FilmBox Arthouse

FilmBox Arthouse

Prvý filmový kanál, ktorý prináša artovú a nezávislú tvorbu z celého sveta, vrátane noviniek z renomovaných festivalov.


TV vodič - ponedjeljak, 20.05.2024

No One Can Brush My Hair Like the Wind
No One Can Brush My Hair Like the Wind je film zobrazující životy mnoha osamělých duší zoufale hledajících společnost. Nesnadný vztah mezi spisovatelkou, která žije v osamění, a mladou dívkou, která vpadne do jejího života.(Filmbox)
Doll Face
Burlesque star (Blaine) makes it in the big time. Directed by: Lewis Seiler. Cast: Vivian Blaine, Dennis O'Keefe, Perry Como. Year of production: 1945. Country of production: USA
Career Girl
Nikodem Dyzma (Cezary Pazura), pracovník malé pohřební firmy a skvělý řečník od života moc neočekává. Rád by si přivydělal nějaké peníze aby si mohl koupit ledničku, protože nejvíc ho dokáže naštvat nevychlazená vodka. Příležitost se mu naskytne sama, když obdrží omylem pozvánku na diplomatický večírek kde se to jen hemží osobnostmi, hlavně z politické sféry. Za večer se mu podaří urazit vicepremiéra a tím pádem si na svou stranu získá mnoho jeho odpůrců. Postupně známosti velmi mazaným způsobem rozvíjí a svou šanci udělat kariéru má rozjetou více než slibně…(Tygrys)
Juan is a lonely young man who has lost the sense of his life, decides to go to the city of Ana, his old love, in the hope of finding in him his own reason for being. Ana was led by the routine and the chaos of society. The search for Juano will lead to rediscovering and reinventing the city in which he lives, to find in this eem si, what he thought he would find in Ana.
Went The Day Well?
An English village is occupied by disguised German paratroopers as an advance post for a planned invasion. Directed by: Alberto Cavalcanti. Cast: Leslie Banks, C. V. France, Valerie Taylor. Year of production: 1943. Country of production: UK
End of Program
An Argument for Old Age
Documentary Austria (2013). Režie: Edgar Honetschlager.
The neighbor's dog won't stop barking. Emilio and Susana can't sleep. They can't stop fighting either. The barking and howling of the dog and of the couple itself will lead to inevitable rupture. Emilio wrongly pours out his anger, sadness and insecurities, and makes an unsuspected choice. Directed by: Pablo Giles. Cast: Diana Sedano, Adrián Ladrón. Year of production: 2020. Country of production: Spain
Voyage To The Planet Of Prehistoric Women
Astronauts landing on Venus encounter dangerous creatures and almost meet some sexy Venusian women who like to sun-bathe in hip-hugging skin-tight pants and seashell brassieres. Directed by: Peter Bogdanovich. Cast: Mamie Van Doren, Mary Marr, Paige Lee. Year of production: 1968. Country of production: USA
The Amazing Adventure
A bored millionaire wagers his doctor that he can support himself at a working class job for year without touching his inheritance. Directed by: Alfred Zeisler. Cast: Cary Grant, Mary Brian, Peter Gawthorne. Year of production: 1936. Country of production: USA
Kingston Avenue
Vincent has followed the woman he loves to New York. But they're not getting along anymore. Stubborn, he's going to try to do everything to get her back. Directed by: Armel Hostiou. Cast: Vincent Macaigne, Kate Moran, Sofie Rimestad. Year of production: 2013. Country of production: France
One More Time
An 80-year-old actress returns to the small Chilean town of her youth to fulfill her father's dream of creating a TV channel in a place which has never known television. Directed by: Pablo Benedetti, David Sordella. Cast: Lucia Bose, Magaly Solier. Year of production: 2013. Country of production: Chile, Italy
A pregnant girl and her childhood friend leave the city to seek help. That takes them on an unexpected coming of age journey of self-discovery during which they reflect on their lives and are faced with decisions that will determine their future. Directed by: Heriberto Acosta. Cast: Jesuso López, Jeny Rvc. Year of production: 2018. Country of production: Mexico
In 1700s New York, a Boston artist working in the remote Fort Alden is torn between his love for 2 women and thrown into the middle of a Mohawk-Iroquois-American war. Directed by: Kurt Neumann. Cast: Scott Brady, Rita Gam, Neville Brand. Year of production: 1956. Country of production: USA
Fear and Desire
Čtyři vojáci přežijí havárii letadla a ocitnou se v lese 6 mil za nepřátelskou linií. Vymyslí plán: Dojdou k nejbližší řece, postaví vor a v noci vyrazí do nejbližší přátelské zóny. Jejich plán vychází do té doby, než cestou narazí na mladou ženu...(Revolver)
The Intruder
Scott (Michael Ealy) a Annie (Meagan Good) se chtějí oprostit od hlučného městského života, a proto si koupí dům na venkově. Ze začátku jde vše podle plánu, ale po sérii zvláštních událostí pár zjišťuje, že majitel, od kterého dům koupili, se ho jen tak lehce nevzdá...
And Then There Were None
Vůbec první zfilmování slavného detektivního románu Agathy Christie Ten little niggers (Deset malých černoušků).
When a man looks at the photo strip he just took of himself in a photo booth, he cannot believe what he sees. Directed by: Alberto Ruiz Rojo. Cast: Guadalupe Lancho, Roberto Álamo. Year of production: 2015. Country of production: Spain
Lady Of Burlesque
After one member of their group is murdered, the performers at a burlesque house must work together to find out who the killer is before they strike again. Directed by: William A. Wellman. Cast: Barbara Stanwyck, Michael O'Shea. Year of production: 1943. Country of production: USA
The Drowning Goat
Luca arrives by plane to visit his dad and his new family in Sweden. Luca is eager to make a good impression and to be accommodating, but the visit does not go as planned and a stressful situation releases the underlying tensions. Directed by: Sebastian Johansson Micci. Cast: Lars Väringer, Göran Ragnerstam, Ylva Gallon, Philip Kuub Olsen, Julia Wikman, Nemanja Stojanovic, Natasa Stojanovic. Year of production: 2020. Country of production: Sweden
Delightfully Dangerous
Young Sherry Williams dreams of having a singing career, and she idolizes her older sister Josephine, who has gone to New York to perform on the stage. When Sherry is distraught just before... Directed by: Arthur Lubin. Cast: Ralph Bellamy, Constance Moore, Jane Powell. Year of production: 1945. Country of production: USA
The monopoly of stupidity
Miguel, a 27th young man, woke up one morning with the job of processing his death father intestate succession certificate. When he arrive to the registration office, the process and their public servers show him that the bureaucracy it seems like a joke, but isn't, putting him in a labyrinth of papers and windows. Directed by: Hernan Velit. Cast: Gabriela Velásquez, Juan José Espinoza, Alejandra Guerra. Year of production: 2017. Country of production: Peru
Revenge Of The Zombies
Scott Warrington and his hired detective, Larry Adams, arrive at an old mansion in the middle of a Louisiana swamp to meet his brother-in-law, Dr. Max von Altermann shortly after the death... Directed by: Steve Sekely. Cast: John Carradine, Gale Storm, Robert Lowery. Year of production: 1943. Country of production: USA
Shoulder Arms
Charlie is in boot camp in the "awkward squad. " Once in France he gets no letters from home. He finally gets a package containing limburger cheese which requires a gas mask and which he throws over into the German trench. He goes "over the top" and captures thirteen Germans ("I surrounded them"), then volunteers to wander through the German lines disguised as a tree trunk. With the help of a French girl he captures the Kaiser and the Crown Prince and is given a statue and victory parade in New York and then... fellow soldiers wake him from his dream. Directed by: Charles Chaplin. Cast: Edna Purviance, Charles Chaplin, Syd Chaplin. Year of production: 1918. Country of production: USA

TV vodič - utorak, 21.05.2024

Iron Island
Jakou tvář má opravdová chudoba? Na jižním pobřeží Íránu žijí lidé, kteří nemají střechu nad hlavou a jejichž celý majetek se vejde do uzlíčku. Matky, jež pro své děti nemají jídlo ani léky, protože manžel se po celé měsíce nevrátil z moře. Mladíci bez perspektivy, že budou žít lépe než teď, a dcery vydané napospas rozhodnutí svých otců, za koho se provdají. Ti nejchudší z chudých hledají útočiště na lodi, jíž velí kapitán Nemat. Z kdysi impozantního plavidla se stal zrezavělý vrak, jenž drží pohromadě spíš zázrakem, ale je to místo, kde se dá alespoň přežívat, když už ne důstojně žít. I tady může rozkvést láska, i sem přichází smrt. A přílišná důvěřivost se nevyplácí nikde na světě... (MFF Karlovy Vary)(oficiální text distributora)
Sea Dragon
A young fossil hunter makes a groundbreaking discovery, challenging the worldview of 19th century England. Directed by: James Morgan. Cast: Kiara Holley-Paliano, Nathaniel Parker, Harvey Dean. Year of production: 2021. Country of production: UK
The Southerner
Drama Usa (1945). Hrají: Zachary Scott, Betty Field, J. Carrol Nash. Režie: Jean Renoir.
Night Light
A 14-year-old boy is about to go and live with his mother in the city. Before leaving his hometown, he has to confront his father's inability to give him an integrated family. Directed by: Chen Yu Kai. Cast: Chen He Tian, Liao Chin Liang. Year of production: 2020. Country of production: China
Captain Kidd
The unhistorical adventures of pirate Captain Kidd revolve around treasure and treachery. Directed by: Rowland V. Lee. Cast: Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott, Barbara Britton. Year of production: 1945. Country of production: USA
End of Program
The Smallest Show On Earth
Úsměvný příběh o tom, kterak chudý spisovatel málem k bohatství přišel.Matt Spenser (Bill Travers) je nepříliš úspěšný autor, na něhož se usměje štěstí v podobě dědictví po dávno zapomenutém strýci ze Sloughborough. Předmětem pozůstalosti je staré kino Bijou, v němž kromě myší a děravého plátna zůstali i tři zaměstnanci. Opravdu, pokladní Fazackalee (Margaret Rutherford), promítač Quill (Peter Sellers) a uvaděč starý Tom (Bernard Miles) tu pracují už od dob němého filmu. Uvést do provozu zchátralé kino vedle železniční trati, jehož zdi se co chvíli otřásají pod náporem projíždějících vlaků, by stálo majlant, a Matt ani jeho žena Jean (Virginia McKenna) nemají ani vindru. Budovu by rád koupil Albert Hardcastle (Francis De Wolff), majitel sousedního konkurenčního bijáku Grand, který by demolicí Bijou získal místo pro parkoviště, odmítá ale za kino solidně zaplatit. Matt se tak na radu právníka Cartera (Leslie Phillips) uchýlí k fintě - se svými letitými zaměstnanci začne na oko chystat rekonstrukci, aby Hardcastla donutil zvýšit nabídku. Ten však blafování prokoukne a Spenserovým tak zbývá jediné – Bijou musí skutečně otevřít.
Broadway Limited
A publicity stunt staged on a train known as the Broadway Limited creates problems because of an unknown baby that was part of the stunt. Directed by: Gordon Douglas. Cast: Victor McLaglen, Marjorie Woodworth, Dennis O'Keefe. Year of production: 1941. Country of production: USA
V roce 1962 se prezident Charles de Gaulle stal pro mnohé Francouze zrádcem, když dal Alžíru nezávislost. Extremisté, většinou příslušníci armády, vytvořili ilegální organizaci a rozhodli se de Gaulla zabít. Když první pokus nevyšel, najali si nájemného vraha, který si řekl o půl milionu dolarů a zvolil si krycí jméno Šakal. Aby získali potřebnou částku, museli vyloupit několik bank. To vzbudilo pozornost tajné služby, která se pouští do pátrání. Zadrželi kurýra extremistů a mučením z něj dostali jediné jméno ? Šakal. Ten za sebou důkladně zametá stopy. Komisař kriminální policie Claude Lebel, který byl pověřen pátráním, se pomalu a za naprostého utajení dostává záhadnému atentátníkovi na stopu.(TV Nova)
A Christmas Wish
Christmas Wish je klasický sváteční příběh o rodině, která nemá v době svátků moc štěstí. Krátce před Vánoci se přestěhují do apartmá, kde v podkroví přebývá veverčák Rupert. Právě ve chvíli, kdy to vypadá, že Vánoce budou i bez vánočního stromečku, Rupert se stane rodinným andělem strážným. A nezachrání pouze Vánoce, ale změní jejich životy navždy.(oficiální text distributora)
On the outskirts of town, in a traditional house, Aicha, a 26-year-old woman, leads a monotonous lifestyle. During the day, she does household chores and cares for her elderly mother who is sick and bedridden. In the evening, Aicha leaves home and waits to cross the path of some lorry driver. Directed by: Zakaria Nouri. Cast: Erradi Nisrin. Year of production: 2020. Country of production: Morocco
Inale is the beautiful daughter of the great King Oche, of the Idoma people in Idomaland, Nigeria. Her...
Banjo Farid
Twelve-year-old Farid remains desperately secretive and opens up to no one. Quiet, out of sync, attracted by nothing, he seems to suffer everyday life without feeling the slightest emotion. One day, however, against all expectations, a transformation will take place and Farid will assert himself thanks to an improbable musical instrument. Directed by: Clement Riere. Cast: Antoine Passave, Ulysse Galeyrand, Anice Gacem. Year of production: 2015. Country of production: France
The Chase
Chuck Scott gets a job as chauffeur to tough guy Eddie Roman; but Chuck's involvement with Eddie's fearful wife becomes a nightmare. Directed by: Arthur Ripley. Cast: Robert Cummings, Michele Morgan, Peter Lorre. Year of production: 1946. Country of production: USA
The Gold Rush
V době zlaté horečky se tulák Charlie, stejně jako tisíce dalších mužů, vydává na Aljašku k cestě za zbohatnutím. Ve sněhové vánici narazí na dřevěnou boudu, kde se rozhodne ukrýt. Uvnitř se shledá krom psa také s podivným chlapíkem, který jej s puškou v ruce odmítá přijmout a hladového zlatokopa Big Jima. Zanedlouho se jejich cesty rozdělí. Charlie příchází do města, kde potká místní tanečnici Georgii, do níž se na první pohled zamiluje...
Dirty Linen to the Sun
Short, Drama, Family Chile (2014). Hrají: Rocio Monasterio. Režie: Ramiro Zamorano.
Game Show Dynamos
Bernard and Claire Boiko won enough money on TV game shows to escape debt and rebuild their lives. From Tic-Tac-Dough in 1956 to Jeopardy in 1967 to Trivial Pursuit in 1993, they competed on national television 28 times -- probably the longest-running record of individual TV game show appearances by husband and wife in the world. Daughter Patricia melds 10 different TV game shows and a snappy soundtrack with vivid motion graphics and vintage footage to paint an intimate portrait of her quirky parents, paradigms of 20th century family life. Yet -- as their poignant romance and ribald experiences reveal the fascinating historical context of their times -- the winning couple also come to be seen as curiously-relatable outsiders to mainstream culture. Themes of love, hardship, and achievement add emotional weight to Bernard's parting words, 'If it's a lucky life, it's mine. ' Quick cash and fabulous prizes, the thrill of winning and the lasting joy of this different family make this a wonderful story of dreams unexpectedly fulfilled. Directed by: Patricia Boiko. Cast: Liz Burdick. Year of production: 2015. Country of production: USA
Marseille, today. Aminata works as a hairdresser in an Afro hairdressing salon, Badara works as mecanich. When they meet, their love story will change their lives. Directed by: Terence Nance. Cast: Aminata M'Bathie, Badara Ngom, Naky Sy Savane. Year of production: 2016. Country of production: France
Lassie - The Painted Hills
An intrepid dog comes to the rescue when a boy's life is put at risk by the greed inflamed by a gold strike. Directed by: Harold F. Kress. Cast: Pal, Paul Kelly, Bruce Cowling. Year of production: 1951. Country of production: USA
Delicate Gravity
Short, Drama, Romance France (2013). Hrají: Yvan Attal, Anne Parillaud, Jade Phan-Gia. Režie: Philippe Andre.
Behave Yourself
When a cute Welsh terrier follows Bill Denny home, little does he know that all gangland has its eye on that dog. Directed by: George Beck. Cast: Farley Granger, Shelley Winters, William Demarest. Year of production: 1951. Country of production: USA
Go West
With little luck at keeping a job in the city a New Yorker tries work in the country and eventually finds his way leading a herd of cattle to the West Coast. Directed by: Buster Keaton. Cast: Buster Keaton, Howard Truesdale, Kathleen Myers. Year of production: 1925. Country of production: USA
The Man Who Cheated Himself
A veteran homicide detective who has witnessed his socialite girlfriend kill her husband sees his inexperienced brother assigned to the case. Directed by: Felix E. Feist. Cast: Lee J. Cobb, Jane Wyatt, John Dall. Year of production: 1950. Country of production: USA