FilmBox ArtHouse

FilmBox ArtHouse

FilmBox Arthouse WORLD CINEMA CLASSICS AND THE BEST OF CONTEMPORARY ARTHOUSE FilmBox Art House features works from the world's most prominent directors, including Hitchcock, Kurosawa, Fellini and many others. Every month FilmBox Art House also airs special presentations devoted to a particular creative movement (German Expressionism, New Romanian Cinema) or individual filmmakers (The Surreal Art of Salvadore Dali, Rossellini’s War Trilogy, etc.) In addition to classic movies viewers may enjoy films presented at the most important film festivals including Cannes, Toronto, Venice, Berlin, Locarno, Sundance, Karlovy Vary and Tokyo

United Kingdom

TV műsorújság - hétfő, 2024-05-20

Broadway Limited (Broadway Limited), Comedy, Romance, USA, 1941
A publicity stunt staged on a train known as the Broadway Limited creates problems because of an unknown baby that was part of the stunt.
No One Can Brush My Hair Like the Wind (Nessuno mi pettina bene come il vento), Drama, Italy, 2014
No One Can Brush My Hair Like the Wind, a film that portrays the lives of many lonely souls in a desperate search for company. The difficult relationship between a woman writer who lives in solitude and a young girl who comes bursting into her life.
Doll Face (Doll Face), Comedy, Romance, Musical, USA, 1945
Burlesque star (Blaine) makes it in the big time.
Career Girl (Career Girl), Musical, USA, 1944
Joan Terry, a girl from the country wants to become a Broadway Star, but this proves to be not so easy.
Tangible (Tangible), Drama, Animation, Columbia, 2017
In a busy and chaotic city, we met Juan, a young isolated from society, with a deep need to recover the meaning of his own life. Juan goes out to encounter the city, that he lives differently, building a parallel reality, that helps him escape the tedium of the city and finally find Ana
Went the Day Well? (Went the Day Well?), Drama, Thriller, War, United Kingdom, 1942
An English village is occupied by disguised German paratroopers as an advance post for a planned invasion.
Program break
An Argument for Old Age (Omsch), Biography, Austria, 2013
'If you drink this juice, you'll make it to a hundred' says the young man to his old neighbor, who replies: 'I got to a hundred without this juice, didn't I?' Humor and wit form the basis of a friendship that bridges a huge age difference and allows the centenarian to resume: 'For me the best part of life is being old'. A travelling artist, painter and filmmaker has a centenarian neighbour. The relationship between this man in his forties and the solitary old lady with a wicked sense of humour gradually becomes a kind of elective kinship. Their discussions, interrupted and picked up again over the years, form the fabric of this personal, tender and surprising film. A calm observation on the inescapable power of the passage of time.
Bisho (Bisho), Drama, Spain, 2020
The neighbor's dog won't stop barking. Emilio and Susana can't sleep. They can't stop fighting either. The barking and howling of the dog and of the couple itself will lead to inevitable rupture. Emilio wrongly pours out his anger, sadness and insecurities, and makes an unsuspected choice.
Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women (Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women), Adventure, Sci-Fi, USA, 1968
Astronauts landing on Venus encounter dangerous creatures and almost meet some sexy Venusian women who like to sun-bathe in hip-hugging skin-tight pants and seashell brassieres.
The Amazing Adventure (The Amazing Adventure), Comedy, Drama, Romance, United Kingdom, 1936
A bored millionaire wagers his doctor that he can support himself at a working class job for year without touching his inheritance.
Kingston Avenue (Kingston Avenue), Drama, Romance, France, 2013
Vincent has followed the woman he loves to New York. But they're not getting along anymore. Stubborn, he's going to try to do everything to get her back.
One More Time (One More Time), Drama, Italy, Čilė, 2013
An 80-year-old actress returns to the small Chilean town of her youth to fulfill her father's dream of creating a TV channel in a place which has never known television.
Ciguenas (Cigüeñas), Drama, Meksika, 2018
A pregnant girl and her childhood friend leave the city to seek help. That takes them on an unexpected coming of age journey of self-discovery during which they reflect on their lives and are faced with decisions that will determine their future.
Mohawk (Mohawk), Adventure, Drama, Romance, Western, USA, 1956
In 1700s New York, a Boston artist working in the remote Fort Alden is torn between his love for 2 women and thrown into the middle of a Mohawk-Iroquois-American war.
Fear and Desire (Fear and Desire), Drama, Thriller, War, USA, 1953
Four soldiers trapped behind enemy lines must confront their fears and desires.
The Intruder (The Intruder), Drama, USA, 1962
A man in a gleaming white suit comes to a small Southern town on the eve of integration. He calls himself a social reformer. But what he does is stir up trouble--trouble he soon finds he can't control.
And Then There Were None (And Then There Were None), Drama, Crime, Thriller, USA, 1945
Seven guests, a newly hired personal secretary and two staff are gathered for a weekend on an isolated island by the hosts the Owens who are delayed. At dinner a record is played and the host's message alleges that all the people present are guilty of murder and suddenly the first of them is dead, then the next - It seems that one of them is the murderer but the leading person is always the person who is murdered next and at last only two people are left.
Flash (Flash), Fantasy, Drama, Spain, 2015
When a man looks at the photo strip he just took of himself in a photo booth, he cannot believe what he sees.
Lady of Burlesque (Lady of Burlesque), Comedy, Crime, Romance, Musical, USA, 1943
After one member of their group is murdered, the performers at a burlesque house must work together to find out who the killer is before they strike again.
The Drowning Goat (The Drowning Goat), Drama, Švedija, 2020
Luca arrives by plane to visit his dad and his new family in Sweden. Luca is eager to make a good impression and to be accommodating, but the visit does not go as planned and a stressful situation releases the underlying tensions.
Delightfully Dangerous (Delightfully Dangerous), Drama, Romance, Musical, USA, 1945
Young Sherry Williams dreams of having a singing career, and she idolizes her older sister Josephine, who has gone to New York to perform on the stage. When Sherry is distraught just before...
The Monopoly of Stupidity (The Monopoly of Stupidity), Drama, Peru, 2017
Miguel, a 27th young man, woke up one morning with the job of processing his death father intestate succession certificate. When he arrive to the registration office, the process and their public servers show him that the bureaucracy it seems like a joke, but isn't, putting him in a labyrinth of papers and windows.
Revenge of the Zombies (Revenge of the Zombies), Drama, Thriller, Horror, USA, 1943
Scott Warrington and his hired detective, Larry Adams, arrive at an old mansion in the middle of a Louisiana swamp to meet his brother-in-law, Dr. Max von Altermann shortly after the death ...

TV műsorújság - kedd, 2024-05-21

Shoulder Arms (Shoulder Arms), Comedy, War, USA, 1918
Charlie is in boot camp in the "awkward squad." Once in France he gets no letters from home. He finally gets a package containing limburger cheese which requires a gas mask and which he throws over into the German trench. He goes "over the top" and captures thirteen Germans ("I surrounded them"), then volunteers to wander through the German lines disguised as a tree trunk. With the help of a French girl he captures the Kaiser and the Crown Prince and is given a statue and victory parade in New York and then ... fellow soldiers wake him from his dream.
Iron Island (Jazireh ahani), Drama, Iranas, 2005
Some poor people in the Southern coasts of Iran do not have any place to live, and thus, they reside on an old, abandoned ship in the sea. Captain Nemat, their chief, tries to persuade the ship-owner and the official authorities not to get the ship back. On the other hand, he is selling the iron parts of the ship piece by piece. "Iron Island" is the story of those whose ignorance makes them simply trust those who are always ready to abuse their trust.
Sea Dragon (Sea Dragon), Drama, History, United Kingdom, 2021
A young fossil hunter makes a groundbreaking discovery, challenging the worldview of 19th century England.
The Southerner (The Southerner), Drama, USA, 1945
Sam Tucker, a cotton picker, in search of a better future for his family, decides to grow his own cotton crop. In the first year, the Tuckers battle disease, a flood, and a jealous neighbor. Can they make it as farmers?
Night Light (Night Light), Drama, China, 2020
A 14-year-old boy is about to go and live with his mother in the city. Before leaving his hometown, he has to confront his father's inability to give him an integrated family.
Captain Kidd (Captain Kidd), Adventure, USA, Italy, 1945
The unhistorical adventures of pirate Captain Kidd revolve around treasure and treachery.
Program break
The Smallest Show on Earth (Big Time Operators), Comedy, United Kingdom, 1957
A young couple inherits a debt-ridden old movie theater, appropriately nicknamed "The Flea Pit", and the three eccentric senior citizens who work there.
Broadway Limited (Broadway Limited), Comedy, Romance, USA, 1941
A publicity stunt staged on a train known as the Broadway Limited creates problems because of an unknown baby that was part of the stunt.
Day (Rives), Drama, France, 2011
Armel Hostiou's haunting study of urban alienation follows three characters—a woman, a man, and a child—over the period of a single day in Paris. They don't know each other and they won't cross paths, but they share an insidious feeling of confinement. Because of an external event, each of them will leave their environment and undergo an experience that confronts them with the uncomfortable and dangerous dimensions of their shared urban space. Through its patient observation of the quotidian, of the passage of time from morning to night, Day reacquaints us with the strangeness of everyday life.
Christmas Wish (A Christmas Wish), Comedy, USA, 1950
A little squirrel with lots of charm accidentally helps two poor, down-but-NOT-out families overcome their obstacles.
Aicha (Aicha), Drama, Marokas, 2020
On the outskirts of town, in a traditional house, Aicha, a 26-year-old woman, leads a monotonous lifestyle. During the day, she does household chores and cares for her elderly mother who is sick and bedridden. In the evening, Aicha leaves home and waits to cross the path of some lorry driver.
Inale (Inale), Drama, Musical, Nigerija, 2010
Inale is the beautiful daughter of the great King Oche, of the Idoma people in Idomaland, Nigeria. Her beloved Odeh must win the wrestling tournament to win her hand in marriage. A stranger appears, that challenges not only the tradition of the village but the strength of Odeh and Inale's true love.
Banjo Farid (Banjo Farid), Drama, France, 2015
Twelve-year-old Farid remains desperately secretive and opens up to no one. Quiet, out of sync, attracted by nothing, he seems to suffer everyday life without feeling the slightest emotion. One day, however, against all expectations, a transformation will take place and Farid will assert himself thanks to an improbable musical instrument.
The Chase (The Chase), Crime, Thriller, USA, 1946
Chuck Scott gets a job as chauffeur to tough guy Eddie Roman; but Chuck's involvement with Eddie's fearful wife becomes a nightmare.
The Gold Rush (The Gold Rush), Comedy, Adventure, Drama, USA, 1925
A prospector goes to the Klondike in search of gold and finds it and more.
Dirty Linen to the Sun (Los Trapos al Sol), Family, Drama, Meksika, Čilė, 2014
Silvana arrives to the south of Chile in search of her father. As the hours goes by her anxiety increases waiting his arrival. Meanwhile, she spends the time fantasizing about the encounter discovering the impressive place and its people. With their help, details are unveiled about this person that remains unknown to her.
Game Show Dynamos (Game Show Dynamos), Comedy, USA, 2015
Bernard and Claire Boiko won enough money on TV game shows to escape debt and rebuild their lives. From Tic-Tac-Dough in 1956 to Jeopardy in 1967 to Trivial Pursuit in 1993, they competed on national television 28 times -- probably the longest-running record of individual TV game show appearances by husband and wife in the world. Daughter Patricia melds 10 different TV game shows and a snappy soundtrack with vivid motion graphics and vintage footage to paint an intimate portrait of her quirky parents, paradigms of 20th century family life. Yet -- as their poignant romance and ribald experiences reveal the fascinating historical context of their times -- the winning couple also come to be seen as curiously-relatable outsiders to mainstream culture. Themes of love, hardship, and achievement add emotional weight to Bernard's parting words, 'If it's a lucky life, it's mine.' Quick cash and fabulous prizes, the thrill of winning and the lasting joy of this different family make this a wonderful story of dreams unexpectedly fulfilled.
Univitellin (Univitellin), Drama, France, 2016
Marseille, today. Aminata works as a hairdresser in an Afro hairdressing salon, Badara works as mecanich. When they meet, their love story will change their lives.
The Painted Hills (The Painted Hills), Family, Western, USA, 1951
An intrepid dog comes to the rescue when a boy's life is put at risk by the greed inflamed by a gold strike.
Delicate Gravity (Délicate gravité), Drama, Romance, France, 2013
Paul receives an emotional message from Claire. He can hear the deep sadness behind her words and believes she might commit suicide…
Behave Yourself (Behave Yourself!), Comedy, Drama, Crime, USA, 1951
When a cute Welsh terrier follows Bill Denny home, little does he know that all gangland has its eye on that dog.
Go West (Go West), Comedy, Western, USA, 1925
With little luck at keeping a job in the city a New Yorker tries work in the country and eventually finds his way leading a herd of cattle to the West Coast.
The Man Who Cheated Himself (The Man Who Cheated Himself), Drama, Crime, USA, 1950
A veteran homicide detective who has witnessed his socialite girlfriend kill her husband sees his inexperienced brother assigned to the case.