

ТБ-гід - субота, 18.05.24

New Caledonia, the Seaweed Promise
With its three nickel factories, New Caledonia is on the way to becoming one of the leading emitters of CO2 in the world. But some inhabitants are trying to make a change. May seaweed be the solution?
Paris-Berlin, destins croisés
Paris and Berlin have developed and grown facing each other over four centuries of tumultuous historical relationships and mutual admiration. The architecture and urbanism bear witness of this complex and rich confrontation.
Bhoutan, à la recherche du bonheur
Nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, the small kingdom of Bhutan has decided to do away with the dictatorship of Gross Domestic Product and economic growth at all costs. A new wealth indicator has now become the country's gold standard: Gross National Happiness. Launched by the country's fourth King, the "new paradigm" is based on four pillars: protection of the environment; conservation and promotion of Bhutanese culture; good governance; and responsible and sustainable economic development.
Géorgie, pour l'amour du vin
360° GEO - Report portrays a changing wine region that is torn between the ancient traditions of its soviet heritage and modern market requirements.In the Soviet era, Georgia was said to be the wine cellar of the USSR.Even after the collapse of the huge empire, wine remained one of the country's most important export goods. But since Russia has imposed an embargo, exports have declined dramatically.Georgia is now in search of new sales markets at a time when winegrowing in its Caucasus region is in full swing. Small winegrowers, cooperatives and winegrowing estates based on the Western model vie with each other for quantity and quality.
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
Zenith – Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
Zenith – Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
Sarah Shark
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out what they think about sharks.
Travel Thru History
We travel to the end of the rainbow in Dublin, Ireland. We'll gawk at the Book of Kells, a holy book displayed at Trinity College. We visited the hallowed halls of St. Patrick's Cathedral, and touched famed Irishman, Daniel O'Connell's crypt at Glasnevin Cemetery. Finally, we learn the complicated history of Irish independence at Kilmainham jail.
Travel Thru History
Get your sun tan lotion on, because we're headed to the land of perfect weather and sunsets. We'll sample a fish taco, climb the 100's of steps of the California Tower, stand on the flight deck of the USS Midway, as well as, revisit San Diego's founding on the San Salvador at the San Diego Maritime museum.
China Uncovered
From the skyscrapers of Shanghai to the mountainous peaks of "The Last Shangri-La", explore the breathtaking landscape of this incredible country and connect with the people that infuse China's everyday life with flavor, passion and prosperity. Through the eyes of a cultural academic, a laborer, an architect, an urban planner, and a photographer, the grand evolution of a little fishing village is illustrated and documented to reveal one of the fastest growing megacities in the world. And while the physical landscape gracefully moves towards the future, beliefs, behaviors, and practices are put into test. The changes brought by the Thirty Year Miracle are indeed immense, and it has left no stone, no life, unturned.
European Islands
The European islands are renowned primarily for their hotel resorts. However, we will show you a completely different face of theirs: forests, beaches, coves, mountains, valleys and rivers. Perhaps you will find places that will take your breath away. Why just lie on the beach when there is so much to see? Put on some good hiking shoes, pull your shoelaces tight, and get to know the entire island like the back of your hand.
A Year in the Wild
Rosemary catches up with the conservancy's rarest large carnivore, a coalition of 3 male cheetahs. The Pungwe pack get waist deep into their hunting as they pursue a wildebeest into a water pan. Denning season has begun. The pack are on the hunt for impala. Rosemary deals with a shocking snare removal. The splinters take on another herd of wildebeest.
Diving with Crocodiles
In Africa's waterways, one predator reigns supreme – the Nile crocodile. One of the biggest and most deadly reptiles on Earth, it commands a fearsome reputation and strikes terror those who share its domain. Countless attacks in which victims are ruthlessly taken from riverbanks or attacked in their canoes leave no doubt that the Nile crocodile may views humans as natural prey. In fact, the animal was recently reclassified as the number one killer of humans in Africa, overtaking the previous record holder, the hippo. In "Diving with Crocodiles" cameraman and crocodile expert Brad Bestelink undertakes the unthinkable and dives into the waters of the Okavango Delta. Without a cage or any other protection, he gets up close and personal with these fearsome creatures in this groundbreaking film. Such a feat has never been recorded before. But Brad is well prepared – his decision to take the plunge is the result of many years spent studying crocodile behavior in his native Botswana. His window of opportunity to dive is small and dependent on the seasonal ebb and flow of the Okavango. There are only a couple of months each year when visibility in the delta allows for perfect filming conditions. This extraordinary film provides all the high drama associated with modern-day exploration, coupled with the exhilaration of interacting with wild animals. The underwater secrets of the Nile crocodile are revealed with unique and compelling footage in the pristine underwater environment of the Okavango delta.
Sarah Shark
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out what they think about sharks.
Des bateaux et des hommes
Travelling by boat bears a priceless sense of Freedom and offers endless new vistas to all passengers. Across waterways around the world Boats are an essential tool of daily life whether they carry goods, serve as utilities or services in remote areas.
Nature's Force
A snapshot of Seasons, how they work together and keep the globe in balance. Droughts are explored in terms of how we can predict them, proof our lives from them and collect data because of them. Hurricanes are explained, their power revealed and the measures that are used to help us survive their impact. Thunderstorms have a few stages of development that roll out in a particular order.
Nature's Force
How are Rainbows formed and what's their science? We look at the largest Hail ever recorded and explain why it comes in so many shapes and sizes. Global Warming is a big issue and topic, and we give a nutshell insight to its meaning and impact on many levels. Forecasting is key and crucial to living with nature and its weather, as it involves precision technologies and expertise. Typhoon Halyan is an example of one of the most devastating storms in recent history and its story illustrates the power and destruction that Typhoons can cause.
Arktis - Ein Junge wird Jäger
On the North-Western tip of Greenland, fathers give their boys small dog sledges as soon as they can walk. The toy is meant to teach them hunting, a survival skill for Polar Inuits. Increasingly fewer boys, however, want to become hunters. 12-year-old Qaaqqukannguaq is an exception. During the spring holidays, he is going to accompany his father on a hunting trip for the first time. For several days, they will cross the ice desert on dog sledges, covering the 70 km from Savissivik, their tiny community, to Cape York.
Seg 1 Carrion flowers. Carrion flowers are the unorthodox perception of flowers for they are rare, big, and very unpleasant. Other terms are stink flowers and corpse flowers. The biggest flower in the world, rafflesia arnoldii, is a carrion flower. These flowers are difficult to find and reproduce and could breed through cross-pollination by attracting flies and dung beetles. Seg 2 Aposematism. Aposematism is a form of signalling that enables protection for both preys and predators by giving signs of poison and danger through showing off the bright colors and patterns on their epidermal layers that become associated with inedibility. Some species have developed mimicry based on aposematism in order to avail the protection aposematic colors give. Seg 3 Cuckoo Misdirection. Cuckoo misdirection demonstrates the mimicking abilities of a female cuckoo in order to find host nests to hatch her eggs. The female mimics a cry of a predator bird in order to frighten the hosts, leaving them vulnerable, thus the cuckoo can seize the chance to drop her egg on a host nest. Seg 4 Pheromones. Animal pheromones are the chemicals secreted and released by different species to communicate with other organisms. There are various types serving different purposes, ranging from reproduction, to trailing, to alarms. Some pheromones are also specific to one species of animals. Seg 5 Deimatic Behavior. Deimatic behavior is another type of defensive behavior in animals that also involves mimicry. It's the opposite of aposematism because while aposematism works by blatantly showing or signalling its danger or unpalatability, deimatic behavior relies on the element of surprise to startle predators in
Seg 1 Saccadic Eye Masking. Saccadic eye movements are characterized as the fast movement of eyes when perceiving motion. These are so fast that they are blurred. To compensate for the blurriness, our brains mask these blurred visions to help us see a completed albeit masked version of sight. Seg 2 Plant Movement. While plants do not exhibit movement for locomotion or moving from place to place, they still exhibit
Wild Capture School
One of the students is selected and soon locate a huge bull elephant from the helicopter. The dart successfully finds it mark and the bull takes 20 minutes to lie down. The rest of the team rush in to do the necessary data entries and reverse the drug within 20 minutes. The vet lecturers give the debrief and conclude with all the positives and negatives.
Wild Capture School
One of the teams prepare for a black and white rhino capture. The white rhino calf has an infection and needs urgent attention. The lecturers brief the team and preparation is done.
Les Petits princes
Gasp at animal power, gawp at childhood innocence, this is the true story of children who live as friends with wild animals.
The film is a touching story focusing on the struggle of Albert (21), as he chooses to battle cancer on his own terms whilst trying to help others around the world undergoing the same traumatic experience.
The Tech Effect
In this episode, we look at the ways robotic engineers are mimicking the natural world. BionicWheelBot and the BionicFlyingFox have been developed to navigate difficult terrain, like their biological counterparts. Robots like the canine-inspired models produced by Boston Dynamic are already being used in hazardous environments to reduce the need for humans to be exposed to risk. We'll also see how robots are covering new ground in space exploration, with smart autonomous vehicles destined for Mars, given greater capability than ever before. Finally, we visit some of the environments, such as offshore rigs and factories, where robots are being deployed in a range of jobs, including as exoskeletons for human workers, to reduce injuries and enhance endurance.
Boteti - The Returning River
For 20 years the Boteti River in northern Botswana has not flowed. What was once an expansive and prolific body of water gradually dried up, leaving zebras, hippos, elephants and crocodiles dependant on the few pools formed from the occasional rains.But now, for the first time in 30 years, rain has fallen in sufficient quantities hundreds of miles to the north in the Angolan highlands, sending a stream of water through the river bed. After years of extreme drought, the river has finally returned in all its glory, transforming the landscape. Filmed in stunning HD, "Boteti – The Returning River" documents this extraordinary transformation and the dramatic changes it brings to the resident animals.During the years of drought, we see how desperate battles for survival play out along the dormant river, watched over by the elephants of the area. One of the few species that adapts well to the situation by carefully conserving what little water is available, the elephant is an expert at digging channels in the mud so water collects in sufficient quantities to drink.Vultures lurk ominously on the dusty banks adjacent to the pools, waiting patiently for dehydration to claim another victim. Crocodiles use caves to escape the heat of the sun and only emerge reluctantly to hunt when huge flocks of quelea birds arrive at the water. The crocs, along with numerous other species, are bound to this area because there is simply nowhere else to go. Beyond the dry river bed, semi-desert extends for hundreds of miles in all directions.With the arrival of the life-giving waters, there is a burst of activity. Fish and dragonflies soon emerge with their attendant predators and frogs appear in their thousands, attracting huge numbers of birds. The deluge also brings instant relief to the hippos by flushing out their fetid pools, while elephants celebrate by swimming and hosing each other down. Jackals and packs of wild dogs appear from nowhere to harass the drinking herds.But the most significant change occurs when the water reaches the parched wasteland of the Makgadigadi Salt Pans. Here, the coming of the flood sees flocks of pelican, flamingo and red-billed teal arrive to set up new breeding colonies.Filmed over a period of two years, this film provides a lasting and unique record of the transformation of an entire environment and contains many examples of previously unrecorded behaviour.
L'autre football
Street Football is a worldwide phenomenon that can be played by anyone, no matter their age, their gender or where they come from. It can be played anywhere, no need for a stadium, white lines, green grasses or even shoes ! In each episode of these series we take you to an emerging country where Football has become a way of helping children and bringing hope by life changing their habits. Discover the attaching portraits of these children that might one day become some of the greatest players in the world just like before them C. Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar and so many others.
L'autre football
Street Football is a worldwide phenomenon that can be played by anyone, no matter their age, their gender or where they come from. It can be played anywhere, no need for a stadium, white lines, green grasses or even shoes ! In each episode of these series we take you to an emerging country where Football has become a way of helping children and bringing hope by life changing their habits. Discover the attaching portraits of these children that might one day become some of the greatest players in the world just like before them C. Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar and so many others.
Falklandinseln: Pinguine auf dem Vormarsch
360° GEO - Report captures the rough beauty of the Falkland Islands on camera, and plunges into the life of the penguin colonies at the far end of the world.
Race of Life
Deserts are dry. Deserts are extreme. True deserts get less than 18 cm of rain per year. True deserts have very few plants. Semi-desert habitats have enough rainfall to support more plant and animal life. Either way, deserts are not easy places for animals to live. Desert animals have evolved to handle the desert's heat and lack of water. They have adapted their bodies and behaviors to the desert climate. Most can survive on small amounts of water and many get all of their water from their food. Some drink maybe once a week and travel considerable distances to find isolated waterholes and springs. Large animals seek shade during the hottest part of the day. Some animals dig a hollow depression into the ground and lie in the cooler soil while others are nocturnal. Many reptiles and other animals protect themselves from the extreme temperature by spending their time in burrows. The scorpion is one of the most ancient creatures on earth, in existence since life first crawled out of the sea. One look and you can see why they're born survivors. Not only are their bodies armoured against the desert heat – and other predators – but all scorpions have pincers at the front and a poisonous sting at the end of their tail. Rattlesnakes can be two meters long. They're fast, tough and with a deadly venom, making them one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. But nobody seems to have told the Roadrunner, who regard rattlesnakes as quite suitable prey.
Race of Life
These are Nature's own Battletanks, and (with the exception of the Indian Elephant), all endemic to the African continent. The African Savannah is the stage for thousands of battles every day. How do elephants, these large, cumbersome creatures survive and even prosper on a diet that even the strictest vegetarian would pass on! Well for one thing, most other animals get out of their way. But lions and hyenas are not always so easily moved – they prey on young, sick and old elephants in particular. This seemingly gentle giant has been revealed to have a darker side in the last few years too. They may survive on just plant life, but that doesn't mean they don't like a fight – to the death. Elephants have been observed attacking and killing Rhinos in the last 20 years. It's a savage clash. Meanwhile, the Rhino, a tough looking customer if ever there was one, is an endangered species. When the great herds go on the search for food, predators go on the hunt for them. If ever there was an animal that seems destined to survive, it's the Rhino, which has been around for over 6 million years. But it too has an enemy: mankind – the deadliest foe of all. Then there's the hippopotamus. An adult hippo is a huge, aggressive animal, and even the largest crocodiles tend to stay away from it. However, when baby hippos stray from their mothers, then crocodiles, lions and hyenas will have a go if they can get away without being attacked themselves by adults in the baby hippo's herd. That's why baby hippos must stay close to Mum
Spitsbergen - Icy Island
360° GEO - Report attended German supplier Rupert Krapp, on his tours through the rough landscape and picturesque fjords of Spitsbergen.The Arctic autumn is short. As early as the end of September the inhabitants of Spitsbergen prepare themselves for the long dark winter. Those who can leave the island. But a small group of people stays, mostly comprised of students, scientists and logisticians: among them is Rupert Krapp.Since late 1999, he has been living in Longyearbyen, the largest settlement on the main island. From here, he delivers goods to all those requiring supplies at their solitary stations and on their scientific research vessels.
Die neuen Nomaden von Kirgisistan
360° GEO - Report accompanies the Kyrgyzstani nomad family and their 600 animals as they trek through gorges and rapid mountain springs. 40-year-old Kyrgyzstani Bachit makes his living by pasture farming. He is an astute shepherd and realized long ago that major changes were taking place in his homeland, the Tien Chan Mountains, on the Chinese border: the high mountain peaks - some of them at an altitude of 7,000 metres - are thawing rapidly. This is an effect of global warming, with as yet unknown global consequences. Bachit has adapted to the new situation: fince several years now, he has been leading his huge flock anually from the village to a 3,000-meter altitude summer pasture - a risky adventure.
Sous le feu des ondes
The international scientific community is called on to take sides and provide solid answers. "Surrounded by Waves" explores the methods and motivations behind the most prominent research in the field and clarifies what we currently know, all with a mind to the social context behind the issue. Through an elegant blend of interviews, archives, experiments and 3D animation, the film clearly assesses the estimated risk linked to cell phones while offering a subtle observation of society's growing distrust of its industries and the unprecedented role of science in the debate.
Azoren: Das Geschäft mit den Walen
There is a goldmine atmosphere in the Azores: in the crystal-clear water live 21 species of whales and dolphins. Their instinct for play and their empathy for humans make them a fantastic source of capital. Several whale-watching companies have been founded in recent years – and swimming with dolphins has become one of the most sought-after tourist attractions. But there are also critical voices, such as the biologist Maria de Cruz, who is attempting to find out how much stress it causes the marine mammals.
Dolphins: Beauty Before Brains?
Humans have built various legends surrounding the dolphin. These likeable creatures have inspired and enthralled us through the ages and have seemingly secured their place beside us as one of the most intelligent mammals on the planet. But how do we measure this intelligence? And how smart are dolphins really? If intelligence is defined by the ability to reason, plan, solve problems and learn from experience, how does the dolphin weigh up? "Dolphins - Beauty Before Brains?" (1 x 52' HD), takes us on a scientific journey into the complex world of the dolphin and investigates the controversy surrounding Professor Paul Manger's recent assertion that dolphins are not quite as smart as we'd previously thought – "dumber than a goldfish" were the words he used. According to his studies, dolphins appear to have brains that lack complexity at neuronal level, which compromises their information-processing abilities. By examining a series of experiments testing the "theory of mind" in dolphins and exploring unique and engaging habits like self-awareness, creative responses and self-entertainment such as wave-riding, this film illustrates exactly where dolphin IQ scores on the charts. We also look at unique behaviour patterns, pod dynamics, communication skills and hunting strategies that play out in mass feeding events such as the Sardine Run on the South African coastline. The dolphins' Sardine Run behaviour is one of the most amazing spectacles of intelligence and co-operation in the natural world. We then travel to Mozambique to meet Angie Gullan, the "Dolphin Whisperer". She has monitored and interacted with four local pods for the past ten years and facilitates dolphin "swims" that are said to have physiological healing effects on human beings. According to her observations, dolphins rank at the top when it comes to emotional intelligence. So is Professor Manger correct in his assessment of dolphins and how does his study compare with the facts? Could dolphin intelligence, or lack thereof, be something that varies from one individual to the next?

ТБ-гід - неділя, 19.05.24

L'oeil de verre
For the first time in medical history a patient with Alzheimer's disease managed to communicate his thoughts and feelings from the inside of the disease. William Utermohlen painted the slow and methodical destruction of his brain. With poetry and tenderness, this documentary shows us the painter and his work near-at-hand the creative process.
Paris-Berlin, destins croisés
Paris and Berlin have developed and grown facing each other over four centuries of tumultuous historical relationships and mutual admiration. The architecture and urbanism bear witness of this complex and rich confrontation.
Seuthès l'Immortel, les secrets d'un roi Thrace
In August 2004 in Bulgaria, archaeologist Georgi Kitov made a spectacular discovery in the valley of the Thracian Kings, a valley where about twenty temples and royal tombs are located. Kitov accessed a still-intact ancient tomb, which housed incredible wealth, dating back to the 4th century B.C., when Thracian culture was at its height.
Die letzten Kamelkarawanen der Sahara
360° GEO - Report takes part in an exhausting journey exhausting journey through desert heat and drought. In the times of the pharaohs, people trekked through the desert between what is today Sudan and Egypt. They travelled in camel-caravans, loaded with ivory, salt, ostrich feathers and other precious cargoes. Even today, the Bedouin tribes follow these ancient trade routes, but today, it is the camels themselves that are sold to Egypt.
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
Zenith – Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
Zenith – Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
Sarah Shark
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out what they think about sharks.
Travel Thru History
Bonjour! We're headed to Quebec Province on today's show. First, we get blown away by the thunderous pipes at Montreal's Notre Dame Basilica. After that, we go underneath the city at the Pointe a Calliere archaeology museum. Next, we'll learn about the native ecosystem at the gigantic, indoor, BioDome. Lastly, we'll learn about the 1967 Montreal Expo at the structures that are still visited today.
Travel Thru History
This episode we visit the bright lights of Vancouver, Canada. We'll swing along the famous Capilano Suspension Bridge, get tranquil in Dr. Sun Yat Sen's Chinese garden, learn about Captain Vancouver at the Vancouver Maritime Museum, dig up Cesna Em "The City Before the City" at the Museum of Vancouver, and dive into the city's seedy underbelly at the Police Museum.
China Uncovered
China runs on two gears as it moves millions of people around every day. A young driver of one of the world's fastest trains and two seasoned pilots of one of the world's biggest airlines are seeing the effects modernization and globalization have on their journeys. Meanwhile, in downtown Shanghai a recreational revolution is taking place as the youth choose bikes and skateboards over four wheels.
A Year in the Wild
A resident baboon on one of the ranches requires some human help to extract a snare. The splinters pack run into a coalition of cheetahs. Jess visits the new-born Splinters pups. Pungwe are on the hunt for big game as they take on formidable buffalo. The Splinters once again demonstrate their extraordinary hunting tactics.
European Islands
The European islands are renowned primarily for their hotel resorts. However, we will show you a completely different face of theirs: forests, beaches, coves, mountains, valleys and rivers. Perhaps you will find places that will take your breath away. Why just lie on the beach when there is so much to see? Put on some good hiking shoes, pull your shoelaces tight, and get to know the entire island like the back of your hand.
Islands in a Desert Sea
Baja California - a 1000 mile long desert peninsula. The Sea of Cortez, separating it from the Mexican mainland, is studded with islands, large and small.It's a sea teeming with lifeThe islands may be barren but oceanic upwellings draw in massive schools of fishAnd this richness attracts the inevitable predators. Biologically speaking, this is the richest body of water on our entire planet. The calm waters among the islands are perfect breeding grounds, creatures migrating thousands of miles to spawn their next generation here. Primeval forces draw giants here on an annual migration from frozen northern seas. Other creatures also travel thousands of miles to nest here on tiny dots in the ocean. The sea of Cortez has been relentlessly exploited by man, driving some species to the brink of extinction. Yet this almost land-locked sea also provides evidence of the remarkable resilience of the ocean. And it also shows us how we humans can sometimes make a difference...
Sarah Shark
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out what they think about sharks.
Des bateaux et des hommes
Travelling by boat bears a priceless sense of Freedom and offers endless new vistas to all passengers. Across waterways around the world Boats are an essential tool of daily life whether they carry goods, serve as utilities or services in remote areas.
Nature's Force
Snow is a fascinating world of crystals that animals, plants, and humans have had to adapt to, in order to benefit from its best and survive its worst attributes. Some communities live with Tornadoes by building homes with survival features and rather than get out of their paths, they rely on warning systems and classifications. And behind all great weather events is Wind, find out how and why it can change from a gentle breeze into a devastating gale force and where does it go? Nature's force can be mystical and puzzling and the Sunshower has been the subject of myths and legends and superstitions, but it does have a scientific explanation.
Nature's Force
What is La Nina and how is it being monitored? Find out the effects and the reach that this system is influencing. How did Indian Summer get its name and what is the science behind the phenomenon?
Jamais sans ma Jeep
Colombia is the third largest exporter of coffee in the world. The main status symbol of its flourishing regions is the Willys Jeep. We met Johana, the only Willys female driver, who is entering this year's Willys contest. This is the jeep "that won the Second World War", the model that created the later legendary "Jeep". About 600,000 Willys Jeeps were manufactured by the US-Army during World War II. After 1945, many discarded Jeeps were delivered to Colombia, considered as "mula con motor","donkeys with engines". Mostly men can be found behind the wheel. But Johana is an exception.
Inside Outer Space
Come with us as we explore and unravel the mysteries of what lies beyond our planet Earth. This is a series packed with space stories and information about our universe covering what we can see, how we can live in space and what science tells us about the past and the future as we journey inside out of space.
Seg 1 Animation. Animation is the process and technique that involves creating the illusion of movement from still drawings and inanimate objects. It is achieved by displaying images with slight variations in a rapid
Wild Capture School
A boma is created with a funnel system and students are placed in strategic areas to man the curtain rails..
Wild Capture School
A student is prepared to carry out the darting of a massive problematic buffalo that has been terrorizing staff members close to a camp. This task must be done on foot and the student needs to practice darting from many different distances before he can proceed.
Apple, la tyrannie du cool
Apple, the brand that symbolises counter-culture, has become a giant that dictates cultural norms and trends. At the root of their success story lies the genius marketing ploy of making mainstream power look tacky by declaring themselves counter to it, thereby conquering consumers with their cool. The death of Steve Jobs, on October 5th, provided a dramatic illustration of the paradox of Apple, which is at the heart of this film. It is the first time in history that an entrepreneur has been applauded and mourned as a benefactor of mankind, and their commercial success lauded as a work of genius. This fascinating ability to combine a "rebel-brand" image with huge commercial profits will be the object of this documentary investigation, which examines both the universe of Mac and modern man and his ambiguities. Tracing the history of the brand, from the beginnings of the small computer company to today's multinational, the film shows how Apple has taken a giant bite out of the market, thanks to its aesthetic choices, emotional marketing and indisputable technological ingenuity.
The Tech Effect
In this episode we examine advances in aviation that include flying cars being developed by Slovakian and Japanese companies. Ride share companies are also considering aerial options, with Uber among those working on autonomous urban aircraft that will fly over congested roads to landing points in the centre of cities. As the skies of the future will be teeming with flying vehicles, suitable air traffic management is essential. We look at new systems to connect autonomous aircraft with each other and an overarching traffic control. Finally, we explore a concept airliner of the future. Sustainable and flexible, it incorporates holograms and neural networks to provide a more engaging and relaxing flight.
The Tech Effect
In this episode we travel on a space tourist test flight that flies high above the Earth. It's just one of the options available for wealthy thrill-seekers looking to defy gravity on a trip above our atmosphere. We also look at the latest spacesuits designed by NASA for extra-vehicular activity, or floating in space. Finally, we get an update on the Artemis project, the plan to send men and women to the moon this decade. Artemis requires cooperation between all the major space agencies to build a huge new space station called Gateway, that will also be the launch pad for a crewed mission to Mars this century.
Indien: Das größte Schulessen der Welt
The Indian NGO Akshaya Patra runs 17 industrial kitchens in eight Indian states, and feeds 120 million students. These are children whose parents cannot afford a warm meal for their offspring. In the city of Hubli-Dharwad alone, 180,000 children are catered for every day : chefs and assistants prepare 250.000 naans, 4 tons of rice and 6 tons of vegetables within only a few hours with a multitude of pots simmering all night long. A myriad of drivers then shuttle the food to the schools - an extraordinary logistic and organizational achievement.
Mongolie, L'émirat Des Steppes.
Battered by strong winds, and seen as a grazing land, Mongolia is the kingdom of steppes. With important mineral resources such as copper or uranium, coal and rare soil, Mongolia future is secure: the economy shows a significant growth rate and it is a business paradise for some expatriates. But for most of the population, needs remain unfulfilled.
L'autre football
Street Football is a worldwide phenomenon that can be played by anyone, no matter their age, their gender or where they come from. It can be played anywhere, no need for a stadium, white lines, green grasses or even shoes ! In each episode of these series we take you to an emerging country where Football has become a way of helping children and bringing hope by life changing their habits. Discover the attaching portraits of these children that might one day become some of the greatest players in the world just like before them C. Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar and so many others.
L'autre football
Street Football is a worldwide phenomenon that can be played by anyone, no matter their age, their gender or where they come from. It can be played anywhere, no need for a stadium, white lines, green grasses or even shoes ! In each episode of these series we take you to an emerging country where Football has become a way of helping children and bringing hope by life changing their habits. Discover the attaching portraits of these children that might one day become some of the greatest players in the world just like before them C. Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar and so many others.
With an epidemic of cancers among adults, and widespread asthma among children, China and India are on a constant health alert. Nor is the rest of the world free from harm as the pollutants are travelling.
Race of Life
Males and females of most species will fight viciously in self-defense. And females, can be even more aggressive than males when defending their young. In this episode we'll explore the Race of Life from the point of view of food, territory, social status, and mates. Though some fights occur between two different species, most battles are fought between members of the same species. Though the wildlife warriors in these battles usually are not trying to kill each other, the fighting can result in death. Why would members of the same species fight with such ferocity? Food is one reason. Animals that store and horde food for survival will aggressively protect their pantries. Animals are also willing to fight to protect their food indirectly. For example, predators will defend a territory that provides them with enough prey, or food, to survive. This territorial aggression serves to space out members of a species across their range in a way that maintains sufficient food within each territory. But it also may limit population size. For example, if a pack of wolves cannot find, defend, or take over a suitable territory, the members may starve to death. Though food, territory, social status, and mates may be won and kept by fighting, aggression takes its toll. Animal combatants face exhaustion, injuries, time away from resting and eating, and the ultimate cost of battle: death. Thus, just like human beings, it's often in an animal's interest to win a war before it ever begins - or to avoid confrontation altogether.
Race of Life
With predators practically always on the lookout for a meal, prey must constantly avoid being eaten. Any defensive adaptation that prey can utilize adds to the chances of survival for its species. Some adaptations are defense mechanisms which can give the prey an advantage against their enemies. The first is very direct and comes naturally. Animals can use speed as a very effective means of escaping predators. In the evolutionary history of big herbivores and the carnivores that prey upon them, the phrase "arms race"is only technically a metaphor. Antelope are literally born to run, and many of the things that chase them, such as the cheetah, are either masters of endurance or champion sprinters. The evolutionary story almost writes itself: over millions of years of chasing, and being chased, wherever predators evolved to move quickly, their prey were selected to run even faster. Except of course there's more to life than running for your life. An antelope's frame is under more demands than evading cheetahs—it also needs to travel long distances to follow food availability with the shifting rainy season. The ostrich meanwhile stands at one extreme of bird evolution, for although unable to fly, of all the birds the ostrich runs the fastest race of life. More peculiar still is the Golden Wheel spider, the only creature known to turn itself into a wheel in order to get away from trouble. There are many ways to win the race, when the goal is always survival.
Die Meerfrauen von Japan
For centuries, in Japan, mollusc fishing has been a women business. 360° Geo - Report takes a plunge into the closed world of a group of "Ama".For centuries, diving for seafood in Japan has been "ladies work" and is done by "Ama", or "women of the sea". They carry on collecting the precious seafood from the sea bottom until well into old age, braving the depths by the sheer virtue of their breath. Their skin is tanned by the elements, their voice roughened, deep and loud.For centuries, 9 women from the Japanese peninsula of Shima have shared their fate on a boat and grown together to become a close-knit sea-faring family. Kazu Yamamoto, at nearly 80 years of age, is the oldest in the group, a 5th-generation 'Ama'. She has by no means thought about giving up her work yet: "In the sea I can feel and move my body better than a shore. Once in the water all pain disappears, also suddenly my back doesn't hurt anymore", Kazu Yamamoto explains.
Organic Panic
What are the health costs of beauty? In this episode, we examine products like lipstick, foundation, eyeliner and mascara. Aspiring actress Gracie Robbin is concerned about the health risks she takes in order to be beautiful. She visits with celebrated broadcaster, journalist and author Gill Deacon. Gill believes that years of using conventional makeup may have led to her breast cancer. She describes the toxic effects of the chemicals found in conventional makeup and offers organic alternatives. Scientist, academic and "fraud buster" Dr. Joe Schwarcz explains the science behind the ingredients and insists that conventional beauty products are perfectly safe for Gracie to use. Gracie tells us about a health scare in her own family and draws her own conclusions about what's best for her.
Organic Panic
In episode 2 we explore the more "nourishing" side of personal products, examining moisturizers, cleansers and toothpaste. Lawyer Holly Rasky worries that her favourite products are going to make her sick. Author and EcoHolic activist Adria Vasil takes her on a pharmacy tour and explains how Canada's lax regulations allow manufacturers to include potentially toxic chemicals in our most intimate products, chemicals that are banned in the rest of the world. Reluctant to give up her favourite toothpaste, Holly speaks with former health minister Darren Praznik who assures her that the government does everything it can to protect her and that industry has strong incentives to keep her safe. Health Canada chimes in with facts and figures to show they are Canadians best defense against dangerous products.
River King
Some parts of Africa have not been explored by even the most adventurous anglers. Wars, upheavals and uncertainties have made large areas of the Nile Basin in particular too challenging and dangerous to visit.
Madagascar, le trafic des tortues angonoka
The angonoka tortoise, as the local Madagascans call the ploughshare tortoise, is an especially elegant tortoise with a high-domed golden shell. Reaching an age of well over 100 years, they are found in the wild only on Madagascar, off the south-eastern coast of Africa. Reptile collectors from around the world are frantic to obtain living specimens. However, the interest of Asians is limited to the shell, which is ground into a powder and is considered by many to be an aphrodisiac. Baly Bay National Park in Madagascar is the last natural refuge for the ploughshare tortoise.
Seg 1 Body Transfer Illusion. The Body Transfer Illusion is the illusion of perceiving another object to be part of your body. This is best exemplified by the rubber hand experiment where in a volunteer is a shown a rubber hand while their real hand is obscured. Both the fake and real hand is subject to the same stimulus and soon the volunteer will perceive the fake hand as theirs. Seg 2 Autokinetic Effect. The Autokinetic Effect is the effect caused by subtle movements in our eyes when looking at dark environments. This causes stationary light sources to be perceived as moving even though they aren't. Seg 3 Moon Illusion. The Moon Illusion is the illusion where the moon appears to change sizes during different periods in time when especially when it appears closer to the horizon in fact the moon's size remains constant. This happens because we are able to compare the moon's size with visual references like trees and buildings when it appears nearer the horizon. Seg 4 Geometric Illusions. Geometric Illusions are illusions that can literally be illustrated on paper. This type of illusions make use of geometric properties of renderings and illustration and make them appear different in terms of points, length and curvature. Seg 5 Stereoscopy. Stereoscopy is the technique where in our eyes are made to perceive two images that make up one whole image. This technique enables us perceive 3 dimensions from 2 flat image sources.
Seg 1 Monty Hall problem. The Monty Hall Problem poses a counter-instinctive dilemma of picking a choice with a higher probability of winning. It has been calculated that switching from a player's initial choice to the last option possible, after eliminating all empty choices, instead of sticking with the initial choice gives a bigger chance of winning. Seg 2 The Birthday Problem. The Birthday Problem presents a situation that addresses brains' unintuitive response to exponents. We try to figure out why it's possible for only 23 people to have a 50% chance of sharing a birthday when there are 365 unique birthdays. The dilemma usually comes in when we gloss over the fact that even small groups can form several pairings, and we actually compute the probability of sharing a birthday by subtracting the chances of not sharing a birthday by multiplying individual probabilities with each other. The answers can be quite surprising when the math to be done is not instinctive for people. Seg 3 Gambler's ruin. Gambler's Ruin closes in on how a gambler with the smaller amount will always be the loser in the long run in a game of 50-50 chance with an indefinite number of rounds playing. Gambler's Ruin also debunks the "luck" factor by emphasizing that each round played has its separate probability from previous rounds, thus maintaining chances of winning at 50%. Seg 4 The Infinite Hotel Paradox. The Infinite Hotel Paradox shows how infinity, for all its vastness, cannot be fully grasped, especially when it goes beyond the confines of the countable infinity. The paradoxical part comes in when the union of two sets with infinite elements will still be infinity; adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing infinity with infinity is still infinity. Seg 5 The Locker Riddle. The Locker Riddle stimulates how good and fast a person is at factorization. In the problem, the key is identifying which numbers from 1-100 are perfect squares, but the solution lies in the number of factors those particular numbers have. Perfect squares have odd numbered factors because one factor will be multiplied by itself and it only counts as one in the riddle's context, leaving those locker numbers open in an alternating open-close pattern.