire Gladiator's Arena for two more ferocious one-on-one battles. Our current champion won two rounds and has a chance to win the greatest prize ever awarded in the Forge: $75,000.
Звезды ломбарда, 17 сезон, 11 эп. Лестница в ломбард
The Pawn Stars get their ghoul on when a talking Herman Munster doll creeps into the shop. Next, things get amped up with a bass guitar signed by John Entwistle.
Необъяснимое с Уильямом Шетнером, 35 эп. Охота за утраченными сокровищами
Sunken ships filled with priceless cargo. Lost cities of gold. Ancient temples concealing untold riches. Are such lost treasures merely the stuff of legend? Or could they actually be real?
Величайшие клады истории, 2 сезон, 1 эп. Флот сокровищ 1715
Rick and Marty Lagina, along with Matty Blake, head to Florida and join Gary Drayton to hunt for millions in gold, silver and jewels from the shipwrecks of the famed 1715 Spanish Treasure Fleet.
Звезды ломбарда, 23 сезон, 24 эп. Большой триумф Рика
When a chandelier made out of KFC buckets lights up the shop, does Corey's future look bright, or will he get fried? Then, Rick gets revved up over a very special motorcycle. But will he come out of the negotiations triumphant?
Древние пришельцы, 15 сезон, 14 эп. Первая десятка НЛО
Counting down the top ten alien craft, from V-shaped objects to orbs of light to flying saucers. Could the ubiquity of these sightings provide evidence of extraterrestrial visitation?
Величайшие тайны истории, 4 сезон, 17 эп. В поисках Эльдорадо
It is a legendary ancient city, said to be overflowing with gold. For centuries, explorers put their lives on the line searching for it. As the endless quest to uncover this fabled city continues, will anyone ever find it?
Заброшенные постройки, 2 сезон, 15 эп. Город-призрак в Испании
A village ruin, pitted and scarred; a ghostly fleet of ships; a bridge to nowhere hidden in a forest; strange metal structures in woods. Now they lie disused, contaminated, and dangerous. But who built them? And why were they abandoned?
Доказательство где-то рядом, 3 сезон, 1 эп. Динозавры и загадочные огни
Did a film crew discover proof of a dinosaur living in the African Congo? Are reports of the strange lights above the Hessdalen Valley in Norway a sign of extraterrestrial activity? And has NASA uncovered proof of an alien structure on an asteroid?
Древние пришельцы, 13 сезон, 20 эп. Тайна горы Шаста
Mount Shasta in northern California is known as a hotbed of strange events, from Bigfoot sightings to UFO encounters to hikers vanishing without a trace. Could the mountain's geology and placement on Earth be attracting beings from other worlds?
Заговор НЛО: в поисках правды
70 years since the alleged Roswell UFO crash, there have been many allegations involving alien phenomena and supposed government cover-ups. This special takes a look at the various UFO reports that some believe have been hidden from the public.
Необъяснимое с Уильямом Шетнером, 40 эп. Культ костей
Some believe that bones can bring good luck, or even allow us to speak with the dead. But is it possible that our bones hold some sacred power - or perhaps even our souls?