National Geographic Channel
Data: 2024-04-30
National Geographic Channel

Antradienis, 13:40

Air Crash Investigation (Air Crash Investigation), Kriminalinis, Kataklizmų, Kanada, 2017

Air Crash Investigation (Air Crash Investigation), Kriminalinis, Kataklizmų, Kanada, 2017

Air Crash Investigation

series, aviation, catastrophe, crime, movies-entertainment, technology

Bound for Kathmandu, Thai Airways Flight 311 is flying just above the peaks of the Himalayas when it slams into a remote rock face at 11,000 feet. The crash site is nowhere near the plane's original flight path, and there is no ATC radar to tell investigators where it might be. After a painstaking search, they discover the aircraft crashed in the mountains north of Kathmandu-a place of treacherous peaks where it never should have been. The crucial question is how did it end up there?