

ТВ Справочник - вторник, 21.05.2024

Speed Kills
On the surface, the black lagoon looks peaceful. But dip beneath and a murky world of twisted mangrove roots and seagrass beds is revealed. A dark realm of freakish killers waiting to unleash bursts of speed.
Wild Australia with Ray Mears
In Victoria just south west of Melbourne in the You Yangs National Park Ray Mears meets up with researcher Janine Duffy in a dry eucalyptus forest. They go in search of koalas and find a young male who nervously tries to establish his own territory.Ray moves down to the open grasslands and tracks a mob of Eastern Grey kangaroos. He visits the Mount Rothwell Conservation Reserve and meets an unusual marsupial – a predator – that is almost extinct on the mainland of Australia – a Tiger Quoll – smaller relative of the Tasmanian Devil. Finally Ray journeys through a Wet Eucalyptus forest to Lake Elizabeth and canoeing across the quiet waters finds himself surrounded by rare and unique duck billed platypuses
Wild Australia with Ray Mears
Ray starts by hitching a lift on a research crane to get a bird's eye view over the Rainforest; from there, he can see the geographical position responsible for this lush vegetation: mountain range in the west and the sea in the east. He then goes down to the ground, delving into the heart of the jungle, he comes across millennial trees, camouflage spiders and a miniature dinosaur, the Boyd's Forest Dragon. He pursues his journey by travelling on a zipwire with wildlife expert, Justin McMahon. Together they observe life in the canopy. Meanwhile, Ray's cameraman Martin Hayward Smith has been filming an animal that can only be found in this part of the world: the Bennett's tree kangaroo, a cute marsupial that lives like a monkey.
En Inde, policier dès 6 ans ?
According to an Indian law, on the death of a policeman his title is transmitted to his eldest son. He is officially considered a police officer, even if he is still a minor. Thus it happens that 4-year-old children work in khaki uniforms, doing simple tasks such as preparing coffee and filing files. Thus a salary is guaranteed to families who have lost their head of household. The children earn the same salary as their father. At 18 they do not need to pass a competition to be admitted to the police, but can be integrated into the service immediately. Under conditions that they have finished school and are at least 1.68 meters tall.
Croc Labyrinth
Herpetologist Vince Shacks and underwater cameraman Brad Bestelink go on a unique crocodile diving adventure to find out more about these cave systems, and how the reptiles use them. They enter a dark underworld of mystery and danger, and they find themselves doing things that no one has ever attempted before. Apart from swimming with huge crocodiles, they're the first to noose a wild Nile crocodile underwater, and they're the first to attach a remote camera to it, to see where it goes.
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
Zenith – Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
Les chemins de la lecture
How do our brains carry out the process of reading? A professor emeritus guides us through this fascinating exploration of a high-precision neural mechanism. The film structures itself around a central question we ask as an enigma: how to reconcile the cultural singularity that is reading, developed recently by our single species, with the slow pace of genetic evolution, and therefore with the fixity of brain biology?
Colonies Under the Sea
The film follows four unique divers as they explore shipwrecks in the heart of the Bahamas archipelago in order to discover the unexpected life they harbor.
China Uncovered
Famous Chinese Erhu player Zhao Lei is leaving his stamp on classical Chinese music by experimenting with musical fusion between the East and West. On a sharper note in downtown Shanghai, Yuyintang Livehouse opens its doors to contemporary music lovers. The spiritual home of cutting edge beats in Shanghai, Yuyintang has started the careers of Visual Kei band Lilith and progressive metal rockers Mathlotus, but the modern music scene is still reeling from the Rock 'n' Roll ban of the Cultural Revolution. Join them as they strive to become the rock stars of tomorrow.
Le défi des bâtisseurs : La cathédrale de Strasbourg
The epic history, in 3D, of Strasbourg Cathedral and its outstanding builders. A fascinating docudrama, from start to finish. Strasbourg Cathedral, a gothic jewel and the highest monument in the West until the 19th century, was both an excessive dream and an architectural feat. How, in the Middle Ages, was such a wonder made possible? Behind its elegant, pink sandstone façade and its famous rose window, which is set ablaze at sunset, three centuries of visionary and inspired master-builders followed on from one another – Erwin de Steinbach, Ulrich d'Ensingen and Jean Hültz – as did craftsmen with a savoir-faire that was envied all over Europe. They return here in fiction form. An epic blending mystery, doubt, revelations, intrigue and tragedies. Best 3 D Documentary Film Award - Festival Dimension 3 (Saint-Denis - France).
European Islands
The European islands are renowned primarily for their hotel resorts. However, we will show you a completely different face of theirs: forests, beaches, coves, mountains, valleys and rivers. Perhaps you will find places that will take your breath away. Why just lie on the beach when there is so much to see? Put on some good hiking shoes, pull your shoelaces tight, and get to know the entire island like the back of your hand.
Seg 1 Animation. Animation is the process and technique that involves creating the illusion of movement from still drawings and inanimate objects. It is achieved by displaying images with slight variations in a rapid
Sarah Shark
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out what they think about sharks.
Des bateaux et des hommes
Travelling by boat bears a priceless sense of Freedom and offers endless new vistas to all passengers. Across waterways around the world Boats are an essential tool of daily life whether they carry goods, serve as utilities or services in remote areas.
A Dog's Life
A Dog's Life explores the widely assumed facts that may actually be based on faulty and out-dated research. Ingenious experiments and meticulous observation reveal that the problems dogs solve best are those that involve interacting with humans. A fascinating and fun documentary that gives us 'a dog's eye view' on the world.
Mongolie, L'émirat Des Steppes.
Battered by strong winds, and seen as a grazing land, Mongolia is the kingdom of steppes. With important mineral resources such as copper or uranium, coal and rare soil, Mongolia future is secure: the economy shows a significant growth rate and it is a business paradise for some expatriates. But for most of the population, needs remain unfulfilled.
Die Polarschule der Nomadenkinder
360° GEO- Report visits the Nenets, the last true nomads on earth, on their remote Russian peninsula. Every August, on the Russian polar peninsula of Yamal, children of reindeer shepherds await a helicopter that will bring them back to school after the summer holidays. For the main part of the year, 600 nomad children from the indigenous people of the Nenet live and learn separated from their parents. Up until now, their home Yamal was an of Russia that was far from any semblance of civilization- until an enormous gas pool was discovered beneath the tundra. Now, destroyed nature and gigantic industrial plants are a common sight along the nomad's track - but this industrial development is also offering new opportunities to their children.
Die gefährlichste Schlange der Welt
360 - GEO Report joins Professor Brian Grieg Fry as he carries out his thrilling job : catching the most dangerous snake in the world for his research. About 7 of the world's 10 most venomous snakes live in Australia: one of them is the taipan, said to be the most venomous in the world. Its venom can kill a horse in just seven seconds. Yet if someone actually dares to catch this extremely dangerous animal, its venom can be used as a medicine and can save lives. Professor Brian Grieg Fry is one of the very few, who takes up this life-threatening challenge. For the sake of his research institute, he travels regularly through the country catching taipans, as well as brown snakes, sea snakes and skinks.
Fentanyl - The Unstoppable Epidemic
Canadians' attention has been briefly grabbed by the headline: the story--an abnormally high number of overdose deaths caused by a drug called fentanyl. It merited a few days attention and then was pushed off the stage by other concerns. What Canadians failed to appreciate was that those few headlines offered a foreboding glimpse of what might be one of the most destructive waves of illegal drugs to hit North America since Pablo Escobar flooded the continent with cheap and powerful cocaine. Fentanyl is a killer. And fentanyl isn't just preying on the addict population of this country. Its victims are also Canada's unsuspecting middle-class. And the epidemic is showing no signs of letting up. In fact all signs point to the death count rising as more and more powerful versions of this drug seep into the country.The result, Canadians have no idea what's "slouching" towards them in the near future. Through the eyes of four insiders in the fentanyl industry, Dam Builder Productions will take the audience inside this world in way that will enlighten, outrage, and even fascinate.
My Dubai
Events - National Day, concerts starring Sting, James Blunt and Katy Perry, the world's richest horse race the Dubai Cup, the Dubai Art Festival, the Dubai Literature Festival and Polo championships.
My Dubai
Food & Gastronomy - Dubai's rich international dining scene, its food festival, Beach Canteen, the secret squirrel blogger, food tours of exotic restaurants, and genuine Emirati cuisine.
Kyuchu - Wo Japans grüner Tee wächst
This report shows how the famous Japanese green tea is cultivated, explores its healing power and explains how deeply the tea has penetrated Japanese society. For the Japanese people, green tea is more than just an ordinary beverage. It is the key to the national culture - it combines enjoyment, philosophy and the art of living. In springtime, the entire country waits for the first flush, the very first harvest of the precious Sencha tea from the island of Kyushu, the world's biggest organic tea production region.
Organic Panic
In episode 2 we explore the more "nourishing" side of personal products, examining moisturizers, cleansers and toothpaste. Lawyer Holly Rasky worries that her favourite products are going to make her sick. Author and EcoHolic activist Adria Vasil takes her on a pharmacy tour and explains how Canada's lax regulations allow manufacturers to include potentially toxic chemicals in our most intimate products, chemicals that are banned in the rest of the world. Reluctant to give up her favourite toothpaste, Holly speaks with former health minister Darren Praznik who assures her that the government does everything it can to protect her and that industry has strong incentives to keep her safe. Health Canada chimes in with facts and figures to show they are Canadians best defense against dangerous products.
The film is a touching story focusing on the struggle of Albert (21), as he chooses to battle cancer on his own terms whilst trying to help others around the world undergoing the same traumatic experience.
Falklandinseln: Pinguine auf dem Vormarsch
360° GEO - Report captures the rough beauty of the Falkland Islands on camera, and plunges into the life of the penguin colonies at the far end of the world.
Great White Code Red
The Great White shark is a highly complex predator with advanced sensory weaponry. Two shark specialists, Dr Craig O'Connell and Dr Geremy Cliff look beneath the skin of the Great White to reveal the true source of its extraordinary predatory abilities and discover the secrets of one the world's most feared predators.
Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we experience visual and audio illusions, sensory puzzles and brain tricks from the worlds of art, science, nature and psychology and learn why they baffle our senses.
Race of Life
Some have powerful strides and flashing teeth, some employ poisons and trickery, so we know for sure that predators are well equipped for survival. But this episode reveals the unique ways in which animals protect themselves. Obviously, being able to flee a predator is the choice of many prey animals but there are also very interesting methods of defense which involve deception and chemistry. These include using toxic chemicals, camouflage, and mimicry. Insects that look like leaves, snakes that play dead, fish that fly, and toads with poisonous skin, these animals are among the many creatures that defend themselves in fascinating ways. Almost every animal is hunted as food by some other kind of animal and has developed ways to defend itself against predators. The relationship between predator and prey is a bit like an evolutionary arms race. As soon as one develops a weapon or defense mechanism, the other is working on an adaptation that allows them to circumvent that mechanism. Common defense mechanisms include claws, teeth, camouflage, poison, mimicry, and adaptations like echolocation. Some animals will spray toxic or foul smelling liquids at predators. Many animals have developed sophisticated defense mechanisms to help them avoid predation. Similar kinds of defenses have evolved in different species with slight variations. From the vice-like jaws of the hyena to the gunshot speed of the frog, from the strong-as-steel silk of the spider to the hypnotic patterns of the zebra, and the awesome antlers of the deer. A strong defence is key to winning the race of life.
Race of Life
Almost all animals living in the sea are predators - from small fish to great white sharks and starfish to giant squid. Their bodies have been designed and built to capture prey and avoid becoming prey themselves. Raiders of the Underwater Universe have evolved to become among the more efficient war machines of our planet. There are "predators lurking" as stone fish, cleverly disguising themselves to wait for unsuspecting prey which wander too close. In an episode that illustrates the Race of Life in an underwater world of dangerous predators with razor-sharp teeth, we will see sharks, barracuda and moray eels go about their grisly business. Underwater predators have adapted some fairly extreme measures to hunt and to survive. The fish of the reef need to be fast to escape the barracuda, with its lightning speed and pincushion teeth. And stay on the alert when they swim near the lairs of the moray eel, a large and lethal creature of perhaps surprising grace and beauty. They may be ambushed by the also elegant - but deadly – lionfish. The knitting needle spines of the lionfish are capable of injecting deadly venom. Or if equally unlucky, prey can be sucked into the huge mouth of a stonefish. With so many hungry mouths to feed, it's a jungle down there.
Vivement le cinéma
This film endeavours to show how the invention of cinema was in no way inevitable, and how it may well have been a mere accident. To pinpoint the start, it all began in the heart of Paris, in the depths of darkened room, on 28 March 1798, when Etienne-Gaspard Robertson gave one of his first screenings of his "Fantasmagoria" - making ghosts and spectres dance. But how did we move from perfecting the magic lantern to the cinematography of the Lumière brothers? The invention was born throughout the 19th century, out of the unpredictable crossing of two parallel research paths - that of philosophical toys and the photography of movement. Originally-named optical devices - such as the kinesigraph, the zoetrope, the praxinoscope and the phenakistoscope, without forgetting the photographic revolver or gun - associated the realm of toys with the realm of thought, reflecting both a fascination for the magical effects produced by animation and speed, and a desire to understand human anatomy, and analyse the phenomenon of vision. All these pre-cinema optical devices literally stemmed from a desire for spectacle and the will to acquire knowledge. Robertson, Reynaud, Plateau, Muybridge and Marey spearheaded the adventure. Thanks to these brilliant inventors, we travel across the 19th century, ending in Paris in 1895 in the Salon Indien du Grand Café, where the first public movie screening took place.
Uranium appauvri, un tueur très présentable
More than 50 countries now possess weapons based on depleted uranium (DU). Experimentation has been rife, and the consequences for civilians and the military alike have been dramatic. This investigation compares and contrasts the arguments of those who defend and attack a technology that is highly toxic. For 20 years, scientists, doctors, veterans and activists have denounced the use of DU. Against them are the arms industry lobbyists and nuclear authorities who continue to minimise the risks. Through archive documents, interviews and in situ investigations, accompanied by key witnesses (victims, experts...) we aim to present a clearer picture of the issues and stakes linked to the use of DU. Quick-paced, with a sense of urgency, the film underlines the essential background and conflicting viewpoints, enabling viewers to make up their own minds about a subject that concerns us all.
Großglockner, König der Hochalpen
The report accompanies Austrian farmers in the highest mountain of the country - the Glossglockner - from July until Christmas, throughout the changing seasons. It is mid-June and summer is finding its way into the valleys of East Tyrol, even though the Hohe Tauern Mountains are still covered with snow. In the distance, the Grossglockner gleams bright white above the Tyrol mountain village of Kals. This summer, mountain climbers from all over the world will scale the Grossglockner. Toni Riepler, a mountain guide from Kals and his wife Gitti have a lot of work to do. They run the "Glorerhütte", one of the oldest mountain huts in the area. For 3 months, from mid-June to mid-September, the family lives high up in the Alps. In the winter, they stay down in the valley.
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
Zenith – Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
Inside Outer Space
Come with us as we explore and unravel the mysteries of what lies beyond our planet Earth. This is a series packed with space stories and information about our universe covering what we can see, how we can live in space and what science tells us about the past and the future as we journey inside out of space.
Inside Outer Space
Come with us as we explore and unravel the mysteries of what lies beyond our planet Earth. This is a series packed with space stories and information about our universe covering what we can see, how we can live in space and what science tells us about the past and the future as we journey inside out of space.

ТВ Справочник - сряда, 22.05.2024

Speed Kills
In the forest's dark underworld, there's a lot more happening than meets the eye. Under every rock, behind every tree, death could be lurking.Africa's largest cobra is beat to the chase by the Giant bullfrog. Big Brown Bats use sonar to take out Wax moths at high speed. And the world's 2nd fastest cat leaps 10 feet into the air after its aerial prey.When death comes to the underworld, it takes the express!
Wild Australia with Ray Mears
Ray takes the Great Ocean Road along the Antarctic facing coast of Australia – the longest South facing coastline in the world. He starts in Port Philp Bay the entrance to Melbourne Harbour where for the first time he sees a strange marine creature – the weedy sea dragon – a relative of the sea horse. He also swims with a unique species of dolphin – the Burrunan Dolphins.Crossing the Bay he heads off down the longest War Memorial in the world – the Great Ocean Road and meets 93 year old Doug Stirling who remembers the world war 1 veterans building the road.Ray visits the Penguin Colony on Middle Island where guard dogs protect the penguins from foxes and he watches the night time return of the penguins after a day spent at sea fishing.He takes to the seas and discovers the creatures of the deep waters – albatross, balls of krill and a pod of fast moving common dolphins.
Wild Australia with Ray Mears
In this episode, Ray explores the Red Centre of the country and shows that the Australian desert is filled with life for those who know where to find water.He arrives in the Red Centre by chopper as he flies over the Uluru monolith or Ayres Rock. For his first stop, he goes to a red kangaroo sanctuary where he cuddles a joey, meets their carer Brolga and gets close to the usually wary adult red kangaroos. He pursues his journey deeper in the desert to meet a local aboriginal Sammy Wilson. They go to a traditional waterhole and chat over a camp fire about Sammy's ancestral knowledge of the land. Ray spends the night out under the stars before driving more inland to rocky areas where water collects. There Ray comes face to face with a wild kangaroo and rock wallabies. He then follows tracks along a dry river bed that lead him to Australia's wild dog: a dingo.
Die letzten Kamelkarawanen der Sahara
360° GEO - Report takes part in an exhausting journey exhausting journey through desert heat and drought. In the times of the pharaohs, people trekked through the desert between what is today Sudan and Egypt. They travelled in camel-caravans, loaded with ivory, salt, ostrich feathers and other precious cargoes. Even today, the Bedouin tribes follow these ancient trade routes, but today, it is the camels themselves that are sold to Egypt.
Die Baumkletterer von Kalifornien
Rick Dirks is one of the best tree climbers in California. He is able to climb 100-meter tall (328-foot) redwood trees with skill and courage and do so at breathtaking speed. He even ties himself to the crown of these giant trees in a sleeping bag for the night. In addition to trimming the trees and installing measuring tools, Rick collects the tree's cones and seeds at dizzying heights – because the redwoods can only continue to survive if they are cultivated. In California, these giant trees are still cut down for timber.
Dans l'ombre
An immersion in the heart of the biggest West-African prison: Abidjan. Located out of sight at the border of the Banco forest, this prison host 5,000 inmates but has capacity for 1,500. With the inmates' help, life inside is organized, and a degree of stability exists.
Fine Cocoa From Esmeralda
Cacao Nacional from Ecuador is also known as "Theobroma Cacao" or "food of the gods". The pods grow in the remotest regions of the country, including in small villages along the Rio Santiago and the Rio Napo. Theobroma's distinctive flavor is valued by chocolatiers around the world. The high demand helps cocoa farmers like Lilian and Cleofe develop a new, long-term and more reliable means of subsistence. Cocoa plantations also immensely benefit the environment: cocoa trees grow in mixed species plantations and thereby protect the rainforest. They represent an alternative to palm tree plantations that are highly destructive to the local environment.
Big Coast
For 15 years the Big Coast Crew has remained completely committed to expedition boating, showcasing West Coast adventure and telling the tales of this final frontier. From iconic Chinook salmon to Grizzlies, Spirit Bear and Orcas, incredible wildlife roams this land and keeps watch over one of the last great coastal ecosystems on Earth. Each season, Big Coast runs the BC Inside Passage from Alaska and Prince Rupert Southbound through Great Bear Rainforest and Vancouver Island. It's an epic journey of 1,500 kilometres through pristine coastal waterways and wilderness. And each season, with marine weather, wildlife and fish migrations, is a little bit different. In the spirit of coastal conservation, Big Coast practices catch-and-release Tyee Chinook Salmon (over 30lbs) angling and only taking what you need. Going strong for 15 years, Big Coast features 13 new half hour episodes every year! A 300-mile boat trip from Vancouver to Duncanby Lodge in Rivers Inlet for Percy Walkus Hatchery Chinook Fundraiser!
China Uncovered
Two brothers from rural China train in the art of Kung Fu in the hopes of elevating their lives however minimally. Meanwhile, rich kids in the city attend private English schools to improve their chances to study abroad. But China's favorite philanthropist Chen Guang Biao shares his rags-to-riches story proving that odds can indeed be beaten. Rural children in China may still dream small, but as for the young elite partying away in rooftop bars, life is sweet.
Sarah Shark
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out what they think about sharks.
Sarah Shark
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out what they think about sharks.
Sarah Shark
Sarah travels to one of the top 10 dive destinations in Australia (Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, NSW) to dive with three species of Wobbegong Sharks within the Cape Byron Marine Park. She also conducts a street poll with members of the public to find out what they think about sharks.
Yves Saint Laurent: Fire Starter
A documentary of a true pioneer of fashion. Sabbatical Entertainment celebrates one of the most influential designers ever as we explore the designer's unparalleled professional acclaim, as well as his fascinating and tumultuous personal life. Yves Saint Laurent can be credited with both spurring the couture's rise in the 1960s as well as the tuxedo suit for women. He was able to adapt his style to accommodate the changes in fashion during his entire career. Sabbatical Entertainment's original documentary shows viewers how YSL approached fashion with a different narrative by wanting women to look comfortable yet elegant at the same time.
Des bateaux et des hommes
Travelling by boat bears a priceless sense of Freedom and offers endless new vistas to all passengers. Across waterways around the world Boats are an essential tool of daily life whether they carry goods, serve as utilities or services in remote areas.
Wow, I Never Knew That!
Before computer drawing programs, there was a toy that if you mastered its two circular white knobs you could have a picture perfect SKETCH. We'll explain how the ETCH A SKETCH drew onto the scene. And what did Neil Armstrong REALLY say when he stepped on the moon, the "aahh" answer will surprise you! Plus, where did the explosive name BIKINI come from?
Every single day there is a growing number of people to feed and in the next thirty to forty years we will need to double our food production to sustain the increase in population. In this episode author Julian Cribb examines the infestations that are threatening our food supply.
Man Eaters
The first documentary about the Human-leopard conflict in Sri Lanka, "Man Eaters: A Human Leopard Story" approaches the conflict by analyzing past and present cases of man-eating leopards in Sri Lanka and what led to their strange behavior. Unlike India, man-eating leopards in Sri Lanka are very rare.
Une contre-histoire de l'Internet
A look back at the emergence of Internet freedom defence movements that have sprung up in reaction to growing regulation of the Web by governments and multinationals. Internet was created by hippies while being funded by the military! This improbable culture shock gave birth to an area of freedom that was impossible to censor or control. Yet for years, that is precisely what a certain number of political leaders have sought to do, prompting hackers and defenders of freedom to enter the political arena.
Life In the Blue
This films reveals the extraordinary variety of life found in the vast blue expanses of te open ocean. Here, all the action takes place in a 10 metre deep band of water, just under the surface. Many species use this section of water to migrate and hunt while others use ingenious ways to stay hidden where there appears to be no shelter. From the surface, the huge blue expanses of the open ocean appear to be devoid of all life. Popular belief is that most sea life congregates around mainline coasts, islands or rocky outcrops. But that perception is far from the truth. This 4K film,shot in the Atlantic, reveals the extraordinary diversity of species who call the open ocean their home and the tactics they use to survive in the watery wilderness. Most of the life here congregates in a nutrient-rich band of water, around 10 metres from the surface. But it is brutal life out in the open ocean. There is little shelter, big predators abound and food is hard to find. Only those who adapt to the conditions have a hope of surviving in the blue void. Barracuda are a common species in the open water and they travel in large spiraling groups close the surface as a defense mechanism against bigger predators. This space is also their own feeding ground and they can attack smaller fish en masse. And where there are barracuda, Blue sharks are never far away. These supreme open ocean predators are among the most graceful of sharks but when the need arises, they can transform instantly into ferocious and efficient killers. They regularly cross the Atlantic, coast to coast, in a journey of 4,000 kilometres. Other species profiled which also undertake huge journeys include turtles, pilot whales and whale sharks, and we reveal how the notorious Portuguese man o' war provides shelter for small fish within its lethal tentacles. Other small fish of prey instinctively group together when they are threatened - as lone individuals they are far more likely to be eaten than large groups. But in dramatic close up action, a banquet is served as dolphins sprint in from the blue to harvest this massive source of protein. The film also reveals the amazing variety of life and colour found in shipwrecks. Like oases in the desert,these steel skeletons are colonized by soft and hard corals, attracting huge armies of small fish. They hide in the structures while larger fish and sharks roam the periphery.
En Inde, policier dès 6 ans ?
According to an Indian law, on the death of a policeman his title is transmitted to his eldest son. He is officially considered a police officer, even if he is still a minor. Thus it happens that 4-year-old children work in khaki uniforms, doing simple tasks such as preparing coffee and filing files. Thus a salary is guaranteed to families who have lost their head of household. The children earn the same salary as their father. At 18 they do not need to pass a competition to be admitted to the police, but can be integrated into the service immediately. Under conditions that they have finished school and are at least 1.68 meters tall.
China Uncovered
From the skyscrapers of Shanghai to the mountainous peaks of "The Last Shangri-La", explore the breathtaking landscape of this incredible country and connect with the people that infuse China's everyday life with flavor, passion and prosperity. Through the eyes of a cultural academic, a laborer, an architect, an urban planner, and a photographer, the grand evolution of a little fishing village is illustrated and documented to reveal one of the fastest growing megacities in the world. And while the physical landscape gracefully moves towards the future, beliefs, behaviors, and practices are put into test. The changes brought by the Thirty Year Miracle are indeed immense, and it has left no stone, no life, unturned.
Bhoutan, à la recherche du bonheur
Nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, the small kingdom of Bhutan has decided to do away with the dictatorship of Gross Domestic Product and economic growth at all costs. A new wealth indicator has now become the country's gold standard: Gross National Happiness. Launched by the country's fourth King, the "new paradigm" is based on four pillars: protection of the environment; conservation and promotion of Bhutanese culture; good governance; and responsible and sustainable economic development.
No mar
About 71% of our planet's surface is covered by water, and about 97% of it is in the oceans. The sea also produces most of the oxygen we breathe. Thus, stimulating conservation and learning about also produces most of the oxygen we breathe. Thus, stimulating conservation and learning about the marine environment is fundamental to our very existence. This series follows scientists who work in five projects in the Petrobras Socio-environmental Program.
Looking for Sultan
Despite efforts to protect tigers for the past 4 decades, tigers continue to be hunted down - poached, poisoned and squeezed into small pockets of protected forests.Tigers play a pivotal role in maintaining the health of the forest ecosystem and there is an urgent need to protect the tiger and its habitat.In India and across the world, Tigers have captured our imagination for centuries. We have feared them, respected them and even worshipped them. But during the colonial times tigers were hunted in thousands.At the turn of the century over a 100,000 tigers existed on the planet. Almost 40,000 of these were in India. But today only 3800 tigers survive across the world and 70% of these are in India.Today each and every tiger is important and that's why we need to find Sultan.This film follows the story of Sultan, the up and coming dominant tiger of Ranthambore Tiger Reserve who vanished suddenly.Father and son wildlife filmmakers, Mike and Gautam, had been following and filming him since he was a cub and are now trying to put the pieces together to solve this mystery.More than 12 tigers have gone missing in Ranthambhore between 2012 and 2017. Young tigers who go missing are usually thought to have been poached or just lost forever. But the story is much more complicated.Tigers are born in parks and forests - a safe, secure place protected by their mother. But once these tigers mature they must find new homes but the question is where will they go? Trackers on ground have proved that tigers leave the protected territory of national parks to walk great distances in search for new territory. Tigers know no borders and young sub adult tigers must walk hundreds of kilometres to find a new home, prey and a new mate. Once they walk out of the protected area of the forest they are in direct contact with human habitation. People and tigers now share a complicated relationship - one of constant fear of the other.This is the story all across the country. Isolated populations of tigers in small fragmented forests surrounded by human beings and villages. The film looks at broader issues of conservation of tigers and their relationship with the people who share their habitat and the different efforts being made towards conservation in India through the story of Sultan.
Outta Town Adventures
Outta Town Adventures travels both near and far to discover the best advenures the destinations have to offer. This TV series is dedicated to presenting history, culture and geography in a fun and pisitive way. It encourages people to explore this beautiful world - something that starts with simply getting out of town!
Race of Life
The ocean can be an unforgiving place. Animals living in the sea have to deal constantly with finding food, and protecting themselves from predators. There are many ways of hiding, defending, and feeding, and every different technique has advantages for different animals. For example, some animals use camouflage to escape detection or to sneak up on their prey, while other animals have coloration which intentionally makes them stand out. Some creatures hide from predators, while others stay in groups, out in the open, relying on safety in numbers. Some animals have dangerous spines or venom for protection, but even the most venomous creatures must sometimes be wary of predators. Different animals have taken advantage of different food sources, some feeding at the top of the food chain, and others at the bottom. Protecting themselves underwater is also a matter of invention and reinvention, and aquatic animals deploy an array of strategies just to stay alive. They have quite the toolbox to dip into – Evolutionary strategms such as colour and camouflage, toxins and teeth! Nudibrancs, clown fish, squid, octopus and orca whales are just some of the wonderful winners in the underwater race of life. Underwater footage shot in the wild, demonstrates vividly how these ocean creatures have evolved to survive by adapting to their environment.
Race of Life
In this episode we explore the Race of Life on a small scale but no less competive or cruel for all that. Insects burrow through the ground, hop and sing in the trees, and dart and dance in the air. They come in many different colors and shapes. There are many reasons why insects are so successful at surviving. Their ability to survive in all kinds of temperatures and environments. A strong, hard but flexible shell called an exoskeleton covers their soft organs and is resistant to chemicals, water and physical impact. Their wings give them the option of flying away from dangerous situations or toward food or mates. In this episode: Dragonflies hover like helicopters over ponds and lakes, then suddenly dart away, pursuing prey or other dragonflies. The monarch butterfly goes through a miraculous metamorphosis, changing from an egg to a hungry caterpillar to a quiet pupa and emerging as a beautiful winged adult. The praying mantis is master of disguise. Its green body, wings and legs merge into the green, leafy background so carefully it seems to be part of the grass. Perched at an angle, with its spiny forelegs raised in a prayerlike pose, the mantis sits in still rigidness - until another insect such as a fly comes too near and is suddenly captured and devoured. Ants, like bees, hornets and wasps, are social insects and live together in colonies in many-chambered nests. Whatever it takes, to stay in the race.
Die besten Hütehunde von Wales
The film follows Nigel and his dogs throughout the summer. Nigel Watkins is a farmer and vice-world champion sheepdog handler. Together with his partner, Janet, he runs his little farm Llanddeusant in the Brecon Beacons National Park in the south of Wales. Farming takes up a fair amount of his time, but his hobbies take up much more of it: he trains Border Collies, a breed of sheepdog.
Ruanda - Land der Frauen
Report met the powerful women of Rwanda who played a major role in the political stability and economical developments of the country.15 years ago, Rwanda was the backdrop for one of the most horrifying crimes in the history of humanity. The country's majority ethnic group, the Hutus, pursued the minority ethnic group, the Tutsi. More than a million people were murdered during the genocide. But today, Rwanda is an example for whole Africa.No other country on the continent has a comparable success story and changed so dramatically over the past few years - and this despite such bad circumstances. Rwanda no longer is the poorest country in Africa, and has achieved political stability. These developments are attributed to the women of Rwanda.
Les abricots d'Anatolie
Millions of golden yellow fruits dry out in the sun. They are called 'Gold of Mesopotamia', the juicy apricots of Anatolia. On the plantations at the shore of the Euphrates grow 95 % of all apricots processed worldwide. But the idyllic atmosphere is deceiving: behind this picturesque façade, seething conflicts erupt among the old patriarchs about more self-determination and, above all, the concerns over climate change and its effects on the harvest are hovering.
Journeys in Africa
From the streets of Soweto to the colonial Union Building, the metro area of Joburg is a mix of architecture, people and traditions. Johannesburg is more than just a big city—it's also home to one of the world's best safari parks.
Inside Outer Space
Come with us as we explore and unravel the mysteries of what lies beyond our planet Earth. This is a series packed with space stories and information about our universe covering what we can see, how we can live in space and what science tells us about the past and the future as we journey inside out of space.
Inside Outer Space
Come with us as we explore and unravel the mysteries of what lies beyond our planet Earth. This is a series packed with space stories and information about our universe covering what we can see, how we can live in space and what science tells us about the past and the future as we journey inside out of space.