National Geographic Channel
Data: 2024-05-03
National Geographic Channel

Penktadienis, 09:50

Drain the Oceans (Drain the Oceans), Istorinis, Didžioji Britanija, Australija, 2022

Drain the Oceans (Drain the Oceans), Istorinis, Didžioji Britanija, Australija, 2022

Drain the Oceans

series, science, archeology, history

Archaeologists explore the coast of Oregon for the remains of a ship that sank over three hundred years ago. Native American oral histories tell of a shipwreck and its survivors. Porcelain and beeswax from the ship still wash up on shore. Archaeologists reconstruct their impression of the sunken wreck, using historical data and their own expertise, revealing how this giant ship carried hundreds of tons of cargo nearly halfway round the world.