FX Life

FX Life


Programm-Guide - Sonntag, 05.05.2024

Т/с "Анатомия страсти", 17 сезон, 15 с. "Традиция"
Jackson shares his big news with his colleagues while Koracick and Levi fight to save a pregnant woman's grandfather as she goes into labor. Maggie keeps a watchful eye on Meredith as Bailey and Richard put off telling her about DeLuca.
Grey's Anatomy
series, romance, drama, movies-entertainment, medical, hospital, comedy
Т/с "Белый воротничок", 5 сезон, 13 с. "Алмазная биржа"
Молодые врачи госпиталя Грейс в Сиетле - Мередит, Кристина и Алекс - каждый день решают вопросы жизни и смерти и только друг в друге они находят поддержку, дружбу, а иногда и больше.
Т/с "Белый воротничок", 6 сезон, 1 с. "Когда время уже на исходе"
Kidnapped, Neal tries to turn the tables on his captor by helping him pass a test to get into the elite group of thieves known as the Pink Panthers. Aided by Mozzie, Peter tries to find Neal before it's too late.
Т/с "Белый воротничок", 6 сезон, 2 с. "Вернуть отправителю"
In order to cement his trust with the Pink Panthers, Neal must align with a dangerous enemy from his past and obtain an extremely valuable artifact. Peter finds it difficult to keep their secret from Neal and Mozzie.
Т/с "Постучись в мою дверь", 2 сезон, 30 с. "С днём рождения, доченька! - часть 2"
The Walking Dead
Eda, Serkan, and Kiraz start living together under the same roof for a certain period of time. However, Serkan does his best to make it permanent. Although Eda says that she agreed to live together for Kiraz, she is about to surrender to love. While both parties struggle to be a family, an unexpected setback will happen to them. But this will bind them together with tighter ties…
After getting kicked out of the A-List villains' Soho Lair, M.O.D.O.K. decides to slum it at The Bar With No Name. There, he forms a crew of street-level baddies, intent on using them for a heist that will get him back into the Soho Lair. However, after a wild night of bonding and backstory sharing, they form a real camaraderie. Meanwhile, Jodie goes looking for M.O.D.O.K. at AIM and bonds with Monica while Lou meets Monica's daughter, Carmilla. College-aged M.O.D.O.K. has returned from the time stream and kidnaps the Super Adaptoid.
M.O.D.O.K., finding himself stifled by GRUMBL's bureaucratic control of AIM, teams up with Monica to take down their new bosses. Monica's hatred toward M.O.D.O.K. remains, however, and she ends up betraying M.O.D.O.K., causing the two to have a mad scientist duel, which M.O.D.O.K. loses in front of his whole company. Monica is promoted to Scientist Supreme and M.O.D.O.K. is stripped of his authority. Meanwhile, Jodie's life without M.O.D.O.K. flourishes as one of her videos goes viral, launching her into internet fame.
The Walking Dead
After getting kicked out of the A-List villains' Soho Lair, M.O.D.O.K. decides to slum it at The Bar With No Name. There, he forms a crew of street-level baddies, intent on using them for a heist that will get him back into the Soho Lair. However, after a wild night of bonding and backstory sharing, they form a real camaraderie. Meanwhile, Jodie goes looking for M.O.D.O.K. at AIM and bonds with Monica while Lou meets Monica's daughter, Carmilla. College-aged M.O.D.O.K. has returned from the time stream and kidnaps the Super Adaptoid.
Т/с "Постучись в мою дверь", 2 сезон, 32 с. "Будни отца - часть 1"
Serkan is ready to be a father, but he has no idea how to do it. On the one hand, he spends as much time with his daughter and learns about the difficulties of fatherhood, on the other hand, he seeks to improve his relations with Eda. Eda, on the other hand, is having a hard time not getting lost in Serkan. How can she say no to this love, especially after finding Serkan's secret room? Meanwhile, Ayfer and Aydan are in pursuit of custody, unaware of what is going on between Serkan and Eda. But things will not go as planned by anyone...
Т/с "Постучись в мою дверь", 2 сезон, 33 с. "Будни отца - часть 2"
Т/с "Постучись в мою дверь", 2 сезон, 34 с. "Будни отца - часть 3"
Т/с "Резидент", 3 сезон, 12 с. "Самые лучшие планы"
While working at their non-profit clinic three hours outside of Atlanta, Nic and Mina treat a patient with a failing heart VAD, forcing them to find a new battery in time to save her life. Conrad gets a call from a previous patent in crisis after being sued by Red Rock for medical expenses he can't afford. Meanwhile, Devon's VIP patient, Nadine, returns to the ER and Cain tries to get close to Bell's business partner from the supplement company.
Т/с "Резидент", 3 сезон, 13 с. "Как Конрад возвращается к своей рутине"
Upon meeting with a high-profile soccer player suffering from mysterious symptoms, Conrad ends up back at Chastain and faces an angry Logan Kim. When Bell and the Raptor come up empty-handed in regard to a diagnosis, the doctors take note on how talented Conrad truly is. Nic springs into action when she notices Kyle falling into a deep depression and fears he could be suicidal. Meanwhile, Devon butts heads with Irving over patient space and Mina realizes she has become attached to baby Michelle.
Т/с "Резидент", 3 сезон, 14 с. "Блоха"
Cain feels disrespected by Logan Kim when he is left out of a major decision regarding Conrad. Meanwhile, the doctors work together to try to save the lives of two big Red Rock donors who were involved in a jet skiing accident. Then, Irving and Devon realize that three of their patients, all with different symptoms, could actually be triggered by the same thing. Also, Bell's supplement company proves to be more lucrative than anyone anticipated, but an unexpected snag could put it in jeopardy.
Т/с "Белый воротничок", 5 сезон, 12 с. "Оценить ситуацию"
When a corporate espionage case has personal ties to Neal, Peter recruits Diana from maternity leave for an undercover sting on a rogue stock trader.
Т/с "Белый воротничок", 5 сезон, 13 с. "Алмазная биржа"
Neal and Peter race against a criminal mastermind to unearth an invaluable treasure hidden in New York.
Т/с "Следствие по телу", 3 сезон, 9 с. "Исчезновение"
A rich investment fund manager, Gerry Roberts, stands trial for defrauding a billion dollars, but he's kidnapped out of the court. A protestor outside the courthouse is run over and killed, and a video surfaces of Gerry being killed but, is it real?
Т/с "Следствие по телу", 3 сезон, 10 с. "Преданность"
A schizophrenic girl at a mental institution is murdered. Megan and Tommy interview a young patient who seems sane and lucid, she tells them she saw the killer climb down from a heating vent in the ceiling, but he meant to kill her, not the victim.
series, drama, crime, mystery, romance, comedy
Т/с "Касл", 4 сезон, 1 с. "Восход"
As Beckett fights for her life, Castle attempts to find the person responsible for the shooting. Meanwhile back at the precinct, Ryan and Esposito try to adapt to the new captain in charge.
series, comedy, mystery, crime, romance, drama
Т/с "Убийства в одном здании", 2 сезон, 5 с. "Намёк"
Mabel hosts a party for an eclectic art crowd which also serves a double purpose for smoking out a liar in the trio's midst. Oliver relies on a party game and an era which he feels brings the best out in him to uncover the truth and any potential psycho killer.
Т/с "Резидент", 3 сезон, 15 с. "Последний выстрел"
When Red Rock finally opens the doors to its new neurosurgery center and Nic is forced to work alongside Cain again, she, along with the rest of the staff, discover that the center is not everything that was promised. Mina and The Raptor work together with a new surgeon on a heart transplant that has an unexpected result. Meanwhile, after becoming personally involved, Bell asks Conrad to re-examine the three patients who may have been poisoned.
Т/с "Резидент", 3 сезон, 16 с. "Возвращение Золушки"
Т/с "Резидент", 3 сезон, 17 с. "Долливуд"
A renowned pediatric surgeon is called over to Chastain for an extremely difficult surgery on a newborn, but when she arrives, The Raptor and Devon realize she is not fit for surgery, resulting in a situation more complicated than they could have imagined. Meanwhile, a Dolly Parton drag queen is admitted to the ER after collapsing on stage, leading Bell and Ezra to a potentially life-saving discovery. Also, Nic and Conrad suspect their patient may be the victim of sex trafficking and Nadine delivers some surprising news to Devon.
Т/с "Анатомия страсти", 17 сезон, 17 с. "Кто-то сегодня спас мне жизнь"
Т/с "Анатомия страсти", 14 сезон, 1 с. "Разбитый дом"
Grey's Anatomy is a drama about the intensity of medical training mixed with the funny, sexy, and sometimes painful lives of people who are about to discover that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white.
Т/с "Анатомия страсти", 14 сезон, 2 с. "Удовольствие от боли"
Grey's Anatomy is a drama about the intensity of medical training mixed with the funny, sexy, and sometimes painful lives of people who are about to discover that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white.
Candice Renoir
A woman's body is found in the nets of a community of diehard fishermen, yet it is the mango-flavoured sweets found abandoned nearby that set Candice on the trail of her murderer.
Т/с "Кандис Ренуар", 3 сезон, 6 с. "Не выносите сор из избы"
Misfortune befalls Candice, who is known to be suffering from administrative phobia: commissar Attia is on maternity leave and, as the next highest-grade officer, she is obliged to stand in for her.
Т/с "Кандис Ренуар", 3 сезон, 3 с. "Покаяние - лучшее наказание"
Т/с "Кандис Ренуар", 3 сезон, 4 с. "Отсутствующие всегда неправы"

Programm-Guide - Montag, 06.05.2024

Т/с "Резидент", 3 сезон, 18 с
Т/с "Резидент", 3 сезон, 19 с. "Система поддержки"
When Cain becomes aware of an emergency situation breaking out at the hospital, he recruits Ezra to help keep it under wraps. Also, Nic works to come up with a support system for a patient in need of a lung transplant. Meanwhile, Kitt's son-in-law's condition continues to worsen.
Т/с "Белый воротничок", 6 сезон, 3 с. "Неконтролируемые переменные"
Т/с "Белый воротничок", 5 сезон, 9 с. "Неблаговидный поступок"
Т/с "Белый воротничок", 5 сезон, 10 с. "Сразу в эфир"
Т/с "Постучись в мою дверь", 2 сезон, 30 с. "С днём рождения, доченька! - часть 2"
Т/с "Постучись в мою дверь", 2 сезон, 31 с. "С днём рождения, доченька! - часть 3"
М/с "М. О. Д. О. К.", 4 с. "Суббота - у мальчиков работа!"
M.O.D.O.K., finding himself stifled by GRUMBL's bureaucratic control of AIM, teams up with Monica to take down their new bosses. Monica's hatred toward M.O.D.O.K. remains, however, and she ends up betraying M.O.D.O.K., causing the two to have a mad scientist duel, which M.O.D.O.K. loses in front of his whole company. Monica is promoted to Scientist Supreme and M.O.D.O.K. is stripped of his authority. Meanwhile, Jodie's life without M.O.D.O.K. flourishes as one of her videos goes viral, launching her into internet fame.
M.O.D.O.K. (M.O.D.O.K.), Comedy, Action, Crime, Thriller, USA, 2021
Lou, feeling like M.O.D.O.K. is stifling his individuality ahead of his bar mitzvah, jumps into M.O.D.O.K.'s portal to Asgard. There, Lou is taken by a tribe of goblins known as Kobolds, but wins them over with his magic tricks and becomes their leader. He refuses to go back home with his dad, so M.O.D.O.K. takes control of an army of Asgardian warriors and wages war against his son. Eventually, M.O.D.O.K. and Lou strike a deal and use Lou's magic tricks to pacify the Kobolds. Meanwhile, the Super Adaptoid agrees to help young M.O.D.O.K.
M.O.D.O.K. (M.O.D.O.K.), Comedy, Action, Crime, Thriller, USA, 2021
Young M.O.D.O.K. has kidnapped the family and replaced them with robots that trick M.O.D.O.K. into thinking Jodie wants him back. M.O.D.O.K. learns the truth and goes to free his real family. The family meet up inside the carnival-themed arena Murderworld, where young M.O.D.O.K. and Arcade reveal that each family member has two robotic replicas and that they must fight to the death, unsure of who is real or fake. Jodie goes toe-to-toe with Young M.O.D.O.K. The family leaves feeling united for the first time in a while.
The Resident (The Resident), Drama, USA, 2020
When Red Rock finally opens the doors to its new neurosurgery center and Nic is forced to work alongside Cain again, she, along with the rest of the staff, discover that the center is not everything that was promised. Mina and The Raptor work together with a new surgeon on a heart transplant that has an unexpected result. Meanwhile, after becoming personally involved, Bell asks Conrad to re-examine the three patients who may have been poisoned.
When Nadine's father comes to town for her birthday, Devon enlists the help of the whole staff, as well as one of his patients, to ensure that he makes the best first impression. Red Rock decides to cut the entire OBGYN department and Logan Kim leaves Conrad with the difficult task of letting the residents go. Meanwhile, Nic cares for a teenage patient whose condition is deteriorating.
The Resident (The Resident), Drama, USA, 2020
A renowned pediatric surgeon is called over to Chastain for an extremely difficult surgery on a newborn, but when she arrives, The Raptor and Devon realize she is not fit for surgery, resulting in a situation more complicated than they could have imagined. Meanwhile, a Dolly Parton drag queen is admitted to the ER after collapsing on stage, leading Bell and Ezra to a potentially life-saving discovery. Also, Nic and Conrad suspect their patient may be the victim of sex trafficking and Nadine delivers some surprising news to Devon.
Grey's Anatomy (Grey's Anatomy), Comedy, Drama, Romance, USA, 2021
Maggie and Winston's wedding day; Meredith takes on a new role at the hospital; Jo makes a life-changing decision.
Castle (Castle), Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, Romance, USA, 2014
When an up-and-coming professional skateboarder is gunned down by a mysterious motorcyclist, Castle and Beckett are thrust into the world of extreme sports, where the death defying stunts aren't the only thing that's dangerous.
Castle (Castle), Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, Romance, USA, 2014
Castle and Beckett's long-awaited wedding is almost here, but when a shocking surprise threatens to ruin the big day, they are sent on a wild mission filled with masked men, angry bikers and a charming ne'er-do-well from Beckett's past.
Castle (Castle), Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, Romance, USA, 2011
As Beckett fights for her life, Castle attempts to find the person responsible for the shooting. Meanwhile back at the precinct, Ryan and Esposito try to adapt to the new captain in charge.
Castle (Castle), Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, Romance, USA, 2011
Castle and Beckett are after a murder suspect who's roaming the city in a Superhero costume. They think he's behind the killing of an ex-con, but it's a race to identify and catch him before he kills again.
White Collar (White Collar), Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, USA, 2014
With the Pink Panthers having gone silent, Peter and Neal focus on a case dealing with someone from Mozzie's past, who's returned to tie up loose ends and pull another con, this one at Mozzie's expense.
White Collar (White Collar), Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, USA, 2014
With a mole in the panthers now, Woodford has to find who it is while Neal and FBI have to figure out how they will bring the panthers down in their next heist.
Grey's Anatomy (Grey's Anatomy), Comedy, Drama, Romance, USA, 2017
Grey's Anatomy is a drama about the intensity of medical training mixed with the funny, sexy, and sometimes painful lives of people who are about to discover that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white.
Grey's Anatomy (Grey's Anatomy), Comedy, Drama, Romance, USA, 2017
Grey's Anatomy is a drama about the intensity of medical training mixed with the funny, sexy, and sometimes painful lives of people who are about to discover that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white.
The Resident (The Resident), Drama, USA, 2020
Just when Derek's condition seems to be improving, a severe complication arises, causing Kit to fear that he may be the latest victim of Cain's cover-up. When Cain's former girlfriend is admitted to the hospital for surgery, the doctors finally get a glimpse into his personal life. Meanwhile, Conrad fills in Marshall on the emergency situation facing the hospital and Mina and The Raptor work on saving the heart of a salsa dancer.
The Resident (The Resident), Drama, USA, 2021
After a long wait, Conrad and Nic prepare for their wedding day with the support of their family and friends. Meanwhile, flashbacks to the early days of the COVID-19 crisis shine a light on the heroism of the doctors and the toll the virus took on everyone at Chastain Memorial.
Castle (Castle), Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, Romance, USA, 2010
When a beautiful woman is found dead in an alley, all clues point to her being a victim of the notorious Triple Killer. The Triple Killer, or 3XK, terrorized New York City four years ago, then mysteriously disappeared. Now he's back.
Jennifer goes to Melinda's store to sell some belongings that came from her deceased parent's house. Melinda then helps Jennifer with her father who died when she was only a toddler. Someone takes photos of Melinda and they show something suspicious.
Castle (Castle), Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, Romance, USA, 2011
A murder scene complete with lots of blood but no victim and high tech life-extension science are all part of the investigation as Castle and Beckett try to solve a murder without a body.
Castle (Castle), Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, Romance, USA, 2011
The shooting death of a young woman points to Ryan's stolen gun as the murder weapon - the gun stolen earlier by serial killer 3XK.
9-1-1: Lone Star
A plane crashes in Philadelphia due to a gunman opening fire while aloft. The crash hits the city's main power grid, Megan must conduct autopsies on the victims during frequent blackouts, but then one of the bodies goes missing.
Only Murders in the Building (Only Murders In The Building), Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, USA, 2022
Mabel hosts a party for an eclectic art crowd which also serves a double purpose for smoking out a liar in the trio's midst. Oliver relies on a party game and an era which he feels brings the best out in him to uncover the truth and any potential psycho killer.
Only Murders In The Building
Charles, Oliver and Mabel collide with their podcasting mentor-turned-competitor, Cinda Canning. Subsequently, a key clue requires the trio to orchestrate a classic stakeout -- Brazzos-style. New York has never been more glittering.
Castle (Castle), Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, Romance, USA, 2011
As Beckett fights for her life, Castle attempts to find the person responsible for the shooting. Meanwhile back at the precinct, Ryan and Esposito try to adapt to the new captain in charge.
Castle (Castle), Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, Romance, USA, 2011
Castle and Beckett are after a murder suspect who's roaming the city in a Superhero costume. They think he's behind the killing of an ex-con, but it's a race to identify and catch him before he kills again.
Grey's Anatomy (Grey's Anatomy), Comedy, Drama, Romance, USA, 2017
Grey's Anatomy is a drama about the intensity of medical training mixed with the funny, sexy, and sometimes painful lives of people who are about to discover that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white.
Grey's Anatomy (Grey's Anatomy), Comedy, Drama, Romance, USA, 2017
Grey's Anatomy is a drama about the intensity of medical training mixed with the funny, sexy, and sometimes painful lives of people who are about to discover that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white.