National Geographic Channel
Дата: 18.04.2024
National Geographic Channel

Четверг, 16:35

Lidostu drošībnieki: Peru

Lidostu drošībnieki: Peru

Airport Security: Peru

series, drugs, crime

On this episode, Antinarcotics officials at Jorge Chavez International Airport in Lima, Peru, face a potentially dramatic situation: a woman is arrested trying to smuggle cocaine while traveling with her two young children. Also, the detention of an elderly man reveals that drug cartels are looking for new carrier profiles. A young woman breaks down into tears when she is detained for what is apparently illegal trafficking, while a young man who was formerly imprisoned for drug trafficking in the United Arab Emirates raises the agents' suspicions, who decide to interrogate him.At the loading docks, a typical Peruvian handicraft turns out to be the package of a pilot drug shipment, and a Chinese citizen who tried to evade security controls to traffic maca bulbs must face the consequences of his actions.