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ТВ водич - среда, 15.05.2024.

A photojournalist is forced to flee through the Colombian jungle when she captures something she wasn't supposed to. Survival thriller.
Shaka Zulu: The Citadel
Prentice Mungo (David Hasselhoff) is a slave-trader who discovers that his ship is carrying a stowaway, Katherine (Karen Allen). Katherine is seeking passage to Africa to see her father, a British officer stationed there. But when they arrive, Mungo discovers Shaka, king of the Zulu tribe, among the slaves he is going to be transporting. Using his cleverness and leadership abilities, Zulu incites the slaves to revolt, and takes Katherine captive as he flees into the African countryside.
Shaka Zulu: The Citadel
Prentice Mungo (David Hasselhoff) is a slave-trader who discovers that his ship is carrying a stowaway, Katherine (Karen Allen). Katherine is seeking passage to Africa to see her father, a British officer stationed there. But when they arrive, Mungo discovers Shaka, king of the Zulu tribe, among the slaves he is going to be transporting. Using his cleverness and leadership abilities, Zulu incites the slaves to revolt, and takes Katherine captive as he flees into the African countryside.
Program break
movies, movies-entertainment
Nico the Unicorn
A 12-year-old disabled boy, whose father recently passed away, has his life changed when the pony he rescues gives birth to a unicorn. Can he save the unicorn from the people who want to exploit it?
Riding Tornado
Трогательный фильм основан на реальных собятиях о исключительных отношениях между человеком и животным. Пирре, психически неуравновешанный парень находит проблемную лошадь Торнадо и обращается за помощью к южноафриканскому заклинателю лошадей. Заклинатель помогает им исцелить друг друга.
The Way Back Home
Путь домой - это религиозная драма, действие которой разворачивается в живописных и великолепных окрестностях Центральной Флориды. Нью-йоркский адвокат Спенсер Крейн (Майкл Х. Кинг - "Как вращается мир") вернулся в город, в котором вырос. Он узнает о том, что его бабушка (обладательница 6 премий "Тони" и номинантка на премию "Оскар" Джули Харрис) перенесла инсульт. То, что начинается как обычная поездка домой, становится чем-то намного значимым. А именно путешествием имеющим последствия. Отношения и воссоединение со старыми друзьями Руби Ди (Гангстер, Тропическая лихорадка) и Дизером Ди (ER) становятся катализатором, который трогает его до глубины души и напоминают о простых истинах жизни, переполненной верой.
Guido Superstar: The Rise of Guido
An Italian immigrant is thrust into the world of drug-lords, supercars and secret agents in this hilarious action comedy. After losing his job at the Disco Valet Company for undue heroism, Guido (Silvio Pollio) must pose as a Sicilian gangster for the FBI in order to infiltrate a powerful Asian gang. Things go sour and take a turn for the worse. Guido must now make amends before he is discovered and killed, or worse, deported.
I Could Never Be Your Woman
A mother falls for a younger man while her daughter falls in love for the first time. Mother Nature messes with their fates.
Timber the Treasure Dog
Мальчик стремится с его лучшим другом (привлекательная говорящая собака), чтобы сохранить свой дом и семью.
10 Regole per fare innamorare
Italian comedy in which an unadulterated womanizer teaches his clumsy son the tricks of the trade: ten rules of thumb to get every woman. But the results are far from expected.
Irish Jam
Upon discovering that their town is up for sale, crafty Irish villagers scheme to raise the money to prevent the buy-out...
Lost Treasure of Jesse James
A group of children is searching for the lost treasure of the notorious outlaw Jesse James. They have to be careful and fast as treasure hunters are chasing them.
Con Man
The story of Barry Minkow, a young charismatic business man who becomes a wealthy CEO by lying, cheating and stealing his way to the top.
Группа трех друзей живет вместе; один умирает из-за своего незаконного бизнеса по бальзамированию. Двое других теряют тело и гонятся за ним по всей стране, пытаясь вернуть пропажу. Тело постоянно переходит из рук в руки, и каждый, к кому оно попадет, пытается найти способ избавиться от него, не привлекая полицию. Хороший исходный пункт, который по ходу фильма становиться еще лучше.
First We Take Brooklyn
Serving a life sentence in one of Israel's toughest prisons, Mikki Levy never thought he'd ever see the light of day. But when's he's released early on a technicality, Mikki moves to New York hoping for a fresh start. Living with his uncle in Brooklyn, the harsh reality of life as an ex-con sets in and he gets dragged into a brutal turf war with the Russian mob, forcing him to revisit his dark past, and the survival skills he learned in prison. Mikki aggressively ascends the ranks of the underworld, but his tenacious drive may be the cause of his demise.

ТВ водич - четвртак, 16.05.2024.

Die verlorene Zeit
Remembrance depicts a remarkable love story that blossomed amidst the terror of a German concentration camp in 1944 Poland. This impossible passion fuels the courage of a Polish prisoner who manages to rescue his Jewish girlfriend. Against all odds, they escape the camp and survive a treacherous journey to freedom. But during the chaos of the end of the war, they are forcibly separated and each is convinced that the other has died. More than thirty years later in New York, the happily married 52-year-old woman accidentally finds out that her former Polish lover is still alive. And she has to see him again.
Crossing Point
The girlfriend of a couple vacationing in Baja is kidnapped by a drug dealer who demands that her boyfriend smuggle back cocaine into the US or she will be killed.
Rock the Paint
An explosive coming-of-age story ignites when teenager Josh Sendler is forced to pack up his senior-year hoop dreams and move from the lush cornfields of Indiana to the harsh, inner-city streets of Newark, New Jersey. He meets and befriends basketball phenomenon Antwon on the local court, and together, they make a run for the high school state championship. But can their friendship survive amidst a racially charged atmosphere that threatens to divide them?
Program break
movies, movies-entertainment
Scout Camp
The Fire Dragon patrol, with their ever-supportive scoutmaster, is headed to Camp Rakhouta for what should be the best week of their lives. But when the "Team Spirit Stick" of the camp goes missing, the entire tradition of the camp is threatened.
Uncle Nino
A distant, slightly dysfunctional family is brought closer together when the father's long-estranged Uncle Nino comes from Italy to Chicago for a surprise visit.
Suits on the Loose
Two rebellious teens, on the run from a desert survival camp, steal the car of two naive Mormon missionaries. They end up in New Harmony, the town that's been anxiously awaiting their Mormon missionaries.
A female FBI agent is offered millions to help a thief escape from a hijacked airplane.
On Wings of Eagles
Eric Liddell _ China's first gold medalist and one of Scotland's greatest athletes _ returns to war-torn China.
The Last Day of August
The Last Day of August focuses on a recently paralyzed recluse in upstate New York whose Manhattan friends pay him a surprise visit in order to drag him back to the old life he's abandoned.
Men working in a quarry are visited by the foreman's wife. She yearns to have a child, but she sees how hard work has changed her husband. She realizes that the man she loves is able to kill.
See You in September
See You in September is an original romantic comedy set in current day Manhattan. The film centers around Lindsay, a beautiful woman who seemingly has it all, but is deeply afraid of commitment. When she finds out that her therapist takes a vacation for the entire month of August she feels shocked and abandoned. Instead of taking this news lying down, Lindsay enlists the help of her acerbic best friend Monica to come up with a solution. With the assistance of "Craig's List", Lindsay puts together a group therapy session for all Manhattanites who are in need of therapy, but more importantly angry at their therapists for abandoning them.
Kozje usi
An weird but witty old woman is forced to deal with an ambiguous future after her country, family and the entire system of values are ruined. She is trying to solve her existential problems catching d trying to sell a rewarded war criminal as he was a rabbit in a wood. The only thing she did not know if he is really him.
Tian jiang xiong shi
When corrupt Roman leader Tiberius arrives with a giant army to claim the Silk Road, Huo An teams up his army with an elite Legion of defected Roman soldiers led by General Lucius to protect his country and his new friends.
Coup de foudre à Noël
Charlotte Marton is a young judicial manager who's dreaming about others horizons in her private and professional life. At the end of December she has been asked by the office to go to Sweden to close a french company of wood toys that is going bankrupt.
WWE stars Adam Copeland and C.J. Perry take on a terrorist mastermind in this thriller. The pair must race against time to uncover the villain's plan and save the city.
The Pirates of Somalia
True drama about an American journalist who goes to Somalia to get to know the infamous local pirates and write about their lives. Thanks to happiness, humor and a constant supply of drugs, this is also possible.