

Guida TV - martedì, 09/04/2024

The Solomon Treasures (The Solomon Treasures), History, United Kingdom, 2008
The discovery in Jerusalem in 2007 of a tomb said to belong to the family of Jesus of Nazareth is just the latest in a long line of extraordinary finds which have recently come to light in the Holy Land. But not all these finds are quite what they seem. Both a stone tablet said to come from the Temple of Solomon, and an ossuary apparently belonging to the brother of Jesus, have been declared fakes. The official investigation then uncovered dozens of other fakes, and attention eventually focussed on one of the most revered objects in Israel: the ivory pomegranate. This artefact has been in the Israel Museum for nearly twenty years. Like the stone tablet, it too was linked to the Temple of Solomon – and astonishingly it too, investigators concluded, was fake. As forensic scientists now turn their attention to the ossuaries from the 'Jesus family tomb', Israeli archaeologists are left fearing that history and science is being repeatedly distorted, and they face a challenge to separate fact from fiction.
Coral Sea Dreaming (Coral Sea Dreaming), Nature, USA, 1999
Coral Sea Dreaming enters into the very heart of life – and death – on a coral reef. It is a story that spans 500 million years and stars some of the most exotic and wonderous marine creatures on earth. Coral is the planet's greatest natu- ral architect, and coral reefs boast the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem.
Black Mamba: Kiss Of Death (Black Mamba: Kiss of Death), Nature, South Africa, 2013
It's "Silly Season" in Mamba Valley and like zombies from their graves, the heat draws Black Mambas from the shadows. They're on the hunt for summer lodgings but as the deadliest snake on the planet, they're not popular neighbors. Many will fall foul to a gunshot or the sharp end of a shovel. But some will be lucky enough to be "rescued" by a snake wrangling team with a passion for Mambas and a unique facility where these snakes can be housed and observed. One snake has a special mission –she's recently mated and ready to deliver a new generation of silver killers into Mamba Valley. She's the deadliest snake on the planet, but can she outwit her greatest enemy and unleash her fearsome spawn on the valley?
The Flying Firefighters Of Valencia (Die Feuerflieger von Valencia), France, Germany, 2009
In recent years, the number of forest fires has consistently increased, especially in Catalonia. The loss of forest land is endangering the cultural and natural habitat of the Northwestern Mediterranean. This report accompanies Chimo and his colleagues through last years' fire season. The "Avialsa" Flying Firefighters squadron operates in the woodland areas around the western part of the Mediterranean Sea. Flying close above the flames ensures the greatest chance of success for the firefighters: the closer they can get their water cargo to the fire source, the quicker they can get the flames under control. Joaquim Miniana, "Chimo" for short, and the pilots of the "Avialsa" firefighting plane squadron in the Spanish province of Valencia are fighting against increasingly long, hot summers.
Race of Life (Race of Life), Nature, USA, Czech, 2015
The ocean can be an unforgiving place. Animals living in the sea have to deal constantly with finding food, and protecting themselves from predators. There are many ways of hiding, defending, and feeding, and every different technique has advantages for different animals. For example, some animals use camouflage to escape detection or to sneak up on their prey, while other animals have coloration which intentionally makes them stand out. Some creatures hide from predators, while others stay in groups, out in the open, relying on safety in numbers. Some animals have dangerous spines or venom for protection, but even the most venomous creatures must sometimes be wary of predators. Different animals have taken advantage of different food sources, some feeding at the top of the food chain, and others at the bottom. Protecting themselves underwater is also a matter of invention and reinvention, and aquatic animals deploy an array of strategies just to stay alive. They have quite the toolbox to dip into – Evolutionary strategms such as colour and camouflage, toxins and teeth! Nudibrancs, clown fish, squid, octopus and orca whales are just some of the wonderful winners in the underwater race of life. Underwater footage shot in the wild, demonstrates vividly how these ocean creatures have evolved to survive by adapting to their environment.
Race of Life (Race of Life), Nature, USA, Czech, 2015
In this episode we explore the Race of Life on a small scale but no less competive or cruel for all that. Insects burrow through the ground, hop and sing in the trees, and dart and dance in the air. They come in many different colors and shapes. There are many reasons why insects are so successful at surviving. Their ability to survive in all kinds of temperatures and environments. A strong, hard but flexible shell called an exoskeleton covers their soft organs and is resistant to chemicals, water and physical impact. Their wings give them the option of flying away from dangerous situations or toward food or mates. In this episode: Dragonflies hover like helicopters over ponds and lakes, then suddenly dart away, pursuing prey or other dragonflies. The monarch butterfly goes through a miraculous metamorphosis, changing from an egg to a hungry caterpillar to a quiet pupa and emerging as a beautiful winged adult. The praying mantis is master of disguise. Its green body, wings and legs merge into the green, leafy background so carefully it seems to be part of the grass. Perched at an angle, with its spiny forelegs raised in a prayerlike pose, the mantis sits in still rigidness - until another insect such as a fly comes too near and is suddenly captured and devoured. Ants, like bees, hornets and wasps, are social insects and live together in colonies in many-chambered nests. Whatever it takes, to stay in the race.
The Rescue Dogs Of Lake Garda (Die Rettungshunde vom Gardasee), Nature, Germany, 2011
17 year old Ester and her dog Mia have big plans: saving lives at Lake Garda. In the north of Italy swimming rescue dogs are on duty at several lakes and the Mediterranean Sea. After traffic accidents, drowning is worldwide the second most common cause of death by accident. But a rescue is always difficult as the rescuer itself can be in danger. Like Mia, the Italian rescue dogs are mostly Newfoundland's- dogs who love the water and with a weight of at least 66 pounds (30 Kilo?), are able to pull people out of the water. For 3 years the dog- owners and their animals are trained to save lives. But the biggest challenge for Ester waits at the end: a jump out of a helicopter.
Past Hunters (Past Hunters), United Kingdom, 2021
The Drakelow Tunnels are a former underground military complexused mainly for storage. However, during the construction and running of this facility, 6 people are thought to have died. It is believed most of the hauntings that occur here are from the very people that died here.
Cambodia's Last Bamboo Train (Die Bambusbahn von Kambodscha), France, 2008
This report climbs aboard the bamboo train, learns about its passengers and portrays life as it currently is in Cambodia. Without this bamboo train, people would not be able to go do their daily tasks such as going to work or to the doctor.Deep in the Cambodian Battambang region, a small bamboo train called "Norry" makes its way through rice fields and jungle passages. It is considered to be one of the most important lifelines into the poor region. But it looks like Norry's time is running out, because of the changes in Cambodia over the last years.More and more fields are being cleaned of land mines, new roads are being built, and many Cambodians are now able to afford a motorbike. The people fear that in a few years' time the bamboo train will stop operating.
Apple the Tyranny Of Cool (Apple, la tyrannie du cool), France, 2011
Apple, the brand that symbolises counter-culture, has become a giant that dictates cultural norms and trends. At the root of their success story lies the genius marketing ploy of making mainstream power look tacky by declaring themselves counter to it, thereby conquering consumers with their cool. The death of Steve Jobs, on October 5th, provided a dramatic illustration of the paradox of Apple, which is at the heart of this film. It is the first time in history that an entrepreneur has been applauded and mourned as a benefactor of mankind, and their commercial success lauded as a work of genius. This fascinating ability to combine a "rebel-brand" image with huge commercial profits will be the object of this documentary investigation, which examines both the universe of Mac and modern man and his ambiguities. Tracing the history of the brand, from the beginnings of the small computer company to today's multinational, the film shows how Apple has taken a giant bite out of the market, thanks to its aesthetic choices, emotional marketing and indisputable technological ingenuity.
Stolen Treasures (Trésors volés), Crime, France, 2016
It's the biggest museum in the world…the museum of artworks stolen over the centuries and never rediscovered. These works haunt the nightmares of their owners, and occupy the days of hundreds of police officers across the world, as well as those of a handful of private agencies; no country or museum of importance can claim to have been spared.
Speed Kills (Speed Kills), Nature, USA, South Africa, 2014
On the surface, the black lagoon looks peaceful. But dip beneath and a murky world of twisted mangrove roots and seagrass beds is revealed. A dark realm of freakish killers waiting to unleash bursts of speed.
Travel Quest (Travel Quest), Nature, Canada, 2020
Bill Ball breaks the rules and stereo types of travel shows as he ventures beyond the highlights. What do you do after you've lead groups to over 140 countries and all 7 continents? Welcome to Bill's bucket list on steroids... Travel Quest. This new, fast-paced series chases Bill around the globe as he seeks out anything but the mundane and ordinary—coming face-to-face with the largest crocodiles in the world, snorkeling with thousands of jellyfish, walking on the rim of an exploding volcano, feeding a group of sharks without a cage, bicycling across the Serengeti... this is not your typical travel show!
Animal Doctors (Animaux médecins), Nature, France, 2014
Explore how animals developed over time and generations their own medicine and health care strategies. How have these been passed onto early humans ? Questioning traditional boundaries between human and animal, we will travel from Central African Republic, to Tanzania, from the US to France with the leading experts in animal behaviour. Today\'s science revisits the birth of animal intelligence and culture.
Sarah Shark (Sarah Shark), Nature, Australia, 2023
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out what they think about sharks.
Capture Wild School (Wild Capture School), Nature, USA, United Kingdom, 2016
A student is prepared to carry out the darting of a massive problematic buffalo that has been terrorizing staff members close to a camp. This task must be done on foot and the student needs to practice darting from many different distances before he can proceed.
Incan Salt (Le sel des Incas), Nature, France, 2009
360° GEO - Report observed salt miners in the Peruvian Mountains. This documentary portrays the harsh day-to-day lives of the "Salineros" as they work in a stunningly beautiful South American mountain landscape. The salt mines of Maras are situated in the highlands of the Peruvian Andes at an altitude of about 3.000 meters. They form a vast manmade labyrinth of salt wells. A thousand terraced wells collect the warm salty waters from the mountain. When the water evaporates under the strong sun, on the edges and bottom of the waterholes a precious white crust is left. This is Maras-Salt. To this very day, the descendants of the Incas harvest their "White Gold of the Andes" using this traditional method.
Surrounded By Waves (Sous le feu des ondes), France, 2009
The international scientific community is called on to take sides and provide solid answers. "Surrounded by Waves" explores the methods and motivations behind the most prominent research in the field and clarifies what we currently know, all with a mind to the social context behind the issue. Through an elegant blend of interviews, archives, experiments and 3D animation, the film clearly assesses the estimated risk linked to cell phones while offering a subtle observation of society's growing distrust of its industries and the unprecedented role of science in the debate.
In the Darkness (Dans l'ombre), Biography, Belgium, 2017
An immersion in the heart of the biggest West-African prison: Abidjan. Located out of sight at the border of the Banco forest, this prison host 5,000 inmates but has capacity for 1,500. With the inmates' help, life inside is organized, and a degree of stability exists.
In the Sea (No mar), Nature, Brazilija, 2018
About 71% of our planet's surface is covered by water, and about 97% of it is in the oceans. The sea also produces most of the oxygen we breathe. Thus, stimulating conservation and learning about also produces most of the oxygen we breathe. Thus, stimulating conservation and learning about the marine environment is fundamental to our very existence. This series follows scientists who work in five projects in the Petrobras Socio-environmental Program.
European Identities (Identités - Européens), France, 2017
What is European Identity? Is it cultural or political? Thibault Bourdon travels 8500 Km on his bicycle crossing multitude of dialects & landscapes, majestic mountains, stunning cliffs across the continent exploring this political & economic cohesion of 750 million people. In the end, the project of the European Union is a beautiful idea but, for Europeans.
Tigerfish: Africa's Piranha (Tigerfish: Africa's Piranha), South Africa, 2014
Legends say they are man-eaters, that even crocodiles fear them. Some say they're the ghosts of the river, "demon fish" that bring bad luck. Few people have ever been lucky enough to see one in the flesh and for angling legend Andy Coetzee, coming face to face with a Goliath Tigerfish is a lifelong dream. He will do almost anything to feed his obsession and unravel the mystery behind Africa's Piranha! Andy has travelled the world in search of the most elusive fish on the planet. He's obstinate, passionate and determined and when it comes to fishing, he's been there and done it all. But one big fish still eludes him – the Goliath Tigerfish! Catching one of these legendary monsters will be the apex of his fishing career. But it's easier said than done. The Tigerfish is rated by sport anglers as the hardest fish in the world to catch. Andy will need his lifetime of experience to succeed on this mission. And he's ready to risk his life to fulfil his dream. His journey starts in the Okavango Delta where he'll brave crocodile infested waters to study Tigerfish underwater. Only a handful of people have ever dived these channels but it's one of a few Tigerfish hotspots on the planet where he can track them down in clear waters. Tigerfish have carved out their niche in some of the most inaccessible habitats on the planet and as a result very little is known about these cousins of the Piranha. Many would say that finding this elusive fish in the deepest river on the planet is almost a mission impossible, but Andy will stop at nothing to reach his goal.
The Boy From the Wild (The Boy From the Wild), Adventure, United Kingdom, 2018
Growing up on a Game Reserve meant to help wildlife get out of captivity, it shares how it began & how Peter Meyer survived some incredible moments in the wild.
China Uncovered (China Uncovered), USA, 2015
China runs on two gears as it moves millions of people around every day. A young driver of one of the world's fastest trains and two seasoned pilots of one of the world's biggest airlines are seeing the effects modernization and globalization have on their journeys. Meanwhile, in downtown Shanghai a recreational revolution is taking place as the youth choose bikes and skateboards over four wheels.
New Caledonia, the Seaweed Promise (New Caledonia, the Seaweed Promise), Nature, France, 2015
With its three nickel factories, New Caledonia is on the way to becoming one of the leading emitters of CO2 in the world. But some inhabitants are trying to make a change. May seaweed be the solution?
Saint Pierre And Miquelon - Archipelago In Isolation (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, l'archipel perdu), Nature, France, 2009
360° GEO - Report shows the people from St. Pierre and Miquelon, a French overseas collectivity, in their struggle between self-preservation and responsibility against nature.Saint Pierre and Miquelon - directly in front of Newfoundland's coast lays a French archipelago forgotten from the far motherland. For centuries, the codfish brought prosperity to the group of islands, until a French-Canadian agreement prohibited catching it due to overfishing.Today, even the rough beauty of the island nature is threatened - because environmentalists are powerless against the frustration and indifference of the island's inhabitants. The environmental activist and passionate naturalist Roger Etcheberry lives on St. Pierre and Miquelon since childhood.Together with a Parisian botanist he explores the few pristine places on the archipelago and fights for their conservation.
The Whales From The Azores - Profitable Deal (Azoren: Das Geschäft mit den Walen), Nature, Germany, 2013
There is a goldmine atmosphere in the Azores: in the crystal-clear water live 21 species of whales and dolphins. Their instinct for play and their empathy for humans make them a fantastic source of capital. Several whale-watching companies have been founded in recent years – and swimming with dolphins has become one of the most sought-after tourist attractions. But there are also critical voices, such as the biologist Maria de Cruz, who is attempting to find out how much stress it causes the marine mammals.
New Zealand's Race Of Excesses (Neuseelands Lauf der Extreme), France, Germany, 2009
A plunge into New Zealand's Ultramarathon preparations, a tradition that comes from a Maori legend. 55 year-old Lilac Fley is an athlete and many times winner of the extreme race. A Maori legend dictates the course of the Ultramarathon. It tells the story of a boy who once lived with his tribe on the New Zealand coast. One day his mother asked him to search for some kumaras, or sweet potatoes, for a meal. Instead of digging for them, he decided to steal some from the neighboring tribe. Till this day, runners follow in his footsteps along the coastline - during New Zealand's most famous marathon.
India's Jungle Book Hospital (Indiens Dschungelbuchklinik), Nature, France, Germany, 2009
In the densely populated India, living space for wild animals is getting short. Around the country land is being cultivated and houses are constructed. India's only scientifically run rehabilitation center offers shelter for wild animals. Here veterinarians Dr. Phulmoni Gogi and Dr. Prasanta Boro take care of ill and injured animals, which got in conflict with civilization and would have hardly survived on their own: a feverish buffalo, a dozen orphaned elephants and a young rhinoceros. With a lot of dedication and patience, the doctors aim is to slowly raise the awareness of the people to save the wild animals.
Sokotra - Schatzinsel in Gefahr
Sokotra, an island off the Horn of Africa, has been a Unesco world heritage site since 2008, but the strict rules that once enabled the Beduoins to protect their biodiversity are now being relaxed. 360° GEO follows in the footsteps of a Yemeni goatherd on the island. Many rare species are being threatened by the increase in extensive grazing, which is even affecting the goatherds' very existence.

Guida TV - mercoledì, 10/04/2024

Die Polarschule der Nomadenkinder
360° GEO- Report visits the Nenets, the last true nomads on earth, on their remote Russian peninsula. Every August, on the Russian polar peninsula of Yamal, children of reindeer shepherds await a helicopter that will bring them back to school after the summer holidays. For the main part of the year, 600 nomad children from the indigenous people of the Nenet live and learn separated from their parents. Up until now, their home Yamal was an of Russia that was far from any semblance of civilization- until an enormous gas pool was discovered beneath the tundra. Now, destroyed nature and gigantic industrial plants are a common sight along the nomad's track - but this industrial development is also offering new opportunities to their children.
Le mobilier de Versailles - Du Roi-Soleil à la Révolution
Via six masterpieces, the film reveals the beauty of the spirit of Versailles of the 17th and 18th centuries. A unique homage to the people that crafted it, the furniture reveals the personal tastes of its commissioners, and portrays something that has ceased to exist!
Die Narzisseninsel vor Cornwall
360°GEO - Report spends the days in the run up to Easter on a flower farm. We also dive with playful grey seals in the Atlantic Ocean and reveal more than just the secrets of flower-growing.At the tip of the world - Landsend in Cornwall - are the Isles of Scilly. About 2,000 people live on these islands located at the entrance to the English Channel. Some of the locals are fishermen but their main activity is flower farming.The nearby Gulf Stream provides the islands with a year-round mild climate and as a result, millions of flowers are grown along the Atlantic Coast. Churchtown Farm specializes in Narcissi, and so it the pressure is on in the run up to Easter.
Nepal, die Krieger vom Dach der Welt
The valleys of Nepal, around the Himalayan Mountains - the highest in the world - are the home of a special group of people callled the Ghurkhas. Because of the discipline and endurance they exhibit in their daily fight for survival, they are employed in the elite battalion of the British Army. For more than 200 years, the Ghurkhas have served the crown. Every year, more than 25,000 people apply for a position as a Ghurkhas, with only a few lucky ones chosen. For the chosen ones, it feels as though they have hit the jackpot. For the others, it is considered to be the worst defeat of their life.
Spitsbergen - Icy Island
360° GEO - Report attended German supplier Rupert Krapp, on his tours through the rough landscape and picturesque fjords of Spitsbergen.The Arctic autumn is short. As early as the end of September the inhabitants of Spitsbergen prepare themselves for the long dark winter. Those who can leave the island. But a small group of people stays, mostly comprised of students, scientists and logisticians: among them is Rupert Krapp.Since late 1999, he has been living in Longyearbyen, the largest settlement on the main island. From here, he delivers goods to all those requiring supplies at their solitary stations and on their scientific research vessels.
Autistes: une place parmi les autres
Autism remains a mystery. People with autism will live with this disorder all their life and our societies are all facing the same question: how to take care of them? France lags behind on this subject. Comparing the experiences of other countries, Italy, Sweden, Germany, and Quebec, we will clarify the French situation and demonstrate that practices exist and allow to improve significantly the autist's life. Every time it comes to real societal choices that reveal our various ways to approach difference. But there are in any case, no simple answers to this complex problem.
Past Hunters
We visit the home of Soccer legend Neil "Razor" Ruddock which seems to be haunted. Is it his home specifically? Or are these ghosts attached to him?
A Dog's Life
A Dog's Life explores the widely assumed facts that may actually be based on faulty and out-dated research. Ingenious experiments and meticulous observation reveal that the problems dogs solve best are those that involve interacting with humans. A fascinating and fun documentary that gives us 'a dog's eye view' on the world.
Man Eaters
The first documentary about the Human-leopard conflict in Sri Lanka, "Man Eaters: A Human Leopard Story" approaches the conflict by analyzing past and present cases of man-eating leopards in Sri Lanka and what led to their strange behavior. Unlike India, man-eating leopards in Sri Lanka are very rare.
Wild Capture School
A student is prepared to carry out the darting of a massive problematic buffalo that has been terrorizing staff members close to a camp. This task must be done on foot and the student needs to practice darting from many different distances before he can proceed.
Trésors volés
It's the biggest museum in the world…the museum of artworks stolen over the centuries and never rediscovered. These works haunt the nightmares of their owners, and occupy the days of hundreds of police officers across the world, as well as those of a handful of private agencies; no country or museum of importance can claim to have been spared.
Speed Kills
In the forest's dark underworld, there's a lot more happening than meets the eye. Under every rock, behind every tree, death could be lurking.Africa's largest cobra is beat to the chase by the Giant bullfrog. Big Brown Bats use sonar to take out Wax moths at high speed. And the world's 2nd fastest cat leaps 10 feet into the air after its aerial prey.When death comes to the underworld, it takes the express!
Die Krabbenfischer von Feuerland
Mid-July, during the Antarctic winter when night-time temperatures sink to -20ºC, marks the beginning of the Centolla season on Tierra del Fuego.
Travel Thru History
And we're off! We learn the history of the world famous Kentucky Derby. Then, call your shot as we learn about one of America's most famous brands, Louisville Slugger. Also, we zip line in the world's only underground zip line attraction and visit the Ali Center.
Quirky Science
Mankind has been flying for over a century. As early as the 1500s Leonardo da Vinci tried to build a flying machine. Drawing inspiration from birds he gave it wings. Unfortunately, his "Ornithopter" didn't work, and indeed, the airplanes of today do not have flapping wings! We also tried it with balloons. Huge 245-metre long airships that needed the guts of between 80,000 to 200,000 cows! But, it was the kite that became the forerunner of the flying machine. A kite made by the now famous Wright brothers. The two brothers were bicycle repairmen, which convinced them that a flying machine could be highly unstable and yet controllable, such as with bicycles. They built their kites as strong as their bicycle frames and used bicycle parts to test their workings. The early Wright planes could manage no more than 65 km/h. Nowadays, a commercial plane can top 800 km/h. What is it that make our current planes fly 12 times faster? Well, one British Royal Air pilot, Frank Whittle, remembered his school experiments with the 'Aeolipile', a piece of ancient Greek engineering. This pilot argued that we could fly faster – if we'd fly higher - because there is less air resistance at high altitudes. The future of aviation has lead to Airbus's A380, the largest passenger plane in the world as well as the scramjet built by NASA. So what will be the next quirky discovery for flight?
Quirky Science
Cooling is more than a luxury. Nowadays it is a necessity. Without refrigerated shipping and stocking, fresh food wouldn't reach our supermarket so easily. Can you imagine living without it? Before the invention of the refrigerator, icehouses were used to provide cool storage for most of the year. To cool our food and beverages, blocks of ice were simply cut out of frozen lakes and shipped to far and beyond. The so-called "ice-industry" came to its end when, in the late 1900s, our waters became too polluted to serve as a cool preserving agent. Air-conditioning, on the other hand, was actually invented to control the humidity that was ruining the paper of printing offices, rather than the technology being used to cool you off. The quirky part is, you can't create cold; you can only "move" temperature form one place to another. The first one to find a technology that cooled the inside of a box - the forefather of the refrigerator - was a medical doctor. In fact, he thought he was building a machine to cure malaria. And yet it took over a century after that, before people started using refrigerators, because refrigerators were thought to be dangerous. And they had a point! For a few decades, the refrigerator was something of a killer machine (literally) as they omitted toxic gases that poisoned people… Even Einstein got worried and developed a cooling-machine. And when refrigerators stopped killing people, scientists discovered that refrigerants were harming the environment. All sorts of chemicals have passed through our refrigerator coils, to be discarded… but perhaps we have a new solution: cooling with the vibrations of sound. That does sound cool.
Shattered Ground
Hydraulic Fracturing or "Fracking" is a new technology that has opened up immense resources of natural gas buried in deep shale beds. Some see it as the answer to the energy crisis and a chance at energy independence. But fracking has become an incredibly divisive issue ripping apart communities and even families. The backlash is unprecedented, with states and countries adopting fracking bans. Shattered Ground is a one hour documentary that looks past the rhetoric and emotional arguments to find the real issues involved in hydraulic fracturing, the opportunity, and the potential health and environmental issues that will affect us all.
Past Hunters
Derek Acorah's The Past Hunters investigate Thackray Medical Museum, believed to one of Leeds most haunted buildings. Workers claim to have witnessed constant paranormal activity in the museum and one claim is that two Victorian ghosts are trapped inside of the location.
Salvar al Bucardo
During many years, scientists and institutions fought to avoid the extinction of the Bucardo, a rare Pyrenean mountain goat. In 2003, Spanish and French scientists managed to clone the last bucardo. It was the first time in history that an extinct animal came back to life. They took a historic step in science, the first de-extinction in the world, the first real "Jurassic Park" and a new door was opened to hope.
Boteti - The Returning River
For 20 years the Boteti River in northern Botswana has not flowed. What was once an expansive and prolific body of water gradually dried up, leaving zebras, hippos, elephants and crocodiles dependant on the few pools formed from the occasional rains.But now, for the first time in 30 years, rain has fallen in sufficient quantities hundreds of miles to the north in the Angolan highlands, sending a stream of water through the river bed. After years of extreme drought, the river has finally returned in all its glory, transforming the landscape. Filmed in stunning HD, "Boteti – The Returning River" documents this extraordinary transformation and the dramatic changes it brings to the resident animals.During the years of drought, we see how desperate battles for survival play out along the dormant river, watched over by the elephants of the area. One of the few species that adapts well to the situation by carefully conserving what little water is available, the elephant is an expert at digging channels in the mud so water collects in sufficient quantities to drink.Vultures lurk ominously on the dusty banks adjacent to the pools, waiting patiently for dehydration to claim another victim. Crocodiles use caves to escape the heat of the sun and only emerge reluctantly to hunt when huge flocks of quelea birds arrive at the water. The crocs, along with numerous other species, are bound to this area because there is simply nowhere else to go. Beyond the dry river bed, semi-desert extends for hundreds of miles in all directions.With the arrival of the life-giving waters, there is a burst of activity. Fish and dragonflies soon emerge with their attendant predators and frogs appear in their thousands, attracting huge numbers of birds. The deluge also brings instant relief to the hippos by flushing out their fetid pools, while elephants celebrate by swimming and hosing each other down. Jackals and packs of wild dogs appear from nowhere to harass the drinking herds.But the most significant change occurs when the water reaches the parched wasteland of the Makgadigadi Salt Pans. Here, the coming of the flood sees flocks of pelican, flamingo and red-billed teal arrive to set up new breeding colonies.Filmed over a period of two years, this film provides a lasting and unique record of the transformation of an entire environment and contains many examples of previously unrecorded behaviour.
In the Starlight
In the Starlight is an intimate portrayal about the life of nature photographer Paul Zizka and his quest to capture the night skies.
Looking for Sultan
Despite efforts to protect tigers for the past 4 decades, tigers continue to be hunted down - poached, poisoned and squeezed into small pockets of protected forests.Tigers play a pivotal role in maintaining the health of the forest ecosystem and there is an urgent need to protect the tiger and its habitat.In India and across the world, Tigers have captured our imagination for centuries. We have feared them, respected them and even worshipped them. But during the colonial times tigers were hunted in thousands.At the turn of the century over a 100,000 tigers existed on the planet. Almost 40,000 of these were in India. But today only 3800 tigers survive across the world and 70% of these are in India.Today each and every tiger is important and that's why we need to find Sultan.This film follows the story of Sultan, the up and coming dominant tiger of Ranthambore Tiger Reserve who vanished suddenly.Father and son wildlife filmmakers, Mike and Gautam, had been following and filming him since he was a cub and are now trying to put the pieces together to solve this mystery.More than 12 tigers have gone missing in Ranthambhore between 2012 and 2017. Young tigers who go missing are usually thought to have been poached or just lost forever. But the story is much more complicated.Tigers are born in parks and forests - a safe, secure place protected by their mother. But once these tigers mature they must find new homes but the question is where will they go? Trackers on ground have proved that tigers leave the protected territory of national parks to walk great distances in search for new territory. Tigers know no borders and young sub adult tigers must walk hundreds of kilometres to find a new home, prey and a new mate. Once they walk out of the protected area of the forest they are in direct contact with human habitation. People and tigers now share a complicated relationship - one of constant fear of the other.This is the story all across the country. Isolated populations of tigers in small fragmented forests surrounded by human beings and villages. The film looks at broader issues of conservation of tigers and their relationship with the people who share their habitat and the different efforts being made towards conservation in India through the story of Sultan.
Trouble in Lemur Land
High up in the mountains of north-eastern Madagascar lives one of the world's most critically endangered primates. There are less than a thousand Silky Sifakas alive today and this area of remote rainforest, known as Marojejy–Anjanaharibe-Sud, is their only home.In the past, the rugged terrain here kept the Silkies relatively safe but things are now changing at an alarming pace. This magical place is under serious threat from illegal logging operations as international demand for highly sought-after rosewood and ebony increases. Unscrupulous logging gangs are encroaching on the Silkies' last remaining habitat."Trouble in Lemur Land" follows two men, an American primatologist and a Malagasy conservationist, on their quest to protect this rare species, at the same time providing a rare glimpse into the life of this extraordinarily beautiful and graceful animal.The film centres around the arrival of two babies in the group – a glimmer of hope in an otherwise desperate situation. Lemur reproduction rates are slow and Silkies only mate one day in the year, so it is a very special moment when primatologist Erik Patel sees the newborns for the first time. He has a permanent camp on the outskirts of their last remaining territory and we are given a rare glimpse into this intimate, close-knit group as the babies develop in the sanctuary of the forest canopy.Meanwhile, taking advantage of long-term political instability, the loggers are steadily extracting Madagascar's rosewood for export to China. Although they are well armed and highly motivated, conservationist Desire Rabary is not afraid to confront them, regardless of the risks. He heads up a network of local people who play a vital role in the survival of the forest and its lemurs. Over the past five years, he has worked hard to actively expose the loggers' illegal trail of destruction but, as this film reveals, the heart of the problem starts on his own doorstep.This 50-minute HD film brings the forest to life, with stunning images of many of its other species, including the striking helmet vanga bird, white-fronted brown lemur, red-bellied lemur, green tree frogs, panther chameleons and the elusive fossa. This treasure trove of endemic Madagascan wildlife is a timely reminder of what we stand to lose if the environmental issues so critical to their survival are not urgently addressed.
China Uncovered
Fashion designer Ji Cheng has shown her designs at London fashion week and, like beauty stylist A Zhi, is beginning to challenge the monopoly of Western brands in China. New levels of expendable income mean the wallets of the wealthy elite are helping fund this rising beauty scene and creating a market for luxury goods for shrewd businesswoman Felicity Feng. Expats from everywhere are trying to gain a foothold in this blossoming city, but can they handle its lightning speed?
Fentanyl - The Unstoppable Epidemic
Canadians' attention has been briefly grabbed by the headline: the story--an abnormally high number of overdose deaths caused by a drug called fentanyl. It merited a few days attention and then was pushed off the stage by other concerns. What Canadians failed to appreciate was that those few headlines offered a foreboding glimpse of what might be one of the most destructive waves of illegal drugs to hit North America since Pablo Escobar flooded the continent with cheap and powerful cocaine. Fentanyl is a killer. And fentanyl isn't just preying on the addict population of this country. Its victims are also Canada's unsuspecting middle-class. And the epidemic is showing no signs of letting up. In fact all signs point to the death count rising as more and more powerful versions of this drug seep into the country.The result, Canadians have no idea what's "slouching" towards them in the near future. Through the eyes of four insiders in the fentanyl industry, Dam Builder Productions will take the audience inside this world in way that will enlighten, outrage, and even fascinate.
Sarah Shark
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out what they think about sharks.
A Year in the Wild
Rosemary catches up with the conservancy's rarest large carnivore, a coalition of 3 male cheetahs. The Pungwe pack get waist deep into their hunting as they pursue a wildebeest into a water pan. Denning season has begun. The pack are on the hunt for impala. Rosemary deals with a shocking snare removal. The splinters take on another herd of wildebeest.
Die besten Hütehunde von Wales
The film follows Nigel and his dogs throughout the summer. Nigel Watkins is a farmer and vice-world champion sheepdog handler. Together with his partner, Janet, he runs his little farm Llanddeusant in the Brecon Beacons National Park in the south of Wales. Farming takes up a fair amount of his time, but his hobbies take up much more of it: he trains Border Collies, a breed of sheepdog.
Die gefährlichste Schlange der Welt
360 - GEO Report joins Professor Brian Grieg Fry as he carries out his thrilling job : catching the most dangerous snake in the world for his research. About 7 of the world's 10 most venomous snakes live in Australia: one of them is the taipan, said to be the most venomous in the world. Its venom can kill a horse in just seven seconds. Yet if someone actually dares to catch this extremely dangerous animal, its venom can be used as a medicine and can save lives. Professor Brian Grieg Fry is one of the very few, who takes up this life-threatening challenge. For the sake of his research institute, he travels regularly through the country catching taipans, as well as brown snakes, sea snakes and skinks.
The Tech Effect
The Tech Effect is a portal to the future, a look at the forces and inventions that could shape us in the coming century. From e-sports to robotics, home automation to autonomous cars, this series examines the potential for cutting edge technology to improve our lives, while not ignoring the risks. The Tech Effect will appeal to anyone curious about exploring the technological advances that are changing our world. Sophisticated and edgy, each theme-based episode profiles the innovations transforming contemporary life. By identifying the world's most ingenious discoveries, we can unlock tomorrow, today. This episode investigates the jobs of the future, and why it might not be long before your co-worker is a robot. As industry changes, companies are identifying ways to re-train their workforce so they can be deployed in new roles. With space research becoming an important tool for innovation, we hear from a worker on the International Space Station about the types of experiments he conducts. Finally, we visit the factories of the future, discovering that, as a car has more lines of code than an F35 fighter jet, one of the most important jobs of the future in the automotive industry is software developer.
Les mamas des Bahamas
The Bahamas - an archipelago in the western Atlantic that has long been the subject of legends. Over 700 islands and 2,000 coral reefs form this island paradise. Cat Island is one of the few continuously populated islands. In 2011, it was devastated by Hurricane Irene - the population is still coping with the aftermath. Untouched by tourism and tax havens, many people live on the poverty line. There is barely enough money to survive. Unemployment and hopelessness plunge them into lethargy. A few highly motivated women are now collecting ideas to inject hope and economic success into this island.