

NHK WORLD-JAPAN is the international service of Japan's public broadcaster NHK. It provides the latest information on Japan and Asia through television, radio and online to a global audience.


Gwida Tat- Televixin - is-Sibt, is-Sibt, 27 ta Apr, 2024

12:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
12:18 CEST
Newsline Biz
Reporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from expert guests at the studio.
12:30 CEST
Bento Expo
Exploring bento in Hiroshima Prefecture. Includes a look at local bento makers from West Africa, Malaysia, Vietnam, and more. Also, Marc and Maki make dishes with a Hiroshima speciality: lemon.
12:45 CEST
Zero Waste Life
Japan loves baseball, but gear can be so costly that some young players give up. Yonezawaya Tomohiro and Oki Satoshi refurbish and sell old gloves at a low price, so that every child can play.
01:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
01:10 CEST
Chatroom Japan
Foreign residents talk about their experience of living in Japan and what they like and do not like about the country.
01:15 CEST
Ukiyoe Edo-Life
Discover story behind the 36 Views of Mt. Fuji woodprint series; The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai. It is not just a huge wave and Mt. Fuji, the boat caught in the wave have a reason.
01:20 CEST
Time-Lapse Japan
The filmmaker sheds light on various aspects of the Ainu, indigenous people of northern Japan, including their culture, traditions, and housing.
01:25 CEST
Japanology Plus mini
Presenting a short program focusing on watches and clocks.
01:30 CEST
Trails to Oishii Tokyo
The small 10-cm fish, wakasagi, is the star of Japan's winter fishing season. Drilling holes in an icy lake for some line fishing and meeting fishers who are passionate about conservation efforts.
02:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
02:10 CEST
Documentary 360
Featuring documentaries on politics, the economy, social trends, science and the environment in Japan and beyond.
03:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
03:10 CEST
NHK WORLD TV Special Program
Two students take a trip from Kyoto to Shiretoko in Hokkaido, but this trip of 1,250km has a limit on CO2 emissions-just 100kg. Following a journey that brings human's environmental impact into focus.
04:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
04:10 CEST
The Professionals
Onishi Toshio is a copy editor trusted by editors and authors alike. He carefully checks every word and polishes phrases to perfection. He finds joy in being outside the spotlight.
04:55 CEST
Dining with the Chef Mini
Learning about Japanese home cooking with Master Chef Saito, based on traditional Japanese cooking techniques in five minutes bite-sized segments. This time, beef with kombu dashi sauce.
05:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
05:10 CEST
Today's Close-Up
It has long been clear that saying girls should... represents an outdated attempt to force females into stereotyped roles. We hear from some young people who have suffered from gender prejudice.
05:40 CEST
The New Adventures of Rockie and Her Friends
Curly ventures into the picture-book land and look out for treasures to be added to his very own private collection.
05:50 CEST
Viewpoint Science
People try drawing zebras from memories, but recreating the stripes is more complicated than they think.
06:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
06:10 CEST
Samurai Wisdom
Following the life of samurai Yagyu Munenori who faithfully served three generations of Tokugawa shoguns, spreading his Yagyu Shinkage-ryu sword fighting school across the entirety of Japan.
06:40 CEST
Cinematic Journey
Kyle Card hikes the newly designated long trail around majestic Mt. Fuji and discovers its secrets.
06:55 CEST
Core Kyoto Mini
A look at Fushimi Inari Taisha, famous for the vermillion shrine gates that line mountain paths. As the head Inari shrine, it has 30,000 subordinate shrines throughout Japan. Since its foundation in 711, the Inari deities have attracted prayers.
07:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
07:10 CEST
Japan's Top Inventions
The stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers & solder.
07:40 CEST
BOSAI: Science That Can Save Your Life
A look at what people can do to prevent large-scale power outages and highlighting what power companies and local communities are doing to take steps against future massive blackouts.
07:55 CEST
Pythagora Switch Mini
There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking that we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun.
08:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
08:10 CEST
The People Among the Plastic: Excess in the Anthropocene
Anthropocene is when human activity started profoundly impacting our planet. Inconvenient truths pile up in some of Indonesia's poorest communities, where `plastic farmers' can barely make ends meet.
09:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
09:10 CEST
DOSUKOI Sumo Salon
Gyoji use their eagle eye to referee bouts between rikishi. We hear insights from a man with an impressive record as well as other active referees and learn how their role extends beyond the ring.
10:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
10:10 CEST
Japan's Top Inventions
The stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers & solder.
10:40 CEST
BOSAI: Science That Can Save Your Life
A look at what people can do to prevent large-scale power outages and highlighting what power companies and local communities are doing to take steps against future massive blackouts.
10:55 CEST
Pythagora Switch Mini
There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking that we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun.
11:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
11:10 CEST
The Professionals
Following the reconstructive surgeon Yamamoto Takumi who has restored injured body parts through unprecedented transfer surgeries, from severed hands and legs to lost breasts and lymphedema.
11:55 CEST
Dining with the Chef Mini
Learning about Japanese home cooking with Master Chef Saito, based on traditional Japanese cooking techniques in five minutes bite-sized segments. This time, beef with kombu dashi sauce.
12:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
12:10 CEST
Today's Close-Up
Hamburgers aren't just quick and easy comfort food. They're an insightful economic indicator. What do rising burger prices say? And what's the secret sauce for creating a virtuous cycle in Japan?
12:40 CEST
The New Adventures of Rockie and Her Friends
Curly ventures into the picture-book land and look out for treasures to be added to his very own private collection.
12:50 CEST
Viewpoint Science
People try drawing zebras from memories, but recreating the stripes is more complicated than they think.
01:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
01:10 CEST
Samurai Wisdom
Following the life of samurai Yagyu Munenori who faithfully served three generations of Tokugawa shoguns, spreading his Yagyu Shinkage-ryu sword fighting school across the entirety of Japan.
01:40 CEST
Cinematic Journey
Kyle Card hikes the newly designated long trail around majestic Mt. Fuji and discovers its secrets.
01:55 CEST
Core Kyoto Mini
A look at Fushimi Inari Taisha, famous for the vermillion shrine gates that line mountain paths. As the head Inari shrine, it has 30,000 subordinate shrines throughout Japan. Since its foundation in 711, the Inari deities have attracted prayers.
02:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
02:10 CEST
The People Among the Plastic: Excess in the Anthropocene
Anthropocene is when human activity started profoundly impacting our planet. Inconvenient truths pile up in some of Indonesia's poorest communities, where `plastic farmers' can barely make ends meet.
03:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
03:10 CEST
DOSUKOI Sumo Salon
Gyoji use their eagle eye to referee bouts between rikishi. We hear insights from a man with an impressive record as well as other active referees and learn how their role extends beyond the ring.
04:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
04:10 CEST
Cycle Around Japan Highlights
Yamagata is famous for its food, some unique to late autumn and certain localities. A gourmet cyclist explores the regional cuisine, from edible chrysanthemums to turnips and salmon.
04:40 CEST
The New Adventures of Rockie and Her Friends
Curly ventures into the picture-book land and look out for treasures to be added to his very own private collection.
04:50 CEST
Viewpoint Science
People try drawing zebras from memories, but recreating the stripes is more complicated than they think.
05:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
05:10 CEST
Hometown Stories
In Nagasaki, a group of men practice for a traditional performance so tough that some have to drop out with injuries. Under their motto of `Smile', they aim to pass the custom on to the next generation.
05:37 CEST
Easy Japanese
Tell store clerks what you want by putting `ga hoshiin desu ga' after the name of the item.
05:40 CEST
Core Kyoto Mini
A look at a professional furniture restorer who runs a cleaning service which cleans family treasures, returning them to their glory days once more.
05:45 CEST
Wild Hokkaido!
Hiking a snow-covered mountain, exploring superb scenery during the bitter cold of winter, and showcasing a range of extraordinary sights including monstrous creations of ice and snow.
06:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
06:10 CEST
Samurai Wisdom
Following the life of samurai Yagyu Munenori who faithfully served three generations of Tokugawa shoguns, spreading his Yagyu Shinkage-ryu sword fighting school across the entirety of Japan.
06:40 CEST
Cinematic Journey
Kyle Card hikes the newly designated long trail around majestic Mt. Fuji and discovers its secrets.
06:55 CEST
Core Kyoto Mini
A look at Fushimi Inari Taisha, famous for the vermillion shrine gates that line mountain paths. As the head Inari shrine, it has 30,000 subordinate shrines throughout Japan. Since its foundation in 711, the Inari deities have attracted prayers.
07:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
07:10 CEST
The Professionals
Following the reconstructive surgeon Yamamoto Takumi who has restored injured body parts through unprecedented transfer surgeries, from severed hands and legs to lost breasts and lymphedema.
07:55 CEST
Dining with the Chef Mini
Learning about Japanese home cooking with Master Chef Saito, based on traditional Japanese cooking techniques in five minutes bite-sized segments. This time, beef with kombu dashi sauce.
08:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
08:10 CEST
The People Among the Plastic: Excess in the Anthropocene
Anthropocene is when human activity started profoundly impacting our planet. Inconvenient truths pile up in some of Indonesia's poorest communities, where `plastic farmers' can barely make ends meet.
09:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
09:10 CEST
DOSUKOI Sumo Salon
Gyoji use their eagle eye to referee bouts between rikishi. We hear insights from a man with an impressive record as well as other active referees and learn how their role extends beyond the ring.
10:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
10:10 CEST
The Professionals
Following the reconstructive surgeon Yamamoto Takumi who has restored injured body parts through unprecedented transfer surgeries, from severed hands and legs to lost breasts and lymphedema.
10:55 CEST
Dining with the Chef Mini
Learning about Japanese home cooking with Master Chef Saito, based on traditional Japanese cooking techniques in five minutes bite-sized segments. This time, beef with kombu dashi sauce.
11:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
11:10 CEST
Cycle Around Japan Highlights
Yamagata is famous for its food, some unique to late autumn and certain localities. A gourmet cyclist explores the regional cuisine, from edible chrysanthemums to turnips and salmon.
11:40 CEST
The New Adventures of Rockie and Her Friends
Curly ventures into the picture-book land and look out for treasures to be added to his very own private collection.
11:50 CEST
Viewpoint Science
People try drawing zebras from memories, but recreating the stripes is more complicated than they think.

Gwida Tat- Televixin - il-Ħadd, il-Ħadd, 28 ta Apr, 2024

12:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
12:10 CEST
Hometown Stories
In Nagasaki, a group of men practice for a traditional performance so tough that some have to drop out with injuries. Under their motto of `Smile', they aim to pass the custom on to the next generation.
12:37 CEST
Easy Japanese
Tell store clerks what you want by putting `ga hoshiin desu ga' after the name of the item.
12:40 CEST
Core Kyoto Mini
A look at a professional furniture restorer who runs a cleaning service which cleans family treasures, returning them to their glory days once more.
12:45 CEST
Wild Hokkaido!
Hiking a snow-covered mountain, exploring superb scenery during the bitter cold of winter, and showcasing a range of extraordinary sights including monstrous creations of ice and snow.
01:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
01:10 CEST
Samurai Wisdom
Following the life of samurai Yagyu Munenori who faithfully served three generations of Tokugawa shoguns, spreading his Yagyu Shinkage-ryu sword fighting school across the entirety of Japan.
01:40 CEST
Cinematic Journey
Kyle Card hikes the newly designated long trail around majestic Mt. Fuji and discovers its secrets.
01:55 CEST
Core Kyoto Mini
A look at Fushimi Inari Taisha, famous for the vermillion shrine gates that line mountain paths. As the head Inari shrine, it has 30,000 subordinate shrines throughout Japan. Since its foundation in 711, the Inari deities have attracted prayers.
02:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
02:10 CEST
NHK Documentary
The tragedy of the Great Kanto Earthquake continued for three days, during which an unlikely fire tornado consumed a crowded evacuation site and violence against foreign residents ran rampant.
03:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
03:10 CEST
Close-up: the Tokyo International Film Festival with PERFECT DAYS by Wim WENDERS and Godzilla Minus One. We also look at MIYAZAKI Hayao's latest film, The Boy and the Heron.
04:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
04:10 CEST
Cycle Around Japan Highlights
Yamagata is famous for its food, some unique to late autumn and certain localities. A gourmet cyclist explores the regional cuisine, from edible chrysanthemums to turnips and salmon.
04:40 CEST
Little Charo
The adventures of Charo, a Japanese dog who finds himself lost in New York City and decides to find his way back home.
04:50 CEST
Japanology Plus mini
Presenting a short program focusing on watches and clocks.
04:55 CEST
A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
Takes a look at several kitties living by the seaside and the orange farm in Ehime prefecture of Japan.
05:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
05:10 CEST
Anime Manga Explosion
Anime titan Maruyama Masao is behind hits like `Ninja Scroll', `The Girl Who Leapt Through Time', `In This Corner of the World', and `PLUTO'. The legendary producer continues to lead the industry, even at 82.
05:40 CEST
U & I
A new student from abroad, u, comes to the school and meets with i. However, it seems like i somehow makes u feel a bit upset due to the gesture.
05:50 CEST
Fascinating experiments that help people visualise sequences and predict future outcomes. Conveys the pleasure found in improving sequence patterns and how programming principles can be discovered in many aspects of daily life.
06:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
06:10 CEST
Somewhere Street
Ventures through the city of Barcelona in Spain, which is popular for its rich history and unique architecture.
07:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
07:10 CEST
Hometown Stories
In Nagasaki, a group of men practice for a traditional performance so tough that some have to drop out with injuries. Under their motto of `Smile', they aim to pass the custom on to the next generation.
07:37 CEST
Easy Japanese
Tell store clerks what you want by putting `ga hoshiin desu ga' after the name of the item.
07:40 CEST
Core Kyoto Mini
A look at a professional furniture restorer who runs a cleaning service which cleans family treasures, returning them to their glory days once more.
07:45 CEST
Wild Hokkaido!
Hiking a snow-covered mountain, exploring superb scenery during the bitter cold of winter, and showcasing a range of extraordinary sights including monstrous creations of ice and snow.
08:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
08:10 CEST
NHK Documentary
The tragedy of the Great Kanto Earthquake continued for three days, during which an unlikely fire tornado consumed a crowded evacuation site and violence against foreign residents ran rampant.
09:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
09:10 CEST
Close-up: the Tokyo International Film Festival with PERFECT DAYS by Wim WENDERS and Godzilla Minus One. We also look at MIYAZAKI Hayao's latest film, The Boy and the Heron.
10:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
10:10 CEST
Cycle Around Japan Highlights
Yamagata is famous for its food, some unique to late autumn and certain localities. A gourmet cyclist explores the regional cuisine, from edible chrysanthemums to turnips and salmon.
10:40 CEST
Little Charo
The adventures of Charo, a Japanese dog who finds himself lost in New York City and decides to find his way back home.
10:50 CEST
Japanology Plus mini
Presenting a short program focusing on watches and clocks.
10:55 CEST
A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
Takes a look at several kitties living by the seaside and the orange farm in Ehime prefecture of Japan.
11:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
11:10 CEST
Hometown Stories
In Nagasaki, a group of men practice for a traditional performance so tough that some have to drop out with injuries. Under their motto of `Smile', they aim to pass the custom on to the next generation.
11:37 CEST
Easy Japanese
Tell store clerks what you want by putting `ga hoshiin desu ga' after the name of the item.
11:40 CEST
Core Kyoto Mini
A look at a professional furniture restorer who runs a cleaning service which cleans family treasures, returning them to their glory days once more.
11:45 CEST
Wild Hokkaido!
Hiking a snow-covered mountain, exploring superb scenery during the bitter cold of winter, and showcasing a range of extraordinary sights including monstrous creations of ice and snow.
12:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
12:10 CEST
Anime Manga Explosion
Anime titan Maruyama Masao is behind hits like `Ninja Scroll', `The Girl Who Leapt Through Time', `In This Corner of the World', and `PLUTO'. The legendary producer continues to lead the industry, even at 82.
12:40 CEST
U & I
A new student from abroad, u, comes to the school and meets with i. However, it seems like i somehow makes u feel a bit upset due to the gesture.
12:50 CEST
Fascinating experiments that help people visualise sequences and predict future outcomes. Conveys the pleasure found in improving sequence patterns and how programming principles can be discovered in many aspects of daily life.
01:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
01:10 CEST
Somewhere Street
Ventures through the city of Barcelona in Spain, which is popular for its rich history and unique architecture.
02:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
02:10 CEST
NHK Documentary
The tragedy of the Great Kanto Earthquake continued for three days, during which an unlikely fire tornado consumed a crowded evacuation site and violence against foreign residents ran rampant.
03:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
03:10 CEST
Close-up: the Tokyo International Film Festival with PERFECT DAYS by Wim WENDERS and Godzilla Minus One. We also look at MIYAZAKI Hayao's latest film, The Boy and the Heron.
04:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
04:10 CEST
Anime Manga Explosion
Anime titan Maruyama Masao is behind hits like `Ninja Scroll', `The Girl Who Leapt Through Time', `In This Corner of the World', and `PLUTO'. The legendary producer continues to lead the industry, even at 82.
04:40 CEST
U & I
A new student from abroad, u, comes to the school and meets with i. However, it seems like i somehow makes u feel a bit upset due to the gesture.
04:50 CEST
Fascinating experiments that help people visualise sequences and predict future outcomes. Conveys the pleasure found in improving sequence patterns and how programming principles can be discovered in many aspects of daily life.
05:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
05:10 CEST
Japan's Majestic Mountain Villages
Taking a look at some of the quaint yet majestic mountain villages all around Japan.
05:32 CEST
Design Museum Japan
Shibata Fumie learns how kaiki, a thin silk fabric, can produce a layered final product that looks like a digital image.
05:40 CEST
Pythagora Switch Mini
There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking that we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun.
05:45 CEST
Easy Japanese for Work
Irving-san, from Mexico, has trouble with keego. Soon, he will begin working at the clients' office two days a week. To improve his keego, Irving-san will tackle the role-play challenge.
06:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
06:10 CEST
Somewhere Street
Ventures through the city of Barcelona in Spain, which is popular for its rich history and unique architecture.
07:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
07:10 CEST
Japan's Top Inventions
The stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers & solder.
07:40 CEST
BOSAI: Science That Can Save Your Life
A look at what people can do to prevent large-scale power outages and highlighting what power companies and local communities are doing to take steps against future massive blackouts.
07:55 CEST
A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
Takes a look at several kitties living by the seaside and the orange farm in Ehime prefecture of Japan.
08:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
08:10 CEST
NHK Documentary
The tragedy of the Great Kanto Earthquake continued for three days, during which an unlikely fire tornado consumed a crowded evacuation site and violence against foreign residents ran rampant.
09:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
09:10 CEST
Close-up: the Tokyo International Film Festival with PERFECT DAYS by Wim WENDERS and Godzilla Minus One. We also look at MIYAZAKI Hayao's latest film, The Boy and the Heron.
10:00 CEST
NHK Newsline
Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.
10:10 CEST
Japan's Majestic Mountain Villages
Taking a look at some of the quaint yet majestic mountain villages all around Japan.
10:32 CEST
Design Museum Japan
Shibata Fumie learns how kaiki, a thin silk fabric, can produce a layered final product that looks like a digital image.
10:40 CEST
Easy Japanese for Work
Irving-san, from Mexico, has trouble with keego. Soon, he will begin working at the clients' office two days a week. To improve his keego, Irving-san will tackle the role-play challenge.
10:55 CEST
A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
Takes a look at several kitties living by the seaside and the orange farm in Ehime prefecture of Japan.