00:00 Ola Polonia - Polacy w Brazylii i Ameryce Południowej - /146/
00:20 Przepis dnia s.VIII - odc. (70)
00:30 Program informacyjny
00:55 Gość
01:00 Pogoda
01:04 Sport
01:15 Lokatorka III - odc. 2
02:05 Lokatorka III - odc. 3
02:55 Triduum Paschalne - Wielka Sobota
03:05 "W Nim nadzieja" - koncert pasyjny z Klasztoru na Św. Krzyżu
04:05 Na sygnale - odc. 437 "Zespół Złamanego Serca"
04:30 Niezwykłe miejsca - Teatr Kamienica - scena główna
04:40 Historia Zmartwychwstania
05:00 Gra słów. Krzyżówka - /835/
05:30 Balans bieli
06:05 Jak żyje las... - Las i woda
06:30 Pytanie na śniadanie - pobudka
06:55 Pytanie na śniadanie
07:40 Moja TVP Polonia - Joanna Bator
10:20 Projekt: Nadzieja - Wielka Sobota
10:50 Moja TVP Polonia - Krzesimir Dębski
11:00 Awantura o Basię - odc. 9/12 - Awantura dziewiąta, czyli rzecz o niespodziewanym spadku
11:30 Awantura o Basię - odc. 10/12 - Awantura dziesiąta, czyli rzecz o niezwykłej wyprawie
12:05 Wędrowiec Polski - Zamki i pałace w środku Polski
12:35 Kto nas wzywa - 70 lat GOPR
14:10 Księga obyczaju - Wielkanocne klimaty
14:25 Okrasa łamie przepisy - Kuchnia polska. Placki z krzycy
15:00 Kulturalni PL - (679)
15:55 Moja TVP Polonia - Marzanna Grdeń
16:00 Teleexpress
16:20 Prawo i pięść
18:00 Wielkanoc na Podhalu
18:30 Program informacyjny
18:50 Gość
19:00 Orędzie Abpa Tadeusza Wojdy, Przewodniczącego Konferencji Episkopatu Polski na Wielkanoc
19:10 Pogoda
19:15 Sport
19:20 Kamerdyner - odc. 5
20:15 Sanatorium miłości s.VI - sezon 6 odc. 3
21:10 Dom pod Dwoma Orłami - Odcinek 3*
22:00 Słownik polsko@polski - talk - show prof. Jana Miodka (606)
22:25 Moja TVP Polonia - Rafał Rykowski
22:30 Polacy to wiedzą! - odc. 91
22:55 Moja TVP Polonia - Katarzyna Dowbor
23:00 Panorama
23:25 Moja TVP Polonia - ks. Arkadiusz Nowak
23:35 Bohdan! Trzymaj się! - benefis Bohdana Łazuki
23:50 Gość
03:00 O mnie się nie martw s.I - odc. 12
03:50 Czterdziestolatek - odc. 9/21 - Rodzina, czyli obcy w domu
04:50 Wielkanocny Koncert Dobrej Nadziei
04:55 Moja TVP Polonia - Leszek Ratajczak
05:00 Zrujnowani odbudowani
05:35 Czarne chmury - odc. 7/10 - Pantomima
00:00 IMMAF World Championships (MMA: IMMAF World Championships)
01:00 X-traordinary (X-Traordinary), United Kingdom
01:30 X-traordinary (X-Traordinary), United Kingdom
02:00 Blue World (Blue World), Nature, USA, 2019
02:30 Blue World (Blue World), Nature, USA, 2019
03:00 The Ultimate Ride (The Ultimate Ride), USA, 2023
04:00 Facing Waves (Facing Waves), Adventure, Nature, Canada
04:30 Facing Waves (Facing Waves), Adventure, Nature, Canada
05:00 Nitro World Games: All Access (Nitro World Games: All Access), USA, 2016
05:30 Nitro World Games: All Access (Nitro World Games: All Access), USA, 2016
06:00 Nitro World Games: All Access (Nitro World Games: All Access), USA, 2016
06:30 Nitro World Games: All Access (Nitro World Games: All Access), USA, 2016
07:00 Nitro World Games: All Access (Nitro World Games: All Access), USA, 2016
07:30 Nitro World Games: All Access (Nitro World Games: All Access), USA, 2016
08:00 Nitro World Games: All Access (Nitro World Games: All Access), USA, 2017
08:30 Nitro World Games: All Access (Nitro World Games: All Access), USA, 2017
09:00 Nitro World Games: All Access (Nitro World Games: All Access), USA, 2016
09:30 Nitro World Games: All Access (Nitro World Games: All Access), USA, 2016
10:00 Beyond The Beaten Path (Beyond the Beaten Path), Adventure
11:00 Beyond The Beaten Path (Beyond the Beaten Path), Adventure
12:00 Beyond The Beaten Path (Beyond the Beaten Path), Adventure
13:00 Beyond The Beaten Path (Beyond the Beaten Path), Adventure
14:00 Beyond The Beaten Path (Beyond the Beaten Path), Adventure
15:00 Epic Trails (Epic Trails), Adventure, USA
15:30 Epic Trails (Epic Trails), Adventure, USA
16:00 Epic Trails (Epic Trails), Adventure, USA, 2019
16:30 Epic Trails (Epic Trails), Adventure, USA, 2019
17:00 Epic Trails (Epic Trails), Adventure, USA
17:30 Epic Trails (Epic Trails), Adventure, USA
18:00 EFC (Xtreme Fighting Championship)
19:00 BKK Kickboxing (Kickboxing)
20:30 Voss Extreme Sports Week 2023 (Voss Extreme Sports Week)
21:00 IMMAF World Championships (MMA: IMMAF World Championships)
22:00 IMMAF World Championships (MMA: IMMAF World Championships)
23:00 IMMAF World Championships (MMA: IMMAF World Championships)
02:00 Action Sports World (Action Sports World), USA, 2021
03:00 Action Sports World (Action Sports World), USA, 2021
04:00 Facing Waves (Facing Waves), Adventure, Nature, Canada
04:30 Facing Waves (Facing Waves), Adventure, Nature, Canada
05:00 Liquid Edge (Liquid Edge), USA
00:00 Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown
01:00 Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain
01:30 Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain
02:00 Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain
02:30 Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam
03:00 Fred Dibnah's Railway Collection
03:25 Fred Dibnah's Railway Collection
03:50 Fred Dibnah's Railway Collection
04:15 Fred Dibnah's Railway Collection
04:40 Fred Dibnah's Railway Collection
05:05 Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain
05:30 Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain
09:00 Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam
09:30 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
10:00 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
10:30 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
11:00 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
11:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
12:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
12:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
13:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
13:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
14:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
14:30 Fred Dibnah's Industrial Age
15:00 Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam
15:30 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
16:00 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
16:30 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
17:00 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
17:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
18:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
18:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
19:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
19:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
20:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
20:30 Fred Dibnah's Industrial Age
21:00 Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam
21:30 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
22:00 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
22:30 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
23:00 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
23:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
02:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
02:30 Fred Dibnah's Industrial Age
03:00 Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam
03:25 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
03:50 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
04:15 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
00:00 Fred Dibnah's Railway Collection
00:30 Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain
01:00 Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown
02:00 Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain
02:30 Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain
03:00 Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain
03:30 Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam
04:00 Fred Dibnah's Railway Collection
04:25 Fred Dibnah's Railway Collection
04:50 Fred Dibnah's Railway Collection
05:15 Fred Dibnah's Railway Collection
05:40 Fred Dibnah's Railway Collection
06:05 Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain
06:30 Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain
07:00 Teleshopping
10:00 Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam
10:30 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
11:00 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
11:30 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
12:00 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
12:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
13:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
13:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
14:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
14:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
15:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
15:30 Fred Dibnah's Industrial Age
16:00 Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam
16:30 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
17:00 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
17:30 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
18:00 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
18:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
19:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
19:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
20:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
20:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
21:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
21:30 Fred Dibnah's Industrial Age
22:00 Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam
22:30 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
23:00 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
23:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
02:00 Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown
03:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
03:30 Canals: The Making of a Nation
04:00 Canals: The Making of a Nation
04:30 Fred Dibnah's Industrial Age
05:00 Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam
05:25 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
05:50 Channel Tunnel: Life On The Inside
00:00 The European Debrief
00:15 The European Debrief
00:30 The European Debrief
00:46 News
01:00 Global Week-End
01:15 Global Week-End
01:30 Global Week-End
01:46 News
02:00 Global Week-End
02:15 Global Week-End
02:30 Global Week-End
02:46 Witness
03:00 Global Week-End
03:15 Global Week-End
03:30 Global Week-End
03:47 News
04:00 Global Week-End
04:15 Global Week-End
04:30 Global Week-End
04:46 Witness
05:00 News
05:15 News
05:30 News
05:46 News
06:00 5 Minutes
06:15 5 Minutes
06:30 5 Minutes
06:45 Witness
07:00 5 Minutes
07:05 Brussels, My Love?
07:30 5 Minutes
07:35 Brussels, My Love?
07:45 Brussels, My Love?
07:50 News
08:00 5 Minutes
08:05 Witness
08:16 Witness
08:30 5 Minutes
08:37 Witness
08:48 News
09:00 5 Minutes
09:05 Brussels, My Love?
09:30 5 Minutes
09:36 Brussels, My Love?
09:45 Brussels, My Love?
10:00 5 Minutes
10:05 Witness
10:16 Witness
10:30 5 Minutes
10:37 Witness
10:47 News
11:00 5 Minutes
11:05 Brussels, My Love?
11:30 5 Minutes
11:36 Brussels, My Love?
11:45 Brussels, My Love?
12:00 5 Minutes
12:05 Witness
12:16 Witness
12:30 5 Minutes
12:36 Witness
12:47 News
13:00 5 Minutes
13:05 Brussels, My Love?
13:30 5 Minutes
13:36 Brussels, My Love?
13:45 Brussels, My Love?
14:00 5 Minutes
14:05 Witness
14:16 Witness
14:30 5 Minutes
14:36 Witness
14:47 News
15:00 5 Minutes
15:05 Brussels, My Love?
15:30 5 Minutes
15:36 Brussels, My Love?
15:45 Brussels, My Love?
16:00 5 Minutes
16:05 Witness
16:16 Witness
16:30 5 Minutes
16:37 Witness
16:47 News
17:00 5 Minutes
17:05 Brussels, My Love?
17:30 5 Minutes
17:36 Brussels, My Love?
17:45 Brussels, My Love?
18:00 5 Minutes
18:05 Witness
18:16 Witness
18:30 5 Minutes
18:37 Witness
18:47 News
19:00 5 Minutes
19:05 Brussels, My Love?
19:30 5 Minutes
19:36 Brussels, My Love?
19:45 Brussels, My Love?
20:00 5 Minutes
20:05 Witness
20:16 Witness
20:30 5 Minutes
20:37 Witness
20:47 News
21:00 5 Minutes
21:05 Brussels, My Love?
21:30 5 Minutes
21:36 Brussels, My Love?
21:45 Brussels, My Love?
22:00 5 Minutes
22:05 Witness
22:16 Witness
22:30 5 Minutes
22:37 Witness
22:47 News
23:00 5 Minutes
23:05 Witness
23:30 5 Minutes
23:36 Brussels, My Love?
23:44 Brussels, My Love?
23:50 News
02:00 Global Week-End
02:05 Witness
02:16 Witness
02:30 Global Week-End
02:37 Witness
02:47 News
04:00 Global Week-End
04:05 Brussels, My Love?
04:30 Global Week-End
04:36 Brussels, My Love?
04:45 Brussels, My Love?
05:00 News
05:05 Witness
05:16 Witness
05:30 News
05:37 Witness
05:47 News
00:00 Diplomat Talks (Diplomat Talks), South Korea
00:30 The Roundtable (The Roundtable), South Korea
01:00 Travel Diary (Travel Diary), South Korea
01:30 The Globalists (The Globalists), South Korea
02:00 Play11st Up: Feel Like 11 (Play11st Up: Feel Like 11), Musical, South Korea
03:00 Weekly News Highlights (Weekly News Highlights), South Korea
03:30 SmartBiz Accelerators (SmartBiz Accelerators), South Korea
04:00 After School Club (After School Club), Musical, South Korea
05:00 Diplomat Talks (Diplomat Talks), South Korea
05:30 The Roundtable (The Roundtable), South Korea
06:00 Radio' Clock (Radio' Clock), Musical, South Korea
07:00 Simply K-Pop CON-TOUR (Simply K-Pop CON-TOUR), South Korea
08:00 Premium Collection B (Premium Collection B), South Korea
08:30 Premium Collection B (Premium Collection B), South Korea
09:00 Weekly News Highlights (Weekly News Highlights), South Korea
09:30 The Globalists (The Globalists), South Korea
10:00 After School Club (After School Club), Musical, South Korea
11:00 I'm Live (I'm Live), Musical, South Korea
11:30 Travel Diary (Travel Diary), South Korea
12:00 Diplomat Talks (Diplomat Talks), South Korea
12:30 The Globalists (The Globalists), South Korea
13:00 Simply K-Pop CON-TOUR (Simply K-Pop CON-TOUR), South Korea
14:00 Extreme Job (Extreme Job), South Korea
14:30 Weekly News Highlights (Weekly News Highlights), South Korea
15:00 Premium Collection A (Premium Collection A), South Korea
15:30 Premium Collection A (Premium Collection A), South Korea
16:00 Bravo K-Scientist (Bravo K-Scientist), South Korea
16:30 I'm Live (I'm Live), Musical, South Korea
17:00 Travel Diary (Travel Diary), South Korea
17:30 Weekly News Highlights (Weekly News Highlights), South Korea
18:00 1Day 1Korea: K-Now (1Day 1Korea: K-Now), South Korea
18:10 1Day 1Korea: K-People (1Day 1Korea: K-People), Biography, South Korea
18:20 1Day 1Korea: K-Food (1Day 1Korea: K-Food), South Korea
18:30 1Day 1Korea: K-Movie (1Day 1Korea: K-Movie), South Korea
18:40 1Day 1Korea: K-Stage (1Day 1Korea: K-Stage), South Korea
19:00 Diplomat Talks (Diplomat Talks), South Korea
19:30 The Roundtable (The Roundtable), South Korea
20:00 Extreme Job (Extreme Job), South Korea
20:30 Travel Track (Travel Track), Musical, South Korea
21:00 The Globalists (The Globalists), South Korea
21:30 Weekly News Highlights (Weekly News Highlights), South Korea
22:00 Gugak the Music of Korea (Gugak the Music of Korea), Musical, South Korea
23:00 Rewind It: I'm Live (Rewind It: I'm Live), Musical, South Korea
23:30 Islands to Love (Islands to Love), Nature, South Korea
02:00 Foodie on Motorbike (Foodie on Motorbike), South Korea
02:30 SmartBiz Accelerators (SmartBiz Accelerators), South Korea
00:00 The Loud House
00:15 The Loud House
00:30 The Loud House
00:45 The Loud House
01:00 The Loud House
01:13 The Loud House
01:25 The Loud House
01:37 The Loud House
01:50 The Loud House
02:03 The Loud House
02:15 The Loud House
02:28 The Loud House
02:40 The Loud House
02:53 The Loud House
03:05 The Loud House
03:18 The Loud House
03:30 The Casagrandes
04:00 The Loud House
04:15 The Loud House
04:30 The Loud House
04:45 The Loud House
05:00 The Loud House
05:15 The Loud House
05:30 The Loud House
05:45 The Loud House
06:00 The Loud House
06:15 The Loud House
06:30 The Loud House
06:45 The Loud House
07:00 The Loud House
07:15 The Loud House
07:30 The Loud House
07:45 The Loud House
08:00 The Really Loud House
08:31 The Loud House
08:45 The Loud House
09:00 The Loud House
09:15 The Loud House
09:30 The Casagrandes
09:45 The Casagrandes
10:00 The Loud House
10:15 The Loud House
10:30 The Loud House
10:45 The Loud House
11:00 The Loud House
11:15 The Loud House
11:30 The Loud House
11:45 The Loud House
12:00 The Loud House
12:15 The Loud House
12:30 The Loud House
12:45 The Loud House
13:00 The Loud House
13:15 The Loud House
13:30 The Loud House
13:45 The Loud House
14:00 The Loud House
14:15 The Loud House
14:30 The Loud House
14:45 The Loud House
15:00 The Casagrandes
15:15 The Casagrandes
15:30 The Loud House
15:45 The Loud House
16:00 The Really Loud House
16:31 The Loud House
16:45 The Loud House
17:00 The Loud House
17:15 The Loud House
17:30 The Loud House
17:45 The Loud House
18:00 The Loud House
18:15 The Loud House
18:30 The Loud House
18:45 The Loud House
19:00 The Really Loud House
19:31 The Loud House
19:45 The Loud House
20:00 The Loud House
20:15 The Loud House
20:30 The Casagrandes
20:45 The Casagrandes
21:00 The Loud House
21:15 The Loud House
21:30 The Loud House
21:45 The Loud House
22:00 The Loud House
22:31 The Loud House
22:45 The Loud House
23:00 The Loud House
23:15 The Loud House
23:30 The Loud House
23:45 The Loud House
02:00 The Loud House
02:13 The Loud House
02:25 The Loud House
02:37 The Loud House
02:50 The Loud House
03:03 The Loud House
03:15 The Loud House
03:28 The Loud House
03:40 The Loud House
03:53 The Loud House
04:05 The Loud House
04:18 The Loud House
04:30 The Casagrandes
05:30 The Loud House
05:45 The Loud House
00:00 Dreamy Nights
00:30 Moon and Stars
01:00 BabyTV's night time melodies
01:30 Sweet Dreams
02:00 Good Night hugs
02:30 Dreamy Nights
03:00 Moon and Stars
03:30 Soothing Sounds
04:00 From Night to Day
04:30 From Night to Day
05:00 Rise and Shine with BabyTV Friends
05:30 Rise and Shine with BabyTV Friends
06:00 Good-Morning Stretch
06:30 Good-Morning Stretch
07:00 Start your day with BabyTV's Friends
07:30 Walter and Dude and other stories
08:00 Teeny and Tiny's Classroom
08:30 Art, Activity and Music Time
09:00 Magical First Discoveries
09:30 Imagination Playground
10:00 Exploring with Songs and Rhymes
10:30 Tutti Frutti and other stories
11:00 Teeny and Tiny's Classroom
11:30 Art, Activity and Music Time
12:00 Magical First Discoveries
12:30 Imagination Playground
13:00 Exploring with Jungle Book
13:30 Walter and Dude and other stories
14:00 Charlie and the Numbers
14:30 Art, Activity and Music Time
15:00 Magical First Discoveries
15:30 Imagination Playground
16:00 Exploring with Songs and Rhymes
16:30 Discovering with Songs and Rhymes
17:00 Play and Learn with Songs and Rhymes
17:30 Guessing Games with Songs and Rhymes and Friends
18:00 Family Fun Time and Rhymes
18:30 Family Fun Time and Rhymes
19:00 Art Creativity and Music with Baby TV
19:30 Classical Music and Soothing Stories
20:00 Relax and Unwind
20:30 Relax and Unwind
21:00 Sweet Dreams
21:30 Sweet Dreams
22:00 Dreamy Nights
22:30 Dreamy Nights
23:00 Dreamy Nights
23:30 Moon and Stars
02:00 Good Night hugs
02:30 Dreamy Nights
03:00 Moon and Stars
03:30 Soothing Sounds
04:00 From Night to Day
04:30 From Night to Day
05:00 Rise and Shine with BabyTV Friends
05:30 Rise and Shine with BabyTV Friends