National Geographic Channel
Datum: 28.04.2024
National Geographic Channel

Sonndeg, 19:30

Lost Continent of The Pacific

Lost Continent of The Pacific

Lost Continent of the Pacific

oneoffdocumentary, nature

Legends of lost civilizations have captivated people throughout time. During the Age of Discovery, explorers searched the Pacific in vain for a mysterious land they called "terra incognita" or "unknown land." To this day, the elders on Easter Island claim their ancestors came from a continent called Hiva, believed to have sunk after a great disaster. Now, new scientific evidence points to a remote island chain in Polynesia as the center of an ancient, thriving civilization. For over 400 years these islands have been known as the Marquesas Archipelago, but before that the native Polynesians called them simply "The Isles of Hiva". Could they be a remnant of the lost continent of Hiva? Using new archeological and geological evidence together with oral tradition and voyaging techniques passed down for centuries, we are unveiling The Lost Continent Of The Pacific: a world of water and exploration, of human sacrifice and epic voyagers who had settled the largest ocean on Earth centuries before Columbus reached America.