

Boomerang is a 24-hour digital cable and satellite network offering the best in classic and contemporary animated entertainment. Boomerang targets boys and girls aged 4-7 and their families, offering an exciting mix of light-hearted and fun family favourite cartoons such as Be Cool Scooby-Doo, The Tom & Jerry Show, Mr Bean, Wabbit, Bunnicula, My Knight & Me, Grizzy & the Lemmings and The Looney Tunes Show.

United Kingdom

Ohjelmaopas - tiistai, 14.05.2024

Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
The Looney Builders face underwater challenges as they build a sea school for Moxie Manatee.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
The Looney Builders try to help Winston Whale by building him a mail truck, but Winston is used to working alone.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
Moxie Manatee hires The Looney Builders to build an obstacle course for the Sandy Shells Preschool Games, but Lola isn't listening to her crew.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
The Mouse Sisters hire The Looney Builders to build a cheese café featuring a mural by Sylvester who is having a bad day.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
Short on food supplies, Grizzy has gone out to gather fruit. He comes back with a basketful but discovers that the Lemmings have stolen the last helping of Yummy chocolate spread in the cabin. A fight breaks out.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
The Lemmings take off with the last jar of Yummy chocolate spread. Grizzy catches up with them but they drop the jar and it lands in a nearby sacred temple. While trying to get inside, they accidentally activate a mechanism that blocks the entrance. Grizzy and the Lemmings must resolve riddles and overcome dangerous obstacles along the path to the Yummy - before the other one gets there first!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
The Lemmings organize wrestling combats on the living room couch. Grizzy, weary of the clamor, stops the match. The displeased Lemmings retaliate, but during their fight the cabin's wood floor caves in and they all fall into an old sidecar with four wrestling masks inside. Grizzy, two Lemmings and a partridge launch into a pitiless combat.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
After a spat over a jar of Yummy, Grizzy and the Lemmings find gold leaf-wrapped chocolate bits scattered in the jungle. Delicious! On the backs of a bat and a tapir, the rodents and the bear fight over the harvest of candy.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the last spoonful of Yummy. Their brawl is interrupted when they happen upon a full crate of chocolate spread in the garage. The rodents snatch the crate and take off on a drone. The bear catches up with them, mounted on the back of a giant bat, but the cargo falls onto the roof of a sacred Mayan temple that's boobytrapped! When they recover the Yummy, Grizzy and the Lemmings are pursued by a stone giant!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
Night has fallen and the solar panels do not generate enough electricity to charge Grizzy's TV. He sees the Lemmings playing with fireflies that could make his panels work, and tries to distract the Lemmings and capture the fireflies.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
After stealing Grizzy's jar of Yummy chocolate spread, the Lemmings propel the bear far from the log cabin. Grizzy lands in a temple where he finds a crystal skull which gives you the power to cause chaos.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
Nutty Hill is suffering from a stifling heat wave. Searching in vain for a bit of cool air, Grizzy suddenly has a brilliant idea. He'll get into the fridge, where the temperature will be more bearable. One slight detail, the refrigerator shelves are already full of Lemmings.
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, 2020
When Lilit creates a "friends tree" mapping out who everyone is best friends with in Mushton, she realizes Muddler has no friends at all. Unable to accept this, Lilit slips away to try and befriend him. But Muddler's perception of friendship is somewhat unique, meaning Lilit now needs the help of her two best friends, Mush-Mush and Chep, to escape from Muddler's clutches.
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, 2020
Having rescued a Mushlet, Mush-Mush, Chep and Lilit becomes heroes in Mushton, and they're loving it! So Mushlers create a rescue team... but, alas, no one needs saving! How can you be a hero when there is nothing to be heroic about?! Then when some Mushlets become adrift on the river, Team Mush-Mush, with Morel's help, have to save the day again.
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, 2020
The Beacon Mushroom that guides the Mushables back to Mushton in the dark has gone out. So Lilit lights up and stands in its place for the night... and soon gets quite bored! Lilit's good deed has her regretting her gift - she's basically just a lamp! But when her light goes out, Lilit instantly regrets regretting it: she wants her gift back!
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, 2020
Every time Mush-Mush has tried to surprise his friend with a gift, Chep has always found out what it was. But Chep promises that this time he won't. And Lilit, who is too honest to keep a secret, promises she won't let Chep know what the surprise is. Both of them find this so hard! But Mush-Mush is one step ahead of them...
Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time (Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time), Comedy, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2023
Porky tries to eat his sandwich but keeps getting interrupted by the crew who need his help.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
The Looney Builders face underwater challenges as they build a sea school for Moxie Manatee.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
The Looney Builders try to help Winston Whale by building him a mail truck, but Winston is used to working alone.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
Moxie Manatee hires The Looney Builders to build an obstacle course for the Sandy Shells Preschool Games, but Lola isn't listening to her crew.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
The Mouse Sisters hire The Looney Builders to build a cheese café featuring a mural by Sylvester who is having a bad day.
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
Frustrated by the Batwheels' distracting affinity for holiday festivities, Batwing decides to "go solo" to thwart Mr. Freeze's evil Christmas-time plots. However, Batwing and the Batwheels soon realize that stopping Mr. Freeze is much harder when they all aren't working together as a team.
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
After the rest of the Batwheels are incapacitated and Gotham's beloved holiday mascot, Ike Cicle, is captured by Mr. Freeze, Batwing realizes that going solo isn't all it's cracked up to be. Now it's up to her to rescue her friends, and work with them to save Christmas in Gotham.
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
Redbird sacrifices his stealth muffler tech to sound as loud as the other Batwheels - but his modifications backfire when Robin needs his stealthy skills to catch the elusive Catwoman!
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
MOE wants to know what it's like to be a member of the Batwheels, but the bot gets more than he bargained for when Bam invites him along for an exciting mission to stop Poison Ivy.
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
After the Joker floods the Batcave, the Batwheels evacuate and relocate to a nearby parking garage. As they adapt to their temporary home, they learn important lessons about family and making the most of what you have.
Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time (Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time), Comedy, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2023
It's Halloween, so the crew decorates their garage for the Looneyburg Trick-Or-Treaters.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
After studying a magazine advertisement with a couple standing in front of an SUV, Grizzy imagines that if only he had a nice car, his favorite she-bear would be interested in him. He decides to confiscate the Lemmings crate on wheels and give it a serious overhaul. The Lemmings have nothing against an upgrade, as long as they remain behind the wheel!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
The Lemmings discover a strange pond in an American Indian grotto that has the power to rejuvenate anyone who dips in it. They spray a bit of the water of youth onto Grizzy and he instantly turns into a harmless cub they can easily rid themselves of. But the effects of the waters are only temporary.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
While chasing the Lemmings, who stole his jar of chocolate spread, Grizzy crashes into an arcade cabinet near the supermarket which displays a model fortune teller and her crystal ball. Grizzy realizes that he can foresee events that are going to happen to him in the crystal ball, and namely the traps that the Lemmings have planned for him.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
The Lemmings have turned the entire cabin topsy-turvy to organize medieval jousts with the ranger's fencing gear. Grizzy, who wishes to recover his couch, tries to straighten up, but is driven out by their fencing foils. To retaliate, Grizzy must find a blade equal to the task. He opts for a fine... frozen swordfish!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
Grizzy finds a phial containing a love potion: anyone who drinks it immediately falls in love with the first creature he sees. Grizzy already imagines himself becoming irresistible in the eyes of his beloved she-bear. But that is without taking into account the Lemmings... clumsiness, and their rodeo caribou drinking the magic potion.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
Before taking a nap, Grizzy locks the food cupboard to prevent the Lemmings from getting into it. And to be sure they cannot force the lock, Grizzy throws all the house tools into the ravine. The Lemmings find a crate of mini building-blocks which enables them to build a hammer... and any other object they wish!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
Grizzy and the Lemmings happen on a native American Indian burial place under the ranger's cabin. When they accidentally activate a magic disk representing the earth, they are sent back in time to the prehistoric era...
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
While fighting over a jar of chocolate spread, Grizzy and the Lemmings set off a chain reaction which sends the jar flying into space, where it damages the space station. Amongst the debris that falls in front of the cabin, the Lemmings discover a box that cancels out gravity.
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, Canada, France, 2019
The raccoons find a brilliant way of getting into the Mikkelsen's house without anyone noticing by getting mailed to the house inside in a cardboard box. Mike falls for it and the raccoons are free to steal whatever they want in their few minutes of freedom inside the house. The racoons skedaddle back to their lair, but instead of stealing the loot, Mercury brings back an old grandfather clock that belonged to the family's grandmother. Now Mike has to break into the raccoon's lair, retrieve the family heirloom and give the raccoons a taste of their own medicine.
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, Canada, France, 2019
Mike is running around like a headless chicken: saving Fluffy from danger, stopping the turtles from breaking everything in the house, and fighting the raccoons. He's in serious need of a break. Seeing how overworked Mike is, Iris and the turtles decide to take over Mike's duties for the day so the exhausted pooch can get a well-deserved rest. The friends mean well but they might have underestimated just how hard Mike's job is!
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, Canada, France, 2019
It's cold and grey outside. Mike invites Iris over to warm up over a hot chocolate. The raccoons sneak into the house and damage the Mikkelsen's home Automation Temperature regulator in the process. Now the house is randomly flipping between blistering hot to freezing cold. Mike has to face danger, overcome challenges, and battle the elements in order to boot the raccoons out of the house.
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, Canada, France, 2018
The raccoons steal Iris's favorite toy but accidentally drop it on the terrace during their escape. Mike picks it up while cleaning, thinking it's Fluffys. Iris notices and thinks Mike stole it. She stomps over to the house to get it back, but Fluffy has already made off with it. By the time Mike has figured it all out, the raccoons have stolen it back again. Mike needs to get the toy back if he wants Iris to ever forgive him.
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, Canada, France, 2019
Mike's plans to hang out with Iris are cruelly dashed when he trots out onto the patio to find her playing with a hunky other dog. Mike is crushed. This means war! The boys begin a merciless fight for Iris's affection while she watches horrified. But when the raccoons break into the house armed with an air horn, the two romantic rivals have to team up to overcome their differences to eject the raccoons from the house.
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, Canada, France, 2019
It's April Fool's Day. Mike has invited Iris over for a romantic dinner but instead of romance, Iris is more interested in pranking Mike. Mike does his best to take it in his stride and keep the evening on track. Meanwhile, the raccoons have their sights set on the dinner. Mike and Iris team up to create the ultimate prank obstacle course around the house and the joke is on the raccoons.
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, Canada, France, 2019
A cute white cat turns up on the Mikkelsen's patio. Everyone thinks it's super-duper adorable, especially Iris. It looks like Fluffy has found a new friend, but for some reason Fluffy seems to be finding himself in increasingly life-threatening situations. Thankfully, Mike is on top of it and saves Fluffy's life more than once. But curiously, that cute new kitty is always around. Is he trying to replace the family's cat and become the new favorite?
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
After the Joker floods the Batcave, the Batwheels evacuate and relocate to a nearby parking garage. As they adapt to their temporary home, they learn important lessons about family and making the most of what you have.
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
Redbird gets excited when he learns that Batman and Robin are taking him and Bam for a drive up the coast! But when the Joker and his van Prank show up unexpectedly and ruin Redbird's beach day plans, Bam helps him realize that even though things didn't go exactly as planned, they still had a great day!
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2002
Inspired by a wildlife documentary on TV, Mr. Bean dusts off his camera and treks deep into the countryside in search of the perfect wildlife photograph. After two fruitless days of being the hunter, he is somewhat miffed to find himself the hunted.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2002
Whilst browsing the supermarket for lovely grub, Mr. Bean's life-long pal, Teddy, is kidnapped. Bean tracks down the nasty men responsible and finds that Teddy is not their only captive. Mr. Bean rescues a hundred teddy bears once their ears are put through an industrial sewing machine.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
Grizzy's TV remote control is stolen by a partridge who collects high-tech objects in his nest perched high up in a tree. This is a case of absolute urgency! Grizzy has no other choice but to requisition the Lemmings propulsion game to recover his possession. But try and make a Lemming understand that!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
Grizzy has got it into his head to offer a butterfly to the she-bear he's in love with. But the Lemmings fight with him over the rare specimens he's spotted, for they want to play helicopter. The butterfly hunt is on!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
The Lemmings have discovered an addictive new game based on the astonishing bouncing properties of the ranger's new running shoes. Grizzy, who is trying to relax, confiscates the shoes and soon realizes they are far more comfortable than his thongs.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2016
Grizzy babysits for the she-bear he has a crush on, who has entrusted him with the care of her cub. There's no question of Grizzy tripping up, for he has no intention of taking any risks! But he hadn't reckoned on the Lemmings. Captivated by the baby's burps after meals, they dream of making it drink gallons of soda pop to make it do the "Big One."
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2016
Unwilling to share the food both he and the Lemmings are wild about, Grizzy locks it up inside the ranger's brand new and apparently burglar proof safe. He watches the Lemmings' vain attempts to open the safe with amusement, until he realizes that the string around his neck with the key is far from indestructible.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
Grizzy is impressed by the TV show of a magician who transforms a partridge into a bouquet of flowers. To get rid of the Lemmings once and for all, for they exasperate him with their incessant games, Grizzy tries the magic trick on them. And apparently... it works!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
It's hot out and when Grizzy sees an ice cream commercial on TV, he has a sudden craving. Unfortunately, the Lemmings made it to the deep-freeze in the garage before him and emptied it out to make themselves a sled run in the backyard with strawberry-vanilla ice cream. For Grizzy, there's no question that the stock they possessively watch over in an icebox winds up as powder snow!
Lu & The Bally Bunch (Lu & The Bally Bunch), For children, Animation, USA, Canada, Ireland, 2023
The bugs talk about things that are dear to their hearts.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2022
When The Looney Builders enter a sandcastle building contest, Tweety sees the competition and loses confidence in his idea.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2022
As The Looney Builders help Petunia build a greenhouse, she can't wait for the veggies to grow and does everything she can to speed up the process.
Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time (Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time), Comedy, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2023
Porky tries to eat his sandwich but keeps getting interrupted by the crew who need his help.
Jessica's Big Little World (Jessica's Big Little World), Adventure, Animation, USA, 2023
When Jessica can't get a new toy to work, she learns a new way to appreciate it.
Jessica's Big Little World (Jessica's Big Little World), Adventure, Animation, USA, 2023
Jessica opens a restaurant with her good friend Stanleigh, but will they be able to keep their customers happy?
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2015
Mr Bean inadvertently causes an accident which prevents Irma taking the scout troop to Big Bear's Scout Camp. With the scout master and mini bus out of action Mr Bean steps in to save the day. As temporary scoutmaster Mr Bean enjoys his new role but his obsessive badge collecting wins him no friends within the group.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2015
Mr Bean cannot find anywhere to park other than the space he spots in a school's car park. There's a case of mistaken identity and Mr Bean finds himself teaching a class of unruly school kids. Bean uses every trick in the book to win them over and ends up teaching the headmaster how to be a success in school.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2015
Mr Bean is in the library studying his family heritage. Someone brings to his attention Mr Bean's resemblance to a certain Lord Bean. Mr Bean sets off to track down his ancestral home (a castle) in Scotland where he is welcomed with open arms. But owning a castle is not cheap. Can Mr Bean escape before he runs out of money and has there been a case of mistaken identity?
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2015
Mr Bean and his beloved car find themselves in a crash for crash battle with his arch nemesis the Reliant Robin. It's a contest to find out who can hold their nerve the longest. Does Mr Bean win? Is his car left unscathed? And more importantly do we find out who the driver of the Reliant Robin really is?
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2021
Findley is convinced House is out to get him.
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2021
Arlo is missing his mother, so Lucas gives him a bell to ring if he needs Lucas's help - bad idea.
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2021
"Maizie" keeps ignoring Lucas and Findley, but not only do they learn she has a cousin, they also learn a new skill!
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2021
Lucas befriends a bright purple toy spider, and Findley gets jealous.
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, 2020
When an egg blows down into the village, it is Mush-Mush and friends mission to return it to Mush Mountain. Two problems though: there is a Beetle Boom on and all the beetles try to charge and knock over Mushables, and Lilit has always wanted to see an egg hatch so secretly drags her feet...
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, 2020
Chep is disappointed Mush-Mush and Lilit are too busy leaf-gliding to play moss-ball with him, so he hangs out with a new weevil friend instead. But Chep's new friend must migrate with all the other weevils -Except he doesn't know how to fly! Chep must teach him to fly while overcoming his own secret fear of heights.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
Grizzy finds a strange American Indian figurine with the power to switch the spirits of two living beings and finds himself imprisoned in the body of a caribou. He immediately tries to activate the reverse procedure, but the Lemmings steal the figurine in order to turn into a partridge and fly away.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
While salmon fishing on the riverbank, Grizzy hauls in an unusual catch: an old hand mirror straight out of a fairytale. Instead of showing the reflection of the person who holds it, the mirror shows an idealized vision of his surroundings. Whether it be Grizzy or the Lemmings, everyone sees the world of his dreams, and no one wants to share it.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
In a casing that fell from a circus caravan, the Lemmings find a magic stick that can enchant objects and make them come alive. Grizzy is sure that a stick like that would save him a lot of work, the only problem is how to get it from the Lemmings, who have become sorcerer's apprentices?
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
Whilst trying to stop the Lemmings from playing with a crate of firework rockets, Grizzy is literally carried away with them when the largest specimen shoots off. When the entire crate of fireworks explodes with a boom, they are hurled out of the atmosphere and all the way to the moon.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
With their endless battles over the ranger's cabin which they do not want to share, Grizzy and the Lemmings end up blowing the cabin up. Amidst the debris, they discover a strange pack: an army tent with all the necessary equipment to recreate a home in nature. It's the chance to discover the joys of camping in the wild.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
A strange object is delivered to the Ranger's cabin: an over-board! It's a latest generation skateboard which levitates above the ground without wheels. The Lemmings immediately try to get their paws on it, but Grizzy also covets the board as a table to set his TV-dinners down on.
Thomas & Friends Shorts (Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go! Shorts), For children, Adventure, Animation, United Kingdom, USA, Canada, 2022
An arts-and-crafts lesson might derail, unless Diesel and Percy can learn to share.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
Queen Beatrice hires The Looney Builders to build a workshop in her beehive where there is one rule the crew has trouble following.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
The Beaver Brothers hire The Looney Builders to build them a log cabin, but soon sidetrack the job by goofing around too much.
Jessica's Big Little World (Jessica's Big Little World), Adventure, Animation, USA, 2023
When Jessica can't get a new toy to work, she learns a new way to appreciate it.
Jessica's Big Little World (Jessica's Big Little World), Adventure, Animation, USA, 2023
Jessica opens a restaurant with her good friend Stanleigh, but will they be able to keep their customers happy?
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2019
Skullie warns Tom that it's almost midnight, so he'd best be on alert for one of the Catsylvania ghouls to show up. Tom reaches for a towel to wipe the soap out of his eyes but is shocked to discover that he's not using a towel at all, but a Mummy-cat's wrap! Soon, the Mummy-cat finds ways to freak out Tom and befuddle him, Jerry and Tuffy all over the house.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2019
When Tom and Butch both arrive to ask out Toodles, their competitive behavior prompts her to send them away to a charm school she recently attended. But how will they fare in the grueling etiquette courses taught by elegant cat instructors?
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2019
Things go awry when Cates orders Tom to clean and inspect the family automobile. Tom, Jerry and Tuffy end up taking the car into the countryside and doing their best to control it. As Tom reads and attempts to follow the instruction manual, Jerry and Tuffy help, but they also suffer many near-misses.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2019
When Tom finds out he won a contest to be in a cat food commercial, his behavior turns smug. This irritates Jerry, who goes to great lengths to ruin the commercial shoot at the house as Tom struggles in his role.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2019
Cates appears and assigns Tom the job of sweeping the estate's chimneys, warning him not to upset the Duchess's new exotic pet bird. Unfortunately, both the pet bird and a stork at the top of the chimney think Jerry is a worm. Soon chaos breaks out, hurting Tom's cleaning efforts.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2019
Bedfordshire Bertie, a champion show horse, runs away and hides on the estate grounds, where Jerry does his best to help her hide from nosey Tom. Bertie is stressed out over a big upcoming meet, but Jerry has a calming effect on her. When Tom catches up with them, he, too, helps the horse overcome her nerves and get back to her old self.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2021
Tom and Jerry take the scouts on a camping trip to canyon country and get more than they bargained for when a coyote pup shows up.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2016
Mr Bean is not allowed to fly off on holiday as his passport has no photograph. After failing to get one from a photo booth he tries numerous other ways to get his photo taken including photobombing a tourist's snap. None of these work but after Bean is arrested maybe the police can assist him. Say cheese!
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2016
Mr Bean wants to impress Irma by entering them both into a dance competition at the local park. But his tango is terrible and his rumba ridiculous so he enrols for lessons at a local dance school. After an unsuccessful class at the dance studio and a trip to the library to teach himself Mr Bean has lost track of time. He needs to make it up to a disgruntled Irma but will his homemade effort "win" her over.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2016
Mr Bean manages to get himself locked in a department store overnight while spending too long trying on clothes. Bean takes advantage of the situation having fun in the various departments. But when he discovers a robbery taking place the fun and games stop as the desperate burglar chases Bean from floor to floor and all around the store.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2019
Mr. Bean becomes obsessed with gaming after being introduced by Mrs. Wicket's nephew. He decides he must have his own console only to discover how expensive they are. But as luck would have it he arrives at the shop at closing time to discover that tomorrow there will be a special sale. All he has to do is be first in line…
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2021
Findley fibs about being sick to avoid chores. Dr. Lucas isn't happy.
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2021
Lucas is under so much pressure to write the perfect song, he loses his songwriting mojo!
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2021
Arlo gifts his Baby Acorn to Bodhi. But soon, he wants it back!
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2022
Arlo misunderstands a lesson about laughing at others.
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, 2020
Because he has won the moss-ball game last year, Puff is in charge of organizing this Summer's Picnic. Only Puff isn't comfortable in that role. Mush-Mush, Chep and Lilit offer to help and make sure all the Mushables will follow Puff's lead. Gradually, Puff gains confidence and ends up bossing everyone around. Now, all the Mushables are about to flee the Picnic!
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, 2020
Mush-Mush, Chep and Lilit notice that Mushpie seems in great shape lately. They want to feel as great as she does and try to discover her secret. When they realise that she works out every morning, our friends decide to join her. And soon, all the Mushables do too. Now Lilit notices that Mushpie doesn't seem in such great shape anymore…
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
As The Looney Builders build Kathy Bat an upside-down radio station, Porky has concerns but doesn't speak up.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
Queen Beatrice hires The Looney Builders to build a workshop in her beehive where there is one rule the crew has trouble following.
Jessica's Big Little World (Jessica's Big Little World), Adventure, Animation, USA, 2023
When Jessica meets another kid at the park with an identical look as her, the two quickly form an unbreakable bond.
Jessica's Big Little World (Jessica's Big Little World), Adventure, Animation, USA, 2024
When Jessica pet sits Stanleigh's hedgehog, she has to think on her feet.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2014
Tom stars in a documentary that mischaracterizes his daily activities. All of his daily activities from chasing Jerry to romancing Toodles are recorded.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2014
Dr. Bigby invents a transporting machine that accidentally transports Jerry and Tom to Paris where they meet Gigi and Cozette. They fall in love but are transported back. Bot and Napoleon break the machine trying to get them back and then they have to figure out how to make the machine work again. Bot falls in love with a robot named Dee and tries to fix her.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2014
Rick and Ginger are going on a vacation and bringing Tom and Spike aboard the plane. Stowaways Jerry and Tuffy are also along for the ride and things go awry when all the pets start chasing each other on the plane. Rick and Ginger are oblivious that their pets are annoying the entire plane.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2016
Ginger brings home a kitten that she will foster until she finds it a forever home. Everyone in the house falls in love with the kitten, except for Tom. When Spike and Jerry see that Tom has become a bad influence on the kitten, a dragged-out fight ensues. The only thing that ends it is the news that the kitten has a new home.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2014
When Rick and Ginger sneak Tom and Spike into a hotel where pets are not allowed they make the pets promise they won't leave the hotel room! Too bad Jerry and Tuffy want to explore and have fun. The pets run rampant through the hotel while being chased by the hotel manager. They manage to trash the hotel and get kicked out of their paradise vacation.
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
Bam discovers a villainous vehicle squad - the Legion of Zoom - is on the loose and preparing to storm the Batcave. In need of reinforcements, Batcomputer brings the rest of Batman's Bat-vehicles to life, and the newly minted Batwheels must learn how to work together as a team to protect the Batcave!
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
After he causes the Batwing to crash, Bam becomes obsessed with making it up to her during a high-stakes aerial mission against Penguin and his giant ducky blimp.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2019
The Lemmings discover an old book of magic spells with a formula that enables one to take on the appearance of any other creature. The Lemmings have the bright idea of transforming one their kin into a double of the she-bear Grizzy is madly in love with in order to trick him. How could Grizzy refuse to give his jar of chocolate spread to his sweetheart?
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
When Grizzy propels the Lemmings out of the log cabin perched on the Great Wall of China, the critters land on a small traditional house in a bamboo forest where they discover a box filled with fortune cookies. One Lemming gets super lucky after eating one. Armed with their magic cookies, the Lemmings set out to confront Grizzy. But each cookie represents a power… or a curse!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
The Lemmings love sesame nougat but Grizzy, who adores this treat too, steals their box. Quite upset, the rodents search for more, in vain. Instead, they discover the art of energy points in an old Chinese medicine book. Determined to recover their sweets regardless of the cost, the Lemmings activate Grizzy's vital points and the bear finds himself completely blocked. Thanks to the book, Grizzy frees himself and learns to master energies in turn.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
After being thrown out of the log cabin by Grizzy, the Lemmings find a dragon statue with a mysterious stone in a temple. Touching the stone makes a fleeting tattoo appear on their bellies, temporarily endowing them with the mastery of Shaolin Kung Fu. The Lemmings return to the cabin and uproot Grizzy with ease! But Grizzy has not said his last word and manages to get hold of the magic stone.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the tablet. During their scuffle, they knock over an army crate which falls into the middle of the bamboo forest surrounding the cabin. Alerted by the noise, a peace missionary panda comes out of the forest and tries to calm down the worked-up adversaries. But will the limitless strategies of Grizzy and the Lemmings get the better of the panda's patience?
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
The Lemmings create a shadow puppet show where seven papercut lemmings confront a bear over a jar of Yummy chocolate spread. The Lemmings in the audience are super enthusiastic, but Grizzy is outraged by the treatment inflicted upon the bear. He decides to intervene and equips the paper bear with an armor and saber! The Lemmings retort with ninja effigies of themselves and mount an attack to recover the coveted jar of Yummy spread.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
As Grizzy relaxes in the massage chair, a cloud drifts in front of the sun, immediately stopping the electricity supply in the log cabin. The voltage drops continue, even though the sky seems clear now. Grizzy looks out the window and a dragon appears on the horizon! Once over his initial fright, the bear realizes that it's only a kite flown by the Lemmings - using the electricity from the cabin they have rerouted!
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, 2020
When an egg blows down into the village, it is Mush-Mush and friends mission to return it to Mush Mountain. Two problems though: there is a Beetle Boom on and all the beetles try to charge and knock over Mushables, and Lilit has always wanted to see an egg hatch so secretly drags her feet...
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, 2020
Chep is disappointed Mush-Mush and Lilit are too busy leaf-gliding to play moss-ball with him, so he hangs out with a new weevil friend instead. But Chep's new friend must migrate with all the other weevils -Except he doesn't know how to fly! Chep must teach him to fly while overcoming his own secret fear of heights.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2019
Bean discovers Declan giving Irma a lift in his swanky new SUV. Bean is unimpressed until Declan shows off all the car's features. Undeterred Bean professes his car superior. Declan issues a challenge - to see which car Irma will choose for her lift back to work. Bean decides his car may need a little "pimping" …
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2019
Mrs. Wicket's Nephew is staying with her when he wins two tickets to an Outward Bound course. She refuses to go but then ropes in Bean to look after the child. The two start a competition to see who will win the trophy. Bean is a relentless competitor winning everything up until the point things start getting out of hand …
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2002
Inspired by a wildlife documentary on TV, Mr. Bean dusts off his camera and treks deep into the countryside in search of the perfect wildlife photograph. After two fruitless days of being the hunter, he is somewhat miffed to find himself the hunted.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2002
Whilst browsing the supermarket for lovely grub, Mr. Bean's life-long pal, Teddy, is kidnapped. Bean tracks down the nasty men responsible and finds that Teddy is not their only captive. Mr. Bean rescues a hundred teddy bears once their ears are put through an industrial sewing machine.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
On the way back from a fishing outing, Grizzy unwittingly brings back an electrode that controls a robot. Once activated, the gadget puts itself in the service of the bear, satisfying his each and every need. The envious Lemmings plot to take possession of this new metallic ally. They manage to evict the bear, who does not intend to take this lying down… especially when he discovers a pair of robotic arms hidden in a module that fell out of the robot!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
After a game that ends abruptly, the Lemmings fall onto the roof of a temple where they discover drawings of Tai Chi movements. When carried out, the exercises generate a ball of energy! The Lemmings test out the sequence of movements on… Grizzy, until he is evicted from the cabin and falls onto the temple in turn. His fall unveils a new sequence of movements on a fresco that could create an even stronger energy flow!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
At nightfall, just as Grizzy starts to doze off, a racket comes from outside the cabin: the Lemmings are sliding along the Great Wall in a crate, propelled by firework rockets. Cleverly avoiding the bear's strategies to stop them, the Lemmings accidentally set off a mechanism in a tower. A secret room filled with cannons and catapults opens, just waiting to be used by the powder monkey apprentices…
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the last jar of Yummy chocolate spread in the cabin and it ends up sinking in the lagoon. The bear makes a diving suit from various home facilities, while the Lemmings share a diving tank to put a wrench in their adversary's flippers! But the local wildlife comes to meet them…
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
Grizzy wakes up after a nap, starving, but the last jar of Yummy chocolate spread is empty. The cupboards are barren, except for a package of chocolate powder. Grizzy has the idea of mixing it with coconut milk. It's absolutely delicious! But the Lemmings, who are every bit as gluttonous, want their share of the choco-coco drink!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
Grizzy gets a nice big bite on the end of his fishing line. While he concentrates hard to strike his catch, the Lemmings divert the fish to tow them on a kite. Grizzy tries to sabotage their improvised kitesurfing game to recover what's rightfully his, until a shark's fin appears on the horizon!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
The cupboards of the log cabin are hopelessly empty and Grizzy's belly is rumbling. Through his binoculars, he observes the overexcited Lemmings slipping all sorts of small metal objects into the slot of… a Yummy vending machine!?! The bear joins them on the pontoon. If only they could find some coins to make the machine work. Maybe the solution is to find the booty indicated on the treasure map they unearthed on the beach?
Alice & Lewis (Alice & Lewis), For children, Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, France, Italy, 2021
When Alice arrives in Wonderland, she finds Lewis and the Twins captivated by a Cutie-Twee with puppy dog eyes. Wise to its tricks, realizing it's using its charms to get pampered, Alice goes out of her way to get her friends to see through the Cutie-Twee's little game. But then the Queen comes along and snatches away the adorable little critter, adopting it as her own personal pet, locked away in the castle!
Alice & Lewis (Alice & Lewis), For children, Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, France, Italy, 2021
Dinah invites Alice and Lewis on an adventure with her: "Outdoor life is seriously savage!" Our two friends go along with it, but soon realize it's just a subterfuge: Dinah is actually running away from her aunt to escape her absurd rules! Uncomfortable being involved in the teen's flight, Alice and Lewis do everything they can to persuade Dinah to go back to the castle without the Queen even noticing she's gone. But what if the monarch wasn't the true reason the girl ran away, after all…?
Alice & Lewis (Alice & Lewis), For children, Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, France, Italy, 2021
Alice and Lewis get a surprise when they find out that Dodson is friends with the Queen's niece, Dinah! They soon discover that this friendship came about after the dodo presented himself to the teen as an "awesome, fearless adventurer!" After Alice accidentally spills the beans, Dinah realizes Dodson lied to her and, subsequently, breaks off their friendship. Noticing how distressed the dodo is by this turn of events, Alice and Lewis help him prove to Dinah that he is, indeed, worthy of his remarkable reputation, with the use of various strategies… and more lies.
Alice & Lewis (Alice & Lewis), For children, Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, France, Italy, 2021
Alice, Lewis and the young star, Stella, are having the time of their lives down at the Starry Lake! But their rowdy playing wakes the Queen during her nap! She decides that the only way to get some peace and quiet is to empty the body of water! But Alice and Lewis aren't going to stand by and let that happen: they decide to defend this location tooth and nail against the Queen and her Cards - the lake is the only place where the little star can come to regenerate.
Lu & The Bally Bunch (Lu & The Bally Bunch), For children, Animation, USA, Canada, Ireland, 2023
The bugs talk about playing outside.

Ohjelmaopas - keskiviikko, 15.05.2024

Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
When Marvin the Martian crash lands in Looneyburg, he's in a hurry to leave and hires The Looney Builders to build him a spaceship.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
Marvin the Martian hires The Looney Builders to build a doghouse on Mars for his puppy, K-9. Daffy soon bonds with K-9 and comes up with a plan to prolong their playtime.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
When Daffy's cool cousin Billy hires The Looney Builders to build her an art studio, Daffy tries to show off to prove how cool he is.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
When Mayor Foghorn Leghorn hires The Looney Builders to build a lighthouse for Looneyburg, Lola's tablet breaks and she must rely on herself.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
Grizzy is frustrated: just as he was about to coat a nice big fresh salmon with chocolate spread and snuggle up in front of the TV, he discovers that the pantry is empty! His frustration transforms into rage when he finds the last jar in the clutches of the Lemmings, who are organizing a sort of "beach party" in the sandbox.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
Grizzy's nap is interrupted by an annoying vibrating. He sees the forest ranger's cell phone on the couch. It has various functions, including a game to which he instantly becomes addicted. However the Lemmings, who have already detected the phone's music app, need it in order to transform the garage into a discotheque.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
Freed by the thawing ice, a mysterious giant egg slides up to the front door of the log cabin. The Lemmings watch the hatching of a large baby dinosaur that immediately mistakes them for his "mommies." Grizzy cannot tolerate a new intruder like this in the cabin, but how does one earn the respect of a gang of Lemmings armed with a T-Rex, even it is only a baby?
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
In order to seduce the she-bear he's infatuated with, Grizzy decides to take things in hand and slim down with the ranger's bodybuilding equipment. But before starting his exercise routine, he will first have to settle the problem of the Lemmings, who are already using the machines as an amusement park.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
By chance, Grizzy discovers that the ranger's new robot vacuum cleaner also gives very pleasant back massages. But the Lemmings see the new gadget more as a competition bumper car. No one wants to do the housecleaning, but everyone wants the robot vacuum cleaner!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
While searching for the television remote control, Grizzy discovers a gadget that controls various functions in the cabin. Hup! One button and there's light! Hup! Another surveys the house's nooks and crannies. Grizzy will finally be able to rid himself of the Lemmings, without even leaving the couch! But beware of losing control...
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2016
To make sure that the Lemmings don't snatch his chocolate spread while he's taking his nap, Grizzy turns the fridge into a safe - combination lock and all. The Lemmings try in vain to break into the fridge until they see Grizzy open the door while sleepwalking. Unfortunately, Grizzy wakes up at the crucial moment. The Lemmings do everything possible to make him fall back asleep as quick as possible.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
The Lemmings have invented a new popcorn game which consists of throwing popcorn and catching it with their mouths. Grizzy notices that his lovely she-bear seems to be drawn by the scent of the grilled corn and decides to invite her over for a snack, just the two of them. But first, he must quickly recover the popcorn from the Lemmings.
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, 2020
Mushpie loves to sing. Only problem she is terrible at it! But Lilit, who has never heard her sing before, wants to make Mushpie happy and organizes a concert for her to sing in front of all the other Mushables... who are terrified at the idea! But Lilit doesn't have the heart to admit this to Mushpie.
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, 2020
When Mushpot wishes he could roll back the seasons and relive being a Mushler, our friends get him to hang out doing cool Mushler stuff. But this just shows that Mushpot is no longer able to do all those things. Sigh! However, when our friends find a map that points to a treasure he buried when he was a Mushler, Mushpot realises it's just the Mushler experience he needed.
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, 2020
Mush-Mush can't figure out why his sense foot keeps buzzing like crazy... until an earthquake shakes the forest. Mush-Mush is sure he predicted it! Convinced he can now predict the future, Mush-Mush starts making predictions for everyone in Mushton...
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, 2020
Everyone in Mushton is finding that their precious wooden things are being munched and destroyed by someone or something. All the evidence points toward Truff's new woodworm pet: Chompski. But Truff refuses to believe Chompski would do such a thing! It's up to Chep, Lilit and Mush-Mush to convince Truff. But first they have to catch Chompski in the act!
Meet the Batwheels (Meet the Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
A musical tribute to Ace, the super-brave bat-hound!
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
When Marvin the Martian crash lands in Looneyburg, he's in a hurry to leave and hires The Looney Builders to build him a spaceship.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
Marvin the Martian hires The Looney Builders to build a doghouse on Mars for his puppy, K-9. Daffy soon bonds with K-9 and comes up with a plan to prolong their playtime.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
When Daffy's cool cousin Billy hires The Looney Builders to build her an art studio, Daffy tries to show off to prove how cool he is.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
When Mayor Foghorn Leghorn hires The Looney Builders to build a lighthouse for Looneyburg, Lola's tablet breaks and she must rely on herself.
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
Redbird gets excited when he learns that Batman and Robin are taking him and Bam for a drive up the coast! But when the Joker and his van Prank show up unexpectedly and ruin Redbird's beach day plans, Bam helps him realize that even though things didn't go exactly as planned, they still had a great day!
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
The Legion of Zoom is tired of always losing. They decide to take a page from the Batwheels and try using teamwork in order to pull off a daring heist. But will they be able to work together?
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
When Batcomputer shuts down for a system update, the other Batwheels must take over for her while aiding Batman in a battle against Harley Quinn.
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2023
When the Legion of Zoom plan to cheat their way to winning the Gotham Grand Prix, the Batwheels zoom into action to ensure the race is won the right way - fair and square !
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2023
Everyone assumes that Harley Quinn is the culprit in a recent burglary. But as Batman and Bam pursue Harley, Bibi and Redbird begin to suspect that she may actually be innocent.
Tom and Jerry (Tom and Jerry), Comedy, Animation, Nature, Singapūras, 2023
Tom is up to his usual nonsense, but two can play at this game as they take their chase into the neighbourhood. Leave it to Jerry to turn the tables on Tom!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
Grizzy discovers the ranger's collection of bird calls by chance. With a simple blow of the whistle, he can attract a flock of partridges that are at his beck and call. For Grizzy, it's a super-practical way of being waited on by feathered servants, while the Lemmings see it as a golden opportunity to have a squadron which obeys at the drop of a dime.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
The Lemmings notice that Grizzy moves away from the jar of chocolate spread whenever he chases the fly buzzing around him. But the insect can never hold out long enough for the Lemmings to swipe the jar before being knocked out. They decide to give the fly intensive sports training.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
A magic tomahawk divides Grizzy into two identical bears with diametrically opposite personalities: one short-tempered, the other super-sweet. The Lemmings, who did not witness Grizzy's split, will have a hard time working out the behavior of their usual enemy, who seems to swing from excessive kindness to the worst trickery for no reason.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2016
Grizzy finds a magician's hat that tosses out objects stored inside beforehand with the tap of a magic wand. He decides to impress his beloved she-bear with a magician's act. But he will have to work around the Lemmings, who have the gift of coming out of the hat at the wrong moment.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
A newly unpacked UV tanning booth holds the place of honor in the middle of the cabin. Grizzy gets it into his head that a classy tan will help him draw the attention of the she-bear he's enamored with. When he opens the box, he discovers that the Lemmings have beat him to it and are already playing "beach party" inside the bed.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
Grizzy wants to try out the brand new packaging format of chocolate spread that he discovers in the ranger's cupboard: a yummy-looking XXL jar. And he does not intend to share it with the Lemmings. After observing a chameleon toad that is able to blend into its surroundings, the Lemmings decide to make themselves invisible to attain Grizzy's treasure.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
Grizzy and the Lemmings discover the joys of photography with the ranger's instant print camera. Grizzy would like to make a beautiful artistic portrait of the she-bear he's in love with, whereas the Lemmings prefer a group photo with a face-making competition: two radically opposed artistic trends!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
The fridge in the cabin has changed: it's been replaced by a brand new state-of-the-art appliance which analyzes the body fat percentage of whoever wants to serve himself, before selecting the appropriate foodstuffs. For Grizzy, no question of touching the chocolate spread or sodas! Instead, to the Lemmings' delight, the fridge transforms into an extreme exercise machine.
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, France, Canada, 2019
It's Mike's birthday and he's excited to be spending the day with Iris. But instead of a private party, Iris has invited the entire neighbourhood. As soon as the raccoons learn there's a party, they resolve to crash it and steal Mike's birthday cake and presents. Mike has his work cut out for him. He has to get rid of raccoons and throw a great birthday party.
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, France, Canada, 2018
When Tom suggests to his mom that Mike could be a show dog, she bursts out laughing. Mike is hurt and sets out to prove that he's show dog material. Mike asks the classiest dog he knows for help and Iris agrees to put Mike through his paces. She creates an obstacle course for Mike to overcome and hone his show dog skills. But Mike's training is interrupted by the raccoons trying to steal from the house.
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, France, Canada, 2018
Mike accidentally gets handcuffed to Freddy while attempting to eject the raccoons from the house. The two enemies have to find the key and free themselves ASAP. The only problem is that both have very different ideas how they do it. Mike and Freddy will need to find a way to work together if they have any hope of retrieving the key and getting free from each other.
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, France, Canada, 2019
Mike is impressed with Tom's hoverboard tricks and decides to try to master them to impress Iris. As soon as Tom steps out, Mike tries to get his hands on the board but the turtles have other ideas. In fact, everyone seems to want a turn on the hoverboard, including the raccoons. It's the perfect way for them to get their loot from the house to their den. Mike is going to have to step up if he wants to defeat the raccoons and get Tom's hoverboard back.
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, France, Canada, 2019
Mike has a visitor for the afternoon "Duchess" and she's still hopelessly infatuated with Mike. She's so in love that when the raccoons break in and Mike is forced to do battle, Duchess becomes super overprotective to make sure Mike stays safe during the fight. All her good intentions seem to be getting in Mike's attempt to boot the raccoons from the house.
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, France, Canada, 2018
It's a beautiful summer day and Mike decides to woo Iris with a refreshing pineapple cocktail. But the pot he needs to make the drink is up on top of the fridge where Mike can't reach it. Mike is forced to get creative to retrieve the pot. The racoons rush in while Mike's balancing on sticks. Can Mike keep his balance and fight off vertigo and still defeat the raccoons?
Mighty Mike (Mighty Mike), Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, France, Canada, 2019
Mike decides to try to impress Iris by pretending to be a superhero. With the help of a huge fridge magnet, Mike intends to attract more than a few metal objects. The raccoons almost lose their mind when they lay their eyes on the magnet.. Imagine the possibilities. They steal it from Mike and have only one thing in mind, moving the fridge with the power of the magnet. Mike's going to have to use all of his imagination to defeat the raccoons.
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
The Legion of Zoom is tired of always losing. They decide to take a page from the Batwheels and try using teamwork in order to pull off a daring heist. But will they be able to work together?
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
When Batcomputer shuts down for a system update, the other Batwheels must take over for her while aiding Batman in a battle against Harley Quinn.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2002
Mr Bean drives his favourite Teddy to the cinema to see his favourite movie - 'Titanic'. Now he simply has to park the car. But when you're Mr Bean, nothing's simple. His ingenious efforts to find a parking space are persistently foiled. And the clock is ticking....
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2002
There's easy money to be had in the art world and Mr. Bean is set on getting some of it. Once equipped with the right tools, he ventures into the countryside with a blank canvas in search of inspiration - and comes home with a painting full of life. Literally.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
The Lemmings have discovered a truly wild new game: an augmented reality program on the ranger's digital tablet. They move around the cabin watching the tablet screen, which displays obstacles as if they were really there. Grizzy confiscates this toy and becomes a fan of the salmon fishing game.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
The only edible food item left in the ranger's cabin is a gorgeous salmon... which is stuck inside a block of ice at the back of the freezer compartment. Starving, Grizzy decides to melt the ice with the blow-dryer. Only the Lemmings are already using it for their latest rocket game in the piping system.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
The Lemmings have unearthed a box filled with birthday
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
Grizzy's last jar of chocolate spread was pinched by the Lemmings, who are savoring it in secret. To localize the Lemmings hiding place, Grizzy trains a raccoon, whose sense of smell equals that of a truffle hound to detect the scent of chocolate spread.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
Wedged in his sofa to relieve his aching back, Grizzy balks at getting up. He designs clever strategies to do everything from a distance, including confiscating the Lemming's radio-controlled toy robot-transformer which he will use as a butler.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
The vibrations created by Grizzy's snoring during his nap give the Lemmings an idea for a bouncing game. But when Grizzy changes positions and his snoring stops, the Lemmings must find other sources of vibrations. Only these are no longer compatible with Grizzy's nap.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2017
Grizzy finds a birthday piñata in the ranger's living room. The idea of bursting open a papier-mâché statue with a bat like it says in the instructions pleases him. The Lemmings, who prefer to use it as a toy to swing from, are determined to stop Grizzy from destroying the piñata.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2022
The Looney Builders build Tibs Squirrel a closet in his tree, but it won't fit all of Tibs' stuff and he doesn't want to get rid of anything.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2022
The Looney Builders build a science museum in the desert where Wile E. Coyote becomes distracted by the Road Runner.
Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time (Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time), Comedy, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2023
Daffy invites the crew to take a mud soak in his truck bed and it turns out to be anything but relaxing.
Jessica's Big Little World (Jessica's Big Little World), Adventure, Animation, USA, 2023
When Jessica meets another kid at the park with an identical look as her, the two quickly form an unbreakable bond.
Jessica's Big Little World (Jessica's Big Little World), Adventure, Animation, USA, 2024
When Jessica pet sits Stanleigh's hedgehog, she has to think on her feet.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2015
Mr Bean has got everything ready for Irma's birthday; card cake candles but he just needs to get her some flowers. But nothing goes to plan as Mr Bean inadvertently causes a car crash involving a bride on her wedding day. There's no time to lose as Mr Bean promises he'll get the bride to the church on time. Irma is not a happy lady as Mr Bean is distracted by the task in hand.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2015
Mr Bean is keen to own a brand new smart phone when he discovers all the wonderful things it can do. But after a trip to the mobile phone shop he is horrified at how much they cost and decides to build his own one. Bean's phone may be bulky but it comes with a whole range of built in gadgets especially useful during a race to The Tower of London.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2015
A confused Japanese tourist couple mistake Mr Bean's house for a hotel and because of the language barrier it is difficult to explain otherwise. When the hapless holidaymakers offer to pay to stay Mr Bean and Mrs Wicket see a way of making some money and pretend their house is indeed a hotel. But it's not long before the tourists start to smell a fish.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2015
Mr Bean is on a photography jaunt in the countryside snapping the normal everyday wildlife - a fox a bird a dinosaur! A DINOSAUR?!! Mr Bean is terrified until he realises what fame and fortune it could bring him. Does he get the photograph of a lifetime or is the situation not quite as it seems?
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2021
Lucas and Findley move into the dollhouse together.
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2021
Lucas tries to help Bodhi fulfill her newfound dream of touching a star.
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2021
Lucas finds an egg and decides to take care of it. But he learns that responsibility is hard.
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2021
When Avocado loses her beloved toy, Lucas and Findley are determined to cheer her up.
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, 2020
When Sushi-Mushi breaks the only spoon he has ever cooked with, he declares his cooking days are over! So Mush-Mush and friends step up to cook for everyone instead, how hard can it be? It turns out, very! The Mushlers will have to convince Sushi-Mushi he's still the best compost chef, even without his favorite spoon!
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, 2020
Chep wants to return a favour to Mush-Mush, but all Mush-Mush wants is to have a compost pancake on Pancake Day! But when the Food Snail falls for, and takes off after, the Travel Snail, Pancake Day has to be cancelled. Chep sees an opportunity to save the day for his friend! But er, how do you solve a snail falling for another?
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
The Lemmings encounter a white bear which has drifted all the way to them on a chunk of ice which is slowly melting. The bear makes a fabulous rodeo partner, he just needs enough ice to keep cool. Even a few ice cubes on his head are enough. The only obstacle to this beautiful friendship is Grizzy, who considers himself master of the fridge and thus of the cabin's ice production.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
After studying a magazine advertisement with a couple standing in front of an SUV, Grizzy imagines that if only he had a nice car, his favorite she-bear would be interested in him. He decides to confiscate the Lemmings crate on wheels and give it a serious overhaul. The Lemmings have nothing against an upgrade, as long as they remain behind the wheel!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
The Lemmings discover a strange pond in an American Indian grotto that has the power to rejuvenate anyone who dips in it. They spray a bit of the water of youth onto Grizzy and he instantly turns into a harmless cub they can easily rid themselves of. But the effects of the waters are only temporary.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
While chasing the Lemmings, who stole his jar of chocolate spread, Grizzy crashes into an arcade cabinet near the supermarket which displays a model fortune teller and her crystal ball. Grizzy realizes that he can foresee events that are going to happen to him in the crystal ball, and namely the traps that the Lemmings have planned for him.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
The Lemmings have turned the entire cabin topsy-turvy to organize medieval jousts with the ranger's fencing gear. Grizzy, who wishes to recover his couch, tries to straighten up, but is driven out by their fencing foils. To retaliate, Grizzy must find a blade equal to the task. He opts for a fine... frozen swordfish!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2018
Before taking a nap, Grizzy locks the food cupboard to prevent the Lemmings from getting into it. And to be sure they cannot force the lock, Grizzy throws all the house tools into the ravine. The Lemmings find a crate of mini building-blocks which enables them to build a hammer... and any other object they wish!
Thomas & Friends Shorts (Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go! Shorts), For children, Adventure, Animation, USA, United Kingdom, Canada, 2022
Thomas and Diesel learn the importance of rest when they can't keep their eyes open while training for a long-distance delivery.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
The Looney Builders build a skate park for the kids, but it soon interferes with Hoots Talon and his friends' activities.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
The Looney Builders redesign the final hole of ACME Acres Mini Golf Course, and Porky is determined to get it just right for the kids.
Jessica's Big Little World (Jessica's Big Little World), Adventure, Animation, USA, 2023
When Jessica meets another kid at the park with an identical look as her, the two quickly form an unbreakable bond.
Jessica's Big Little World (Jessica's Big Little World), Adventure, Animation, USA, 2024
When Jessica pet sits Stanleigh's hedgehog, she has to think on her feet.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2019
Because of an injured foot, Rick stays home with Ginger's mother, Rosemary, taking care of him. Rosemary brings her infamous fat-free-dairy-free whole wheat gravy, and she quickly puts Rick, Spike and Tom on nutritious diets. Antics and fights break out as Rick and the pets crave real food.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2019
Peter, a pretentious cheapskate poodle, demands that Tom and Jerry help protect his precious sapphire egg on a train journey but won't pay their fare. The cat and mouse become stowaways and go to a lot of trouble to do their job, but the outcome is unexpected.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2019
While mopping the kitchen floor, Tom uses an odd-looking sponge on a plate to clean up the mess. But the "sponge" turns out to be a rare truffle, which the estate's new pig ate. To pacify Cates, Tom and Jerry must find out whether the animal is also good at hunting truffles.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2019
After catching a crook, Tom and Jerry are framed, and the police chase them instead of the true criminal. Tom and Jerry must go on the lam as they try to avoid jail time.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2019
Ginger places her granny's old cuckoo clock in the hall, and it still works! However, the newly arrived clock causes issues when Tom wants to catch the tiny wooden bird inside and Tuffy wants to befriend it.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2019
At midnight, a gothic lady cat appears with her favorite sinister plant creatures including her personal favorite: Fang, a big man-eating plant. As long as it's sealed in the hothouse, nothing can go wrong. But Tom, Jerry and Tuffy soon have their hands full with the escaped plant.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2019
Ginger and Rick's vegetable garden is growing, and they need a way to keep out the gophers. Ginger says traps are cruel, but Tom can handle the task! However, things start getting out of hand when a lady gopher falls in love with Jerry, and the two plan a garden raid together.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2019
Mrs. Wicket demands that Bean stay in to take delivery of a new lounge chair. He is forced to dress up as Mrs. Wicket when Brian the Delivery Man won't deliver the chair to anyone but Mrs. Wicket. Then Brian falls in love with "her" and asks "her" out on a date. Bean accepts because he's starving hungry. How long can he keep up the deception? Long enough to fill his stomach?
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2019
Mr Bean dog-sits for Irma and while in the park comes across a professional dog-walker. This guy's making a fortune while Bean is doing it for free! That evening posters go up and the next morning Bean has four dogs to look after. But who is going to walk whom?
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2019
Mr Bean ends up in a farm slurry pit after racing a tractor. The car smells Teddy smells Bean smells … bad. He comes home determined to clean all three. A determination that winds up with him locked outside on the roof and completely stark naked.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2019
It's Irma's birthday. Bean buys a bargain-bin load of cards and writes out two - one nice one silly. He gets his envelopes mixed up and sends off the wrong card. He tries to persuade the postman to hand the card back but no luck. He winds up causing chaos at the sorting office in a last-ditch attempt to avoid Irma's ire.
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2021
Avocado's friends take her on her daily walkies.
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2022
Lucas and Findley race around House to determine who is the fastest out of their element.
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2022
Bodhi processes the loss of her favorite snowboard.
Lucas the Spider (Lucas the Spider), Family, Adventure, Animation, USA, 2022
Lucas and Findley assume superhero personas, but Findley gets frustrated with being a sidekick.
Lu & The Bally Bunch (Lu & The Bally Bunch), For children, Animation, USA, Canada, Ireland, 2023
The bugs talk about times they felt both happy and sad.
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, 2020
When Chep asks Mush-Mush and Lilit to go storm-watching and they refuse, Lilit feels bad and convinces Mush-Mush to join their friend. But there are no storms on the horizon. When they notice Chanterelle going through the forest mysteriously, our Mushlers decide to find out what she's up to instead. That's when a big storm starts brewing on the horizon...
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, 2020
Fung and Miff have come across a rare piece of bark struck by lightning. Chep desperately wants to add it to his collection, but Fung and Miff have no intention to give it to him. Now remembering every time Chep has been nice to them, Fung and Miff end up doing something they never thought possible…
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
The Beaver Brothers hire The Looney Builders to build them a log cabin, but soon sidetrack the job by goofing around too much.
Bugs Bunny Builders (Bugs Bunny Builders), Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Nature, USA, 2023
The Looney Builders build a skate park for the kids, but it soon interferes with Hoots Talon and his friends' activities.
Jessica's Big Little World (Jessica's Big Little World), Adventure, Animation, USA, 2023
Jessica has a sleepover at her grandparents' house and must survive the night without her plush toy, Small Uncle.
Jessica's Big Little World (Jessica's Big Little World), Adventure, Animation, USA, 2024
When the family has to dress up for a family photo, Jessica decides to express herself.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2014
Rick and Ginger take Tom and Butch on a cruise ship. Jerry and Tuffy leave to explore the ship's buffet and leave Spike and Tom in the room. They all meet Meathead a vicious ship cat who will stop at nothing to terrorize the four of them. They all band together to defeat Meathead but not before they wreak havoc on the ship.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2014
Rick and Ginger take Tom and Spike on a road trip to Ginger's aunt's house. Spike is terrorized by a dog traveling in a trailer. Tom and Spike get left behind at a pit stop and must travel with the Hannibal the mean trailer dog. They must escape and find their way back to Rick and Ginger. Jerry and Tuffy cause problems when they get caught in Rick and Ginger's suitcase.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2014
Hildie and Beatie bring home a fortune telling magic mirror. When it shows Tom a future he doesn't like he tries everything to avoid it. In fact everything that Tom does seems to avoid his future seems to make it worse. No amount of magic can change Tom's luck.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2016
Tom, Jerry and Butch watch a Smack-n-Cheese Cheesy Cheese Puffs commercial and when they hear the words "Supplies are running out," the trio's rivalry reaches new heights as they compete to get what they imagine to be the very last bag of the snack food.
The Tom and Jerry Show (The Tom and Jerry Show), Comedy, Family, Animation, Adventure, USA, 2014
Spike comes to Tom and Jerry for help finding his missing bones. The detectives investigate a community garden and it seems like their number one suspect is an elusive gopher. It turns out that Tyke dug up all of his dad's bones and was saving them as a birthday present for Spike.
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
When Buff befriends Mr. Freeze's snowcrawler Snowy, the other Batwheels bristle at the thought of hanging out with a "bad guy…" so Buff sets out to change their minds.
Batwheels (Batwheels), Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, USA, 2022
Everyone is ecstatic when Bibi, Batgirl, and Robin capture Toyman and his Do-Over remote - except for Bibi, who failed to stick the landing on a big jump. Unwilling to accept her failure, Bibi uses Toyman's Do-Over remote until she perfects her jump!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
Grizzy dismantles the toboggan built by the Lemmings in the log cabin and reemploys the bamboo sticks to build a jacuzzi. When the Lemmings discover the bear's piece of work, they imagine a giant waterpark dominated by an immense waterslide. Anticipating the Lemmings' desire, Grizzy tries to barricade himself inside but the rodents manage to eject him from the cabin. The bear comes back, protected by a super bamboo armor…
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
The Lemmings organize a drone race throughout the cabin. Grizzy, who was on the verge of falling asleep, interrupts the competition but must contend with the rodents' reprisals. Thrown out of the cabin, the bear falls onto a temple dedicated to the Monkey King. He appropriates the statue's powers, operating a magic cloud by remote control. Grizzy settles in on the cloud and wins the race before the Lemmings. But a cloud that flies that fast can only arouse lust…
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
To trick Grizzy's vigilance and steal the TV, the Lemmings, disguised as traditional Chinese dancers, perform a number that leaves the bear flabbergasted. The rodents take advantage of their diversion to carry off the TV set on their airborne craft made of Chinese umbrellas. But before they can escape with their bounty, Grizzy recovers the screen. Ever as determined, the Lemmings come back after upgrading their vessel.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
Annoyed by a noisy high-speed chase between the Lemmings and a raccoon, Grizzy abruptly stops the game. The players fall into empty space and land in a clearing. The impact of their crash-landing cracks a black and white tile representing Yin and Yang and a strange light pours over the raccoon. Depending on his mood, the color of his fur changes, and his excitement or calm become contagious to all those around him!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
On the way back from a fishing outing, Grizzy unwittingly brings back an electrode that controls a robot. Once activated, the gadget puts itself in the service of the bear, satisfying his each and every need. The envious Lemmings plot to take possession of this new metallic ally. They manage to evict the bear, who does not intend to take this lying down… especially when he discovers a pair of robotic arms hidden in a module that fell out of the robot!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
After a game that ends abruptly, the Lemmings fall onto the roof of a temple where they discover drawings of Tai Chi movements. When carried out, the exercises generate a ball of energy! The Lemmings test out the sequence of movements on… Grizzy, until he is evicted from the cabin and falls onto the temple in turn. His fall unveils a new sequence of movements on a fresco that could create an even stronger energy flow!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
At nightfall, just as Grizzy starts to doze off, a racket comes from outside the cabin: the Lemmings are sliding along the Great Wall in a crate, propelled by firework rockets. Cleverly avoiding the bear's strategies to stop them, the Lemmings accidentally set off a mechanism in a tower. A secret room filled with cannons and catapults opens, just waiting to be used by the powder monkey apprentices…
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, 2020
When Sushi-Mushi breaks the only spoon he has ever cooked with, he declares his cooking days are over! So Mush-Mush and friends step up to cook for everyone instead, how hard can it be? It turns out, very! The Mushlers will have to convince Sushi-Mushi he's still the best compost chef, even without his favorite spoon!
Mush-Mush and the Mushables (Mush-Mush & les Champotes), For children, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, 2020
Chep wants to return a favour to Mush-Mush, but all Mush-Mush wants is to have a compost pancake on Pancake Day! But when the Food Snail falls for, and takes off after, the Travel Snail, Pancake Day has to be cancelled. Chep sees an opportunity to save the day for his friend! But er, how do you solve a snail falling for another?
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2002
Mr Bean drives his favourite Teddy to the cinema to see his favourite movie - 'Titanic'. Now he simply has to park the car. But when you're Mr Bean, nothing's simple. His ingenious efforts to find a parking space are persistently foiled. And the clock is ticking....
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2002
There's easy money to be had in the art world and Mr. Bean is set on getting some of it. Once equipped with the right tools, he ventures into the countryside with a blank canvas in search of inspiration - and comes home with a painting full of life. Literally.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2004
When Mr. Bean finds a fly in his room, it's war. He needs weapons. Fly spray? A rolled-up magazine? These are only the start. In desperation, he enlists a mouldy doughnut, an encyclopaedia, an upside-down dustbin and a club-hammer. Finally, Bean becomes the first man in history to wage war on a fly... with a fridge.
Mr. Bean: The Animated Series (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series), For children, Comedy, Family, Animation, United Kingdom, 2002
A leisurely stroll in the park turns into a run when Mr. Bean is chased home by an angry Mime Artist. He is lost for more words than usual when the street performer makes himself at home and insists on being wined and dined. Bean ousts the pest from his house using the only language mime artists understand.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
After accidentally breaking his favorite sofa, Grizzy spots a cozy fishing cabin on a neighboring island. He requisitions the Lemmings' canoe to get there but discovers that the new cabin is dilapidated and lacking all comfort. The poor bear had been deluded by a poster. However, a fabulous yacht is moored nearby. It catches both his attention and that of the Lemmings, who have just disembarked on the island!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
The Lemmings have fun taking potshots at sand statues depicting Grizzy. Outraged, he catapults them far into the distance. Grizzy takes advantage of their absence to erect a monumental sculpture of himself. But just as he takes a selfie in front of the sculpture, Grizzy realizes that the Lemmings have laid hands on… a pirate cannon!
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
After being hit over the head, the Lemmings become hypnotized by a fitness poster and take themselves for sports coaches. They are determined to forcefully train Grizzy, who would much rather lounge around than do push-ups and squats. But the Lemmings' new personality makes them particularly overbearing.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
Nothing seems to be biting Grizzy's fishing rod and the bear is in despair. Suddenly he spots a fabulous swordfish swimming in the lagoon. The bear is already licking his chops, when he sees the Lemmings straddling the fish in a rodeo game. From inside the cabin he uses as a mooring post, Grizzy manages to snare the swordfish and is about to pull it in, but the Lemmings are riding it toward the high seas. Each party tugs hard. And the cabin starts to slide…
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
The Lemmings discover that several drops of Tabasco sauce poured into a rock fault releases powerful sprays of steam that propel them high into the sky on a pot lid. Except that the entire volcanic island shudders each time the drops are poured. Grizzy, who has decided to take a nap in his hammock, confiscates the bottle before realizing that the Lemmings have an entire stock !
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
The Lemmings have decided to organize a race with two sand yachts they found on the beach. The only thing missing, is a worthy adversary. They put Grizzy, who was taking a nap, on one of the yachts without waking him up. And the race is off. Grizzy wakes up in shock onboard his sand yacht.
Grizzy and the Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings), For children, Comedy, Family, France, 2021
Grizzy has run out of ideas to open his coconut until he sees the Lemmings' new friend the crab open one with a simple snip of the claw. He confiscates the crustacean and uses it to take the tops off his coconuts. As they fight over the crab, the characters discover a remote-control device in a secret grotto that operates a giant crab. Grizzy takes over the controls, but the Lemmings want to play with the joystick too!
Alice & Lewis (Alice & Lewis), For children, Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, France, Italy, 2021
When Alice finds out that the King of Frostaland often gives presents to the Queen but never gets a single gift back, she persuades Lewis to add a new rule to the Big Book under the heading of "Gift Day." As per this new decree, anyone who receives a present on this particular day must give an even nicer one back to the person who gave it. Taking this very literally and seeing it as a competition, the King and Queen soon get into an "outmatching match," even going so far as to gift each other their respective castles! Unable to reverse it, the Queen has no choice but to set up residence in Frostaland while the King moves in to her abode!
Alice & Lewis (Alice & Lewis), For children, Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, France, Italy, 2021
The Queen is unveiling a new statue of herself, in great pomp and circumstance, but nobody is paying any attention: they're too busy getting entertained by a very comedic King. Green with envy, the Queen tries to crack a joke of her own… but no-one so much as snickers! Seriously miffed, she outlaws laughing in Wonderland and arrests anyone who dare so much as smile! In an attempt to lift this sad decree, Alice & Lewis do everything in their power to restore the Queen's appetite for laughter.
Alice & Lewis (Alice & Lewis), For children, Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, France, Italy, 2021
The Queen's throne has mysteriously gone missing! Convinced that her niece is responsible for it, the Queen commissions Alice and Lewis to find proof of the girl's guilt. Fearing the Queen's wrath, Lewis goes out of his way to try and find incriminating evidence against Dinah while Alice does all she can to prove the teen's innocence!
Alice & Lewis (Alice & Lewis), For children, Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, France, Italy, 2021
Claiming he has royal blood, Dodson makes himself at home in the castle! Enraged, Queen orders Alice and Lewis to go and check out this information on the Genea Tree, which contains the skinny on every Wonderland inhabitant's background. The two friends go on a long journey with Dodson, all the way to the tree. And while they are very unsurprised to learn that he was lying about his royal background, they make a very astonishing discovery in the meantime.
Lu & The Bally Bunch (Lu & The Bally Bunch), For children, Animation, USA, Canada, Ireland, 2023
The bugs talk about nature.