Nat Geo Wild
Data: 2024-Maj-04
Nat Geo Wild

e shtunë, 01.26.00. EEST

Frostbitten In The Mitten

Frostbitten In The Mitten

Central Michigan is in the throes of yet another brutal winter but the staff of Pol Vet Services remains undeterred-no matter the conditions, there are sick animals that need care, and these are just the vets for the job. The first client of the day is a true American war hero… Jypsy, a retired military bomb-sniffing dog, is mysteriously limping on her hind legs. Dr. Pol's got to get this lovable veteran on her feet and back to enjoying her retirement on the home front. The deep freeze of late winter has everyone feeling uncomfortable - but no one more so than Jazz, a horse with a big problem in a sensitive area. Low temperatures and bone chilling winds have caused the fluids in Jazz's penis to swell, so much so that he cannot retract it into its sheath any more. Doc Pol's got a big job ahead of him to put everything back where it should be. While the cold may be causing issues for the animals, it's created ideal conditions for Dr. Pol's next home improvement project, a do-it-yourself bridge using a flatbed trailer. The plan is to hook the bridge up to Dr. Pol's backhoe and roll it across the frozen lake on top of a series of logs. After several attempts and only making it half way across, its clear that it will take a little more muscle to get this bridge across. First thing the next morning, Dr. Emily has an emergency in the parking lot. Charlotte, a potbellied pig is in grave danger-she's in a stalled labor and if they don't get the piglets removed, the outlook is grim. Dr. Emily consults Dr. Pol to figure out the best course of action for this mother and her piglets. After deciding that brute strength is the only option left to get the bridge across, Dr. Pol and Charles use all the machinery at hand to slide the flatbed across the frozen lake. Murphy's law is in full effect as Dr. Pol drives a second tractor onto the ice to make the final tweaks. Diane hears the ice cracking and sure enough, Dr. Pol's tractor goes straight through the ice. After hours of trying to free the tractor, the Pols have to call a tow truck to get this thing out. After tractors, tow trucks, thin ice, and a whole lot of manpower, at long last, the bridge is in place! As Dr. Pol and Diane stroll across their new bridge hand-in-hand, their attention now turns to the island itself- the site of their next project!