National Geographic Channel
Dato: 30. mars 2024
National Geographic Channel

lørdag, kl. 16.50 +0200

Slepenā Bībele

Slepenā Bībele

They were said to own the Holy Grail, to know the bloodline of Jesus, and to have discovered the New World… a century before Columbus! They have been called "the most secret society on earth". The Knights Templar was Europe's most powerful religious body in the Middle Ages. From their headquarters in Jerusalem and Paris, the Templars created what some believe to have been modern banking - financing Popes, Kings and empires, while promoting religious faith and good works. But, when the Templars ran afoul of the French King, they were declared traitors, devil-worshippers, and worse. Conspiracy theorists believe their suppression and underground activities were the source of Freemasonry and other secret societies, which still hold power today. Examine the history of a powerful religious organization, now almost forgotten, and see how and why this long-dead institution still captures the imagination of the world!