Fecha: 12/05/24

domingo, 13:25

Kyuchu: Where the Green Tea Grows (Kyuchu - Wo Japans grüner Tee wächst), Germany, 2008

Kyuchu: Where the Green Tea Grows (Kyuchu - Wo Japans grüner Tee wächst), Germany, 2008

Kyuchu - Wo Japans grüner Tee wächst

oneoffdocumentary, country, culture, agriculture

This report shows how the famous Japanese green tea is cultivated, explores its healing power and explains how deeply the tea has penetrated Japanese society. For the Japanese people, green tea is more than just an ordinary beverage. It is the key to the national culture - it combines enjoyment, philosophy and the art of living. In springtime, the entire country waits for the first flush, the very first harvest of the precious Sencha tea from the island of Kyushu, the world's biggest organic tea production region.