

Ohjelmaopas - torstai, 30.05.2024

Cranberrysaison auf Cape Cod
360° GEO - Report visited the Manns family farm and witnessed first hand the great efforts put into little berries.With its endless coastline and multi-coloured forests, the Cape Cod peninsula on the US east coast: a favourite holiday destination, especially during Indian summers. The peninsula is also a playground for the beautiful and the rich, who own summer residences there.But for the locals, cranberries are the main sector of activity. These small red berries are gaining favour all over the world, although their cultivation remains difficult.
Mediterranean Sea:On the Tracks Of Whales
This documentary explores the paths of knowledge of Mediterranean Cetaceans.
Guano - Schatzinseln und Vogeldreck
Millions of sea birds nest on the Peruvian coastline. Their excrement - guano - is highly valuable, and is exported as fertilizer all over the world. Guano farming is done manually, in the same way it was done during the period of the Incas. Only the strongest of men can endure the harsh work, as well as the long months of isolation on the uninhabited islands. The stench of the excrement is difficult to bear, and the acidic dust burns the lungs. 360° - GEO followed the workers who collect the guano. A documentary on the islands of suffering.
Yves Saint Laurent: Fire Starter
A documentary of a true pioneer of fashion. Sabbatical Entertainment celebrates one of the most influential designers ever as we explore the designer's unparalleled professional acclaim, as well as his fascinating and tumultuous personal life. Yves Saint Laurent can be credited with both spurring the couture's rise in the 1960s as well as the tuxedo suit for women. He was able to adapt his style to accommodate the changes in fashion during his entire career. Sabbatical Entertainment's original documentary shows viewers how YSL approached fashion with a different narrative by wanting women to look comfortable yet elegant at the same time.
Die letzten Kamelkarawanen der Sahara
360° GEO - Report takes part in an exhausting journey exhausting journey through desert heat and drought. In the times of the pharaohs, people trekked through the desert between what is today Sudan and Egypt. They travelled in camel-caravans, loaded with ivory, salt, ostrich feathers and other precious cargoes. Even today, the Bedouin tribes follow these ancient trade routes, but today, it is the camels themselves that are sold to Egypt.
Identités - Européens
What is European Identity? Is it cultural or political? Thibault Bourdon travels 8500 Km on his bicycle crossing multitude of dialects & landscapes, majestic mountains, stunning cliffs across the continent exploring this political & economic cohesion of 750 million people. In the end, the project of the European Union is a beautiful idea but, for Europeans.
Die Narzisseninsel vor Cornwall
360°GEO - Report spends the days in the run up to Easter on a flower farm. We also dive with playful grey seals in the Atlantic Ocean and reveal more than just the secrets of flower-growing.At the tip of the world - Landsend in Cornwall - are the Isles of Scilly. About 2,000 people live on these islands located at the entrance to the English Channel. Some of the locals are fishermen but their main activity is flower farming.The nearby Gulf Stream provides the islands with a year-round mild climate and as a result, millions of flowers are grown along the Atlantic Coast. Churchtown Farm specializes in Narcissi, and so it the pressure is on in the run up to Easter.
The Boy From the Wild
Growing up on a Game Reserve meant to help wildlife get out of captivity, it shares how it began & how Peter Meyer survived some incredible moments in the wild.
Paraguays neue Häuser
In Paraguay,  the loofah plant is used to make vegetable sponges but nowadays, it can also used to build houses. 360°GEO - Report follows Elsa Zaldivar on her quest to free Paraguay from its housing shortage.Until recently, the loofah plant in Paraguay had fallen into oblivion. But over the past few years, it has experienced a successful comeback - as bath sponge. Today, loofah sponges are sold throughout the world.According to Elsa Zaldivar, loofah is now also being used in the construction of houses. The once densely wooded countryside has today been largely chopped down. Many people do not have access to affordable building materials. The idea of the loofah-cooperative is to compound loofah remains with plastic waste in order to create a a solid building material for house walls.
Auf der Spur des spanischen Luchses
10 years ago, Europe almost witnessed the first dying out of a predatory cat since the sabre-toothed tiger when only about a hundred Iberian Lynxes remained in existance. Still today, the Iberian Lynx is one of the most threatened species of predatory cat in the world. The documentary accompanies animal rights activists in their struggle to preserve and resettle the world's last lynxes. The current plan is to move the cats to safety.
L'oeil de verre
For the first time in medical history a patient with Alzheimer's disease managed to communicate his thoughts and feelings from the inside of the disease. William Utermohlen painted the slow and methodical destruction of his brain. With poetry and tenderness, this documentary shows us the painter and his work near-at-hand the creative process.
Speed Kills
Desert creatures endure searing heat and zero rainfall, but speed is their ticket to survival.A Tiger beetle runs at the human equivalent of 500 miles per hour. A caracal jumps six feet to swat a weaverbird out of midair. And the world's fastest chameleon hunts on the desert floor.Only the hardiest, fastest animals survive. Nothing else stands a chance.
Journeys in Africa
One of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World—all other great wilderness areas are compared to this vast savannah. Wildlife numbers are awesome, but nothing like the numbers of the great migration. Journeys places you in the midst of this natural phenomenon where predator and prey are on a march for survival.
Die gefährlichste Schlange der Welt
360 - GEO Report joins Professor Brian Grieg Fry as he carries out his thrilling job : catching the most dangerous snake in the world for his research. About 7 of the world's 10 most venomous snakes live in Australia: one of them is the taipan, said to be the most venomous in the world. Its venom can kill a horse in just seven seconds. Yet if someone actually dares to catch this extremely dangerous animal, its venom can be used as a medicine and can save lives. Professor Brian Grieg Fry is one of the very few, who takes up this life-threatening challenge. For the sake of his research institute, he travels regularly through the country catching taipans, as well as brown snakes, sea snakes and skinks.
Kanada, Indianer schreiben Geschichte
The six remaining Indian tribes of the Tsilqhot'in in Canada are trying to combat the commercialization and exploitation of their land. The Xeni Gwet'in First Nation has been litigating to finally secure rights to their own land against the British Crown in a huge court case going back over 20 years. Representing all Indian tribes, Chief Roger William is the chief plaintiff in the most significant case in the history of indigenous case law. The Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa has handed down its verdict.
Boteti - The Returning River
For 20 years the Boteti River in northern Botswana has not flowed. What was once an expansive and prolific body of water gradually dried up, leaving zebras, hippos, elephants and crocodiles dependant on the few pools formed from the occasional rains.But now, for the first time in 30 years, rain has fallen in sufficient quantities hundreds of miles to the north in the Angolan highlands, sending a stream of water through the river bed. After years of extreme drought, the river has finally returned in all its glory, transforming the landscape. Filmed in stunning HD, "Boteti – The Returning River" documents this extraordinary transformation and the dramatic changes it brings to the resident animals.During the years of drought, we see how desperate battles for survival play out along the dormant river, watched over by the elephants of the area. One of the few species that adapts well to the situation by carefully conserving what little water is available, the elephant is an expert at digging channels in the mud so water collects in sufficient quantities to drink.Vultures lurk ominously on the dusty banks adjacent to the pools, waiting patiently for dehydration to claim another victim. Crocodiles use caves to escape the heat of the sun and only emerge reluctantly to hunt when huge flocks of quelea birds arrive at the water. The crocs, along with numerous other species, are bound to this area because there is simply nowhere else to go. Beyond the dry river bed, semi-desert extends for hundreds of miles in all directions.With the arrival of the life-giving waters, there is a burst of activity. Fish and dragonflies soon emerge with their attendant predators and frogs appear in their thousands, attracting huge numbers of birds. The deluge also brings instant relief to the hippos by flushing out their fetid pools, while elephants celebrate by swimming and hosing each other down. Jackals and packs of wild dogs appear from nowhere to harass the drinking herds.But the most significant change occurs when the water reaches the parched wasteland of the Makgadigadi Salt Pans. Here, the coming of the flood sees flocks of pelican, flamingo and red-billed teal arrive to set up new breeding colonies.Filmed over a period of two years, this film provides a lasting and unique record of the transformation of an entire environment and contains many examples of previously unrecorded behaviour.
Les derniers orangs-outangs de Sumatra
Today there are only 6000 Orang-Utans living in Sumatra. According to pessimistic evaluations the chances of this threatened species to survive seem rather limited. The main reason for their extinction is that their natural habitat is being destroyed for the more profitable cultivation of palm oil plantations. By today already 70 % of the Sumatran Island is already covered by palm oil trees. In addition most of the local population sees them more as an object of entertainment rather than a national heritage which is worth being protected. Since that common attitude in society is even changing it could still come too late for those anthropoid apes. Ian Singleton who moved here from England is dedicating his life to the care of these apes. Since 20 years, he is working to facilitate a refuge for the last ones of their kind so they could live again untroubled in Nature and maybe even decrease their population
Seg 1 Carrion flowers. Carrion flowers are the unorthodox perception of flowers for they are rare, big, and very unpleasant. Other terms are stink flowers and corpse flowers. The biggest flower in the world, rafflesia arnoldii, is a carrion flower. These flowers are difficult to find and reproduce and could breed through cross-pollination by attracting flies and dung beetles. Seg 2 Aposematism. Aposematism is a form of signalling that enables protection for both preys and predators by giving signs of poison and danger through showing off the bright colors and patterns on their epidermal layers that become associated with inedibility. Some species have developed mimicry based on aposematism in order to avail the protection aposematic colors give. Seg 3 Cuckoo Misdirection. Cuckoo misdirection demonstrates the mimicking abilities of a female cuckoo in order to find host nests to hatch her eggs. The female mimics a cry of a predator bird in order to frighten the hosts, leaving them vulnerable, thus the cuckoo can seize the chance to drop her egg on a host nest. Seg 4 Pheromones. Animal pheromones are the chemicals secreted and released by different species to communicate with other organisms. There are various types serving different purposes, ranging from reproduction, to trailing, to alarms. Some pheromones are also specific to one species of animals. Seg 5 Deimatic Behavior. Deimatic behavior is another type of defensive behavior in animals that also involves mimicry. It's the opposite of aposematism because while aposematism works by blatantly showing or signalling its danger or unpalatability, deimatic behavior relies on the element of surprise to startle predators in
Le sel des Incas
360° GEO - Report observed salt miners in the Peruvian Mountains. This documentary portrays the harsh day-to-day lives of the "Salineros" as they work in a stunningly beautiful South American mountain landscape. The salt mines of Maras are situated in the highlands of the Peruvian Andes at an altitude of about 3.000 meters. They form a vast manmade labyrinth of salt wells. A thousand terraced wells collect the warm salty waters from the mountain. When the water evaporates under the strong sun, on the edges and bottom of the waterholes a precious white crust is left. This is Maras-Salt. To this very day, the descendants of the Incas harvest their "White Gold of the Andes" using this traditional method.
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
Zenith – Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us.
Travel Thru History
We visit the old south and enjoy some sweet tea in Savannah. On this episode, we'll stroll the city's beautiful squares, as well as visit it's civil war past at Old Fort Jackson. Then, we head up the stairs of the famous Tybee Island lighthouse and visit the Savannah Railroad museum.
Kyuchu - Wo Japans grüner Tee wächst
This report shows how the famous Japanese green tea is cultivated, explores its healing power and explains how deeply the tea has penetrated Japanese society. For the Japanese people, green tea is more than just an ordinary beverage. It is the key to the national culture - it combines enjoyment, philosophy and the art of living. In springtime, the entire country waits for the first flush, the very first harvest of the precious Sencha tea from the island of Kyushu, the world's biggest organic tea production region.
The Divide
The Divide tells the story of 7 individuals striving for a better life in themodern day US and UK-where the top 0.1% owns as much wealth as the bottom 90%. By plotting these tales together, we uncover how virtually every aspec tof our lives is controlled by one factor: the size of the gap between rich and poor.
Uranium appauvri, un tueur très présentable
More than 50 countries now possess weapons based on depleted uranium (DU). Experimentation has been rife, and the consequences for civilians and the military alike have been dramatic. This investigation compares and contrasts the arguments of those who defend and attack a technology that is highly toxic. For 20 years, scientists, doctors, veterans and activists have denounced the use of DU. Against them are the arms industry lobbyists and nuclear authorities who continue to minimise the risks. Through archive documents, interviews and in situ investigations, accompanied by key witnesses (victims, experts...) we aim to present a clearer picture of the issues and stakes linked to the use of DU. Quick-paced, with a sense of urgency, the film underlines the essential background and conflicting viewpoints, enabling viewers to make up their own minds about a subject that concerns us all.
Life Is One
The return to life in the wild for 3 captive sun bears.
Animaux médecins
Explore how animals developed over time and generations their own medicine and health care strategies. How have these been passed onto early humans ? Questioning traditional boundaries between human and animal, we will travel from Central African Republic, to Tanzania, from the US to France with the leading experts in animal behaviour. Today\'s science revisits the birth of animal intelligence and culture.
Mongolie, L'émirat Des Steppes.
Battered by strong winds, and seen as a grazing land, Mongolia is the kingdom of steppes. With important mineral resources such as copper or uranium, coal and rare soil, Mongolia future is secure: the economy shows a significant growth rate and it is a business paradise for some expatriates. But for most of the population, needs remain unfulfilled.
Life In the Blue
This films reveals the extraordinary variety of life found in the vast blue expanses of te open ocean. Here, all the action takes place in a 10 metre deep band of water, just under the surface. Many species use this section of water to migrate and hunt while others use ingenious ways to stay hidden where there appears to be no shelter. From the surface, the huge blue expanses of the open ocean appear to be devoid of all life. Popular belief is that most sea life congregates around mainline coasts, islands or rocky outcrops. But that perception is far from the truth. This 4K film,shot in the Atlantic, reveals the extraordinary diversity of species who call the open ocean their home and the tactics they use to survive in the watery wilderness. Most of the life here congregates in a nutrient-rich band of water, around 10 metres from the surface. But it is brutal life out in the open ocean. There is little shelter, big predators abound and food is hard to find. Only those who adapt to the conditions have a hope of surviving in the blue void. Barracuda are a common species in the open water and they travel in large spiraling groups close the surface as a defense mechanism against bigger predators. This space is also their own feeding ground and they can attack smaller fish en masse. And where there are barracuda, Blue sharks are never far away. These supreme open ocean predators are among the most graceful of sharks but when the need arises, they can transform instantly into ferocious and efficient killers. They regularly cross the Atlantic, coast to coast, in a journey of 4,000 kilometres. Other species profiled which also undertake huge journeys include turtles, pilot whales and whale sharks, and we reveal how the notorious Portuguese man o' war provides shelter for small fish within its lethal tentacles. Other small fish of prey instinctively group together when they are threatened - as lone individuals they are far more likely to be eaten than large groups. But in dramatic close up action, a banquet is served as dolphins sprint in from the blue to harvest this massive source of protein. The film also reveals the amazing variety of life and colour found in shipwrecks. Like oases in the desert,these steel skeletons are colonized by soft and hard corals, attracting huge armies of small fish. They hide in the structures while larger fish and sharks roam the periphery.
Nepal, die Krieger vom Dach der Welt
The valleys of Nepal, around the Himalayan Mountains - the highest in the world - are the home of a special group of people callled the Ghurkhas. Because of the discipline and endurance they exhibit in their daily fight for survival, they are employed in the elite battalion of the British Army. For more than 200 years, the Ghurkhas have served the crown. Every year, more than 25,000 people apply for a position as a Ghurkhas, with only a few lucky ones chosen. For the chosen ones, it feels as though they have hit the jackpot. For the others, it is considered to be the worst defeat of their life.
Seg 1 Body Transfer Illusion. The Body Transfer Illusion is the illusion of perceiving another object to be part of your body. This is best exemplified by the rubber hand experiment where in a volunteer is a shown a rubber hand while their real hand is obscured. Both the fake and real hand is subject to the same stimulus and soon the volunteer will perceive the fake hand as theirs. Seg 2 Autokinetic Effect. The Autokinetic Effect is the effect caused by subtle movements in our eyes when looking at dark environments. This causes stationary light sources to be perceived as moving even though they aren't. Seg 3 Moon Illusion. The Moon Illusion is the illusion where the moon appears to change sizes during different periods in time when especially when it appears closer to the horizon in fact the moon's size remains constant. This happens because we are able to compare the moon's size with visual references like trees and buildings when it appears nearer the horizon. Seg 4 Geometric Illusions. Geometric Illusions are illusions that can literally be illustrated on paper. This type of illusions make use of geometric properties of renderings and illustration and make them appear different in terms of points, length and curvature. Seg 5 Stereoscopy. Stereoscopy is the technique where in our eyes are made to perceive two images that make up one whole image. This technique enables us perceive 3 dimensions from 2 flat image sources.

Ohjelmaopas - perjantai, 31.05.2024

Bolivien, Lebensader Todesstraße
Bolivia is a country of contrasts: the Andes with peaks of 5,800 meters in the West and the Amazon basin in the East. In between: the Yungas region and the most dangerous roads in the world - the workplace of trucker Julio Gustavo and his old Volvo. Julio is in his early 40s and is a truck driver in Bolivia. Driving trucks is his passion, but he cannot get used to the traffic on the new freeways. He still prefers the famous dirt road, barely 3 meters large. Because of the elevated accident and death rate, it is still known today as the "Carretera de la Muerte" or "Highway of Death".
To Skin a Cat
The Leopard's New Spots is a documentary film about one man's mission to halt the alarming decline in southern Africa's leopard populations due to a widespread skin trade. Traditionally, only the Zulu royals have been allowed to wear leopard skins. However, in the last three decades the Shembe Church, a four million strong religious group, has adopted the skins into their ceremonial costume. The demand for leopard skins is now astronomical. Because the use of skins is so wide spread and culturally entrenched, law enforcement seems helpless to police this trade in a protected species. It has become, in one researchers words, 'a major conservation blind spot'. Leopard researcher Tristan Dickerson believes that you can't save the leopard without the support of the Shembe people. The film follows Dickerson as he travels from the heart of leopard country to the heart of Shembe and Zulu culture in an effort to discover a solution that benefits all parties. His best solution turns out to be fake fur. Bad fakes are commonly used by church members while they save for the expensive real thing. Dickerson believes that if he can produce a high quality, affordable fake fur, and gain the endorsement of the powerful leader of the Church he can turn the tables in favour of the leopard.
Shattered Ground
Hydraulic Fracturing or "Fracking" is a new technology that has opened up immense resources of natural gas buried in deep shale beds. Some see it as the answer to the energy crisis and a chance at energy independence. But fracking has become an incredibly divisive issue ripping apart communities and even families. The backlash is unprecedented, with states and countries adopting fracking bans. Shattered Ground is a one hour documentary that looks past the rhetoric and emotional arguments to find the real issues involved in hydraulic fracturing, the opportunity, and the potential health and environmental issues that will affect us all.
Sur les traces andalouses, une architecture millénaire
Andalusia, the Spanish territory has a confluence of cultures which is represented in its architecture! Visigothic, Roman, Byzantine and Arab - the structures in the region display all these influences. Between 8th & 15th century, several dynasties from Arab to Berber conquered Andalusia impacting the way of life of people. The film tells this story through beautiful edifices of Andalusia.
Leopards of Dead Tree Island
"Leopards of Dead Tree Island" (1 x 52') takes us on an unforgettable HD journey into the lives of these three cats: Mosweo – a young mother who gave birth to two cubs during the abundance of summer. She is solitary by nature and takes on parenthood alone. Will she be able to rear and defend her cubs in this challenging environment - competing with lions and hyenas and coping with floods and drought? Buddah is the dominant male leopard of Dead Tree Island. He is the father of Mosweo's cubs but he offers her no support or protection. To further complicate matters Tipa, her previous offspring, still shares her same territory, competing for food and posing a threat to her new cubs. He is now an independent three year old moving dangerously close to his mother's new den site. He is an insider that she has tolerated so far. But, with the arrival of her new set of cubs he's become an adversary that needs to be dealt with. Tipa also remains within his father's territory. Buddah's heavy frame and mauled ears allude to his age and stature. He moves through Dead Tree island with confidence and entitlement, fighting off his most irritating of rivals – baboons. Tipa's efforts to hunt and assert his own authority are clumsy and naïve in comparison. The island covers the natural hunting grounds of all these secretive cats, they are drawn together by circumstances beyond their control leading to tension, drama and ultimately tragedy. Mosweo loses one cub to a predator and then finds the last of her litter paralyzed and dying. She tries everything in her power to comfort and revive her doomed offspring – but to no avail. Mosweo's is forced out of Dead Tree island when Buddah's attention strays towards an exciting new scent. A new, stronger female has made her way into his territory and Mosweo tries desperately to divert his attention away from this new rival. But the new female is in estrus and mates with Buddah, thereby cementing her own place among the group of leopards at Dead Tree Island. The contrasting environments of the Okavango Delta provide a uniquely beautiful backdrop as this drama unfolds among the Leopards of Dead Tree Island.
Azoren: Das Geschäft mit den Walen
There is a goldmine atmosphere in the Azores: in the crystal-clear water live 21 species of whales and dolphins. Their instinct for play and their empathy for humans make them a fantastic source of capital. Several whale-watching companies have been founded in recent years – and swimming with dolphins has become one of the most sought-after tourist attractions. But there are also critical voices, such as the biologist Maria de Cruz, who is attempting to find out how much stress it causes the marine mammals.
Cheetah: The Price of Speed
The cheetah is a highly specialised animal. It excels at one thing alone, running down high-speed prey faster than any other mammal on earth.But this specialisation comes at a cost. The cheetah as a predatory model seems focussed on one single area of expertise. Outside of pursuing prey, how effective is this animal when compared to the other apex predators of the savannah?Alongside lions, leopards, vultures and hyenas how does the cheetah fit into the efficient cogs of the savannah system? Can it compete, or is it an outsider, cornered by it's own specialisation?The primary character in the story is a cheetah mother, who goes about her daily life, hunting for her three cubs. Her trials and tribulations highlight the refined hunting system of the cheetah, but they also shed light on her weaknesses, and the lack of robustness in the species itself.
Speed Kills
On the surface, the black lagoon looks peaceful. But dip beneath and a murky world of twisted mangrove roots and seagrass beds is revealed. A dark realm of freakish killers waiting to unleash bursts of speed.
New York, le plus petit opéra du monde
"If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere". That's the vision people from all over the world have of New York. This report takes a look behind the scenes of the world's smallest opera house, in the heart of New York. Tony Amato, the son of an Italian butcher, thought when he came to New York in the 40s that he could make it too by realizing his dream of owning an opera house. The house is 3 stories high and three windows wide. The hall feels no bigger than a living room, however its 107 seats are always sold out. Tony Amato continues to be the center and linchpin of this miniature opera. Tony is barely 5 foot tall, with his sneakers and the small, wiry man seems to be held up by his pant-suspenders. His voice is persuasive, his eyes bright. He conducts, sings, jumps, laughs and grumbles all at once. At 88 years of age, Maestro Tony Amato is in the middle of the season's last production.
Nickel, le trésor des Kanak
In the heart of the Pacific, in New Caledonia, the Kanaks have been fighting for their independence for over 40 years, and they use nickel as a weapon to achieve their end. The subsoil of the island is filled with this ore essential for global growth. To finance their future state, the Kanaks open mines, build factories, to have a part on the materials market. Is this nation of 100,000 people at risk of losing far more precious by gambling with raw material and to shift from political dependence to a financial one?
Seg 1 Monty Hall problem. The Monty Hall Problem poses a counter-instinctive dilemma of picking a choice with a higher probability of winning. It has been calculated that switching from a player's initial choice to the last option possible, after eliminating all empty choices, instead of sticking with the initial choice gives a bigger chance of winning. Seg 2 The Birthday Problem. The Birthday Problem presents a situation that addresses brains' unintuitive response to exponents. We try to figure out why it's possible for only 23 people to have a 50% chance of sharing a birthday when there are 365 unique birthdays. The dilemma usually comes in when we gloss over the fact that even small groups can form several pairings, and we actually compute the probability of sharing a birthday by subtracting the chances of not sharing a birthday by multiplying individual probabilities with each other. The answers can be quite surprising when the math to be done is not instinctive for people. Seg 3 Gambler's ruin. Gambler's Ruin closes in on how a gambler with the smaller amount will always be the loser in the long run in a game of 50-50 chance with an indefinite number of rounds playing. Gambler's Ruin also debunks the "luck" factor by emphasizing that each round played has its separate probability from previous rounds, thus maintaining chances of winning at 50%. Seg 4 The Infinite Hotel Paradox. The Infinite Hotel Paradox shows how infinity, for all its vastness, cannot be fully grasped, especially when it goes beyond the confines of the countable infinity. The paradoxical part comes in when the union of two sets with infinite elements will still be infinity; adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing infinity with infinity is still infinity. Seg 5 The Locker Riddle. The Locker Riddle stimulates how good and fast a person is at factorization. In the problem, the key is identifying which numbers from 1-100 are perfect squares, but the solution lies in the number of factors those particular numbers have. Perfect squares have odd numbered factors because one factor will be multiplied by itself and it only counts as one in the riddle's context, leaving those locker numbers open in an alternating open-close pattern.
Le mystère de la disparition des abeilles
An investigation into a worldwide ecological disaster that could endanger the whole of humanity. The future of our food resources depends on one small insect - the western honey bee, or Apis mellifera. Indeed, it is the most important agricultural pollinator on our planet given that one third of our food supply depends directly on pollination from bees. This documentary tells the story of a worldwide ecological disaster that has been waiting to happen for several generations. It was filmed over an 18-month period in France, Germany, the U.S., Canada and Scotland and retraces the various leads carried out by research scientists in order to try and understand and to stop the declining numbers of domestic and wild bees. Scientists are not the only professionals to figure at the centre of this drama. Beekeepers are in the front line, and striking contrasts exist among beekeepers' experiences in different countries, in various economic situations. The documentary seeks to understand how the long-enjoyed harmonious relationship between man and bee has now undergone such a radical change. It seeks to find a solution that goes beyond science. A solution that cannot be found without thoroughly re-examining our agricultural practice and our model of society. Can we rise to the challenge? Awards : 2011 : Star of the SCAM (France). 2012 : Jade Kunlun Awards
Salvar al Bucardo
During many years, scientists and institutions fought to avoid the extinction of the Bucardo, a rare Pyrenean mountain goat. In 2003, Spanish and French scientists managed to clone the last bucardo. It was the first time in history that an extinct animal came back to life. They took a historic step in science, the first de-extinction in the world, the first real "Jurassic Park" and a new door was opened to hope.
China Uncovered
From the skyscrapers of Shanghai to the mountainous peaks of "The Last Shangri-La", explore the breathtaking landscape of this incredible country and connect with the people that infuse China's everyday life with flavor, passion and prosperity. Through the eyes of a cultural academic, a laborer, an architect, an urban planner, and a photographer, the grand evolution of a little fishing village is illustrated and documented to reveal one of the fastest growing megacities in the world. And while the physical landscape gracefully moves towards the future, beliefs, behaviors, and practices are put into test. The changes brought by the Thirty Year Miracle are indeed immense, and it has left no stone, no life, unturned.
The New Frontier
Series introduction and the study of Earth from orbit. The sky above is littered with stars and countless galaxies. It is where we come from and where we are destined to return. The first phase of this journey is complete, now commences the second, with robotics, advanced technologies and sheer daring we are now going where before we only dreamt.
The New Frontier
The Moon, our closest celestial companion. Our indispensible dance partner through the cosmos. Lighting our night sky and gently tugging at our shores. Few have walked on her surface, though her allure remains strong, once again we are glancing her way with renewed interest and with a view to return very soon.
Die Rettungshunde vom Gardasee
17 year old Ester and her dog Mia have big plans: saving lives at Lake Garda. In the north of Italy swimming rescue dogs are on duty at several lakes and the Mediterranean Sea. After traffic accidents, drowning is worldwide the second most common cause of death by accident. But a rescue is always difficult as the rescuer itself can be in danger. Like Mia, the Italian rescue dogs are mostly Newfoundland's- dogs who love the water and with a weight of at least 66 pounds (30 Kilo?), are able to pull people out of the water. For 3 years the dog- owners and their animals are trained to save lives. But the biggest challenge for Ester waits at the end: a jump out of a helicopter.
Arktis - Ein Junge wird Jäger
On the North-Western tip of Greenland, fathers give their boys small dog sledges as soon as they can walk. The toy is meant to teach them hunting, a survival skill for Polar Inuits. Increasingly fewer boys, however, want to become hunters. 12-year-old Qaaqqukannguaq is an exception. During the spring holidays, he is going to accompany his father on a hunting trip for the first time. For several days, they will cross the ice desert on dog sledges, covering the 70 km from Savissivik, their tiny community, to Cape York.
On the Yeti Trail
Does the Yeti really exist? For the first time in over a century, the sometimes far-fetched Yeti legends and personal accounts have become the subject of state-of-the-art scientific studies. Several teams throughout the world, in Denmark, England, the US and Russia are carrying out a merciless competition to be the first to publish the revolutionary results – proof that another hominid, with very ancient roots, shares our existence. Our film sets out to meet the teams involved in this strange race across the world, and features laboratories, hair analysis, footprints and DNA as well as the search for samples in Indonesia and in Canadian nature reserves. A fascinating and thorough film, featuring, amongst others, French Collège de France paleoanthropologist Pascal Picq.
Trouble in Lemur Land
High up in the mountains of north-eastern Madagascar lives one of the world's most critically endangered primates. There are less than a thousand Silky Sifakas alive today and this area of remote rainforest, known as Marojejy–Anjanaharibe-Sud, is their only home.In the past, the rugged terrain here kept the Silkies relatively safe but things are now changing at an alarming pace. This magical place is under serious threat from illegal logging operations as international demand for highly sought-after rosewood and ebony increases. Unscrupulous logging gangs are encroaching on the Silkies' last remaining habitat."Trouble in Lemur Land" follows two men, an American primatologist and a Malagasy conservationist, on their quest to protect this rare species, at the same time providing a rare glimpse into the life of this extraordinarily beautiful and graceful animal.The film centres around the arrival of two babies in the group – a glimmer of hope in an otherwise desperate situation. Lemur reproduction rates are slow and Silkies only mate one day in the year, so it is a very special moment when primatologist Erik Patel sees the newborns for the first time. He has a permanent camp on the outskirts of their last remaining territory and we are given a rare glimpse into this intimate, close-knit group as the babies develop in the sanctuary of the forest canopy.Meanwhile, taking advantage of long-term political instability, the loggers are steadily extracting Madagascar's rosewood for export to China. Although they are well armed and highly motivated, conservationist Desire Rabary is not afraid to confront them, regardless of the risks. He heads up a network of local people who play a vital role in the survival of the forest and its lemurs. Over the past five years, he has worked hard to actively expose the loggers' illegal trail of destruction but, as this film reveals, the heart of the problem starts on his own doorstep.This 50-minute HD film brings the forest to life, with stunning images of many of its other species, including the striking helmet vanga bird, white-fronted brown lemur, red-bellied lemur, green tree frogs, panther chameleons and the elusive fossa. This treasure trove of endemic Madagascan wildlife is a timely reminder of what we stand to lose if the environmental issues so critical to their survival are not urgently addressed.
Arganöl - Marokkos weißes Gold
This report follows the process of making Argan oil, beginning with the harvest and ending with the cooperatives working for the international market. Made from the nuts of the Argan tree, which grows almost exclusively in the Essaouira region of Morocco, Argan oil has become one of the latest miracle ingredients of the beauty industry in Europe. Publicity is created around the fact that this oil is made by Berber women. But who are they? How do they live? And how hard is their work? We accompany these women in their daily lives and take part in their traditions.
European Islands
The European islands are renowned primarily for their hotel resorts. However, we will show you a completely different face of theirs: forests, beaches, coves, mountains, valleys and rivers. Perhaps you will find places that will take your breath away. Why just lie on the beach when there is so much to see? Put on some good hiking shoes, pull your shoelaces tight, and get to know the entire island like the back of your hand.
European Islands
The European islands are renowned primarily for their hotel resorts. However, we will show you a completely different face of theirs: forests, beaches, coves, mountains, valleys and rivers. Perhaps you will find places that will take your breath away. Why just lie on the beach when there is so much to see? Put on some good hiking shoes, pull your shoelaces tight, and get to know the entire island like the back of your hand.
L'exil de Sainte-Hélène
360°GEO - Report sets foot on the isolated island of St Helena and documents what life is like in the midst of the South Atlantic.Standing solitarily far out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is the British Overseas Territory of St. Helena. Island do not get much more remote than this. It is situated 2,000 kilometers from the African coast and 3,000 kilometers from the South American Coast. You can see why it was chosen as a place of exile for the French emperor Napoleon.It is all but impossible to escape from St. Helena. Even today, the only connection to the outside world is by ship, given that the island has no airport. About 4,000 people or "Saints" as they refer to themselves, brave the solitude and live on the island.
Dolphins: Beauty Before Brains?
Humans have built various legends surrounding the dolphin. These likeable creatures have inspired and enthralled us through the ages and have seemingly secured their place beside us as one of the most intelligent mammals on the planet. But how do we measure this intelligence? And how smart are dolphins really? If intelligence is defined by the ability to reason, plan, solve problems and learn from experience, how does the dolphin weigh up? "Dolphins - Beauty Before Brains?" (1 x 52' HD), takes us on a scientific journey into the complex world of the dolphin and investigates the controversy surrounding Professor Paul Manger's recent assertion that dolphins are not quite as smart as we'd previously thought – "dumber than a goldfish" were the words he used. According to his studies, dolphins appear to have brains that lack complexity at neuronal level, which compromises their information-processing abilities. By examining a series of experiments testing the "theory of mind" in dolphins and exploring unique and engaging habits like self-awareness, creative responses and self-entertainment such as wave-riding, this film illustrates exactly where dolphin IQ scores on the charts. We also look at unique behaviour patterns, pod dynamics, communication skills and hunting strategies that play out in mass feeding events such as the Sardine Run on the South African coastline. The dolphins' Sardine Run behaviour is one of the most amazing spectacles of intelligence and co-operation in the natural world. We then travel to Mozambique to meet Angie Gullan, the "Dolphin Whisperer". She has monitored and interacted with four local pods for the past ten years and facilitates dolphin "swims" that are said to have physiological healing effects on human beings. According to her observations, dolphins rank at the top when it comes to emotional intelligence. So is Professor Manger correct in his assessment of dolphins and how does his study compare with the facts? Could dolphin intelligence, or lack thereof, be something that varies from one individual to the next?
Tigerfish: Africa's Piranha
Legends say they are man-eaters, that even crocodiles fear them. Some say they're the ghosts of the river, "demon fish" that bring bad luck. Few people have ever been lucky enough to see one in the flesh and for angling legend Andy Coetzee, coming face to face with a Goliath Tigerfish is a lifelong dream. He will do almost anything to feed his obsession and unravel the mystery behind Africa's Piranha! Andy has travelled the world in search of the most elusive fish on the planet. He's obstinate, passionate and determined and when it comes to fishing, he's been there and done it all. But one big fish still eludes him – the Goliath Tigerfish! Catching one of these legendary monsters will be the apex of his fishing career. But it's easier said than done. The Tigerfish is rated by sport anglers as the hardest fish in the world to catch. Andy will need his lifetime of experience to succeed on this mission. And he's ready to risk his life to fulfil his dream. His journey starts in the Okavango Delta where he'll brave crocodile infested waters to study Tigerfish underwater. Only a handful of people have ever dived these channels but it's one of a few Tigerfish hotspots on the planet where he can track them down in clear waters. Tigerfish have carved out their niche in some of the most inaccessible habitats on the planet and as a result very little is known about these cousins of the Piranha. Many would say that finding this elusive fish in the deepest river on the planet is almost a mission impossible, but Andy will stop at nothing to reach his goal.
Aserbaidschans fahrende Hochzeitmusikanten
Still today, there are no phones, no Internet and no newspapers in the remote areas of Azerbaijan. The newsman or "Ashig" has always played an important role in this Eastern culture over the centuries. Without them, the inhabitants would be radically cut off from the rest of the world and all its news. Certain distinguished representatives of their guild still travel the country's mountains to the remotest areas, to spread news, stories and the latest gossip. One of these representatives is Nemet, the old and honorable Aschug from Baku, who has been practicing this skill for a very long time. Like all Aschugs, he transmits his information through song!
Fentanyl - The Unstoppable Epidemic
Canadians' attention has been briefly grabbed by the headline: the story--an abnormally high number of overdose deaths caused by a drug called fentanyl. It merited a few days attention and then was pushed off the stage by other concerns. What Canadians failed to appreciate was that those few headlines offered a foreboding glimpse of what might be one of the most destructive waves of illegal drugs to hit North America since Pablo Escobar flooded the continent with cheap and powerful cocaine. Fentanyl is a killer. And fentanyl isn't just preying on the addict population of this country. Its victims are also Canada's unsuspecting middle-class. And the epidemic is showing no signs of letting up. In fact all signs point to the death count rising as more and more powerful versions of this drug seep into the country.The result, Canadians have no idea what's "slouching" towards them in the near future. Through the eyes of four insiders in the fentanyl industry, Dam Builder Productions will take the audience inside this world in way that will enlighten, outrage, and even fascinate.