

Ohjelmaopas - lauantai, 11.05.2024

Seg 1 Carrion flowers. Carrion flowers are the unorthodox perception of flowers for they are rare, big, and very unpleasant. Other terms are stink flowers and corpse flowers. The biggest flower in the world, rafflesia arnoldii, is a carrion flower. These flowers are difficult to find and reproduce and could breed through cross-pollination by attracting flies and dung beetles. Seg 2 Aposematism. Aposematism is a form of signalling that enables protection for both preys and predators by giving signs of poison and danger through showing off the bright colors and patterns on their epidermal layers that become associated with inedibility. Some species have developed mimicry based on aposematism in order to avail the protection aposematic colors give. Seg 3 Cuckoo Misdirection. Cuckoo misdirection demonstrates the mimicking abilities of a female cuckoo in order to find host nests to hatch her eggs. The female mimics a cry of a predator bird in order to frighten the hosts, leaving them vulnerable, thus the cuckoo can seize the chance to drop her egg on a host nest. Seg 4 Pheromones. Animal pheromones are the chemicals secreted and released by different species to communicate with other organisms. There are various types serving different purposes, ranging from reproduction, to trailing, to alarms. Some pheromones are also specific to one species of animals. Seg 5 Deimatic Behavior. Deimatic behavior is another type of defensive behavior in animals that also involves mimicry. It's the opposite of aposematism because while aposematism works by blatantly showing or signalling its danger or unpalatability, deimatic behavior relies on the element of surprise to startle predators in
Le Japon des hauteurs
There is more to Japan's natural landscape than just Mount Fuji! Discover the country's numerous mountains and the ethos of the people who live there. From mountains with eight peaks, mountain gods who keep locals in their awe to building snow monsters & embracing modern activities like skiing - this documentary shows the unseen side to Japan!
Kanada, Indianer schreiben Geschichte
The six remaining Indian tribes of the Tsilqhot'in in Canada are trying to combat the commercialization and exploitation of their land. The Xeni Gwet'in First Nation has been litigating to finally secure rights to their own land against the British Crown in a huge court case going back over 20 years. Representing all Indian tribes, Chief Roger William is the chief plaintiff in the most significant case in the history of indigenous case law. The Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa has handed down its verdict.
Thailand's Elephants, Get Out Of the City!
In former times, 4.000 elephants and their Mahouts used to work in Thailand's forestry but nowadays, they are no longer welcome in Bangkok. Since then, at the end of the 1980s, when the government stopped deforestation, they have been unemployed. More and more elephant guides have moved to the big cities. For 4 years now, the government has been trying to ban them from the cities, as they are a safety risk for street traffic.
The New Frontier
Series introduction and the study of Earth from orbit. The sky above is littered with stars and countless galaxies. It is where we come from and where we are destined to return. The first phase of this journey is complete, now commences the second, with robotics, advanced technologies and sheer daring we are now going where before we only dreamt.
The New Frontier
The Moon, our closest celestial companion. Our indispensible dance partner through the cosmos. Lighting our night sky and gently tugging at our shores. Few have walked on her surface, though her allure remains strong, once again we are glancing her way with renewed interest and with a view to return very soon.
European Islands
The European islands are renowned primarily for their hotel resorts. However, we will show you a completely different face of theirs: forests, beaches, coves, mountains, valleys and rivers. Perhaps you will find places that will take your breath away. Why just lie on the beach when there is so much to see? Put on some good hiking shoes, pull your shoelaces tight, and get to know the entire island like the back of your hand.
Travel Thru History
And we're off! We learn the history of the world famous Kentucky Derby. Then, call your shot as we learn about one of America's most famous brands, Louisville Slugger. Also, we zip line in the world's only underground zip line attraction and visit the Ali Center.
Travel Thru History
The Saints come marching in as we tour the iconic St. Louis Cathedral and the mysterious Ursuline Convent in New Orleans. We delve into Mardi Gras history at Mardi Gras World and visit the National WWII Museum's world class collection.
Past Hunters
Blackpool Pleasure Beach is one of the most visited attractions in the United Kingdom. People visit it not only for the fun, but to also hopefully catch a glimpse of the many ghosts that haunt there.
Forests are crucial for our survival on Earth. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and supply all living forms with clean oxygen. "We are like a patient in a hospital bed that is turning down their oxygen tank and thinking they could live with a little bit less oxygen and meanwhile the CO2 is increasing in the room" says journalist Andrew Nikiforuk.
Apple, la tyrannie du cool
Apple, the brand that symbolises counter-culture, has become a giant that dictates cultural norms and trends. At the root of their success story lies the genius marketing ploy of making mainstream power look tacky by declaring themselves counter to it, thereby conquering consumers with their cool. The death of Steve Jobs, on October 5th, provided a dramatic illustration of the paradox of Apple, which is at the heart of this film. It is the first time in history that an entrepreneur has been applauded and mourned as a benefactor of mankind, and their commercial success lauded as a work of genius. This fascinating ability to combine a "rebel-brand" image with huge commercial profits will be the object of this documentary investigation, which examines both the universe of Mac and modern man and his ambiguities. Tracing the history of the brand, from the beginnings of the small computer company to today's multinational, the film shows how Apple has taken a giant bite out of the market, thanks to its aesthetic choices, emotional marketing and indisputable technological ingenuity.
Les abricots d'Anatolie
Millions of golden yellow fruits dry out in the sun. They are called 'Gold of Mesopotamia', the juicy apricots of Anatolia. On the plantations at the shore of the Euphrates grow 95 % of all apricots processed worldwide. But the idyllic atmosphere is deceiving: behind this picturesque façade, seething conflicts erupt among the old patriarchs about more self-determination and, above all, the concerns over climate change and its effects on the harvest are hovering.
Trésors volés
It's the biggest museum in the world…the museum of artworks stolen over the centuries and never rediscovered. These works haunt the nightmares of their owners, and occupy the days of hundreds of police officers across the world, as well as those of a handful of private agencies; no country or museum of importance can claim to have been spared.
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
Zenith – Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
Zenith – Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
Bhoutan, à la recherche du bonheur
Nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, the small kingdom of Bhutan has decided to do away with the dictatorship of Gross Domestic Product and economic growth at all costs. A new wealth indicator has now become the country's gold standard: Gross National Happiness. Launched by the country's fourth King, the "new paradigm" is based on four pillars: protection of the environment; conservation and promotion of Bhutanese culture; good governance; and responsible and sustainable economic development.
Quirky Science
In contrast with popular belief, Edison did not invent the light bulb. Many people contributed to the invention. Mind you, the first lamp was invented around 70,000 BC. Once upon a time we had limelight, which was actually quite unsafe, and then there were arc "arc lamps" – shedding light that blinded movie stars up to the point where they had to wear sunglasses. What Edison did was improve the light bulb to become a practical, affordable and safe product. He tested over 5000 filaments to make the bulb last: from bamboo fiber to a hair out of an assistant's beard. At the same time others were working on light bulbs made with gasses, which we now know as energy efficient lamps. Modern-day lighting innovations are quite startling, a lot of them - we can't even see with the naked eye… Lasers, for example. For the longest time it was merely a pet-theory of the grand Einstein. Nobody knew what to make of this idea that "atoms could release their excess energy as light" When the laser was invented, people joked that the laser was 'a solution looking for a problem'. Now it is omnipresent. In the near future: laser-light therapy by flashing the human brain.
Quirky Science
A man with an ear for music, one of the first to try teaching the deaf how to speak, thought he could build a "harmonic telegraph". He had this idea that several notes could travel through a wire simultaneously, instead of the one Morse code that the telegraph could transmit. He thought this to be possible because he misinterpreted the writings of a researcher writing in German – a language he did not know. – And would later describe his misinterpretation as a "very valuable blunder". The man was Alexander Graham Bell and he invented telephony. The big question is: what happens in that wire? How can voices travel? Bell and his assistant eventually proved that different tones would vary the strength of an electric current in a wire. In fact, it's the vibrations of the voice that determine the strength of the current. His invention caused a lot of fuss – yet it took years before people comprehended the scale of it: before the widespread use of the phone – whom were you going to call? Eventually, the telephone, or better said, its wiring, leads to the Internet. Nowadays we mostly make our calls "wireless" so the wire Graham Bell used to make voices travel over long distances is no longer needed How does that work? Even wireless calling, some say, is actually a very unnatural way of communicating. Looking at the future, are we heading towards a "phoneless" call?
Africa's Creative Killers
Peppered across Africa are a few iconic locations that are renowned for killing action. Arenas bathed in a history of blood, places where Africa's icons have hunted successfully for generations. Predators here develop unique and clever ways to hunt. But the circumstances aren't the driving factor in this story. Sometimes these predators look for the perfect patch of ground to kill, a small area of long grass, or a single path that leads to the perfect ambush. How do they amplify their age-old skills by using the lie of the land? Savuti is big cat country. But only the most resourceful cats make it to the top.The Marsh Pride, Savuti's resident lions, is faced with their toughest challenge this winter: Buffalo. The complicated mix of boggy marsh, open plains and dense woodland provide extra obstacles in their path to a meal. Over centuries these heavyweights have adapted their hunting strategy to Savuti's every challenge and the buffalos' every move. And their secret: The nighttime hunt. When the sun sets, the tables begin to turn and Savuti is at the pride's mercy. But there's no shortage of challenges: Saba, the pride matriarch and most experienced hunter, has got to provide for her pride and keep them, and her territory, safe from two young male lions that are trespassing on Marsh Pride territory. It all seems doable until she gets injured after a run-in with hyenas… A lone female leopard is Savuti's ultimate innovator. Her environment has forced her to change her hunting strategy and her prey, and she's thriving!We follow three characters through Savuti's winter, starting with the disappearance of the small game and the arrival of the buffalo. The film looks at how our characters use the environment and features of the landscape to their advantage. We focus on the numerous challenges of Savuti – the things that make it such a hostile place for predators, and also highlight the inter-predatory battles between the Marsh Pride and the Nomads. We look at the challenges the young leopard is faced with while hunting under the lions' radar and trying to survive in her non-leopard-friendly environment.
Seed Hunter
Our planet is heating up and one of the first casualties will be the crops that supply our food. Scientists are working overtime to find solutions including going back to the ancestral origins of our staple foods. SEED HUNTER will take you on a remarkable journey from the drought ravaged farms of Australia, to the heart of the Middle East, to the mountains of Tajikistan where charismatic Australian scientist Dr Ken Street – a real life version of Indiana Jones – and his team of "gene detectives" hunt for plant genes that will help our food withstand the impact of 21st century global warming. Along the way we meet farmers around the world who are struggling to grow crops in a climate that's gone haywire, as well as scientists working at the front line of gene technology to save tomorrow's food. At journey's end, deep in the Arctic Circle, Ken deposits his bounty of seed in the newly constructed seed bank known as the "doomsday vault."
Tuning 2 You: India's Lost Musicians
Soumik arrives in the city of joy Kolkata in search of his musical roots and puts together his team. They head into the villages in search of travelling minstrels known as Bauls. Their journey leads them deeper into impoverished rural hinterlands where an old man sings under his broken down house. These musicians are driven by deep faith and extraordinary spiritual resilience. Their daughters sing and children learn deep lessons in simple words.
Tuning 2 You: India's Lost Musicians
In Ajmer, Soumik meets Qawwali group who invite him to play inside the spectactular Ajmer Sharif Darga. He crashes a wedding, jams with tribal drummers, escapes from the police and discovers a group of women singers who have never left their village but who would like to travel and sing in the cities.
Big Coast
For 15 years the Big Coast Crew has remained completely committed to expedition boating, showcasing West Coast adventure and telling the tales of this final frontier. From iconic Chinook salmon to Grizzlies, Spirit Bear and Orcas, incredible wildlife roams this land and keeps watch over one of the last great coastal ecosystems on Earth. Each season, Big Coast runs the BC Inside Passage from Alaska and Prince Rupert Southbound through Great Bear Rainforest and Vancouver Island. It's an epic journey of 1,500 kilometres through pristine coastal waterways and wilderness. And each season, with marine weather, wildlife and fish migrations, is a little bit different. In the spirit of coastal conservation, Big Coast practices catch-and-release Tyee Chinook Salmon (over 30lbs) angling and only taking what you need. Going strong for 15 years, Big Coast features 13 new half hour episodes every year! A 300-mile boat trip from Vancouver to Duncanby Lodge in Rivers Inlet for Percy Walkus Hatchery Chinook Fundraiser!
Big Coast
Fishing Prince Rupert, Ha-Nee-Nah Lodge on Dundas Island and Hecate Strait for Chinook Salmon and Pacific Halibut!
Hawaii, Beachboys auf Patrouille
For many people Hawaii is paradise on earth. The Archipelago is a veritable jewel in need of special protection. 360° GEO Report closely follows Hawaii's Nature Conservation patrol. The police of the Departments of Land and Natural Resources carry out their duty on all the islands of Hawaii. The officers of the DLNR wander through the Islands on a daily basis, patrolling from the mountain peaks to the depths of the Pacific Ocean.
Race of Life
With predators practically always on the lookout for a meal, prey must constantly avoid being eaten. Any defensive adaptation that prey can utilize adds to the chances of survival for its species. Some adaptations are defense mechanisms which can give the prey an advantage against their enemies. The first is very direct and comes naturally. Animals can use speed as a very effective means of escaping predators. In the evolutionary history of big herbivores and the carnivores that prey upon them, the phrase "arms race"is only technically a metaphor. Antelope are literally born to run, and many of the things that chase them, such as the cheetah, are either masters of endurance or champion sprinters. The evolutionary story almost writes itself: over millions of years of chasing, and being chased, wherever predators evolved to move quickly, their prey were selected to run even faster. Except of course there's more to life than running for your life. An antelope's frame is under more demands than evading cheetahs—it also needs to travel long distances to follow food availability with the shifting rainy season. The ostrich meanwhile stands at one extreme of bird evolution, for although unable to fly, of all the birds the ostrich runs the fastest race of life. More peculiar still is the Golden Wheel spider, the only creature known to turn itself into a wheel in order to get away from trouble. There are many ways to win the race, when the goal is always survival.
Outta Town Adventures
Outta Town Adventures travels both near and far to discover the best advenures the destinations have to offer. This TV series is dedicated to presenting history, culture and geography in a fun and pisitive way. It encourages people to explore this beautiful world - something that starts with simply getting out of town!
Outta Town Adventures
Outta Town Adventures travels both near and far to discover the best advenures the destinations have to offer. This TV series is dedicated to presenting history, culture and geography in a fun and pisitive way. It encourages people to explore this beautiful world - something that starts with simply getting out of town!
China Uncovered
Famous Chinese Erhu player Zhao Lei is leaving his stamp on classical Chinese music by experimenting with musical fusion between the East and West. On a sharper note in downtown Shanghai, Yuyintang Livehouse opens its doors to contemporary music lovers. The spiritual home of cutting edge beats in Shanghai, Yuyintang has started the careers of Visual Kei band Lilith and progressive metal rockers Mathlotus, but the modern music scene is still reeling from the Rock 'n' Roll ban of the Cultural Revolution. Join them as they strive to become the rock stars of tomorrow.
Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we experience visual and audio illusions, sensory puzzles and brain tricks from the worlds of art, science, nature and psychology and learn why they baffle our senses.
Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we experience visual and audio illusions, sensory puzzles and brain tricks from the worlds of art, science, nature and psychology and learn why they baffle our senses.
A Year in the Wild
A resident baboon on one of the ranches requires some human help to extract a snare. The splinters pack run into a coalition of cheetahs. Jess visits the new-born Splinters pups. Pungwe are on the hunt for big game as they take on formidable buffalo. The Splinters once again demonstrate their extraordinary hunting tactics.
Africa's Deadliest
Masters of stealth or speed, using enhanced senses and lethal strategies to hunt, Africa's killers include the incredibly fast cheetah and lions, which while slower, have raw power and ingenious teamwork on their side. The rivers, meanwhile, hold fearsome crocodiles.
Die Rettungshunde vom Gardasee
17 year old Ester and her dog Mia have big plans: saving lives at Lake Garda. In the north of Italy swimming rescue dogs are on duty at several lakes and the Mediterranean Sea. After traffic accidents, drowning is worldwide the second most common cause of death by accident. But a rescue is always difficult as the rescuer itself can be in danger. Like Mia, the Italian rescue dogs are mostly Newfoundland's- dogs who love the water and with a weight of at least 66 pounds (30 Kilo?), are able to pull people out of the water. For 3 years the dog- owners and their animals are trained to save lives. But the biggest challenge for Ester waits at the end: a jump out of a helicopter.
Organic Panic
Is your home making your family sick? From cleaners to carpets, most of our homes are filled with potentially deadly chemicals. New mother Jaya Bone wants to keep her baby happy and healthy, but worries that she can't afford an all-organic house. She visits eco-expert Kym Klopp at her natural lifestyle store. Kym describes key home products and furnishings that can be toxic and identifies organic alternatives. Brendan Seale, Sustainability Manager for Ikea tries to convince Jaya that everything doesn't have to be organic to be safe. Jaya becomes emotional when she struggles to make the best choices for her daughter.
Life In the Blue
This films reveals the extraordinary variety of life found in the vast blue expanses of te open ocean. Here, all the action takes place in a 10 metre deep band of water, just under the surface. Many species use this section of water to migrate and hunt while others use ingenious ways to stay hidden where there appears to be no shelter. From the surface, the huge blue expanses of the open ocean appear to be devoid of all life. Popular belief is that most sea life congregates around mainline coasts, islands or rocky outcrops. But that perception is far from the truth. This 4K film,shot in the Atlantic, reveals the extraordinary diversity of species who call the open ocean their home and the tactics they use to survive in the watery wilderness. Most of the life here congregates in a nutrient-rich band of water, around 10 metres from the surface. But it is brutal life out in the open ocean. There is little shelter, big predators abound and food is hard to find. Only those who adapt to the conditions have a hope of surviving in the blue void. Barracuda are a common species in the open water and they travel in large spiraling groups close the surface as a defense mechanism against bigger predators. This space is also their own feeding ground and they can attack smaller fish en masse. And where there are barracuda, Blue sharks are never far away. These supreme open ocean predators are among the most graceful of sharks but when the need arises, they can transform instantly into ferocious and efficient killers. They regularly cross the Atlantic, coast to coast, in a journey of 4,000 kilometres. Other species profiled which also undertake huge journeys include turtles, pilot whales and whale sharks, and we reveal how the notorious Portuguese man o' war provides shelter for small fish within its lethal tentacles. Other small fish of prey instinctively group together when they are threatened - as lone individuals they are far more likely to be eaten than large groups. But in dramatic close up action, a banquet is served as dolphins sprint in from the blue to harvest this massive source of protein. The film also reveals the amazing variety of life and colour found in shipwrecks. Like oases in the desert,these steel skeletons are colonized by soft and hard corals, attracting huge armies of small fish. They hide in the structures while larger fish and sharks roam the periphery.

Ohjelmaopas - sunnuntai, 12.05.2024

Colonies Under the Sea
The film follows four unique divers as they explore shipwrecks in the heart of the Bahamas archipelago in order to discover the unexpected life they harbor.
Neuseelands Lauf der Extreme
A plunge into New Zealand's Ultramarathon preparations, a tradition that comes from a Maori legend. 55 year-old Lilac Fley is an athlete and many times winner of the extreme race. A Maori legend dictates the course of the Ultramarathon. It tells the story of a boy who once lived with his tribe on the New Zealand coast. One day his mother asked him to search for some kumaras, or sweet potatoes, for a meal. Instead of digging for them, he decided to steal some from the neighboring tribe. Till this day, runners follow in his footsteps along the coastline - during New Zealand's most famous marathon.
Die Baumkletterer von Kalifornien
Rick Dirks is one of the best tree climbers in California. He is able to climb 100-meter tall (328-foot) redwood trees with skill and courage and do so at breathtaking speed. He even ties himself to the crown of these giant trees in a sleeping bag for the night. In addition to trimming the trees and installing measuring tools, Rick collects the tree's cones and seeds at dizzying heights – because the redwoods can only continue to survive if they are cultivated. In California, these giant trees are still cut down for timber.
Sous le feu des ondes
The international scientific community is called on to take sides and provide solid answers. "Surrounded by Waves" explores the methods and motivations behind the most prominent research in the field and clarifies what we currently know, all with a mind to the social context behind the issue. Through an elegant blend of interviews, archives, experiments and 3D animation, the film clearly assesses the estimated risk linked to cell phones while offering a subtle observation of society's growing distrust of its industries and the unprecedented role of science in the debate.
The New Frontier
They orbit between us and our Star, the inner worlds; hidden within the sun's glare often only visible at sunrise or sunset. Venus the first and brightest star in the evening sky, and Mercury fleeting across the solar disk. They are half of our solar system's terrestrial planets yet we know so little. As we begin to take a closer look at our companions they are posing more questions than answers.
The New Frontier
From the beginnings of our Solar System four and half billion years ago there remains tantalizing clues to its evolution; remnent debris: asteroids and comets. They vary in size from grains of dust to mountain sides, footballs to planetoids. They were the building blocks of the planets and perhaps carry the origins of life itself. Now within our grasp these rocks of ice and dust are ready to give up their secrets.
European Islands
The European islands are renowned primarily for their hotel resorts. However, we will show you a completely different face of theirs: forests, beaches, coves, mountains, valleys and rivers. Perhaps you will find places that will take your breath away. Why just lie on the beach when there is so much to see? Put on some good hiking shoes, pull your shoelaces tight, and get to know the entire island like the back of your hand.
Travel Thru History
Westward ho! We settle in Salt Lake City, where we learn about Bringham Young's settlement of the Utah territory and his monument at This is the Place Park. Then we dig in the dirt to find hundreds of perfectly preserved dinosaurs at the Utah Natural History museum. We'll take a look at some US aviation history at the Hill Air force Base museum, and see how life was like for the Utah pioneers at Frontier Homestead State Park.
Travel Thru History
TTH heads to the great white North…kind of. We visit the world class city of Toronto. There we'll head straight up the Western Hemisphere's tallest structure, the CN Tower. Next we score a look at the Hockey Hall of Fame and see a North American castle at Casa Loma. Finally we see how the British defended their city against the newly formed United States at Fort York.
Past Hunters
Built in the early 1800s, Whitby Hall used to be an administrative center and now stands as a public park and arts center. It has never before been investigated, but staff have reported many noises and presences among them.
Les traces cachées
On the 11th of November, 1918, the First World War drew to an end with a terrible toll… after a conflict unlike anything Humanity had ever seen before. For 4 years and 3 months, soldiers from at least 20 countries were plunged in the hell of trenches… caught under a deluge of bombs.
Le jour où
On 28 May 1940, while the Wehrmacht crushed the allied armies in France, British officials are prepared to deal with Hitler. They even suggest a mediation from Mussolini. Alone against all in the war cabinet, Churchill, by his cleverness and willingness, finally convinced his collaborators to fight.
Seg 1 Visually-Evoked Auditory Response. VEAR or Visually Evoked Auditory response is the type of auditory perception where our brains perceive to hear sounds in response to seeing something. In the case of the jumping pylon illusion, a thud sound is perceived even though there is no sound accompanying the animation. Seg 2 Retinal Fatigue. Retinal fatigue is the term used to describe the condition when the photoreceptors in our eyes become tired or strained due to staring at one color for extend periods of time. The effect causes an afterimage of the complementary color to appear out of nowhere and will be temporarily visible for a few seconds. Seg 3 Müller-Lyer illusion. The Müller-Lyer illusion is an optical illusion where parallel lines of the same length appear longer when perceived with different pointed arrowheads drawn at the ends. Possible explanations suggest that our minds tend to look at overall length rather than just the line's parts or segments when processing the image. Another possible explanation is that our minds tendency to look at angled lines and perceive patterns of depth. Seg 4 Ames Room. The Ames room is a specially constructed room that features a distorted and skewed floor plan. when viewed from one angle, our brain is tricked into thinking that the perspective of the rooms is normal but when a person walks from one end to another the distorted floor angle makes it look as if the person changes size drastically. Seg 5 Synesthesia. Synesthesia is a genetic condition that is present in at least 4% of the human population. People with synesthesia have hyper connected neurons that allow them to perceive a stimuli as interconnected with different senses. An example of which is the ability to see color while hearing sounds.
Trésors volés
It's the biggest museum in the world…the museum of artworks stolen over the centuries and never rediscovered. These works haunt the nightmares of their owners, and occupy the days of hundreds of police officers across the world, as well as those of a handful of private agencies; no country or museum of importance can claim to have been spared.
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
Zenith – Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
Zenith – Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
On a survolé la Terre
A young French couple, Clémentine Bacri and Adrien Normier set off on a one year long journey around the planet on board a light aircraft dedicated to science and education. Their goal: offer aerial support to public research laboratories, an unique opportunity to discover scientific activities and use them to teach science at school. In research areas, the crew has implemented observation and modeling techniques that are key elements for research.
On a survolé la Terre
A young French couple, Clémentine Bacri and Adrien Normier set off on a one year long journey around the planet on board a light aircraft dedicated to science and education. Their goal: offer aerial support to public research laboratories, an unique opportunity to discover scientific activities and use them to teach science at school. In research areas, the crew has implemented observation and modeling techniques that are key elements for research.
Quirky Science
Plastic has become ubiquitous. Impressive, since we'd been living without them for centuries! We have grown dependent on plastics in many ways. The production industry uses it to connect the parts that make machinery: our trillions of toilet bowls need it, let alone wash machines, computers, toothbrushes, pens and traffic lights. Can you imagine that plastic was accidentally invented for the purpose of making billiard balls? Though, its inventor had used something now called guncotton, which led to a rather explosive game of pool. In the end, the first plastic was discovered when someone witnessed how Southeast Asian farmers used the poop of a little beetle, called shellac, to preserve wood. When looking for a substitute, Leo Beakeland created "Bakelite" and that substance turned out to be the first plastic. Nylon followed, the first man-made synthetic plastic, developed by Dupont to replace silk. Nylon isn't that difficult to make yourself, amazingly. During WW2 all nylon production went into the manufacturing of parachutes, leading Dupont and others to stop producing pantyhose. It led to true nylon riots. Plastics were plain out popular. Indeed, the age of plastic had only just begun. But plastic is made with oil and is hard to break down, which calls for a solution. A company in the US is creating a bioplastic grown inside microorganisms. In fact – soon they'll have plants cultivating plastic… plastic grown in the field? Now that is quirky!
Quirky Science
The Internet was invented during the cold war and launched in 1969. Yet it wasn't made for the public. In fact, it was developed for the army to communicate quickly and secretly so that no spies could intercept and no bombs could disrupt the sharing of information! It was nothing like we know today. The Internet involved computers exchanging text, on a black field with green letters, and e-mail was only invented 2 years later because the developers needed a reliable tool to communicate. So only in 1972 was this application; electronic mail, introduced. The Internet we know now was actually a second, separate invention, launched over a decade and a half after the Internet was first launched, and was called the 'World Wide Web'. Nobody was paying attention to Tim Berners-Lee and his pet idea, even though he had a radical new way for scientists to share data by linking documents to one another over the Internet! His proposal came back with the words "vague but exciting" written across the cover, so Berners-Lee took his invention to the people: with a website, bringing us the Internet we know today. Yet the Internet is only just out of its baby shoes, and is now being used to drive radical change in music and films, politics and business, changing the very way we see and interact with one another! From the computer screen to mass protests in the street, So what will the future bring us, how will the Web 3.0 change us? A web that can understand human needs?
Africa's Creative Killers
On the plains of East Africa an epic journey is underway. Millions of wildebeest and thousands of zebras march in an annual, circular migration in search of lush grazing.Two major rivers, the Mara and the Grumeti, intersect their route and force the herds to cross. Crocodiles, the biggest living on earth, wait in these rivers to take advantage of this moving feast. In this ever-changing waterscape successful predators adapt their hunting strategies to suit the shifting environment.On the Grumeti River, DC is the Dominant Croc of a lose gang called the RagTags. When the wildebeest arrive to drink, these Pit Stops, Zone 1, are the crocs' first challenge. It doesn't go well for the RagTags. These smaller, inexperienced crocs don't calculate their launch speed correctly, so opportunities are missed. DC finds a pool where he can work alone. He grabs an impressive male zebra, but the pool's not deep enough to drown it. The zebra fights hard and DC is forced to let it go.Deep Water, Zone 2, is a zone exclusive to the Mara River. Steep banks and fast-flowing water make it a river that favours the crocodiles. Wildebeest plunge off the cliffs straight into the deep channel. To hunt here is easy: Swim, launch and drown.There's no free lunch on the Grumeti. DC waits for the next opportunity. He picks up vibrations in the water that tell him the herds have started to cross. Zone 3, The Shallows, is a dangerous zone for crocodiles. Wildebeest gallop across the river and crocodiles can get trampled. DC captures a calf but the RagTags share with him and DC is left with a single mouthful. Frustrated with his small portion, DC drives the gang away. Theft is a viable strategy in the Grumeti. The RagTags follow DC when he tries to hoard his next prize. When DC spots one of the gang members and gives chase, the RagTags move in and steal the carcass.DC finds another opportunity on the Rocks, Zone 4. Wildebeest are forced to walk slowly to avoid tripping and falling. DC causes panic in the ranks and grabs a calf.This time he won't share. He flicks the calf until the head tears right off the neck. Exhausted from the hunt, DC is forced to rest and recharge. He's not alone. This pool belongs to a hippopotamus. Luckily the hippo is more curious that confrontational and he leaves DC alone. As the season moves on, the Grumeti River dries up. Only the tail-enders of the herd remain and DC needs one last kill before the herds disappear for good.On the Mara River the water itself is so treacherous that many animals die while crossing. Carcasses pile up on the riverbank, and the crocs here can scavenge long after the wildebeest have left. DC will have to hunt if he wants a stockpile. When the herds unexpectedly drink at the hippo pool, DC sets up for a Pit Stop attack. But suddenly they start to cross and it becomes a Rock Crossing!Wildebeest trample over him but he strikes a big wildebeest bull and holds tight. The hippo pool is not deep enough for a quick death. But DC outlasts the wildebeest in the tug-of-war.
Kyuchu - Wo Japans grüner Tee wächst
This report shows how the famous Japanese green tea is cultivated, explores its healing power and explains how deeply the tea has penetrated Japanese society. For the Japanese people, green tea is more than just an ordinary beverage. It is the key to the national culture - it combines enjoyment, philosophy and the art of living. In springtime, the entire country waits for the first flush, the very first harvest of the precious Sencha tea from the island of Kyushu, the world's biggest organic tea production region.
Tuning 2 You: India's Lost Musicians
High in the eastern mountains in a remote corner of India, Soumik encounters the Naga tribes. They teach him about their mysterious customs, chicken dances and head-hunting traditions, part of a unique identity at the brink of extinction. The Nagas wish to preserve.
Tuning 2 You: India's Lost Musicians
In the world's oldest city of Varanasi, Soumik explores a neighbourhood that has produced five generations of Indian classical masters. He meets widowed women singers who have committed their lives to the Hindu God, Shiva, and a young drummer with the talent to make it big. Dedication to fading classical arts is formidable in this timeless city of religion, tradition and rising commercial interests.
Big Coast
Running the Portland Canal from Prince Rupert to Alaska...and fishing Alaskan Halibut!
Big Coast
Trolling for Chinook Salmon in Prince Rupert then making big run Southbound to Hartley Bay through Grenville Channel!
Seg 1 Carrion flowers. Carrion flowers are the unorthodox perception of flowers for they are rare, big, and very unpleasant. Other terms are stink flowers and corpse flowers. The biggest flower in the world, rafflesia arnoldii, is a carrion flower. These flowers are difficult to find and reproduce and could breed through cross-pollination by attracting flies and dung beetles. Seg 2 Aposematism. Aposematism is a form of signalling that enables protection for both preys and predators by giving signs of poison and danger through showing off the bright colors and patterns on their epidermal layers that become associated with inedibility. Some species have developed mimicry based on aposematism in order to avail the protection aposematic colors give. Seg 3 Cuckoo Misdirection. Cuckoo misdirection demonstrates the mimicking abilities of a female cuckoo in order to find host nests to hatch her eggs. The female mimics a cry of a predator bird in order to frighten the hosts, leaving them vulnerable, thus the cuckoo can seize the chance to drop her egg on a host nest. Seg 4 Pheromones. Animal pheromones are the chemicals secreted and released by different species to communicate with other organisms. There are various types serving different purposes, ranging from reproduction, to trailing, to alarms. Some pheromones are also specific to one species of animals. Seg 5 Deimatic Behavior. Deimatic behavior is another type of defensive behavior in animals that also involves mimicry. It's the opposite of aposematism because while aposematism works by blatantly showing or signalling its danger or unpalatability, deimatic behavior relies on the element of surprise to startle predators in
Journeys in Africa
From the streets of Soweto to the colonial Union Building, the metro area of Joburg is a mix of architecture, people and traditions. Johannesburg is more than just a big city—it's also home to one of the world's best safari parks.
Journeys in Africa
In all previous Journeys' shows, only glimpses of the cheetah were seen. Here at Kruger, we get up close to this shy cat before heading out of the park and visiting a special research and breeding center dedicated to cheetahs.
Life Is One
The return to life in the wild for 3 captive sun bears.
China Uncovered
Two brothers from rural China train in the art of Kung Fu in the hopes of elevating their lives however minimally. Meanwhile, rich kids in the city attend private English schools to improve their chances to study abroad. But China's favorite philanthropist Chen Guang Biao shares his rags-to-riches story proving that odds can indeed be beaten. Rural children in China may still dream small, but as for the young elite partying away in rooftop bars, life is sweet.
Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we experience visual and audio illusions, sensory puzzles and brain tricks from the worlds of art, science, nature and psychology and learn why they baffle our senses.
Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we experience visual and audio illusions, sensory puzzles and brain tricks from the worlds of art, science, nature and psychology and learn why they baffle our senses.
A Year in the Wild
As a new year starts in the heart of Africa, the rainy season has come to the Okavango Delta in Botswana, and with it begins a season of plenty and the luxury of permanent and abundant water sources. In South Africa's Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve, a group of rare samango monkeys take advantage of the abundant fruit born by a large Natal fig tree. In Thailand, a group of rhesus macaques have discovered a mango tree, and are busy feeding and stuffing their throat pouches with the fruit. Back in the Okavango Delta, the rains have also brought large buffalo herds back to the Xakanaxa area, the territory of a powerful pride of lions. Life and death are also a close-run thing for young gannet fledglings on their massive breeding colony of 50.000 birds on Malgas Island off the South African coast. As the young birds attempt to spread their wings and take to the air, some end up in the water. Many young animals have to run a gauntlet early on in life, and as a young loggerhead turtle hatches out of its egg and emerges from the sand on a beach in Mozambique, it faces a gruelling journey from its nest on the beach down to the sea. African penguins, too, are adapted to life at sea, but rest, breed and mate on land. Penguins elsewhere in the world face an almost unbelievable challenge to breed and rear their young. When it comes to raising animals, the African plains are no more forgiving than the sub-Antarctic. At this time of year, the Serengeti plains in Tanzania are teeming with herds of wildebeest and zebra with their young. Predators are never far away. In a Thai forest, stingless bees are busy building a cone-shaped nest in a tree, combining forces for the greater good of the colony. Kamfers Dam in South Africa is one of only four breeding colonies of Lesser Flamingos, at times reaching up to 50.000 birds. The sun sets over the spectacular sight of thousands of flamingos, straining the water for food and taking to the air.
The Solomon Treasures
The discovery in Jerusalem in 2007 of a tomb said to belong to the family of Jesus of Nazareth is just the latest in a long line of extraordinary finds which have recently come to light in the Holy Land. But not all these finds are quite what they seem. Both a stone tablet said to come from the Temple of Solomon, and an ossuary apparently belonging to the brother of Jesus, have been declared fakes. The official investigation then uncovered dozens of other fakes, and attention eventually focussed on one of the most revered objects in Israel: the ivory pomegranate. This artefact has been in the Israel Museum for nearly twenty years. Like the stone tablet, it too was linked to the Temple of Solomon – and astonishingly it too, investigators concluded, was fake. As forensic scientists now turn their attention to the ossuaries from the 'Jesus family tomb', Israeli archaeologists are left fearing that history and science is being repeatedly distorted, and they face a challenge to separate fact from fiction.
Cheetah: The Price of Speed
The cheetah is a highly specialised animal. It excels at one thing alone, running down high-speed prey faster than any other mammal on earth.But this specialisation comes at a cost. The cheetah as a predatory model seems focussed on one single area of expertise. Outside of pursuing prey, how effective is this animal when compared to the other apex predators of the savannah?Alongside lions, leopards, vultures and hyenas how does the cheetah fit into the efficient cogs of the savannah system? Can it compete, or is it an outsider, cornered by it's own specialisation?The primary character in the story is a cheetah mother, who goes about her daily life, hunting for her three cubs. Her trials and tribulations highlight the refined hunting system of the cheetah, but they also shed light on her weaknesses, and the lack of robustness in the species itself.
Chanel No. 5, the Legendary Perfume
A revolutionary fragrance needs a visionary woman to create it! Gabrielle Chanel, the woman liberated others from corsage made the delightful perfume Chanel N°5 which remains the symbol of elegance around the world. This documentary will take you to Grasse to Paris & tell you the story of the legendary perfume.
Oh, Dior!
Sabbatical Entertainment's exclusive original documentary admires Christian Dior, the famous French fashion designer whose post–World War II creations were wildly popular and whose legacy continues to influence the fashion industry.