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Guide TV - dimanche, 19/05/2024

Jake Vig is a consummate grifter about to pull his biggest con yet. But his last scam backfired, leaving him indebted to a mob boss.
You Did What?
Charlie Porter and his girlfriend Ashley have been happily together for a couple years—with no mention of marriage. When his brother proposes to a girl he has known less than 24 hours, Charlie's happy little world erupts and he finds himself stuck between a two-carat rock and a hard place.
Die verlorene Zeit
Remembrance depicts a remarkable love story that blossomed amidst the terror of a German concentration camp in 1944 Poland. This impossible passion fuels the courage of a Polish prisoner who manages to rescue his Jewish girlfriend. Against all odds, they escape the camp and survive a treacherous journey to freedom. But during the chaos of the end of the war, they are forcibly separated and each is convinced that the other has died. More than thirty years later in New York, the happily married 52-year-old woman accidentally finds out that her former Polish lover is still alive. And she has to see him again.
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A kőmajmok háza
The film is about two 10-year-old boys, who live in the same building but it is set in 1982, and the present day.
The Last Day of August
The Last Day of August focuses on a recently paralyzed recluse in upstate New York whose Manhattan friends pay him a surprise visit in order to drag him back to the old life he's abandoned.
Irish Jam
Upon discovering that their town is up for sale, crafty Irish villagers scheme to raise the money to prevent the buy-out...
Riding Tornado
Трогательный фильм основан на реальных собятиях о исключительных отношениях между человеком и животным. Пирре, психически неуравновешанный парень находит проблемную лошадь Торнадо и обращается за помощью к южноафриканскому заклинателю лошадей. Заклинатель помогает им исцелить друг друга.
Timber the Treasure Dog
Мальчик стремится с его лучшим другом (привлекательная говорящая собака), чтобы сохранить свой дом и семью.
Nessuno mi pettina bene come il vento
A difficult relationship between a woman writer who lives in solitude and a young girl who comes bursting into her life. A film that portrays the lives of many lonely souls in a desperate search for company. Directed by an Italian experimental filmmaker Peter Del Monte.
Suits on the Loose
Two rebellious teens, on the run from a desert survival camp, steal the car of two naive Mormon missionaries. They end up in New Harmony, the town that's been anxiously awaiting their Mormon missionaries.
Lost Treasure of Jesse James
A group of children is searching for the lost treasure of the notorious outlaw Jesse James. They have to be careful and fast as treasure hunters are chasing them.
The Way
The dangerous travel makes the teenager to understand life as an adult and determines his way.
Above & Beyond
Two cop partners, who are also best friends attend a domestic disturbance, only for one to accidentaly critically wound the other. The rest of the police force are suspicious that there may have been no accident.
10 Regole per fare innamorare
Italian comedy in which an unadulterated womanizer teaches his clumsy son the tricks of the trade: ten rules of thumb to get every woman. But the results are far from expected.
I Love Your Work
Gray Evans (Ribisi) and Mia Lang (Franka Potente) are a hot young acting couple whose marriage is already heading south after just a year. They make glamorous entrances at openings, get wasted behind VIP ropes at parties where they can hang with Elvis Costello (for real) and sit around reading their fan mail, all things guaranteed to generate quick viewer sympathy and identification. But the true measure of Gray's intense narcissism is his conviction that he's being celebrity stalked. Now, this could all be a fantasy, as could a film he may or may not have made on the subject. But his fixation is enormous enough that, not only does he imagine his own death, but he himself begins stalking, after a fashion, a videostore clerk (Joshua Jackson) whose wife (Marisa Coughlan) and life he sees as far happier than his own. Gray also fantasizes about a conventional life with a nice former girl friend (Ricci).
La disparition
Betty, a mother of two, mysteriously disappears one morning. Her husband Bruno doesn't look worried as the couple has had rough patches; his wife probably just wanted to give him a scare and will come home soon. But Franck, Betty's lover, is convinced she has been murdered... by her husband!

Guide TV - lundi, 20/05/2024

WWE stars Adam Copeland and C.J. Perry take on a terrorist mastermind in this thriller. The pair must race against time to uncover the villain's plan and save the city.
Land of the Blind
A soldier recounts his relationship with a famous political prisoner attempting to overthrow their country's authoritarian government.
Crossing Point
The girlfriend of a couple vacationing in Baja is kidnapped by a drug dealer who demands that her boyfriend smuggle back cocaine into the US or she will be killed.
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movies, movies-entertainment
Je pourrais être votre grand-mère
A brilliant business lawyer rewrites hundred of signs for the homeless.
Tie dao fei hu
A railroad worker in China in 1941 leads a team of freedom fighters against the Japanese in order to get food for the poor.
Raspberry Magic
"Raspberry Magic" is a coming-of-age story about 11-year-old Monica Shah, who thinks she must win the science fair in order to bring her father back after he runs out on the family. She blames herself for her parents' problems, and takes charge when her mother falls into a deep depression. Set behind the backdrop of a beautiful forest, Monica's experiment uses touch therapy to help raspberries grow faster. She asks, is it nature or nurture that can truly help a being grow? Does it even matter? Through her ups and downs with her family, she learns that it's a complex question, and the answer isn't so simple.
Digging to China
Harriet, a ten-year old girl, lives together with her big sister and her alcoholic mother out in the countryside. The family runs a motel. Harriet is different from the others, as she owns a great creativity and has nobody to play with. Her infinite world exists only in her mind. One day, Ricky comes along. He is a grown-up, but retarded son of an elderly lady. Soon, Harriet and Ricky share their experiences of life from a different point of view and become close friends. But his mother still plans to give Ricky away into professional care in a home, because she won't live forever to be there for him.
A berni követ
A fictional account of the 1958 attack against the Hungarian embassy in Bern. Based on a true story about the aftermath of the 1956 Hungarian revolution.
Rat Race
Action comedy, starring John Cleese, Rowan Atkinson and Whoopi Goldberg. An eccentric Las Vegas casino tycoon entertains his wealthiest high rollers - who will bet on anything - by pitting six ordinary people against each other in a crazy dash for $2m, held into a locker on the other side of the country. Breckin Meyer and and Cuba Gooding Jr also feature.
See You in September
See You in September is an original romantic comedy set in current day Manhattan. The film centers around Lindsay, a beautiful woman who seemingly has it all, but is deeply afraid of commitment. When she finds out that her therapist takes a vacation for the entire month of August she feels shocked and abandoned. Instead of taking this news lying down, Lindsay enlists the help of her acerbic best friend Monica to come up with a solution. With the assistance of "Craig's List", Lindsay puts together a group therapy session for all Manhattanites who are in need of therapy, but more importantly angry at their therapists for abandoning them.
Nel mio amore
The love story of a couple which, after the marriage and the birth of the first son, turns into hell. Taken from the novel Rispondimi by Susanna Tamaro.
Category 7: The End of the World
With extreme weather and deadly storms threatening to destroy major population centres around the US, head of FEMA, Judith Carr, battles to mitigate the damage and provide relief. Aided by her former college lover, Dr. Ross Duffy, and her father, Senator Ryan Carr, Judith investigates what is casuing the storms and tries to navigate the murky political waters. At the same time, two fake Christian fundamentalists use the disasters to justify stealing first-born children.
Category 7: The End of the World
With extreme weather and deadly storms threatening to destroy major population centres around the US, head of FEMA, Judith Carr, battles to mitigate the damage and provide relief. Aided by her former college lover, Dr. Ross Duffy, and her father, Senator Ryan Carr, Judith investigates what is casuing the storms and tries to navigate the murky political waters. At the same time, two fake Christian fundamentalists use the disasters to justify stealing first-born children.
The Way Back Home
Путь домой - это религиозная драма, действие которой разворачивается в живописных и великолепных окрестностях Центральной Флориды. Нью-йоркский адвокат Спенсер Крейн (Майкл Х. Кинг - "Как вращается мир") вернулся в город, в котором вырос. Он узнает о том, что его бабушка (обладательница 6 премий "Тони" и номинантка на премию "Оскар" Джули Харрис) перенесла инсульт. То, что начинается как обычная поездка домой, становится чем-то намного значимым. А именно путешествием имеющим последствия. Отношения и воссоединение со старыми друзьями Руби Ди (Гангстер, Тропическая лихорадка) и Дизером Ди (ER) становятся катализатором, который трогает его до глубины души и напоминают о простых истинах жизни, переполненной верой.
Set both on the eve of World War II in a shady Shoreditch nightclub and in present-day London. Thirtysomething Tom tries to solve a murder that was committed in the club decades before.
When things get tough for offbeat Carys Reitman, she does what any emotionally isolated, modern girl would do - she goes to strangers' funerals. At one fateful funeral, she unexpectedly meets Tyler, a man mourning his fiancée. Despite the warnings of her undertaker best friend Shane and her roommate Lila, she finds herself connecting to someone for the first time. Searching for answers, Carys goes to see her estranged mother to confront her past. And as she tries to open herself to the risks of love with Tyler, she realizes she may have more to fear than just a broken heart.